Blair Witch Project: Episode 1 - Rustin Parr чит-файл №3

The following walkthrough was played in NORMAL Combat and NORMAL Puzzles


After the introductory conversation between Stranger and Doc. Holiday, and
the Colonel, pick up the Compass on the chair. Exit the room, and RUN over the
plank suspended between the floor levels. Pick up the Pistol, turn and kill the
zombie using as little ammo as possible. Return over the plank. Follow the
instructions from the Colonel and when you reach the door with the lever,
before "using" the lever, restore your Health (using the "[" and "]" keys to
select the Doctor's Bag, and then the ENTER key to "use" the Health). Select
Weapon of your choice, then put it away. Move as close to the lever as
then SAVE YOUR GAME (F2 key). Push the lever, and immediately RUN backwards,
drawing your weapon of choice and firing at the two zombies. When you've killed
both zombies, your training mission is complete.


Go through the door, following Stranger. Go around the hallway, through the
double doors. Move to the sofa. Listen to the Colonel. After a few words from
the Colonel, Stranger enters the room and sits down beside Doc. Holiday. The
Colonel continues briefing you on your mission in Burkittsville, Maryland with
the mutilations of children. Exit the room, turn right and enter through the
door. Pick up your weapons. When the conversations stops, pick up your luggage
on the counter and enter Burkittsville - Day 1.


Talk with InnKeeper and get your room key. Search your room, turn on the radio.
Nothing much to do in the room. No phone either. Leave and go to the motel
office to talk with Innkeeper again. You can ring the bell and get a nickel from
the soda machine.

The Townhall (where the Sheriff's office is located) is closed now. Go to Diner
to get something to eat and hear the latest gossip. Talk with Gretchen and the
other townspeople. Gretchen will give you advice on who to talk with in town.
After leaving the diner walk down the street and go into the Register Newpaper
building. Talk with Horace Gusten. He gives you the morning edition and is very
helpful. You will need to talk with Junior(Sheriff) in the morning! Leave the
Newspaper office and read the current issue of the Register, Burkettvilles only
paper. Return to motel and talk with Innkeeper. He tells you that if you want
go out to Rustin Parr's place you will need the map from the general store. He
warns you to stay away from Tappy Creek and the Blair Witch.

Return to your room and try to sleep. Your bathroom door will slam shut and wake
you up. Check it out! Use your Sensor Tracking Device and head into town! It
will lead you to the Town Hall (Sheriff's Office) Enter and look around the
office. Read the note on the door and take the axe from the wall next to the
door. Save your game before entering the The Town Hall -Sheriff's Office.

Enter the Town Hall. Turn right and move towards the door in front of the
counter. Get the FireAxe from the wall, and read the note attached to the door.
Go forward down the hall, then enter the door directly in front of you. SAVE
YOUR GAME. When you move closer to the Sheriff, be prepared to RUN BACKWARDS
DRAW YOUR WEAPON. You discover that he is a Demonite. Shoot and kill the
Sheriff. Exit the Town Hall and continue your search for the apparition that
appeared and left from your bathroom at the Inn. Turn right. Go down the
to the alley before the Church. Shoot and kill the zombie jumping around
the Cemetary. [At this point, you may choose to move into the Cemetary, kill
more zombies and then exit]. Return to the Diner, but be prepared to shoot as
you approach the front steps and door. Kill the demonite that jumps out of the
window, then enter the Diner. Again, draw your weapon and kill the man who had
been sitting at the counter earlier when you visited the Diner and who made the
comment about the Pies. Exit the Diner and use your Sensor Tracking Device

Kill the zombie around the Church area (go all the way around). Walk down the
street and kill other Zombies that pop up out of the ground. When you've killed
them all you will see a short scene showing the Church door opening to you. Go
the to the Altar and read the Bible. The Stained Glass window will break. Look
around and then leave the Church. As you leave the Church you will see a brief
scene with a zombie with a hole in the center of its body pop up out of the
ground. Run, following the Zombie to the Schoolyard. You will meet up with
several other zombies. An automatic sequence follows as you kill them all. A
short video sequence follows and you wake up from your dream to begin Day 2.


Leave your Inn room and go straight to the Town Hall-Sheriff's Office. Speak
with Sheriff Bowers (not a very friendly fellow, huh?). When you leave the
TownHall, go to the Diner. Soon the Sheriff enters. When he does, quickly
the Diner and return to the Town Hall. Speak with Deputy Charlie Hobart and
he'll give you a partial map to Parr's House. Head out of the Sheriff's Office
and down the street. At the School sign you'll come to the front door of the
School. Might as well enter the Schoolhouse and speak to the Teacher for some
more information!! After speaking with the Suzanne Ascot, the School Teacher,
exit the school and move towards your Motel. Behind the Motel is the Brody
House, where the only surviving child resides. Go to the right of the Motel
Office and follow the thin alleyway up to the Brody house. Speak to Mrs. Brody.
She refuses to allow you to speak or see her son. When your conversation is
over, Holiday will state that she is ready to head for the woods. Return to
Motel room, grab your gear and head the Hotel Office. You can send a telegram
to Spookehouse about your progress or lack thereof! Now head for the side gate
of the Schoolhouse. Once in the woods, it's a good idea to SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.

Below is a map of the Woods area. Good luck! You need to find the following
locations in the following order:

1) Rustin Parr's house

2) Canes & Sticks

3) Coffin Rock

Once you've found Coffin Rock, Holiday will be ready to return to the Town. As
you're attempting to get back to town, and finding yourself going around and
around in circles, Holiday sees a WHITE OWL, Ne-Ahs-Jah. Follow the WHITE OWL.
Run along with the Owl, as it flies overhead. The Owl takes you to Ascaya
Gigagei, the Wise Indian. After talking with the Wise Indian, you learn that
will return to him after you have learned more about the Woods and surrounding
area. He gives you a magic necklace, that allows you to see things in the Woods
that you would NOT ordinarily be able to see. Exit his hut and head back down
the same path that brought you to his hut. Draw your Weapon of choice, and SAVE

Use your Map, or the map above, to find your way as best you can, back to the
main path that leads to Town. You will be confronted by wild dog-like
werewolves. Kill them all. Some of the creatures you see, you cannot destroy,
so just run past those. Several Stick Figures pop out at you. You CAN kill
those. When you do, be sure to pick up the glowing red "head" of the Stick
Figures and watch what happens. Eventually, after much running around and
following paths and ALMOST to town, you will be confronted by a Giant Scorpion.
Use DYNAMITE sticks to kill the Giant Scorpion, or almost ALL your bullets from
either gun/weapon! When you've killed the Giant Scorpion, the trees at the base
of the screen will "open up", revealing the path you need to take to return to

Go down the path, RUN if you want to hurry and get out of there! As you're
reaching the outskirts of Town, you will notice one of the Stick figures up in
the tree on the right. It wasn't there before! Must be new, or you couldn't
it without the amulet device from the Indian. Go on into town and begin Day 3.


You wake up in your Motel Room, and notice that you need more weapons/ammo
going back into the Forest. As you approach your Motel door, the Deputy knocks
and you let him in. He hands over the Police Report on the child killings. He
also gives you a Stick Figure from Parr's cell. Go through the Police Report
before leaving your Motel room. Go speak to the InnKeeper if you haven't
done so about sending a telegram to Spookhouse.

In HARD PUZZLE MODE: Solve the chemical analysis of the metals in your Motel
Room. Use the eye dropper and use Test Tubes: 6, 1, and 4 on the metals. Then
visit the General Store for Paint Stripper. Saturate the Twana with Paint

Visit the Church and speak with Pastor Ascot (Schoolmarm's husband). Enter the
Schoolyard and speak with the Little Girl, Mary Brown, sitting on the ground by
the swings. She appears to be talking with someone, but who? After talking
her, you realize that she is missing some sort of pet.....Mister Brownie. You
make a note to return it to her if you find it.

Leave the Schoolyard and head for the Burkittsville Historical Society Library
and speak with Mr. Peter Durant, the Historian. He provides you with a book
information you jot down in your personal notebook. Return the book to Mr.
Durant. After returning the book to him, use your "action" key on him and he
will provide you with a book on Native American Folklore. After jotting down
more notes in your notebook, return the book to him once again. Use the
key once again, and he will give you a little information on Robin Weaver.
There's a note in your "To Do" list to find and interview Robin Weaver. That
comes later.

Leave the Library and head back to your Motel. Go to the Innkeeper's Office and
inquire about your parcel. When you discover that it hasn't arrived yet, exit
the Office. As you exit the Motel Office, Justine appears in her car and hands
over the weapons and medical supplies you'd requested. Enter your Motel room.
It's time to analyze those recordings of Mary Brown's conversation and the
you recorded in the Forest/Woods. Below are the settings you should use in
to correctly "analyze" the recordings:

4 2 5 PITCH = 2nd "slot" from the left


An automatic sequence occurs where Holiday indicates that there were definitely
voices in the schoolyard.

2 5 3 PITCH = directly in the middle


Holiday hears her OWN voice saying: "Stranger, where are you? I need you


Now get your gear from your suitcase (all of it, you'll need it!). Leave your
Motel Room and head for the Woods. As you exit your Motel Room, you meet up the
the Sheriff outside. He tells you that he's watching you! As you enter the
Schoolyard, Suzanne Ascot, the Schoolmarm exits the schoolhouse and tells you
about the arrest of Kohl at the General Store. Leave the Schoolyard and go down
past the Historical Society Library. Speak to everyone standing around the
General Merchant's store, and then the Deputy standing at the door. Now it's
time to head for the Forest by side the Schoolyar. Use your Map (very often!),
Sensor Device, Compass, and draw the weapon of your choice!


Enter the Forest, SAVE YOUR GAME. Don't bother visiting Asgaya yet, as he's not
home. Run and shoot your way through MadDogs, Zombies and Stick Figures. Be
sure that after killing a Stick Figure, you touch the glowing Red Heart on the
ground when the Stick Figure "falls apart." This prevents the Stick Figure
from "regenerating" and frees the soul/spirit of the Entity. Your objective
far in the Forest is to go all over the Forest, and uncover unseen locations
your previous visit in Day 2. When you have done that, go and visit Asgaya. He
will explain things to you. When you've visited Asgaya, exit his hut.

Leave Asgaya's hut and make your way to the thin pathway that leads to the
backside of Parr's House. Standing and facing the thin pathway (see map above
and the "x" marking the spot), put away your flashlight and/or any weapons you
might be carrying. Scroll through your Inventory ("[" or "]") and select PARRS
TWANA. Watch the cutscene and then begin your new "direction" by walking
towards Parr's House. You'll discover the house BEFORE it was burned to the
ground. You've just entered a new Portal. Get the page from Parr's Diary on
floor by the stairs leading down to the basement in Parr's House. Get the 2nd
page to the Diary from the FirePlace on the main floor. Turn around from the
Fireplace and get the bullets on the floor of the Bookshelf. Exit this room
through the opening on your left and go up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Enter
the room on the right, get the First Aid Kit and the 40 bullets from the box on
the floor. Go through and into the adjoining room. Exit to the hallway, turn
left and enter the Bathroom at the end of the hallway. Get the 3rd page of the
Diary on the floor in the Bathroom. Look out the window and watch the ghostly
children running and playing outside. Eerie, huh?

Now go up to the 3rd Floor. Walk to the end, turn left and get the 4th page of
the Diary. Walk towards the drawings on the wall and Holiday will get a REAL
TWANA. Go down to the Basement. Watch and then pick up the sketch left by
Kyle. Use the "ESC" key to exit the close up of the Sketch. Turn your Sensor
Proximity device ON and exit the basement. Leave the house and SAVE YOUR GAME.

Use the "Sketch" in your Inventory and find the old map you used before. Also
use your COMPASS to find your way to Coffin Rock. Move towards the water and
you'll find and pick up the lost Teddy Bear that belongs to Mary Brown (the girl
in the Schoolyard). Return now to the Portal (thin pathway leading to the
rearside of Parr's House) and use the REAL TWANA. Be sure that you've turned
your flashlight and put away any weapon you may have drawn! After returning to
the REAL WORLD, leave this area and make your way towards Asgaya's hut. Before
you reach this area, you will be confronted by a huge Stick Figure. There's no
way out. As the Stick Figure approaches you and moves away from the main area
where it "rests", kick the Stones around the central area where the Giant Stick
Figure sits. This causes the Stick Figure to fall apart. After you've
the Stick Figure, Jonathan Prye talks to you. He's the Witch Hunter from 100
years past. He tells you he left a Journal at Coffin Rock. Before going to
Coffin Rock to get the Journal, return to Asgaya. Follow the WHITE OWL to
Asgaya. Asgaya tells you that the little boy is possessed by a Demon. In
addition, he tells you that there are "bigger things" at work. Asgaya tells you
to find out the Big Kahuna Demon's name. Get the ammo from the two suitcases
the First Aid Kit from the table (it looks like a green herb) before you leave.

Fight or run or both past the MadDogs and Specteres on your way to Coffin Rock.
A small child ghost will follow you for a while. When you make it to Coffin
Rock, you'll see a cutscene for finding the Journal. Look at it carefully in
your Inventory. Return to Asgaya (getting pretty use to the Woods by now, huh?)
Now continue your journey to Asgayas. Be sure to use your Compass, and weapons
to make it to Asgaya's. When you've listened to Asgaya explain about the
Othegwenhda and Hec-aitomix and the sacrifice. The Teddy Bear, you realize,
belongs to Mary Brown, thus making her the next victim of the boy possessed. To
find the Bleeding Boy, you can take him to Coffin Rock and use him as a
distraction for the Demon. Leading the Demon to Coffin Rock will allow you the
opportunity to "trick" the Demon into another 1000 year path.

Leave Asgaya's, load up on your favorite weapon, and COMPASS and RUN to town,
shooting and killing everything you can that stands between you and the TOWN you
haven't seen in what appears to be ages! lol When you reach the outskirts of


Visit the Schoolhouse and speak to the Schoolmarm. Learn about the Newspaper
building being burnt down and Horace Gersten's disappearance. The Schoolmamrm
tells you that she had seen Mary Brown playing in the schoolyard earlier in the
day with Kyle, but that they had gone. Mary was probably at the Church praying
with Pastor Ascot. As soon as you exit the Schoolyard, an automatic sequence
occurs, and Holiday ends up standing in front of the Church. Enter the Church
and walk up to the Altar. A short conversation will transpire between the
Pastor, Mary and Doc Holiday. You find out that Kyle is in the back room. RUN
off the Altar and through the back door. RUN after KYLE, and RUN FAST. Catch
to him in the Street. Do NOT allow him to make it to the Sheriff's Office or
you'll be arrested for attempted kidnapping! When you catch up to him in the
Street, you "free" him from the Devil's hold. Kyle tells you some interesting
news about the Pastor, the Newspaper Editor, etc. After learning this news, you
see the Pastor exit the rear of the Church with Mary in tow. SAVE YOUR GAME
HERE, Quickly!

Turn and run BACK to the Main Street. Turn and run PAST the TownHall and turn
right; between the Schoolyard and the TownHall. Meet up with the Pastor and
Mary. He'll drop the Shovel he's carrying (what's he planning with that little
item?). Pick up the Shovel and use your DRAW key. Chase after the Pastor and
Mary as they head for the Schoolyard fence that leads to the Woods. Draw the
shovel as you're running after him. Hit the Pastor over the head with the
BEFORE he reaches the Schoolyard gate. Mary will speak with you after you've
knocked out the Pastor. She gives you 3 great clues and then tells you some bad
news! You're NEXT to be killed. The demon knows your name! OH NO! Soon the
Sheriff and Mrs. Ascot come and demand to know what has happened. The Pastor
will wake up and a group of Demon Specteres are let loose. RUN into the Forest.
As soon as you make your way further into the Woods, you suddently realize
surrounded by decapitated heads! Yes, that's right. Decapitated heads. As you
try to escape, you're hit by lightning (what else could happen?), and the heads
disappear. An Old Woman appears. Could this be Robin Weaver? Let's find out!
Follow the Old Woman to her House in the Forest. After following Robin Weaver
her house, enter the house through the front door. Walk over to her and talk to
her several times before she responds. She tells you to get the page off the
wall. Turn and walk towards the Front Door. Look at the wall on the right side
standing inside the house. Get that page....then get the Twana she gives you
with the page. Leave her house.

Return to Town. As you enter the Schoolyard, you're met up by the Sheriff, the
Pastor, Mary and Mrs. Ascot. Stranger appears and saves your Hide! lol You
Stranger will automatically head back into the Forest, while you recount the
things you've done and seen from the past few days! When Stranger "disappears",
make your way to Asgaya's shooting and killing as many monsters as you can! You
can also RUN your tail off if you want, but you'll be faced with the same
monsters when you return! Talk quickly to Asgaya and then leave and head for
Thin Pathway leading to Parr's House. Use your COMPASS and MAP often to find
your way as quickly as possible. Standing outside the Thin pathway, looking at
it, use the Weaver Twana. Then watch. Use your Bleeding Boy Twana and the trap
has been set.

How SAVE YOUR GAME! Turn and head for Coffin Rock. Again, you'll be shooting
monsters, MadDogs, etc. on your way. As soon as you reach the "outskirts" of
Coffin Rock, SAVE YOUR GAME again. Now move to the boys body in the center of
Coffin Rock. As soon as Stranger appears, shoots the Demon, take the boy and
like you've Never run before. Run to the Thin Pathway leading to Parr's house.
If the Dark Cloud (Demon) reaches you before you can figure out which way to
and go, you're dead. Game Over. Keep trying over and over and over and over
again, until you succeed in reaching that spot where the Trap has been set. If
you FOLLOW STRANGER as he leads the way, you'll get there faster, and SAFER..
The Ending scene occurs when the Boy is rescued and safe within the Twana's.