Легенды о рыцарстве чит-файл №3

Christian Game I Walkthrough

Quest 1

"Bradwen returns" video sequence
Meet Morganor, gives mission to subdue Elad
Meet Anchorite, gives honour clue
Subdue Elad
Present Elad's sword to Morganor
Enter the castle/end of chapter
Meet Cadfanan
Receive mission: alliance with Novelius (Ch. 3)
Ask permission to go and give casket to Novelius; casket
with wife, Gwen
Meet Gwen
Take the casket
Meet Corwyn
Leave the castle/end of chapter
Talk to the Anchorite
Go to St George's Hill
Meet Novelius
Hand over casket
Return to castle without casket/end of chapter
Talk to Morganor
The king is dying; ask Novelius to come and heal him
Go to the dragon's hill
Talk to Novelius
Receive Novelius' seal
Leave for Magovenium
Enter Magovenium: show the seal
Talk to Armenius, Cornelius having left
Talk to Nai, Cornelius having gone down to catacombs
Take key to catacombs from Armenius
Enter the catacombs
Free Cornelius, give herbs
Leave Magovenium, meet Anchorite
Leave for Uffington with herbs/end chapter
Return to castle
Pict guard
Meet Morganor in royal hall
Discover Gwen's letter, leave for Magovenium, destination
Leave for Mag./end of chapter

Quest 2

Discover the Saxons laying siege to the city; entry
Discover the postern, closed, and a torn message nailed to
the door
Discover Armenius, drunk
Talk to Armenius about Novelius; he remembers something
about a mission, but what was it?
Then show Novelius' seal: he remembers his mission to
hand over the postern keys to the bearer of the seal
Open the postern
Talk to Novelius: Gwen is trapped by rioting in the city
Discover gates of the city closed because of rioting caused
by the arrival of the Saxons
Contemplate the fresco of St George
Talk about St George to Novelius
Pray in the chapel; gain shield of St George
Fight with Anglemar, victory, Saxons put to flight/end
chapter 2
Talk to Novelius
Go to the circus
Talk to the inhabitants
Go into the catacombs: discover the fresco
Talk about the tree of knowledge to Novelius; receive the
Pray with crucifix before the tree of knowledge; gain apple
Open the fresco by laying down the apple; end of chapter
Enter the cell
Talk to Gwen
Explore the cell
Talk about the sorceress to Novelius, who advises going to
see Dionicus
Talk to Dionicus, who gives St Joseph's prophecy
Discover the blooming crucifix on the tree of knowledge
Talk with the child
Exchange the toy for the knife
Cut the blooming crucifix with the child's knife
Use the blooming crucifix on the hermit: sorceress's
revelation and flight
Talk to Novelius
Talk to Dionicus: receive map of Arden
Leave the city
Leave for Arden

Quest 3

Find the squire, talk to him about his master
Talk to the giant
Look for the sword
Attack the giant
Explore giant's corpse
Free squire/give him sword
Talk to the sorceress
Do not attack Lancelot
Question the fairies about the sorceress
The knight says talk to Kael and give proof
Solution: toad/wheat/colour brown
Reach Kael in the centre of the circles of water
The knight guards the bridges
Do not attack the knight
Go to the stone circle to use the powder
Find the sorceress by following the cries and/or question the
Approach the tree for clue
Do not try to approach sorceress, otherwise she will attack
Talk to the fairies
If tree clue use access to tower of creating wind
Return to prison tree
Approach it
Use the word that sends the tree to sleep
Talk to the sorceress; sorceress clue
Kill the sorceress
Find Bradwen
Go to the tower of wind
Talk to the fairy
Pass test
Talk to the butterflies
Find Gwen
Talk to her about Bradwen
Take the torc
Go to the tower of creating wind
Work out from the fairies' words which is the torc
Return to the stone circle
Use the queen word and the torc on Lancelot
Leave for Cornwall

Tales Of Chivalry