Атлантида 2 чит-файл №1


AUTHOR: George K. Ison (aka GARR)

You are standing at a frozen waste. Go towards the moon and enter the
ship. Turn left and go down the hatch. Turn left and pick up the triangular
from the barrel. Right click to put it in inventory. Right click to close
inventory. Turn around right, go forward, turn right and go forward into the
compartment. An old man greets you. Ask about the top option and he gives you a
crystal ball. Put it away and ask him about everything else.

Turn left, go forward, turn left and pick up the stone beneath the desk.
Turn right and walk towards the device on the wall. Turn right and pick up a
third stone beneath the hammock. Face the planetarium in a closeup. Open
inventory and select the stone with 3 half circles. Place it at the very bottom
point of ring on the wall. Remember this position, make a drawing. You are
teleported to Ireland.

You’re greeted by an old father. Turn around and talk to him. Ask about
the monk Finbar twice. Step past the father, turn left and leave through the
door. Turn right and walk forward 3 times to the outside. Turn slightly right
walk along the path to exit the front gate. Turn left and try talking with
Brother Finbar. Go back 3 steps to enter the chapel entry. Turn left to see the
crying statue on the wall. DON’T click on it.

Go on inside and first ask the father about Brother Finbar. Then ask him
once about the crying statue. After talking, look at the large open book to the
right. Take a brush from the cup over the book. Get a closeup of the book, click
your brush on the right page and you end up inside the book. Go to the blue man,
Dian, and ask him about everything from top to bottom. Then turn around and walk
to the King at his throne. Click him twice.

Now turn around and walk back to the blue man. Turn right and walk 3
steps to exit the book. Go through the door into the altar room. Turn right and
take 2 steps. To the right is a bookshelf. Take a piece of skull from the third
shelf from the top. Exit the chapel and go down the path to face Brother Finbar.
Slightly to the right, go past him one step along the path. Turn left and walk
between the 2 posts into the small field. Turn left and pick up the hay fork.

Turn left and exit the small field. Turn right and go forward once, turn
left and go forward 3 times. Turn left and go forward twice to the beehives.
right and take another piece of skull from the second hive from the right. turn
left and continue along the water until you reach a fox in his den. Use your
or hands to make it leave. You must make the fox go away. Turn left and continue
walking ahead till you come to a flock of sheep.

Turn left and pick up a third piece of skull from between the boulders.
Now turn right, go forward twice, turn right, go forward twice, turn right and
through the chapel gate. Turn left and walk towards the 3 open cottages. From
first cottage on the left, get a black pitcher. Turn around, walk to the well,
and pick up a fourth piece of skull lying near the chicken (this is why you
scared off the fox.) Turn slightly left and go forward, turn left and forward
into the garden area. Climb the ladder and look down the hole in the roof.
There’s a skull piece on top of the cross. Use your hay fork to knock it down.
Climb down the ladder, to back and enter the chapel’s front door. In the altar
room, pick up the fifth piece of skull. Go outside and out the gate.

Turn right and go forward 3 times to the open cottage in the distance.
Enter it and walk to the broken skull for a closeup. Use your five pieces to fix
the skull. A face appears. Try talking to it. Go back to the entrance of the
chapel. Turn right and take one step around to the side. Turn left to see a
strange drawing with lines and a circular drawing just to the right of it. Don’t
touch them. Go to the chapel entryway and turn left. Use your pitcher on the
crying head to fill your pitcher.

Exit the chapel, turn right and walk to the father sitting outside. Ask
him about the crying head, then about the standing stone. Ask about the drawings
on the wall. You get a key. Go back to the father sitting outside. Use your key
on the small box on the ground to the right. get the knife and the piece of
parchment. Talk to the father about the parchment, showing it to him, and click
on each of the tree images.

Walk back through the front gate, turn right and go to the cottage where
you fixed the skull. Go inside and give the face, Ailill, some water from your
pitcher. When he asks, give him the knife. Put the transformed knife back in
inventory. Now ask Ailill about himself, then about the stone. Now return to the
chapel and go around the right side to the wall drawings. On the big one, there
are 3 sets of lines, upper, middle, and lower.

Select your knife. Click it twice on the left of the upper set to move
the marks to the left. Still with the upper set, from its bottom upwards, remove
the 3 bottom marks by clicking in their centers. There should now be only 2
marks, in the upper set, to the left.

Now click once to the right of the middle set so that all 5 marks are
slanted up to the left.

Finally click, from bottom up, on the center of each line in the bottom
set, to remove them. Now click your knife on the circular drawing to lower the
wall. Pick up the stick. Finally, go back to the cottage where you fixed the
skull. Face the front entrance, turn right, go forward once, turn right, go
forward once, and turn right to face the pillar with the horse figure. Use your
stick and hit the pillar to free the horse.

Turn right, go forward once, turn left, go forward twice past Ailill’s
cottage, turn right and wait. When the horse stops in front of you, pick it up.
Turn left and take 2 steps along the narrow beach, to the poles in the water.
your wooden horse in the water. A real horse will appear. Ride it across the
water to an island. Walk to the tree with a man sitting in it. All he does is
chirp differently when you ask him about anything. You have to match his chirps
on each of the 3 topics before he can talk normally.
Choosing the wrong song causes him to answer with an angry chirp. Choosing
correctly, he chirps in a musical tone. You have to choose correctly, the three
topics in a role. When you get them right, the man flops out of the tree. Ask
about the glass tower. To help you, he gives you a divining rod. Talk about
everything else. Turn left and walk twice to the open area between the 2 broken
walls. Turn right and poke the divining rod into the ground at the action spot.
The ground will shake and a well appears.

Enter the well and swim to the bottom. An eel prevents you from
continuing. Swim back up out of the well. Turn right from the well and go talk
the bird-man again. Ask about the well and about the giant snake. Return to the
horse and ride back to the mainland. Turn away from the horse, go 4 steps along
the path back to Finbar at the gate. Go enter the chapel and to the open book.
Select your brush and click it on the man in red, standing to the right of the
right-most pillar to make a sword appear.

Now click the brush on the right pillar to enter the book. Go ask the
blue man about his daughter Airmid, who is a statue. Then go to the king and
to him and pick up the sword. Turn around, go to the blue man, turn right and
forward 3 times to exit the book. Go outside the gate and to the cottage where
you fixed the skull. Talk to Ailill about Airmid. Go back towards the chapel and
go left where the father is sitting outside.

Ask him about the sun and he will give you a strange cross. Go inside the
chapel to the big tapestry. Click the strange cross at the right of the church
tower to make the sun appear. Turn right and talk to the image of Aine. Ask her
about everything. She tells you that your wish is granted. Go to the open book
and click your brush on the right pillar to enter. Walk to Airmid and she greets
you. Ask her about everything and the snake to learn about a salmon.

Turn right, go forward 3 times to exit the book. Click your brush on the
dark brown statue of Airmid on the left. a salmon appears in her hands. Enter
book and talk to Airmid about the snake. She gives you an amulet for staying
under water and for protection. Exit the book, go outside and ride the horse
to the island. reenter the well. Swim down and use the salmon amulet to defeat
the eel. Swim on down to pick up the crystal tower.

Ride the horse back to the mainland and go to the chapel. Enter the book,
go to the blue man, and put the crystal tower on the platter. Use your sword to
shatter the crystal. Pick up the hand, go to the king and give him the hand.
give him the sword and watch as he defeats his enemy. Exit the book and exit the
chapel. Watch a cut-scene movie of a celebration. You’re back on the ship. Just
to be sure, talk to the old man again.

Go to the circle on the wall. In inventory, select the stone with 3
points and 3 small circles. Click it on the next tip to the left of the first
stone you placed. You’re teleported again.

Go towards the small building to the right of the pyramid. On the right
of the pyramid, go up two flights of steps to the very top. Turn right and walk
to the obelisk. Take the obsidian foot from the bottom of it. Turn left and go
down the square opening into the pyramid. Go left, examining puzzle clues along
the way at several corners. You eventually see a Mayan warrior on your left.
to him for a hint. Continue past him, around the passages, to the stairs on your
left and go outside. Go down the steps to the ground. Turn right and go to the
left of the other pyramid. Climb those steps and enter the pyramid to listen to
couple of Mayans.

Question each one about everything. Then turn around, go forward twice
and turn right. go through the doorway and listen to the priestess. You get
bandages from her. Question her about everything, even though she keeps saying
deliver the bandages. Finally, enter the opposite room and turn right. Step
to the sitting king and his daughter. Give him the bandages and watch a short

Ask the king about everything. Then ask his daughter about everything.
Finally, turn around and question the medicine man about everything. Start out
the room and you should be given the dirty bandages. Give them to the priestess
and watch her burn them. Start talking to her. When she asks if you’re ready to
go, choose the thumbs UP. DISC4.

You’re teleported to the dead realm. Listen to the bat, then turn right
and click directly on the bat and ask about everything. Now click on the
pedestal, left of the bat, to return to Maya. DISC2.

Leave the room and climb down the pyramid. Go to the other pyramid and
climb both sets of steps. Turn left and examine the large flat stone. Note the
pattern of the dipper and the position of the 7 stars. Draw the pattern with
locations. This is critical information. Go back down the square opening. Turn
left and step once. Turn right and step twice. You should be in front of a
of jaguar. Click 4 times, on the left tray of balls, to get four in your cursor.

Click them on the lowest row of holes to place them there. Take a stick
from the right and place it across the 4 balls. You now have the balls again.
Place them in the row above the stick. Turn right and step once. Turn left and
click the Mayan. Go down to the next level.

Go right to another puzzle of snake. There’s 4 groups of holes, with 28
in each group. Click 4 times on the balls to have 4 at once. In the second group
from the bottom, place the balls in the lowest row.

Place 1 ball in the bottom row of the bottom group. Walk along to another
Mayan and click on him. Go down to the third level. Walk straight ahead to a
closed door. Turn left and push the wall button. Turn right and enter the opened
room. Turn left, step forward, turn around and step twice to the crocodile

Put 1 ball in the middle of the bottom row of the bottom group. In the
second group from the bottom, place a stick across the bottom row. Click 3 times
on the balls. In the second group from the bottom, place the balls in the second
row from its bottom. In the second group from the top, place 1 ball in the
of the top row. Look up and take the obsidian foot from the crocodile’s mouth.
Exit closeup and step to the wall on the left. place each of the two obsidian
feet in each of the 2 holes in the wall. A secret door should unlock. Take the 2
feet back out of the holes, you will need them again.

Go back out to the other pyramid and go talk to the priestess again,
about the bat. Now click on the bat to the right of her. DISC4.

Realm of Dead.
Question the bat again about the rainbow bridge. Turn left, step once and
look down. Click on the miniature jungle model for the rainbow puzzle. Since you
placed the pieces correctly, you should see a 3X3 grid of 9 squares. Following
the layout of the puzzle, even though it’s actually tilted a bit to the left.


The little man begins at A3.

Move A1 to A2.
Move B2 to A1. Turn it 3 quarter turns with your right mouse button.
Move C1 to B1.
Move B3 to C1. Turn it one quarter with your right mouse button.
Move C2 to C3. Turn it 3 quarter turns with your right mouse button.
Turn C2 two quarter turns with right mouse button.
Turn B3 two quarter turns with right mouse button.
Turn B2 one quarter turn with right mouse button.

Click on the little man and watch him move through the puzzle, forming
the rainbow bridge a little at a time. If you didn’t get it right, hit Esc to
reset and try again. When done correctly, you end up in the real jungle. SAVE
GAME! Turn around and walk between the two trees towards the large mushroom in
the distance. Walk straight ahead to the first Y intersection. Go right in the
direction of the bush with bright pink leaves. When you get there, turn slightly
left and step forward once. Carefully look around on the spot and pick up the
lite brown star, your first of seven.

Continue to the pink bush and turn slightly left. Go forward once. Look
down around this spot and pick up the second star. Look up and turn right till
you see the single pink flower. Go once through the dark area just left of the
flower. Look down and pick up the third star. Go back once and turn right to see
direction arrow along the river. DON’T go that way, it’s where you came from.
Turn right more to face away from the river. Go through the trees to a T
Turn right and you should see a small red ball thing on the right of the
path. Go one step past the red ball thing and turn left. go once into the bright
lit clearing. Look down and pick up the fourth star. Continue forward once to
giant mushrooms. Turn around right to see a Y intersection. Go left once, then
forward once more. Turn around, look down and pick up the fifth star. Turn back
around and go forward once past the purple thing.

Turn slightly left and go forward once. Look down and pick up the sixth
star. Continue forward once to a 4-way intersection. Turn right and go forward
once. Turn around, look down and pick up the seventh and final star. Go once to
the 4-way intersection, then turn right. go forward once and you’ll see the big
star pattern stone and a small stone statue on the right. get a closeup of the
stone statue and place either obsidian foot in the square hole at the bottom.

Now walk to the big flat stone and place the 7 stars, according to your
drawing, to form the dipper. Correctly done, another statue appears on the other
side of the clearing. Walk to it and put the other obsidian foot in its square
hole. You talk to a leopard. Then a snake appears. Talk to it about everything.
It asks you to find 2 skulls. After the talk, the snake gives you a feather.
your way back to the canoe, at the other end of the island, and get in it.

Turn left and sail straight ahead 6 times. You arrive in a dark area of
the river. Turn right and go ashore. Keep going ahead to a couple of trees with
spider web high up. Climb the right tree and you stand on the outer ring of the
web. Turn left and walk to the other side of the damaged area of the web. Face
the spider in the center. You should be standing on the left edge of the damaged

Take one step towards the center, quickly turn around and return to outer
ring. Turn left and forward once. Turn left, go to center and get the
caterpillar. Turn right and hurry to the outer ring to get off the web. Now
back up the right tree. Stand on the outer ring on the left edge of the gap
again. Notice only the second ring in is broken. you can use this to your
advantage because this next part involves outmaneuvering 2 spiders.

Read the following, to be certain you understand it, before actually trying it.
And remember, do it quickly as possible. It will help greatly if you draw the
and note the direction in the following paragraph.

Step once inward, turn around, step to outer ring. Turn left, step
forward once, turn left, step inward once. Turn right and hurry all the way
around the second ring back to the gap. Step right to outer ring, turn left and
forward 3 times. Turn left, step to center and get the grasshopper. Turn around,
step to outer ring. Turn left, step once, turn right and exit the web. If you
caught, just try this paragraph again.

With the caterpillar and grasshopper, go back to your canoe and get in.
Turn right, sail forward 3 times and turn right to see 2 bushes. Get out and
continue walking to a big frog. Give it the caterpillar and the grasshopper for
some great information. Go back into the canoe, turn left and forward 3 times,
turn left and get out. Return to the trees with the web and save if you want.
Climb the right tree and you see a huge spider. Go to the left side of the gap,
turn around and click the feather on the other side of gap at outer ring. Walk
towards it, quickly turn around and back to left side. quickly to center and
up sword, turn around and hit spider with it. Hurry to center, pick up 2 skulls.
Hurry to outer ring and leave the web.

Go enter the canoe, turn left and sail forward once. Turn right and get
out. Step forward, turn right and talk to the bat about the Chulel. Then click
its support post. DISC2.

Enter where the king is and give him the Chulel and watch a cut-scene.
Back on your ship, walk to the circle on the back wall and get a closeup. Make
certain you’ve been updating your drawing of this as the stone placement is
important for another puzzle much later in the game. Place your rather plain
stone on the next tip up on the left. DISC3.

Turn to face the gateway to the outside. Walk once down the stairs and
get the drumstick near the gong on the right. Walk to the gateway, to see a
shadow blocking the way. Nothing can get in or out. Turn around and go question
the old man on the left. Ask him about everything. Go back up the steps, on the
front of the building, and step once to the entrance. Turn right and walk along
the narrow walkway to the corner. Turn left, take one step and turn around.
Question the man about everything.

Now go back to the front doorway and step once through it. Turn left and
enter the room. Go to the man, at the desk, and ask about the 2 options, then 2
new options. Go back out in the corridor, turn left and go forward twice. Turn
left and enter the room. Talk to the man, sitting on the floor, about
Do this several times till he starts repeating the same thing. Go back to the
previous open room and talk again to the man sitting at the desk. Ask about the
strange man.

Go outside and to the right. Talk to the old man about the bottom option.
You’re asked to meet him in the Turtle Chamber. Go back inside the building, to
the end of the corridor, and go through the door on the right. Talk to the old
man waiting for you. He gives you 2 object. Talk to him about the tiger. Stand
behind the device in the middle of the floor and get a closeup. Click on all 4
symbols of the device and the rim rotates each time. As the old man will tell
you, the red sign is mountain, yellow is pagoda, green is the plain, and white

Rotate the rim till red is at the top and yellow to the right. Then place
your black turtle in the center water. Ask the old man about the turtle. Now
left and step twice towards the wall where the window is. Turn left and step
to the wall. Turn around and the window should be on your left. look down to see
you’re on the edge of the floor pattern. Question the old man about the pattern
again. With the window still to your left, step once forward and question the
man again about the pattern.

Turn to the right, to see the door ahead where you entered, and step
forward once. When the old man stops talking, turn 1/4 right and step once
towards the wall. Turn 1/4 left and step once. Turn 1/4 left and step once. Turn
1/4 left and step once. Turn 1/4 right and step once. Now the old man says to
take the shortest route to the dragon. Step twice to the wall you face. A
appears and you step through.

Walk to the large chest on the left. There’s 3 chests within, each
smaller than the last one. Get a magic wand from the smallest chest inside. Now
go to the opposite end of the water pond and stand between the 4 incense
Start with the red one and light it with the wand. Continue turning to the right
and light the green, purple, then lastly the white burner. When all four are
correctly lit in order, you become small.

Walk towards the pond with a dragon and you appear outside. Continue
twice down the path and turn left. step forward and turn left. pick up five
statues and a money bag. Go back across the bridge and re-enter the building.
Facing the pond, turn left and step once to become big again. Face the pond and
look down. Place the statue with axe on the left image of trees. Place the
with two buckets on the right image of water.

Turn around to face the dark wall. Place the statue with walking stick at
center near the wall. Place the statue with hammer on the right image. Place the
last statue between the one with buckets and the one with a hammer. Turn around
to face the pond again. Place the money bag in the center of the floor. Now walk
towards the pond. If the statues were placed correctly, they are all now alive.
If any aren’t, they’re not all correct.

Question all 5 statues to learn they want money. Give each statue one
coin only and get a disk from each. With the five disks, walk towards the pond.
Continue down the path to where you found the statues and money. Get a closeup
the wooden device with 5 pegs. From left to right, place the disks as follows;
black with mountains, brown with dots, grey with many small patterns, light
wood, and black with dragons. When correct, the bridge to the right partly

To completely lower the bridge, the disks now have to be rearranged. Once
again from left to right; grey with many small patterns, black with dragons,
brown with dots, light brown wood, and black with mountains. The bridge should
completely lower. Cross the bridge and walk to the golden door at the end of the
path. Click the hunter image so the arrow points to him. Look down or up, to get
the forward cursor, and go through the door.

Walk to the huge dragon and enter it. Turn left and step once. Turn left
to face a panel of blue and white clouds with a dragon. All the lower sliders
must be all the way up. First click on the dragon, then:
click the right cloud, click the right cloud, click the right cloud,
click the left cloud, click the right cloud, click the left cloud.

All slides should be up and you can take the pearl. Turn right and go
through the red curtain into the cockpit. Turn around and put the pearl into the
golden receptacle. Watch pre-flight preparations, then the flight to an island.

Walk to the temple and try entering the door 3 times. The high priest
greets you. Turn slightly left and question him about everything. He opens the
side door, but make sure you ask about everything else before going through.
ready turn left, go around the corner and enter the side door. Turn right and
question the guard about the mushroom. He gives you a blank form. Ask about
everything, especially the form. Now SAVE!

Find the princess to learn about the correct 3 stamps for the form.
Facing the guard, go left, right, left, right, left, and turn left. Continue
forward twice and on around the turns till you find the princess who holds a fox
mask. Talk to her and she gives you a fan, if you pointed the arrow on the gold
door towards the hunter. Put the fan in inventory, then click on it to see the 3
stamps you need and the order from left to right.

These stamps change each game and each time you restore, if you saved
before entering the door to hell. There are 6 stamps, 3 on the present level.
There are 3 others available, but they are upside down. In a remote area of the
hallways, there are steps to go up in order to be right side up with the other 3
stamp locations.

If you mess up, just restore or go back to the guard and ask him about
the mushroom to get another form, and try again. Take the correctly stamped form
to the guard and he will give you the mushroom. Go out the door, go to the right
and talk to the priest about the mushroom. Then click the mushroom on him to get
a lantern. Enter the dragon, remove the pearl then put it back in the gold
receptacle to fly back.

Go back across the 2 bridges and through the gold door. Step between the
red and the green incense burners to become big. Now walk out the door and
through the other door to the outside. You automatically place the lamp on the
ground. Watch a cut-scene. You get a gift and appear back in the ship. Walk to
the circle on the wall and get a closeup. Click the bottom stone and teleport to
Ireland again.

Exit the chapel, go to the beach and ride the horse. Walk towards the
dead tree, near the broken wall, and position your crystal ball in the branches.
When the lines turn red, click and you travel through outer space. When you stop
behind the moon, travel back to earth. Ride the horse again and go to the
chapel’s entryway. Click on the tears of wall face. On your ship, walk to the
wall circle. In a closeup, click the middle stone. DISC2

You’re back in Maya. Turn around, walk past the big tree and to the left
side of the king’s pyramid. Stand in front of the steps and turn around.
your crystal ball in the branches of the tree. When the lines turn red, click
travel through space again. Go back to earth. Turn around and walk to the right
side of the other pyramid. Climb both stairways, turn around right and step to
the burning pot. Click the flames and appear in your ship.

Go to the wall circle and click on the upper left stone. DISC3 You are
in China. Enter the temple all the way and go through the closed door on the
right to the dragon room. Walk towards the wall with a window and stand on the
next to last line on the floor. Turn right and walk to the opposite wall. It
should open, so go through into the pond room.

Walk to the middle of the 4 incense burners, look down and walk to the
edge of the pond and become small. Walk to the pond and appear outside. Walk all
the way to the golden door and turn left. position the crystal ball on the 2
stone peaks beyond the edge of the building. When the lines are red, click to
travel through space. Go back to earth and appear at the golden door. Turn
and go back to the temple.

Step between the red and green burners to become big. Walk out the door,
then all the way outside to the courtyard. Stand in front of the gong and hit it
with your gongstick. Back in the ship, turn around right and enter the front
part. Climb the steps and turn around to face the front. Position the crystal
ball at the front of the ship. When the lines are red, click to travel a longer
way in space. At the moon, turn right and travel towards the bright lit planet.

At the big yellow burning planet, continue to the right of it. Continue
through the asteroids to the next brightly lit star system. Then turn slightly
left and travel through the brownish green mist. Now turn a bit to the right and
continue to the yellow planet. Continue towards the light yellow planet in the
far distance. The crystal ball has changed to a six sided object and you have 3
more stones. Go back to the earth. In the ship, go down into the hold and ask
old man about the blue misty looking figure of a man.

Get a closeup of the wall device. Select the dark grey stone and place it
at the upper point. Select the stone with 3 sharp points and place it on the
point to the right of top. Place the final stone at the remaining point. Now
sure your drawing is complete with all six stones. Number 1 being the bottom and
2 being the next to the left, moving on around clockwise to number 6 at the

Place the changed crystal in the center. DISC4 You jump through the
bottom. You end up in a giant lotus blossom. You’re surrounded by six curtains
with designs matching the ones on your 6 stone drawings. You have to step
each curtain matching your drawing stones in order 1 through 6. Done correctly,
you’re transported to Shambhala.

Walk straight ahead to the pond. Go left around the side of the pond to
Rhea, the queen of Atlantis. Question her on all options. There will be many.
After the long talk, turn around. This location has 2 exit points, each taking
you to a previous location where you can pick up one of the 16 objects you used
during the game. Each additional location also has 2 exit points. Try to use a
different exit from each location, instead of returning to the one you just

Start from this area by going around the right side of the pond and in
the direction you came from. You just might end up in the pyramid at the Mayan
warrior. Near him, pick up the Black Pitcher. Here is a list of the items and
locations, the item is always near where you appear:

Black Pitcher in a pyramid near the Mayan.
Sword in hell.
Turtle in Shambhala.
Insect (grasshopper) in the book in Ireland chapel.
Salmon in the jungle.
Star on the island outside the hell building.
Pearl on altar in Ireland chapel.
Mushroom near frog in jungle.
Chulel inside the flying dragon.
Fan in Ireland cave.
Small mountain disk near jungle statues.
Stick at small statues in China where you become small and big.
Green Feather near book in Ireland chapel.
Brush in Mayan king pyramid.
Chinese Lantern at bird island.
Hand in China temple.

After getting all 16 items, travel around till you’re in the room with
the book in the Ireland chapel. There’s a couple of windows high up. Turn to the
one with the small statues, and place your star there. Watch the ship take off.
You end up underwater in Atlantis. Move around till you see the entrance in the
distance, 2 large white columns at the top of some stairs.

Walk straight ahead through the entrance and step twice to the right.
Turn around and you should find a big crystal. Now slowly turn left and take
first forward you see. Turn till you see a dark pillar. Go past the right side.
look around till you see a building in the distance with a big circular painting
to its left. Now walk towards the circular painting and turn around to face the

Rapidly click your crystal, on a tentacle, when its glowing in order to
cut off the tentacle. The crystal has to be glowing before it’s charged. Defeat
the octopus by cutting off all large tentacles. Finally you arrive back in your
ship and the old man gives you the final crystal. Get a closeup of the wall
circle and place the crystal in the center of the stones. You travel in space
again. At the moon, turn right and travel to the very bright star.

In front of the big yellow burning planet, pass the right side. Go to the
next bright star with the asteroids in front of it. From the colored mist, turn
left till you see a black hole in the small brightness in the distance. Go there
to arrive inside the black hole. Turn around left and go through the very bright

Watch the end movie, then some screen shots and credits. After the credits,
you’ll be treated to another short movie.

AUTHOR: George K. Ison
aka GARR