Blaze and Blade: Eternal Quest чит-файл №1

Blaze & Blade
~Eternal Quest~
The FAQ/Walkthrough
By Robert Aldeguer
On, I go by tsunamix
Date last updated:

2-19 – I finally got time to work on the walkthrough…, which is now officially
complete!!! Well, to beat the game it's complete, but the item list and
location of spells is still wayyy off. I will have an easier time working on
those. The table of contents and other sections will be completed later.

1-29 – My plan has backfired again. Shoot! I have finished off a piece of the
palace of immortals (finally) so the next time I update, it WILL be complete,
but the item list will certainly be WAY off. Also, I have to add the other
bonus level (fire dragon,) techniques on how to beat him, and also techniques
that can be used to duplicate items and stuff. If you need any questions don't
hesitate to email me. Oh yeah, I beat up the red fire dragon with my rogue when
he was only level 168. I will describe how I did that another time, although
it's really not that hard, it just takes patience.

1-16 – My plan has backfired. Because of a game called subspace and my
painting, I was too caught up in things. For now is a small update. I'll do as
much as I can since I officially start school tomorrow.

1-14 – Finished the Old Palace. I couldn't update in a while because of an
outage at my ISP. I will finish another area tomorrow and update as soon as I

1-11 – I forgot the item list for the mine, so I just added it. I plan to
complete this guide before Tuesday, January 16. When I say this I mean the
guide only. The items are a different story. I've listed already all the items
I've found so far, but there are many many more.

1-09 – I should try to update more often. I just finished the second part of
the Wood of Ruins and the Abandoned Mine plus the Ancient Ruins. There WILL be
more later.

1-06 – Finished the rest of the Palace of the Immortals. I will continue more

1-04 – I couldn't play any games yesterday cuz I was so busy, so I did a little
today. I only added a part of the walkthrough to the Palace of the Immortals,
though, I will try to get that finished as soon as I can so I can work on the
other places.

1-02 – Here's the other update. I finished "The Old Palace" and I will continue
on to the Palace of the Immortals tomorrow. You may not hear from me in a
couple of days because the Palace of the Immortals is LLOOONNNGGG…so…give me

1-02 – Sorry I have not been updating in a while, you know, New Year's parties
and all. Well I just added a new section to the walkthrough. I plan on adding
more later today.
Happy New Year Everybody!!

12-30 - With the help of some nice people, I was able to find out
something about the hunter I never knew before (thanks plai). Also,
thanks to yulius, I know now that there are a few more secret spells to
be found and that the dwarf is not so useless after all. Well, I added
another part to the FAQ as I still continue to play through the
game...again. I decided on how to make an item list. Any items I find
during my game play, I will list them within the FAQ. I will also make
another separate item list for items from bonus levels (ex., mountain of
fire dragon) and items that I have no clue on where I have found them.

12-29 – For some reason, the part where I left off was not there, so
sorry about that. It stopped at the word "sorcerer" when I already
finished all the character descriptions. Oh well, maybe it was a

Sorry, no graphic art here. I have neither the art nor the talent for

This document is Copyright 2000 Robert Aldeguer. Unauthorized
reproduction for any reasons such as sale, magazine, or any other
profitable or non-profitable actions are strictly prohibited without my
consent. In other words, try asking me first and maybe I'll give an answer.

Blaze & Blade and any verses taken from the game or the box cover is
Copyright T & E Soft.

This is an FAQ in progress. Please give me time while I complete it,
since I have to go through the whole game again to write this.

To answer some questions that may be asked:

This is the PAL version of Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest. I have no
clue if maybe the Japanese version looks the same but with Japanese

I may not be able to describe all the items in the game since there are
so many. I will play through the game again and add items as I find
If you're using the PAL version, for some reason the game screen is
off center, so I cannot see the 3rd and 4th player's HP and MP. I have
no clue why it does this, but if this happens to you, the best advice I
can offer is to play it on a computer monitor. You can pick something
up at Toys R Us or some place like that to perform that task. Shouldn't
cost more than twenty bucks, if they still have it. It's called "Jam."

Contents (Will fix soon)

I. Story - What is Blaze & Blade?
II. Controls
III. Characters
IV. Character Classes
Creating the Character
Advantages and disadvantages of each character
Special abilities of each character
Suggested point distribution
V. Walkthrough, the beginning
The Inn (Headquarters)
How to start
The Wood of Ruins
Barrel Test (2-player puzzle)
Back to the Inn
Your choice on which way to go
The Abandoned Mine
2-Player test (raft & bridge)
Labyrinth of the Dead
2-player puzzle (after boss)
The Old Palace
2-player puzzle (2-4 players)
Palace of the Immortals
2-Player Puzzle (shortcut)
The Ancient Ruins
Knowledge about the Arcanes
Back to the Inn again
Learn where to get the other pieces of sage stone

VI. Walthrough, the halfway point

I - Story

(Taken from the back of the game box)
Foresia, the northern part of the Moveresisch continent, was once a
fruitful province, which was devastated by an outbreak of uncontrolled
magic. Since then, this area is only called the forbidden country.
According to rumors, wealth and magic monsters can still be found
in this country, therefore adventurers unite again and again and unite
special abilities with their swords and prepare for the unknown
quantities of monsters and to discover the secrets of Foresia.

What is Blaze & Blade?
Blaze and Blade is a real-time RPG that can support up to four
players. Although one person can beat the game alone, the real fun can
only be discovered through multi-player game play. The story is not too well
explained throughout the game, but not too hard to understand.
To play the game, you need 3 blocks available on your memory card for
each character. For four players, get a multi-tap.

II - Controls

Basic controls for the game

Up, Down, Left, Right - Move

Square - Attack

Circle - Jump

L1 and R1 - Rotate camera angle left and right. Only the group leader
can control the camera.

L2 and R2 - Moves the camera at a higher or lower angle.

L1 + R1 - Zoom out

L2 + R2 - Zoom in

L1 + L2 - Switches from manual camera control to automatic.

R1 + R2 - Gives a 5 second overview of the screen.

X - Special Ability (Check the Characters section on your character's

Triangle - Sub-Menu
Here in this menu you can use items, change weapons, armor, magic, and
choose the leader, who gets to control the camera angle. To use things
like potions, magical items, or upgrades to weapons, you must use them
in this sub-menu, not the main menu.

Start - Main Menu
In the menu, you can view Character stats, save the game, view a map of
the level, and choose the group leader. You can also choose a different
hair and clothes color by choosing from a made set of outfits. Press L1
or R1 if you wish to change between these features.

In the character stats screen, you can press x to look at a specific
item. Pick the garbage can and then an item if you want to throw
something away. You can also press right to equip different items,
choose magic spells, and choose a herb to equip (this option is only
available for the hunter.)

In the map screen, you mark important places with markers. Sometimes in the
walkthrough, I will say to mark a place. These markers come very handy. Just
go to the point that you want to mark and press x. Highlight the color marker
you want and press x again.

Select – Cast magic. When you choose a spell, you will see a set of
commands on the screen (for example, x, circle, square, square, square,
etc.) These commands allow you to cast a spell without having to choose
it in the main or sub menu. To cast, just hold select and perform the
given commands. The harder the spell, the harder the commands will be.

III - Character Classes

Creating the Character

Now, when you make your characters, you can name him/her whatever you
want and make him/her a male or female, whatever floats your boat. If
you don't have a name, a default one is there to assist you. Just
simply leave the name blank and pick END in the letter screen. Now, the
other stats are the ones that will count during the game.

Style of Speech:
You have a choice between eight different types of speech (the way your
character will talk.)

Normal Old
Impulsive Arbitrary
Polite Childlike
Cool Quiet

This will kinda affect your game, but not too much. Some types of
speech gives you good clues on what to do for puzzles, while others do
not give as much information at all. If you want to go neutral, pick
normal. I use quiet and I get good clues when I got stuck before.

Protective Element:
This stat will determine what element your character will be based on.
For example, if you choose water, you will have protection against
water-based attacks. You have eight choices to choose from.

Earth Light
Fire Darkness
Wind Holy
Water Evil

Bonus points:
These are points that are to be distributed between the different stats
of your character. This is totally random, so try to aim for a high
number. Around 30-35 is good, but if you get any higher, you're a very
lucky person. Press X to draw each card. You always start at a base
number of 15, then the cards add to it. Get three of the same number in
a row and you can draw even more numbers. If you got a number you do
not like or if it's too low, simply press circle and keep trying again.
My friend got 60 points for his elf. He is pretty strong now.

Point Distribution:
You must distribute your points between these 7 stats:

Strength - Attack power. Also increases HP

Intelligence - Increases efficiency of sorcery (Magic attack)

Willpower - Amount of resistance to magic.

Agility - Amount of defense against physical attacks

Constitution - Determines defense against status-changing ailments and
the rate a character heals.

Magical Power (POW) - Determines rate for recovery of magical energy

Luck - Important factor that determines many things (For example, when you get
hit, you may not take any damage at all)
Note: This is the most variable stat in the whole game. I'm not really sure on
how to keep it high, but my trick (which worked so far) is to avoid getting hit
as much as possible and to also not fall into pits or chasms.

Suggested ways for each character on how to distribute the points will
be listed below. After you're done with all this stuff, save the
character onto a memory card and begin the game or make another

Advantages and disadvantages of each character, plus suggested point
Remember, in this game, male and female don't make a difference, they
just look different.=P

The warrior is pretty much the grunt swordfighter of the game. As he
levels up, he will attain excellent strength, constitution, and decent

Special ability: He can block physical attacks with his shield.
Remember, he can only block physical attacks, not magic. If you try to
block magic, you might get messed up pretty badly.

Disadvantage: He can only fight and block, that's it. Also, his magic
defense is very weak.

Suggested point distribution: Do not increase his intelligence or Magic
Power since he won't be using any. Balance the points with the rest of
the stats, keeping in mind about his willpower.

The dwarf is pretty much like the fighter, except he is stout and wields
an axe and can open certain places. (For example, the well in the mine.)

Special ability: Same as warrior, except he can open certain areas in
the mine. There are a couple of hidden places in there, somewhere.
(Thanks yulius)

Disadvantage: I think he is the same as the warrior, but I am not sure
yet since I never really used a dwarf. If anyone knows, please E-mail
me and tell me so that I can change this later.

Suggested point distribution: Same as warrior…for now.

The priest is the healer of the group. He can heal everyone while they
battle it out with the monsters. Experience is also gained too when
healing magic is used.

Special ability: Healing magic. He starts out with a spell called
"Turn Undead" which does not cost any MP to use and is very useful later
in the game.

Disadvantage: The priest is not the kind of person you should use shall
you decide to venture alone. His physical attacks are extremely weak
and physical defense is low. The priest should be used primarily as a
back-up character to help out others.

Suggested point distribution: Increase his strength a little, but make
his intelligence and power high since he'll need it for the healing
magic, or, you can keep this character a balanced one, but it wont
really help to much. The choice is up to you.

The rogue is the fastest character in the game since he can run.
Although he only wields a knife, his strength is something not to be

Special ability: He can run, which makes lone venturing faster. Also,
if any doors are found that require the lock to be picked, the rogue can
open them.

Disadvantage: His strength is a little weak, but it's not much of a
bother. His magic defense is a little below good, but not as good as a
sorcerer or priest.

Suggested point distribution: Balance it out, but leave intelligence
and magic power alone. He won't be using that for the whole game.

The hunter has long range and can use herbs. Using his bow, he can
attack from a good distance without much risk of getting hit.

Special ability: He can use a wide variety of herbs, as listed below.
Lavender: Heals some life
Sage: Restores some MP
Ironsage: Neutralizes poison
Heavensage: Cures paralysis
Fennel: Cures petrifaction
Hyssop: Cures magic drain
Belladonna: Removes curses
In the Wood of Ruins, the hunter can also find hidden paths that lead to
treasure (Thanks plai.) Look carefully for these.

Note: If you run out of herbs, just talk to the little girl at anytime
near the entrance of the Inn and she'll give you some for free.

Disadvantage: Using that bow can be quite annoying since it is a little
difficult to aim with it. Otherwise, he's a good character to use.

Suggested point distribution: Keep it balanced since you will run into
some enchanted magic shooting bows later.

The sorcerer is the master of magic. Although physically he lacks
power, he makes up for it with extremely powerful spells.

Special ability: Magic.

Disadvantage: His physical strength is not too strong, but his magic
really makes up for it.

Suggested point distribution: Keep his intelligence and magic power
high. If you want, you can increase his agility more so he can defend
more attacks easier.

The fairy is the only one of the group that can fly. His attack power
is below average but he is able to cast special magic that can change
the status of friends as well as enemies. The powerful fairy wands
found later in the game will make up for his physical strength.

Special ability: Status-changing magic.

Disadvantage: None really, just that when you start out with him, he is
very weak. I suggest leveling him up higher than the others in order to
keep up.

Suggested point distribution: Whatever floats your boat. I don't
really use the fairy so I do not know his strong sides, except for his
below average attacks and status-changing magic.

The elf is the best all around character in the game. He can wield
powerful swords (elf swords) and cast powerful magic. Although he
cannot use magic as powerful as the sorcerer, he still is the best
character for anyone to use.

Special ability: Magic, plus he can open doors that have a magical seal
that require an elf.

Disadvantage: None. He's a real good character to use.

V – Walkthrough

Note: Because of the complexity of some levels, I will only describe
how to solve the puzzles, how to reach to a higher level, important
items, and descriptions about the boss, but I won't describe the exact
way on how to just sweep through the level. The whole point and fun of
the game is exploring!

Incase I forget to mention them…
During the game, you will see bright white circles on the ground during a level.
These are save points that can be used to save. Remember, if in the Traveler's
Inn, you do not have to look for a save point, just save.

The shining green spots are healing points. Just walk over them to regain HP
and MP.

I may forget to mention these points very often, so…sorry!

This is start of the game. After you load your character and begin your
game, you will start in the lobby of the Roadside Inn. Now, the little
girl in the lobby is the herb girl. Should the hunter run out of herbs,
talk to her and she'll ask if you want a new supply of herbs (obviously,
say yes.) If you are facing west (the compass arrow on W), the door on
the right leads to the bar where you can talk to the bartender, patrons,
and adventurers who are on the same quest as yourself. While still in
the lobby, the stairs that go up lead to four different doors upstairs.
The first one is where the expert lives. He will identify any item you
find on your travels, since you do not know what it is at all until he
tells you, but you can equip or use an item even though you don't know
what it is or what it does.

The second door is your room. You can walk up to the chest and store a
number of items that you've found, but there is a limit on how much you
can store. The third room is where a knight and an Amazon live. Later
in the game, the knight will sell you things in exchange for fate coins.
The fourth door is locked and cannot be accessed until the near end of
the game.
If you try to walk out of the Inn through the giant doors, you will not
be allowed to. To continue outside, go to the bar and talk to the
bartender and the old man sitting down. One of them will tell you about
the Wood of Ruins, and this is where you have to go. On your way out,
there is a treasure chest near the secretary of the Inn. Go up to it
and take some healing pins. They only heal 25% of your health, but it's
nice to keep some backup potions handy (You're only allowed to take 2
from the chest.)

The Wood of Ruins

This is the first level of the game. The pathway is pretty much
straight through, so you won't need my help too much. Don't worry too
much about the enemies. They won't kill you…yet. Along the path, you
will be stopped because you will see a statue on top of a hill. Go to
that statue and push it off. Doing so will make the trip back a lot
easier. After that, just keep going.

Soon, you will run into a cabin near the lake. You cannot enter yet, so
continue on to the other path toward the woodcutter's cabin. On the
way, you will meet up with four little monsters in a cage. Once you
enter, a door will close and lock you in. Kill all the monsters and the
doors will open again. This will happen twice along the way. After you
get through them, continue and this will lead you to a new area
(following a loading screen.) If you want, you can go back and keep
fighting those guys because they carry many items, including the very
helpful life potion. To fight them all over again, just go into the new
area when you're done with the monsters, then go back.

There will be some challenging roads along the way, but they wont really
cause much of a problem. In the swamp, you have to take the north most
trail in order to continue since the other paths lead to a dead end and
a locked door.

Eventually, you will finally reach the woodcutter's cabin. When you get
inside, he's not in there. Open the green chest to get the "barrel test
daggers." I will describe this test later. Push the box toward the
corner where the green chest in the higher place is and climb up to get
the cellar key. Use the key on the giant door on the ground and enter.
Inside, you can open the green chests inside, where you will find the
key to the clearing and the other contents, which are random. The black
chests can be opened later after the boss fight and barrel test. Leave
the cabin and have the compass point west.

Barrel Test – This test requires two players!
Right when you're outside, go down and you will see a shiny object on
top of a tree. Nearby, you will see a small well. Have someone get
inside the well and face the tree while the other person tries stabbing
the correct hole in the well. When the correct one is used, the person
inside the well will spring high in the air. This person must try to
land on top of the tree to obtain the object. If the wrong hole is
used, the person inside the well will take some damage. The object you
receive will be the barrel test key, which opens one of the black chests
in the basement of the woodcutter's cabin. Now, go into the basement
and retrieve your prize.

Now the boss fight will come very soon. I suggest your level to be
around 20-25. Try leveling up near the woodcutter's cabin by fighting
all the bears, bees, and lizard men. When you're ready, look at the map
and go into the path you've never been through before, which leads to
the door to the clearing. When you get to a new area, you will find the
woodcutter wounded and leaning against a column. He will tell you about
the monster in the clearing that hurt him. He also says that he needs
the healing salve that the monster stole in order for him to heal.
Continue on and you will see that same marking on the ground earlier
where you pushed the statue out of the way (you will use this later.)
Now, when you reach the clearing, the door will close and you will have
to face the boss, which consists of two bears and a powerful owl-bear.
Do what you must to attack them while keeping yourself in good health at
the same time. First take out the bears then go for the owl-bear. When
the owl-bear stands on its two hind legs. Go away from it because it's
going to use a spell that temporarily decreases attack and/or defense
power. If you are alone in the game, attack carefully by first hitting
him up close then go right behind it. It won't cast the spell if you're
very close to him. When you're right behind him, hit him again and
he'll turn around. Hit him once more, then run right through him so he
can't hit you then hit him again. Repeat this wary process until he's

If you have teammates with you (and I mean other people, not just
characters following you around,) work together in killing the owl-bear,
for example, if you have a priest, have him heal everyone while they
fight. The priest WILL gain experience from just merely healing.

After the boss is dead, you will receive the healing salve and the key
to the other chest in the basement of the woodcutter's cabin. Now go
back to the woodcutter. You will see he is dead, so you put the healing
salve next to the body in good faith. Go back to the basement of the
cabin and open that chest. Inside, you will find a stone with little
holes notched in it. After receiving the stone, go back to the area
where the woodcutter's body lies. Go back to that marking on the floor
and you will start to see it glow. Enter it and you will be teleported
to another place.

After being teleported…
Hmm…this place looks familiar…remember the statue I asked you to push?
Now you're back here near the beginning. I told you to do this so you
can jump through the level easier on the way back. Now, just go back
toward the exit of the level. If you have trouble finding the exit,
just go toward the bridge after the portal. After that, head back to
the Inn.

Items found in the Wood of Ruins so far

Quick Boots - Increases Agility - Found in chest.
Mace Staff - Atk +9. A weapon for the priest
Broad Sword - Atk +12. A weapon for the Warrior
Life potion - The next level of potion you will encounter in game.
("mid" potion)
Leather Buckler - Df +13. This is armor for Rogues, hunters, and elves.
Fine Leather - Df +14. This is armor for warriors, dwarfs, rogues,
hunters, and elves.
Miracle powder – Resurrects dead members, but only up to 33% of the dead
character's life.
Rapier – atk +9. Weapon for the elf
Wyvernstooth rapier – atk +20. Another weapon for the elf
Chain mail shirt – Df. +18. Armor for the warrior and dwarf
Hunting Cap – For the hunter. I'm not sure what this does
Tarot Cards – Magical tarot cards. I don't know what this one does too

A long time ago, I found a weapon called the "Cat's Claw" from those
monsters in the cages. If you find it, give it to the rogue.

Back in the Inn
When you get back to the Inn, try going to the Expert first. (BTW,
there is a correction for the description of the inn up above.) You
will notice the expert is not there, but replaced with the expert's
brother. Get any of your unknown items identified and then go down to
the bar. You will also notice that the bartender is missing. If the
compass is still facing west, there are two doors to the right and left
of the bar. Enter inside and you will meet more people. Talk to the
expert and he will tell you that the weird stone you found is the sage
stone. After you're done talking, go talk to the bartender and he will
tell you about four places he knows of where you can find the pieces of
the sage stone.
The Abandoned Mine
The Old Palace
The Labyrinth of the dead
The Palace of the Immortals

There is another piece at the Wood of Ruins, but that cannot be attained
until the above four places are completed.

The choice is yours in which place to go, but I've decided to choose
going to the Abandoned Mine. Leave the Inn and choose your path.

The Abandoned mine
I chose this because the pathways in this place are also
straightforward. Head directly north to obtain a chest. It's easier
for a fairy, but anyone can get it. After that treasure, continue along
the other path (watch out for the falling rocks!) Just continue along
the path on the map and you'll reach the next area.

2nd under level
When you reach the well (note: the dwarf can open the well,) the path
to the north will not be lit, so you have to find a torch of some kind.
Turn right and head east and keep going in that direction until the
second turn south. In that second turn, you will find an empty flask.
Now, go back to that first turn south that you passed by earlier and
look for the pool of water. Jump in and you will automatically fill the
flask with water. Now go back to that second turn south and pass it by
going north instead. You will soon see a room with all this green gunk
around it. Enter and touch the wall and you will automatically put some
moss into the flask. Now you have your torch. Go back to the well and
head north. When you're there, explore as much as you want, then enter
the door on the other side of the chasm at the bottom of the hill to
reach the third under level.

What I notice about the place that was dark without the torch is that
there are still lights along the walls…if there are lights, then why was
it dark? Hmm…
3rd under level
Continue to explore for treasure, then go back onto the path. You will
reach a round, circular room where the next 2-player test is.

2-player test
This test is tricky and difficult. You will notice a switch next to a
bridge. You must hold square to keep the bridge down. The bridge also
does not even let you go to the other side. You will also notice a
bunch of stones you can hop on for fun, but this is part of the test.
Now, go to the dock, but do not touch the shimmering key yet. Have
someone ready to jump on the stones while the other will go after the
key. When you're ready, have one person get the key while the other
person starts hopping on the stones towards that switch that lowers the
bridge. The pier will break and the other person must get to the switch
and lower the bridge before the person on the raft falls down a
waterfall. If the bridge is down on time, the person on the raft should
immediately jump onto the bridge. Without falling, make it to the other
side of the room where the black treasure is located and claim your prize.
Don't worry about messing up, just exit and reenter the room to start
the test over.

Now, onto the path. You will reach a room with a bunch of conveyor
belts. Look at the map and you will see two pathways. The pathway you
want is the one on the right. Head for the right since the left path
will reach a dead end, but you will come back here…way later in the
game. Continue on the path to reach the next under level. (watch out
for snakes, they can poison!)

4th under level
In this level, you will see a bunch of moving platforms, follow my lead
to find the correct way to continue, or you can explore for a while if
you wish. When I say the direction, you take the next moving platform
from the island you just landed on.

From the door where you just entered this level:
South, south, climb the hill, then south again, east, then finally,
north. This should lead you to the pathway you can just follow and
you'll be on your way to some trams that are hooked up on a wire. Just
go with the flow and hop on to one, then you'll be at the entrance to
the next under level.

5th under level
Continue on the path until you reach a point on the map where you have
to choose which way to go. Going south will lead to another treasure
while going the other way will lead to the boss.

Boss: Baby Dragon
Recommended level: 50 or higher
This baby dragon is pretty simple. He shoots fire and hits you when
you're up close. Just treat him as you did with that owl-bear, except
this monster can shoot fire this time. If you got lucky and found the
invincibility potion earlier, then this dragon will be nothing. After
beating him, you will receive a piece of the sage stone.

After the fight is over, head to the elevator in this room and it will
take you back to the 1st under level. Ignore the other door since you
cannot go there until you get the stones from the three other places.
When you get back to the Inn, get your unknown items identified, store
any items you want to save, save your game, then finally go outside to
choose your next adventure (level.)

Items found so far in the abandoned mine
jewel rod - Atk. + 10. Weapon for fairy
gauntlets - Atk. +2 and Df. +2. Accessory for the warrior and the dwarf
silver rod - atk. +28. weapon for fairy
Skull rod - atk. +14. weapon for sorcerer
Fairy Perfume (invincible potion) - makes character invincible for a
certain amount of time
Leather helmet - df. +2. Accessory for warrior, dwarf, rogue, hunter,
and elf
Flail Staff – Atk. +13. Weapon for the priest
Round shield - df. +3. Shield for warrior and dwarf
Bronze medal - increases defense during attacks. Anyone can use it.
Silver Medal – Same as Bronze Medal
Thieves' cloak - Df. +12. Accessory/armor for the rogue
Cure potion - slowly restores status
Aqua shawl - accessory that can be worn by anyone. Protects against
water attacks.
Fire orb - Activates the "explosion" fire spell. another prize won from the
Silver Rod – Atk. +28 and Holy +12. Weapon for the fairy

Dragon Pendant - Atk. +16 and Df. +16. Anyone can use it.
(Can be won from baby dragon, if you're lucky.)

Like I said before, you can choose any level you want to go next, or you can
follow my lead.

The Labyrinth of the Dead
This should be the next place you should go to. Also, this is where the levels
start to get a lot more complicated, so most of the time, I will be describing
the path in order to get to the boss. If you want to explore treasures, feel
free to, then go back onto the path I describe.

When you enter this place, you will start in a giant hall. Up ahead a few steps
is a portal. Ignore that and just keep going north. A lot of the enemies here
are undead (actually, pretty much all them except a few.) This is a time where
the priest comes in handy since he has a spell that really hurts the undead.
The spell doesn't cost any magic points as well. (turn undead)

2-player puzzle (you will notice that this does not seem like a puzzle.)
Up the hallway from where you started, the first left will lead to the "puzzle."
(On your map, this will look like a little corridor that does not go to far. I
do not even have to explain this for you, since it is not that difficult figure
out. Trust me.

Continue north until you encounter a pillar surrounded by four locked doors.
Now we are going to go get the key for the doors. Go around the doors and head
north until you reach the bridge. Notice you cannot fully cross the bridge, but
later, you will. Look at your map and you will see six rectangular rooms on the
left side. You're going to want to head for the room that is farthest northwest
from the area where that pillar was since that's where you're going to find that
key. In other words, from the bridge, head west and keep going until you reach
a room with a green coffin.

In this room, zombies will pop out of the coffins (as well as a lot of the rooms
in this level.) All you really need to do is check the green coffin in this
room and you'll grab the key. After this, head back to that pillar surrounded
by four locked doors.

After you touch the pillar, you will hear a sound from the distance (as
described in the text.) Look at your map and you will see that the northeast
rectangular room connects to another room that extends farther north. Head
there to the northeast. When you get to the right door, You will see a sign
that says "storage room." Go in there.

Inside this storage room, you will find a treasure chest and a lever at the end.
Pull the lever and you'll hear another sound. Head back to that bridge you
couldn't cross earlier. Now that you can cross it, cross it! Head into the
room up ahead and you'll head down to the 2nd under level.

2nd under level
For some odd reason, it is very quiet here. As you walk around, no monsters
appear to attack you. Head north until you reach a door that will not open,
then look at your map. You will see a rectangular room surrounded by some path.
Head for that room. On the way there, you will see a sign that says "Altar
Room." This means you're going the right way.

There are some zombies in this room. Take them out, then take the crucifix out
of the altar. After you're done, head back to that door that wouldn't open.
Now, have the compass face north, then look at your map. To the right of your
position, you should see a large rectangular room with a smaller one right below
it. This is your next destination, so head there.

If you need directions to this room, no problem. Keep the compass facing north
then go left, then north, and then enter the next hallway. When you reach the
next hallway, keep going and take the first left, then continue until you see
the first door to the north. Enter that door. You'll know if you're in the
right place if you end up facing a flight of stairs and a few coffins after you
enter the door. Head left and then enter the next door you see. Continue
heading south, then you'll finally be in that large rectangular room.
(Sorry if these directions are a little confusing.) I have a hard time writing
this stuff.)

Now, to that smaller rectangular room. When you first enter the large room,
just climb the stairs and follow the path until you reach the door. Inside, you
will see an altar that looks just like the one you saw earlier. Go up to the
altar and put the crucifix in. You will hear a sound, then "shivers will start
to run up your spine" as you begin to hear the game music again. Exit the room
and head back to that door that would not open.

On you way there, you will notice that monsters appear now (gee, I wonder what
putting that crucifix on the altar did.) There is something else that did
happen. The door that would not open before can now be opened. Once you enter
the door, look at your map. Head for the room that is farthest north. Once
inside this room, look for the stairs and you will head for the 3rd under level

3rd under level
When you enter, go west, then north into the chapel room where you will see a
ghost and a healing spot. Use the healing spot if you have to, then talk to the
ghost. He will ask you to purify the underground water. He will give you a
key. Exit the room, then head west into the storage room. Inside, pull the
lever and grab whatever is inside the treasure chest if you want it. After
that, exit the room, then head for the second door (or passage) that leads

Continue north until you reach a room where a giant statue rests against the
wall. Check the statue and it will say that this is the way to the Underground
Crypt, but it's blocked off at the moment by the statue. No problem, just go
look at your map and you will see a room that is directly north. Exit the room
you are in now and head straight for this room.

On your way to that room, you will meet up with another ghost. Try going
through the door and you'll see that it's locked. Talk to the ghost and he'll
remove that statue that was in the way earlier. Head back to that room and you
won't be going to the 3rd under level of the underground crypt (because you're
already there) but the Holy Water Consecration Room.

Holy Water Consecration Room (place)
In this level, it's okay to walk on the water. Head west and onto the water.
When you get out of the water, head south then up a flight of stairs into a
room. In this room, you will see a platform right on top of a glowing red
crystal. Go to the platform and jump on top of it and all the enemies in the
room will be killed automatically. When you're done, exit out of here either
through the waterfall or the door, then head for the room that's to the west of
the room you were just in.

When you're in this room, you'll see the platform on top of the red crystal
again, plus a save point where you can save your game. Just jump onto the
platform, collect all the experience and money, save the game (if you want,)
then head to the next room, which is almost exactly to the northeast of your

In this room, repeat the process with the platform, then exit through the door
and head south. Keep going until you get up to a little river. Have the
compass face west and follow the river, but be careful when you have to jump.
Also, after you jump, keep going because the floor will collapse too.

In this room, just repeat the process again and you're done with this Holy Water
place. Just save (if you want,) then head out of here back to the 3rd under

Back to the 3rd under level
When you're back on this level, if you look on the map, head back to that chapel
and speak to the ghost. He will release the lock on that door in the far north
of this level. After he disappears, head toward that far north room and the
door will open. Inside this room is the stairs that lead to the 4th under
level, where what lies beneath is the boss.
(someone emailed me about this problem. If you're reading this, sorry!…and
here's the solution)

4th under level
As you enter, look at your map and you will see a large circular area. This is
where the boss is, so be ready for a fight. In the room you are in now, use the
save point, grab what's inside the treasure chest, then continue on to that room
where the boss is. Get ready for a tough boss!

He is a headless demon knight that is accompanied by his cronies, three red
skeletons. Go for the red skeletons first while avoiding Dulahan, since he can
also cast that spell that lowers your attack and/or defense. After his cronies
are gone, go for Dulahan up close so he won't cast that annoying spell (don't
worry, he doesn't have a shield.) After he's done for, you can head north for
more treasure, or you can go east to head back to the 1st under level. I have
no idea where south goes because it's locked.
Note: To go north, you need more than one player and a rogue!!

2-player puzzle
I have no need to explain this too much. When in the northern room, have
someone stand on the platform while the other person activates the switch
nearby. Once activated, the platform will rise up and go in a direct path. The
person on the platform should be ready to jump over any beams he/she comes
across while the person on the floor should follow closely behind. When the
person on the platform reaches the end, he/she should jump off toward the door
and enter. The person on the lower floor should just unplug his/her controller,
or if you have a dual shock controller, just press analog. After entering the
next room, just plug in the controller or press analog again to regain control.

When you get to the 1st under level, just exit, go back to the Inn, get the
items you found identified, and then choose another place you would like to go
to, or follow my lead…

Items found so far in Labyrinth of the Dead
Cure potion - slowly restores status
Knight Shield - df. +10. Shield for warriors or dwarfs
Fine scarf - df. +6. Anyone can use it
Claymore - atk. +30. Weapon for warrior
Robe of Sorcery - df. +24. Armor for the priest, sorcerer, and fairy
Bandit's Shield - df. +26. Armor for the Rogue, hunter, and elf
Bastard Sword – atk. +25. Weapon for the warrior
(I don't mean to swear! That's the real name for the sword! Honest!)
Flame Rod – atk. +34. Weapon for the fairy
Berserker Bones – Atk. +12. Makes you mad crazy!
Blood Sword – Atk. +20 and evil +10. Weapon for the warrior
Silver circlet –…
(I have no clue what this one does. In the game, it says, "Raises ones spirits
and repels demons"?)
Cross - +10 Holy. Protects against all magic

Back at the Inn
In the Inn, talk to the knight and he'll tell you about the Valley of the White
Silver. You can try going there now if you want, but I do not suggest it.
Also, go back to that room where you first learned about the Sage stone (the
room behind the bar.) While here, talk to the old man and he'll tell you about
the Ruins in the Lake. I HIGHLY suggest that you do not go there until you're
ready. You can go there to fight the enemies and level up a bit, but DO NOT
face the boss yet. Trust me on this one. Now, unless you've chosen a different
path, I'll continue on as I planned.
(Note: If your character is already around level 120 or higher, be my guest and
try those areas.)

The Old Palace
This is where the levels start to get a lot more complex, giving me a hard time
to write and also eating up my time, so pay close attention.

1st under level
Bringing and elf and a rogue here will save you about a half an hour and a lot
of trouble. Otherwise, follow me. The moment you enter this place, head north
and you will see a passage blocked by a barrier. Remember this location since
you will see another one, but this is the one you have to go to. Look at your
map and you will see a hexagonal room to the farthest north. Head for this

While in this room you will see two switches. Activate both of them and they
will open the windows of this level. On the way here, you may have seen a few
pillars of light. Also, south of this room leads to the other passage. This is
the one you will have to ignore for now. After activating the switches, go
around the whole level and place any pillar you can find in front of a window
while making sure that light is touching the pillar. You can tell which part
you have to move the pillars to when you see these rectangular white squares on
the floor. There are a total of 8 white pillars on this floor. Make sure you
get them all then go back to that blocked passage that I told you to remember.
Go inside and enter the portal to reach the 2nd under level.

Ignore the other blocked passage since there is a locked door after the portal.
Just go to the one I mentioned.

2nd floor (part 1)
Look at your map. You will see four rooms that are of similar shape to this:
/ \
You know, like the top of a hamburger bun. Sorry I can't make it as detailed.
I'm limited to just basic text.
Anyway, you'll identify these rooms easily since they are all along the edges of
the map. Mark the place where you are, then enter those four rooms starting in
this way:
1 3
You might want to save your game at the save point in this room before
continuing on.

Just follow the map and go to those rooms in the given order. In each of these
four rooms is a switch that you must flip. On the way in between the 3rd and
room, you may run into a door with a seal on it. This is the "shortcut" of the
game and is the door that leads to the center. If you brought the elf and
rogue, just go this way, grab any treasures, and keep going until you see a
portal, then enter it. If you took this shortcut, then you can skip the next
section. Otherwise, continue the pattern.

After the fourth switch, exit that room and go west toward the room where you
first started this level. Do not go all the way around again. When inside, you
will see another switch. Flip it to open the doors. You can save again if you
wish, then continue across the bridge. After crossing, continue along until you
see a door. Enter this door to continue to the next part, or keep going along
the path (going east instead of in the door) to reach the 2-player puzzle.

2-player puzzle
This puzzle is a lot easier with four people. You will see four pillars
creating a barrier around a treasure chest. If you have four people, have one
person to each pillar then all of you jump on top of them at the same time.
Right after everyone jumps on top of the treasure, have someone run in
immediately to grab the treasure. (Don't worry. You won't get caught in the
barrier. It'll disappear after you grab the treasure.) If you have only two or
three people, have two people start at one end and the other guy (3rd player)
ready to grab the treasure when the barrier is down. For an example, have them
like this:

----?x 0 0
() x?---- Other guy
----?x 0 0