Airline Tycoon 2 чит-файл №1

Change starting money

Note: This procedure requires editing a game file; creating a backup copy of
the file before proceeding is recommended.
Use a text editor to edit "mission_[number].qst" file in the Folder:
"\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Airline Tycoon 2\init\quest\mission\".
Find the following section near the bottom:

< >initializeplayer< / >
< >player
< deposit.ll >100000000< /deposit.ll >
< addictionaggression.f >0.85< /addictionaggression.f >
< addictioninvestment.f >1.00< /addictioninvestment.f >
< addictionquality.f >0.65< /addictionquality.f >
< addictionredemption.f >0.55< /addictionredemption.f >
< nolocationjump.b>0< /nolocationjump.b >
< nomarketing.b>0
< noorders.b>0
< noordergeneration.b>0
< norandomevents.b>0
< nosabotage.b>0
< questlevel.ul>12
< /post4 >

Change the value of
< deposit.ll >1000000000 to whatever desired. Save the file and
load a new mission or start a freeplay game.

Editing mission goals:

Use a text editor to edit the "mission_[mission number]_goal_player_0.qst" file
in the
"\Program Files (x86)\Kalypso Media\Airline Tycoon 2\init\quest\mission\"

Near the bottom you will see something similar to
< value.f >0.75< tt >. Change the < tt >0.75 to whatever desired.
For example, 0.10 would be a 10% goal in game. Load a saved game or start a new
You can also edit the AI players' numbers to change their goals in the same way.