Бермудский синдром чит-файл №3

How to play Bermuda Syndrome - the User interface

Tab -> Inventory

Select tool or object with cursor left or right
confirm chosen object with "Enter" button
While using the inventory the game is paused. The inventory function can =
also be used to pause the game in difficult situations

curser left -> walk left
curser right -> walk right
shift+Curser left -> run left
shift+Cursor right -> Run right
curser up -> jump or climb up
shift+Cursor up -> long jump
cursor down -> ducking or climb down
ducking+Cursur left or right -> roll
Hold Shift+cursor down -> climb down and hang on an object
(release shift for let the character falling down)

Space -> take Gun + shot
shift -> take gun away
If using gun - shift down -> reload gun

to talk to a person select "mouth" in inventory + press "enter" to =
start dialog while standing next to a person you want to talk to.
Select your answer with cursor up or down + press "enter"
Listen to Dialog press "enter"

Info boxes on the screen
Box upper left corner Info box showing current weapon or object =
(notice: the gun is only shown in the gun box (use "Strg" to see it!)
Box upper right corner only available if there is an object or item =
for to do or to pick up
Strg menu "gun" (available bullets) + menu "life power"

There are 4 different worlds and one final location:

Upper World
Cave World
Underwater World
Forbidden Town
The Castle

Jack the hero of this game -> the character played by the user!
Natalia princess and daughter of the king
Tauron the dwarf
Telquad the evil enemy
Captain friend of the king

The Game starts with the Upper World. The User has to play one world =
after another...
Enjoy playing - but for the real gamefun of Bermuda Syndrome you'd =
better try to play on your own. Real gamers don't use hint listings!..
.... enjoy it and have a good time!


Intro - autoplay -> just watch it...

Scene No 1: U 1
Description: Pilot hanging in tree
Interface to Do: Tap + select knife with Cursor to right + "enter" + =
"enter to use knife
To do: use knife to cut parachute+ climb up to woman (Natalia) + use =
knife to cut rope (press enter in front of woman + walk out of scene to =
the right)

Scene No 2: U 2
Description: broken plane + boxes laying around
Interface To Do: Tap + select hand + enter
To Do: talk to Natalia + open box + take gun + walk out of scene to the =
Select Dialogues "Jack":=20
- Hey, why are you running away?
- How many Gods have you met in jeans and a T-shirt?
- Hey, okay maybe I=B4m not a God...
- Why aren=B4t we saved? A second later...
- Hey, why would such a pretty girl let herself...
- Why would you let yourself be sacrificed for the king?
- Does that mean that you are ... a princess?

Don't walk to the next scene without taking Natalia with you. If you do =
- you'll get stuck in one of the next scenes. She has to help you =
frequently. Don't run too fast - otherwise she can't see where you are. =
But, there are scenes in the game you can only solve without Natalia. =
There you have to run away quickly. Natalia remains in the scene where =
she left you. After you have solved the scene you have to go back to =
pick her up again..

Scene No 3: U 3
Description: Tyranosaurus Rex + hanging platform
Interface To Do: Use space to take gun + shift to take gun away + space =
to take gun again
To Do: Shoot one time on Tyranosaurus + climb up + wait + climb down + =
shoot Tyranosaurus + walk out of scene to the right

Scene No 4: U 4
Description: Lake with crocodile
Interface To Do: select Gun
To Do: Climbing up rock + shoot Bird + wait until crocodile has picked =
up bird and is leaving+ reload gun (press cursor down) + walk out of =
scene to the right

Scene No 5: U 5
Description: Entrance Caveworld
Interface To Do: Tap + select hand + enter + select crystal + enter
To Do: climb up + take crystal + use crystal on right side of entrance + =
use teleporter -> beam into cave world

Scene No 1: L01_01
Description: Underworld 1
To Do: climb trough scene
Interface To Do: walk trough

Scene No 2: L01_02
Description: Underworld with picture on wall
Interface To Do: Use gun
To Do: walk to left + jump down one level + walk to left + climb up + =
walk to right edge middle + shot bug + run and long jump to right side =
+ walk to right side

Scene No 3: L01_03
Description: Underworld 3
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down two times + walk to edge + jump down (use shift + =
cursor up for long jump!) + walk right + climb up + walk right to next =

Scene No 4: L01_04
Description: Underworld with teleporter statue in upper right Corner
Interface To Do: -
To Do: Jump to right side + climb down (while keep shift button pushed!) =
+ release shift button for one second and press again (Jack is falling =
down into next scene)

Scene No 5: L01_05
Description: block in middle with picture
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: climb up from hanging position (keep shift button still pressed! =
+ pressing cursor up to climb up + shoot bug + run + long jump to right =

Scene No 6: L01_06
Description: scorpion-scene
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: walk to the middle + shoot scorpion + climb up to next scene

Scene No 7: L01_07
Description: big picture upper middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up to right side + shoot bug + walk right + climb up + long =
jump to upper left level + climb up + walk left into next scene=20

Back to upper right corner of Scene 4: L01_04b
Description: Underworld with teleporter statue in upper right Corner
Interface To Do: select crystal
To Do: use teleporter

Scene No 6: U 6
Description: river hanging tree-roots
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: talk to Natalia + pull hanging tree root + kill crocodile with =
laying tree in river + walk right into next scene

Scene No 7: U 7
Description: two hanging platforms
Interface To Do: use knife
To Do: climb up left platform + use knife and cut hanging tree-root + =
swing to right platform + take gun and jump down + shoot corosaurus + =
walk to left to pick up Natalia + walk right into next scene

The following steps are only necessary if you are playing on low life =
energy. If you still got full life energy - don't use the teleporter =
with the crystal -> continue with upperworld scene 8b !!!

Scene No 8: L01_08
Description: teleporter on left side
Interface To Do: use crystal
To Do: use teleporter

Scene No 8: L01_08b
Description: teleporter on left side + water in the middle
Interface To Do:=20
To Do: jump in water + dive down into next scene

Scene No 9: L01_09
Description: Underwater 1
Interface To Do: -
To Do: dive to right into next scene

Scene No 10: L01_10
Description: Underwater 2
Interface To Do: -
To Do: dive up into next scene

Scene No 11: L01_11
Description: water on left side + two pictures
Interface To Do:=20
To Do: climb out of water + walk to right + climb up + walk right into =
next scene

Scene No 12: L01_12
Description: water down left side + big picture on right side
Interface To Do:=20
To Do: walk to edge + jump in water + dive down into next scene

Scene No 13: L01_13
Description: Underwater 3
Interface To Do: -
To Do: dive to right side into next scene

Scene No 14: L01_14
Description: Underwater 4
Interface To Do:=20
To Do: dive up into next scene

Scene No 15: L01_15
Description: water on left side + restore life-energy point 1
Interface To Do:=20
To Do: climb out of water + climb up right + walk to green field =
(restoring life energy) + Attention: don't touch green ball!
+ walk to left + jump into water and dive down + dive back to scene 12
Scene No 12: L01_12
Description: water down left side + big picture on right side
Interface To Do:=20
To Do: climb up right side + walk to right wall + turn around + run and =
long jump to left side + walk to left side into next scene (scene 11)

Scene No 11: L01_11
Description: water on left side + two pictures
Interface To Do:=20
To Do: climb up upper middle + run and long jump to left platform + =
walk to left side into next scene (scene 8)

Scene No 8: L01_08
Description: teleporter on left side + water in the middle
Interface To Do: use crystal
To Do: use teleporter back to upper world
Scene No 8b: L01_08b
Description: teleporter on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up teleporter building and wait for dinosaur + climb down =
back to left side and wait until dinosaur has left the scene + climb up =
teleporter building + climb down on right side + walk right into next =

Scene No 9: U 9
Description: two dinosaur fighting
Interface To Do: use gun + reload gun
To Do: wait until dinosaur fight is finished + shoot the winning =
dinosaur + wait for Natalia + walk right into next scene

Scene No 10: U 10
Description: river in middle + crocodile watching + Tree-root hanging
Interface To Do: use mouth=09
To Do: talk to Natalia + walk back to left scene (scene 9)

Scene No 9: U 9b
Description: two dead dinosaur laying on ground
Interface To Do: use gun + use hand
To Do: shoot little dinosaur + take little dinosaur (little dinosaur =
appears in inventory)+ walk to right side into next scene (scene10)

Scene No 10: U 10b
Description: river in middle + crocodile watching + Tree-root hanging
Interface To Do: use little dinosaur from inventory + use Natalia + use =
knife+use gun+use hand
To Do: use little dinosaur from inventory and hang little dinosaur on =
hanging tree-root + choose Natalia from inventory + use Natalia with =
hanging tree-root +cut hanging tree-root with knife+when crocodile jumps =
up shoot crocodile with gun+use hand to swing over river to right =
side+walk right into next scene

Scene No 11: U 11
Description: hanging platform on left side + running dinosaurs stampede
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: wait until dinosaur stampede starts + shoot in direction of =
running dinosaur stampede + running dinosaurs are turning to the right + =
climb up hanging platform + wait until tyranosaurus shows up and turns =
to the right + climb down and walk right into next scene

Scene No 12: U 12
Description: palmtrees
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 13: U 13
Description: teleporter between lots of broken trees
Interface To Do: use crystal
To Do: use teleporter with crystal to underworld

Scene No 16: L01_16
Interface To Do: underworld 16
To Do: climb down + walk to right into next scene

Scene No 17: L01_17
Description: spider
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: walk to edge + shoot spider sitting in net + climb down + walk to =
right + climb up + walk right into next scene

Scene No 18: L01_18
Description: bubbling lava 1 with platform in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: run to right and long jump (!) to middle plattform + walk to edge =
and jump to right plattform + hanging on right edge + climb up + walk =
right to next scene

Scene No 19: L01_19
Description: underworld with picture on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up to into next scene
filling scene
Scene No 20: L01_20
Description: scorpion walking
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: walk to left + climb up + walk to left + climb up and shoot =
immediately + walk right into next scene

Scene No 21: L01_21
Description: underworld with picture on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + climp down + walk to left wall + run + long jump to =
right platform + walk right side into next scene

Scene No 22: L01_22
Description: hanging scorpion + bug
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot scorpion + shoot bug + walk right into next scene

Scene No 23: L01_23
Description: underworld with hanging bug on left side
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot bug + walk to right side + climb up into next scene

Scene No 24: L01_24
Description: big woman picture on right + picture upper left corner
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up to second platform + walk to wall + run and long jump to =
left to left platform + walk left into next scene

Scene No 25: L01_25
Description: underworld
Interface To Do: -
To Do: jump to left platform + walk left + climb up + walk left into =
next scene

Scene No 26: L01_26
Description: hanging bug on right side + teleporter on left side
Interface To Do: optional using gun + use crystal
To Do: optional: shoot bug + climb to teleporter + use crystal with =

Scene No 14: U 14
Description: teleporter on the right+ dinosaur on the left
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right

Scene No 15: U 14
Description: triceratops
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do:=20
a) wait until triceratops walks to left then jump down + walk right into =
next scene
b) shoot triceratops (very hard to do - but possible)

Scene No 16:
Description: hanging bridge with flying birds
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot all birds + walk over bridge on right side into next scene =
(don't run!)

Scene No 17: U 17
Description: hanging platform on right side + jumping little dinosaur
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot dinosaurs from the left side + wait until Natalia climbs =
down the platform + walk right into next scene

Scene No 18: U 18
Description: two hanging platforms=20
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 19: U 19
Description: teleporter in middle
Interface To Do: use crystal
To Do: use teleporter with crystal

Scene No 27: L01_27
Description: big picture on left + small picture on right side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: jump to left platform + walk left into next scene

Scene No 28: L01_28
Description: hanging bug on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: jump to left middle platform + jump down left + walk right + hang =
on right edge + let Jack fall down into next scene

Scene No 29: L01_29
Description: hook + scorpion at down right corner
Interface To Do: use gun + use hand + use gun
To Do: shoot bug + take hook + shoot bug again + walk to right edge of =
platform + run to left + long jump to left platform + climb up into next =
(you don't have to jump down and shoot the scorpion -> the way on the =
bottom of this scene to the right is a dead end street...)

notice: You don't have to play the following scenes (dead end street!)

Scene No 30: L01_30
Description: hanging bug
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot bug + walk right + climb up upper left side into next scene
-> now you can walk back to scene 29...

Scene No 28: l01_28b
Description: hanging bug on left side
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot bug + climb up first plattform + long jump to right =
platform + climb up middle left platform + long jump to left platform + =
climb up into next scene

Scene No 29: L01_29b
Description: little picture in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up to middle + long jump to right side + walk right into =
next scene

Scene No 30: L01_30b
Description: two big pictures upper middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: jump to upper right platform + run and long jump to right =
platform + walk right into next scene

Scene No 31: L01_31
Description: big picture upper left corner + smal picture upper right
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot bug + walk carefully to right edge until it breaks and =
falls down + walk back to left + climb up +climb down on right side into =
next scene

Scene No 32: L01_32
Description: big picture in middle + draggon picture on upper left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 33: L01_33
Description: big picture in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down + walk left into next scene (scene32)

Scene No 32: L01_32b
Description: big picture in middle + draggon picture on upper left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to left + climb down + walk right into next scene (scene 33)

Scene No 33: L01_33b
Description: big picture in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb down into next scene

Scene No 34: l01_34
Description: bubbling lava 2 + teleporter in upper left corner
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down and hang on second platform + wait until stones =
swimming under Jack + jump down on swimming stone-platform + wait untill =
stone-platform swimms automatically right side + climb up to teleporter =
+ use teleporter with crystal=20

Scene No 20: U 20
Description: horde of small dinosaurs
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot dinosaurs + walk to right into next scene=20

Scene No 21: U 21
Description: two small dinosaurs jumping
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot dinosaurs with reloading gun + walk right to next scene

Scene No 22: U 22
Description: canyon edge
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot birds + run left to scene 19 (teleporter in middle) to pick =
up Natalia -> climb up teleporter building until Natalia is climbing up =
to Jack and follows to scene 22=20

Scene No 23: U 23
Description: canyon first down
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down + walk carefully to edge + climb down into next scene

Scene No 24: U 24
Description: canyon second down
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: climb down one plattform + wait until big bird sneaks Natalia + =
shoot bird before it escapes + climb down into next scene

Scene No 25: U 25
Description: canyon bottom + river
Interface To Do: use knife + use hook
To Do: climb to second platform + cut tree-root with knife + climb down =
+ use hook from inventory -> push enter + walk right on raft + =
automatically into next scene

Scene No 26: U 26
Description: tauron the dwarf
Interface To Do: use mouth
To Do: talk to dwarf tauron + give crystal to tauron and get magic ball =
+ go to fire + use Natalia with fire + climb up right into next scene

Scene No 1: C 1
Description: Cave entrance
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right into next scene

Scene No 2: C 2
Description: two monsters waiting in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: run through scene into next scene
(notice: you can't kill the monsters in this scene - they will always =
kill you...)

Scene No 3: C 3
Description: mask down right
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: walk right to lamp + shoot two monsters + walk back to scene 2=20

Scene No 2: C 2
Description: bats
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot bats + walk to left into next scene
(if you don't shoot the bats Natalia won't follow you because she is =
afraid of the bats...)

Scene No 1:=20
Description: cave entrance
Interface To Do: -
To Do: pick up Natalia + walk to scene 3=20

Scene No 3: C 3b
Description: mask down right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right corner next to mask + jump on mask + Natalia =
throughs fire into mask -> light in cave turns on + walk=20
a) if life-energy is too weak it's better walking back left to scene 2

Option a)

Scene No 2:
Description: former two monsters waiting in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up in middle + wait until Natalia is following you + start =
running to left + climb up fast into next scene so that Natalia won't =
follow you

Scene No 1:
Description: cave entrance
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to left + climb up into next scene=20

Scene No 4:
Description: cave 4
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: take gun in upper position + walk right into next scene

Scene No 5:
Description: bat cave 2
Interface To Do: use gun + use magic ball
To Do: walk shooting to right + shoot all bats + walk to statue in the =
middle + put magic ball into statue to stabilize bridge on right side + =
walk over bridge to the right + climb up into next scene=20

Scene No 6: C 6
Description: restore life-energy point 2
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right on green live energy-field (attention: don't get in =
touch with the yellow ball !) + walk back to the left + into last scene

Scene No 5:
Description: former bat cave 2
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk to left + climb down + pick up magic ball from statue + walk =
left into next scene (scene 4)

Scene No 4:
Description: cave 4
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to left + climb down into next scene (scene 3)

Scene No 1:
Description: cave entrance
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down + walk right into next scene

Scene No 2
Description: former bat cave 1
Interface To Do: -
To Do: pick up Natalia + walk right to next scene

Scene No 3:
Description: mask down right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to middle + climb up + walk right into next scene

Scene No 7:
Description: double bridge 1 + statue left
Interface To Do: use magic ball
To Do: walk to right + put magic ball in statue to stabilize bridge + =
walk right + climb up into next scene

Scene No 8:
Description: two lights
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + walk left into next scene

Scene No 6: C 6
Description: restore life-energy point 2
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left + climb up into next scene

Scene No 8: C 8
Description: two lights
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb up + walk to right + climb up into next scene

Scene No 9: C 9
Description: cave 9
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + walk left (Natalia won't follow!) into next scene

Scene No 10: C 10
Description: two monsters waiting on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: shoot monsters + wait for Natalia + walk left + climb up + walk =
left into next scene

Scene No 11: C 11
Description: statue right + bridge in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + jump to upper left plattform + take gun and walk with =
gun into the next scene
(Natalia can't jump very well + so she can't follow - Jack has to go =
further on finding a new magic ball to stabilize the bridge for Natalia)

Scene No 12: C 12
Description: two monsters waiting
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot monsters - or walk back into the last scene + wait for the =
monsters and shoot them there + walk left + climb up into next scene

Scene No 13: C 13
Description: lamp glowing on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to left + climb up to right + walk into next scene

Scene No 14: C 14
Description: second magic ball in statue on right
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk to right + take magic ball + walk back left, then back to =

Scene No 12:
Description: former two monsters waiting
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk through to right side

Scene No 11:
Description: statue right + bridge in middle
Interface To Do: use magic ball + use hand
To Do: walk to right + jump to right platform + climb down + put magic =
ball in statue (bridge is now stabilized) + climb up left platform + =
wait until Natalia has climbed up + jump back to right platform + climb =
down and pick up magic ball + climb up + jump to left + walk left into =
next scene

Scene No 12:
Description: former two monsters waiting
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk through

Scene No 13:
Description: lamp glowing on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk through + climb up + walk into next scene

Scene No 14: C 14
Description: former second magic ball in statue on right
Interface To Do: use magic ball
To Do: walk right to statue +put magic ball into statue (door upper =
right is opening!) + climb up into next scene

Scene No : 27 U 27
Description: statue in middle + open entrance on ground
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb up into next scene

Scene No : 28 U 28
Description: skullhead in middle + dinosaur in middle waiting
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot bird sitting on skullhead + wait until dinosaur walks to =
right + walk right into next scene

Scene No : 29 U 29
Description: Big tree on left + dinosaur eating in the middle
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk under tree until piece of tree apears in upper right action =
box + use hand (branch comes down) + wait until dinosaur starts eating =
leaves from tree + walk right into next scene

Scene No : 30 U 30
Description: Merian waiting riding on dinosaur + background with statues
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: walk only a few steps into the scene + wait until Merian starts =
riding to left + let him come close to you + then start shooting (don't =
walk into the scene!) + wait for second Merian + let him come close to =
you + then start shooting + reload gun + walk right into next scene

Scene No : 31 U 31
Description: little tempel on left + statue in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk through scene to right side

Scene No : 32 U 32
Description: entrance of forbidden town on right side
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot Merian + or wait until Merian is gone + walk on right side =
into next scene

Scene No : 33 U 33
Description: inside forbidden town 1 + two Merians throwing stones
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot Merinans + reload gun + walk right into next scene

Scene No : 34 U 34
Description: inside forbidden town 2 + 1 Merian waiting on left side
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: run or role to right side + shoot Merian + walk back to left =
scene + pick up Natalia + walk right into next scene

Scene No : 35 U 35
Description: inside forbidden town 2 + small dinosaur waiting upper =
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: walk to right + climb up platform + wait until dinosaur jumps =
down + shoot five times + climb down + walk to right to cave entrance on =
ground of right side + climb down into next scene

notice: don't walk on in upperworld - otherwise you will get stuck in a =
gage-trap in one of the next pictures! First you have to turn off the =
powersupply/big energy machine in underworld2 - go for it...

Underworld 2
Scene No 1: L02_01
Description: big picture upper left side + green energy field on right =
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk to left + climb down one platform + walk to left =
platformside + pull down yellow switch on wall (bridge is gone!)+ walk =
to right + climb down + walk left into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 2: L02_02
Description: life energy field upper right + green energy field down =
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk on first green field + wait until Natalia walks on the same =
field (dangerwall switchs off!) + walk to left + climb up to upper =
energy field + stand on field and reload your life energy + walk back =
and climb down to natalia + walk right into scene before=20

Underworld 2
Scene No 1:
Description: big picture upper left side + green energy field on right =
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right + climb down into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 3: L02_03
Description: 1 energy field in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 4: L02_04
Description: 2 energy fields + statue down right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down + wait for Natalia + stand on right energy field =
(dangerwall turns off) + wait until Natalia stands on same energy field =
+ walk to left energy field + stand on left energy + wait until Natalia =
stands on left energy field + climb down + wall to right + climb up into =
next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 5: L02_05
Description: dangerwall in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right on left energy field + wait for Natalia + stand on =
left energy field (dangerwall turns off) + walk to right energy field + =
stand on right energy field + wait until Natalia stands on right energy =
field + walk right + jump down + walk to next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 6: L02_06
Description: lamp in middle + blue statue on right side + "kidnapping =
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down on energy field + wait for Natalia standing on energy =
field (dangerwall turns down) + walk to left side + platform moves down =
+ Natalia is kidnapped (there is nothing to do against! you can't shoot =
through the dangerwall!) + walk right into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 7: L02_07
Description: long tubes on right side + working machines on right
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: climb down one platform + walk to right wall + pull down yellow =
switch1 on wall (upper bridge opens!) + climb down to next platform + =
walk to right wall + pull down yellow switch2 on wall (machines turn =
off) + climb up to first switch1 + pull up switch (nothing happens cause =
machines are turned off!) + climb down to second switch2 + pull up =
second switch (machines start working again! upper bridge closes again =
and lower bridge opens) + climb down + walk left to third switch3 + pull =
down switch3 (this switch turns down three scenes later two =
dangerwalls!)+ climb up one platform + walk left into next scene
(notice: if you don't pull down the last switch you get stuck in scene =

Underworld 2
Scene No 8: L02_08
Description: Merian sitting down right + switch on right wall
Interface To Do: use gun + use hand
To Do: run left and long jump down + duck down + turn to right + shoot =
Merian + walk to right wall + pull switch down (bridge opens!) + climb =
down into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 9: l02_09
Description: maranes on left side behind metall door + picture down =
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: climb down + pull down yellow switch on left wall (metall door =
opens and marans are running to left an will kill a Merian in next =
scene!) + wait until marans are walking back into left room behind door =
+ pull up switch (door closes!) + climb down + walk right into next =

Underworld 2
Scene No 10: L02_10
Description: two dangerwalls + Merians and tubes
Interface To Do: -
To Do: if you have done everything right in the last pictures then dead =
marans would lay on the ground + walk right into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 11: L02_11
Description: three pictures + dangerwall up left + 2 switches right and =
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right + climb up + walk right into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 12: L02_12
Description: Merian sitting up left + dangerwall+ 2 switches right and =
Interface To Do: use gun + use hand
To Do: walk to right + climb down + walk to right + climb up one =
platform + attract attention of Merian + wait until Merian walks to =
right edge + shoot Merian + climb up + walk to left wall + pull down =
upper switch (dangerwall down right turns off!) + climb down to second =
switch + pull down second switch + climb back to upper platform + climb =
into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 13: L02_13
Description: hanging bridge + switch on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: jump to right plattform + climb up + walk to left side into next =
(notice: don't pull down the switch before you have stopped the big =
machine in the next picture ->stop it in scene 11!)

Underworld 2
Scene No 14: L02_14
Description: big machine on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 10: L02_10b
Description: three pictures + dangerwall up left + 2 switches right and =
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right + pull down switch (dangerwall turns off!) + walk =
to left + pull down switch (big machine stops working!) + walk to right =
+ climb up into scene before

Underworld 2
Scene No 14:
Description: big machine on left side (now stopped working!)
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + walk right side into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 13:
Description: hanging bridge + switch on left side
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk to right + climb down + jump to left platfom + walk to left =
side + pull down switch + walk to right + jump to right platform + climb =
up + walk left in scene with big machine

Underworld 2
Scene No 14:
Description: big machine on left side (now stopped working!)
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 10:
Description: three pictures + dangerwall up left + 2 switches right and =
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk to left wall + pull up switch (big machine starts working =
again! and turns down hanging bridge in scene 13!) + walk to right + =
climb up into scene before

Underworld 2
Scene No 14: L02_14b
Description: big machine on left side (now working again!)
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + walk right into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 13:
Description: hanging bridge (now down!) + switch on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 15: L02_15
Description: Merian sitting down right
Interface To Do: - (use gun!)
To Do: walk to right side + climb up + walk left (don't walk into next =
scene!) + stop on left side + turn ride + run and long jump to upper =
right platform + reach right platform hanging on edge + keep shift and =
cursor up pushed until Jack has climbed up the platform + climb up into =
next platform
(notice: you don't have to shoot the Merian!)

Underworld 2
Scene No 16: L02_16
Description: mask upper right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next picture

Underworld 2
Scene No 17: L02_17
Description: Merian waiting on right side
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot Merian + climb up right platforms + jump to middle platform =
+ jump to left platform + walk left into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 16:
Description: mask upper right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: run and long jump to middle platform + jump to left platform + =
roll (roll!) to the left into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 17: L02_17
Description: switch on right side
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: pull down switch (turns down hanging bridge in last scene!)+ roll =
out to scene before

Underworld 2
Scene No 16:
Description: mask upper right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right + jump to middle platform + climb up + walk to left =
+ climb up + walk left into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 18: L02_18
Description: several platforms + switch upper right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up platforms + jump to right platform + climb up + pull =
down switch (cage opens!) climb into next scene
(notice/hint: walk now back to big machine and turn it off again (scene =
11!) - otherwise you will get stuck in two scenes! - then come back to =
this scene and go further...)

Underworld 2
Scene No 19: L02_19
Description: Merian waiting left side + dangerwall upper left + picture =
in middle
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot Merian + walk to left side into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 20: L02_20
Description: platform and black cave
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + jump to right + walk into next scene

Underworld 2
Scene No 19: L02_19b
Description: dead Merian now laying down left side + dangerwall upper =
left (should be now turned off - if not read notice below)+ picture in =
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb up into next scene
(notice: If dangerwall is active: Sorry for you - the dangerwall is =
active (the big machine is working!) - you better should have noticed =
the hint in end of scene 18! Now you have to walk back to the big =
machine to turn it off again -> go back to scene 11) - then come back =
to scene 19)

Underworld 2
Scene No 21: L02_21
Description: big cave with facepicture in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left into next scene

Scene No 37: U 37
Description: inside forbidden town 4 + Merian with axe
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left to next scene
(notice: you can't shoot him from standing on the ground. You have to go =
to the next scene left to come back to the scene on the platform...)

Scene No 36: U 36
Description: inside forbidden town 3 + buildings on background
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left + climb up right platform + walk right into next scene

Scene No 37: U 37
Description: inside forbidden town 4 + Merian with axe
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot Merian + walk right into next scene

Scene No 38: U 38
Description: in forbidden town - inside building1/1=20
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb down + walk right into next scene

Scene No 39: U 39
Description: in forbidden town - inside building1/2 + two windows
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right into next scene
(notice: if you don't stop the powersupply in underworld 2 you will get =
stuck in this scene - no chance to escape...)

Scene No 40: U 40
Description: in forbidden town - inside building1/3 + five windows
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 41: U 41
Description: in forbidden town - inside building1/4 + three windows
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right + shoot two Merians on right platform=20
(notice: don't climb up and walk to left side - dead end!)

Scene No 42: U 42
Description: in forbidden town - inside building1/5 + two small windows
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 43: U 43
Description: in forbidden town - inside building1/6 + platforms on right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb up + walk right into next scene

Scene No 44: U 44
Description: inside forbidden town - laying statue on ground
Interface To Do: -
To Do: jump to right platform + walk to right into next scene

Scene No 45: U 45
Description: inside forbidden town - buildings in background right
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into tunnel into next scene

Scene No 46: U 46
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/1 + wodden bridge
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene
(notice: don't destroy the bridge now - you first have to find the key =
in one of the next scenes...)

Scene No 47: U 47
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/2 + two Merians with =
axes waiting
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot Merians + walk right into next scene
(notice: you have to reload the gun several times! so better be quick!)

Scene No 48: U 48
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/3 + one Merian with =
bow waiting down right + hanging bridge down left
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb down + walk right into the next scene

Scene No 49: U 49
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/4 + hole in wall + =
three round pictures
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: walk right + climb down + walk right + climb down + duck down (!) =
+ shoot Merian with bow + walk left into next scene

Scene No 48: U 48b
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/3 + now no (!) Merian =
+ hanging bridge down left
Interface To Do:=09
To Do: walk left + climb down into next scene

Scene No 50: U 50
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/5 + one Merian sitting =
+ two big pictures
Interface To Do: use gun + use hand
To Do: To Do: use gun + use key
To Do: climb down + run + long jump left + shoot Merian (Merian is =
losing key when dying!) + take key + climb up into last scene

Scene No 48:
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/3 + now no (!) Merian =
+ hanging bridge down left
Interface To Do:=09
To Do: walk right back into next scene

Scene No 49:
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/4 + hole in wall + =
three round pictures
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb up + walk left into next scene

Scene No 48:
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/3 + Merian with bow =
is gone (!) + hanging bridge down left
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left + climb up + walk left into the next scene

Scene No 47: U 47b
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/2 + two Merians with =
axes now laying dead on ground
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left into next scene

Scene No 46: U 46b
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/1 + wodden bridge
Interface To Do:=09
To Do: walk to left on wodden bridge + jump on bridge until it breakes =
down (Jack falls down!) + walk left + climb down into next scene

Scene No 51: U 51/U 51b
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/6 + Natalia in prison =
+ picture in middle
Interface To Do: use gun + use key
To Do:=20
climb down + take gun and jump down + shoot Merian + open door with key =
and free Natalia + walk left + climb up into last scene

Scene No 46: U 46c
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/1 + now broken wodden =
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + walk right into next scene

Scene No 47: U 47c
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/2 + two Merians with =
axes now laying dead on ground
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 48: U 48c
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/3 + now no (!) Merian =
+ hanging bridge down left
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk right + climb down + pull down switch (cage opens and =
hanging bridge comes down!) + walk right into next scene

Scene No 49: U 49c
Description: in forbidden town - inside building2/4 + hole in wall + =
three round pictures
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb up right+ walk right into next scene

Scene No 52: U 52
Description: inside forbidden town - buildings in background right - =
coming out of tunnel
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down + walk right into next scene

Scene No 53: U 53
Description: in forbidden town - tree on right - statue on left side
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb down + walk right into next scene
(notice: don't walk left under left platform -> dead end!)

Scene No 54: U 54
Description: in forbidden town - statue with big eye on top
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 55: U 55
Description: in forbidden town - statue left + building right=20
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk into building to down entrance into next scene

Scene No 56: U 56
Description: in forbidden town - inside building3/1 + three dark round =
picture + maran behind cage
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right + climb up + walk right into next scene

Scene No 57: U 57
Description: in forbidden town - inside building3/2 + hanging bridge1 + =
cage in middle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk to right + climb down + jump into next scene

Scene No 58: U 58
Description: in forbidden town - inside building3/3 + underwater1
Interface To Do: -
To Do: dive down + dive right into next scene

Scene No 59: U 59
Description: in forbidden town - inside building3/3 + underwater2
Interface To Do: -
To Do: dive to right + dive up + climb out of water to left + climb up =
into next scene

Scene No 60: U 60
Description: in forbidden town - inside building3/4 + hanging bridge2 in =
middle + cage on right side=20
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left + climb up + walk left into next scene

Scene No 57: U 57c
Description: in forbidden town - inside building3/2 + hanging bridge1 + =
cage in middle
Interface To Do: -use hand
To Do: walk to left + climb up platform + pull up switch on left wall =
(cage with maran opens!) + climb down + walk to left into next scene
If you don't set the maran free, Merians will kidnap Natalia several =
Scene No 56: U 56c
Description: in forbidden town - inside building3/1 + three dark round =
picture + maran behind cage
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk left + climb down + walk left into next scene

Scene No 55: U 55c
Description: -
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb up + walk right

Scene No 61: L03_01
Description: in labyrinth=20
Interface to Do: -
To Do: jump left + walk right

Scene No 62: L03_02
Description: labyrinth walk
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right

Scene No 63: L03_03
Description: labyrinth
Interface To Do: -
To Do: climb down to the next scene

Scene No 64: L03_04
Description: Merian sits right + hanging bridge downstairs
Interface To Do: use gun + use hand
To Do: shoot Merian + pull down lever (hanging bridge closed) + walk =
right into next scene

Scene No 63:
Description: -
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

Scene No 65: l03_05
Description: bridge + one Merian with axe upstairs and one downstairs
Interface To Do: use gun
To Do: shoot Merian downstairs + climb up + shoot the second + climb =
down + walk right

Scene No Do: walk left into next scene

Scene No 137: C01_26
Description: lever on left + second lever above behind dangerwall + =
energy field on the right
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: walk left + climb up + pull lever down (bridge closes) + climb =
down + walk right and back to scene 136

Scene No 136: C01_25
To Do: climb up left at platform + walk left back to scene 137

Scene No 137: C01_26b
Interface To Do: use hand
To Do: climb up on right energy field + wait until Natalia stands on =
energy field (dangerwall is deactivated) + pull lever down (passage =
upstairs is open) + climb up with Natalia into next scene

Scene No 138: C01_27
Description: colonnade in castle
Interface To Do: -
To Do: walk right into next scene

(Attention: The next scenes are very hard to do. You need the entire =
life energy. Save often, live longer!!!)

Scene No 139: C01_28 (C01_28b, C01_28c)
Description: colonnade in castle + Merian with sword
Interface To Do: use sword
To Do: walk right + vanquish Merian with sword (Attention: Merian isn't =
dead, he changes into a snakeman) + vanquish him once again + walk right =
into next scene

Scene No 140: C01_29 (C01_29b, C01_29c)
Description: castle hall + long corridor on the left side + Merian with =
Interface To Do: use sword
To Do: walk right + vanquish Merian with sword + vanquish him once again =
+ walk right into next scene

Scene No 141: C01_30 (C01_30b, C01_30c)
Description: castle hall + colonnade on right side
Interface To Do: use sword
To Do: walk right + vanquish Merian with sword + vanquish him once again =
walk right into next scene

Scene No 142: C01_31=20
Description: throne room + flight of steps on the right + Telquad =
Interface To Do: use mouth
To Do: walk right + dialog with Telquad + Telquad disappears + walk =
right into next scene

Scene No 143: C01_32
Description: throne room + steps plateau + sleeping king on throne on =
the right side + Telquad=20
Interface To Do: use sword
To Do: fight against Telquad (Attention: You have to vanquish Telquad =
three times!!!) + Telquad disappears + follow him into next scene (climb =
up + jump left + walk left into next scene)
Scene No 144: C01_33 (C01_33b, C01_33c)
Description: The final fight=20
Interface To Do: use sword
To Do: vanquish Telquad a second time (Remember, he isn't dead!!) + =
Telquad shows his true colours + vanquish him a last time

Congratulations! You vanquished Telquad, rescue the people from Ijagmar =
and the King from his illness!!!

Final Scene: C01_34
Interface To Do: use mouth
King wakes up and talks with Natalia and his favorit hero. Now Jack has =
to decide about his future....