Ascendancy чит-файл №1

Create file NOUGAT.LF under your Ascendancy directoy. You don't need to put
anything in it.

During gameplay type these letters or combinations to use cheats:

Planet Screen

I - Complete project
O - Maximum population
R - Bring colony under your control
Shift + M - Adds 1 to maximum population
T - Create colony on a unhabited planet

Research Screen

E - Finish current research
O - Gain all research

Thats all.


Please remember that these are cheats and MAY occasionaly crash your game.
Just wince, and reboot your computer and play again!

I just got done experimenting with the "C" command, it looks like a table of
relations with other species.
By the numbers, it looks like the higher the number the less likely that
species is to ally with other species, but I'm not certain. The Marmosians
have a value of 700 which was the highest during my trials. When I offered
services ( such as knowledge), the number went down. When I went to war, the
number stayed the same, but the value changed from peace to war.

When you attack a planet that is you neutral disposition, the next day the
species you attacked will declare war and send fleets to kill you. But before
you are actually at war it will say "The blah blah blah wish to talk to you"
at this screen just push ESC. You won't be a war and can finish killing all
their planets.

We are getting reports of Xeno Digs appearing after setting off Lush growth
bombs. If you have information on this effect please email me.

1. To enable cheats you must create a file called NOUGAT.LF in your
Ascendancy directory. It doesn't matter whats in the file, just that it
exists. DO NOT use Win95 notepad to create this file (choose START, RUN,
EDIT C:\ASCEND\NOUGAT.LF - to use the dos editor instead)

2. Simply enabling the cheats gives you some special information when you
place the cursor over a ship. It tells you POWER, MOVES, and INTEGRETY.

3. On the main starmap screen hitting 1 thru 7 will allow you to play as
the other species. Please note that sometimes the artwork does not match
(such as the wrong ship artwork on the shipbuilding screens), don't panic
- it's OK. The numbers one through seven correspond to the order of the
races in the game, with the race you started the game with as #1.

4. On the main starmap screen hitting 8 will allow you to see everything
everyone else can see

5. On the main starmap screen hitting ALT E will cause you to steal
knowledge from other races each turn, hit it again to turn it off

6. On the planet screen hitting O will fill you up to maximum population

7. On the planet screen hitting Shift M will add one to your maximum

8. On the planet screen hitting I will complete your current project. (You
may need to hit it more than once for very big projects like ships)

9. On the planet screen hitting N will advance your current project by one

10. On the research screen hitting C will complete the current research
project. (After hitting C sweep your mouse over one of the circles in the
research tree to update the screen.)

11. On the research screen hitting D will cause you to learn EVERYTHING!
(After hitting D sweep your mouse over one of the circles in the research
tree to update the screen.)

12. On the research screen hitting F, then clicking on the left-right or
up-down viewing controls - will cause you to FORGET EVERYTHING! (After
hitting D sweep your mouse over one of the circles in the research tree to
update the screen.)

13. On the planet screen hitting T will create a colony, used in
conjunction with R (see next cheat) you can take over unoccupied worlds.

14. On the planet screen hitting R will make the planet yours! This allows
you to take over occupied worlds.

15. Hitting Alt-D will provide you with coordinates (x,y).

16. Hitting Alt-W will bring up a display window for various internal
data. Anyone making sense of these, please let me know.

About the Alt-W data. At the bottom of this window are the letters W M C P
N and EXIT. Nshows the music tracks and you can select which one to play.
P shows the colors and is called palette, not sure what it's for since i
cant seem to be able to change anything. C is labelled cache and M is
memory. These seem like the files for the game and such.

17. Hitting Alt-F will bring up a message in the upper-left corner. It
appears to be the movement of the mouse. It is not the same as the
cooriinates since it only changes while the mouse is moving. While the
mouse is still, it always reads (FPS 33 30).

18. On the main starmap screen hitting S will show all stars as explored,
so that you may view their planets.

19. On the main starmap screen hitting L will reveal all star lanes.

20. On the main starmap screen hitting C will display information about
the state of the galaxy (useful)

Other toys

These are not cheats, but you may enjoy them...

1. ALT G takes a gif screen shot and saves it in your ascend directory.
Please note that the mouse will move, but nothing will work for about 30
seconds while the picture is created.

2. Create a file called FLASH.POP in your Ascendancy directory - then
start a game and hit the continuous advance button. The game will play
itself until it finishes or crashes (very likely to eventually crash but
only after four hours or more. It should run fine for normal lengths of

Bugs you can use to your advantage

1. The Xeno Dig bug

Invade a planet that has at least 10 outposts constructed on it. (Since
the AI likes to build those outposts, this shouldn't be a problem.)
Immediately build a Lush Growth Bomb. (If you don't have this tech yet,
this won't work.) After the Lush Growth Bomb is completed, delete 10
outposts. After you do this, you will recieve credit for a Xeno Dig (and
thus a new bit of research) on your next turn.

2. The Orbital Shield bug

If you find yourself being attacked and always losing to invasions, there
is a simple method. First, on a planet that has a missle base and is being
attacked, start building an orbital shield. When the enemy attacks, he
will destroy the shield that is being built. Then before you return fire,
go to the planet screen and start production on another orbital shield.
You can continue to do this indefinitely. It will work without a missle
base if you just want to hold them off until your ships arrive.

3. The Shipbuilding Bug

First of all, you'll have to have a game where you can construct ships
saved. It would be best if you had cool ship parts available in this game
too. Anyway, go to the ships screen, and right-click on a ship. This
should bring up the inside of the ship. Here you can view all the
attachments a ship can get in your game. Click on one, and leave it at
that. Then, exit the game and start a new one. When you construct your
first ship, this will be available.

Unlimited Planetary Shielding
For this, you need a planet with one orbital shield (or megashield, for that
matter) already built and at least one free population unit. As soon as some
alien ship enters the system, go to the planetary screen and start building
another orbital shield (or megashield). Go to the system screen and press
the "time advance" button (a clock with an arrow). The alien ship will do one
move. Press again, it will do another move. Continue pressing until it has fired
the first shot at your planet. When the alien ship fires at the planet, the
thing that will be destroyed is the shield being built! (unfortunately, it will
be destroyed by the first shot, no matter how lame the weapon being used) Since
the alien ship will not fire again unless we press the "time advance" button, we
go to the planetary screen again and start building our shield again (the
population unit building the shield is not killed when the
is destroyed, it merely becomes free again). Now we press "time advance again",
the ship fires, we rebuild the shield... repeat until the enemy ship has no more
ammo or energy. You'll have to re-do this every turn, until reinforcements
(or until your own planetary weapons have destroyed the attacker)... quite time-
consuming, but it can save your colony.