Cruise for a Corpse чит-файл №2

Walkthrough by David Rudge

8:00am to 9:00am
Take the piece of paper, unfold it then read it (8:10). Go to the bar then
show the piece of paper to the Barman (8:20). Read the prayer book then take
the letter. Read the letter then go to Fabiani's cabin. Open his suitcase
(8:30). Go to the dining room and talk to Fabiani (8:40). Go to the smoking
lounge and talk to Tom (8:50). Go to the upper deck and talk to Suzanne (9:00)

9:00am to 10:00am
Go to outside Daphne's room then open the door and talk to Julio (9:10). Go to
the dining room and talk to Fabiani. Go to the smoking lounge. Take the paper
(9:20) then read it. Go to the bar and talk to Suzanne (9:30). Go to Tom's
cabin and talk to him (9:40). Go to your cabin and talk to Julio (9:50). Go to
the dining room and talk to Fabiani (10:00).

10:00am to 11:00am
Go to your cabin and pick up the key (10:10). Go to Niklos' office and unlock
the desk. Take the thankyou note (10:20) then read it. Open the jewel case.
Examine the clasp (10:30) then go to the dining room and open the drawer. Take
the invitations (10:40) then read them. Go to outside of Fabiani's cabin and
walk toward Rebecca's cabin to observe her with Tom on the upper deck (10:50).
Go to Hector's cabin and talk to him. Knock on Fabiani's door then go in and
talk to him (11:00).

11:00am to 12:00pm
Go to the laundry room and search the front basket. Open the necklace and
examine the picture (11:10). Go to the rear hall and talk to Dick (11:40). Go
to Suzanne's cabin and search both wardrobes. Search the cosmetic case. Take
the prescription (11:50). Try to talk to Suzanne then go to the bar. Take the
glass and the bottle (12:00).

12:00pm to 1:00pm
Go to the upper deck and try to talk to Suzanne. Serve Suzanne a drink (12:10)
then talk to her (12:20). Knock on Fabiani's door then go in and talk to him.
Go to your cabin then talk to Julio. Go to the smoking lounge and talk to Tom.
Go to Hector's cabin and talk to him. Go to the rear hall and talk to Dick
then go knock on Fabiani's door then go in and talk to him (12:30). Go to the
upper deck and talk to Suzanne then go and talk to Hector. Go to the rear hall
and talk to Dick then go to your room and talk to Julio. Go to outside of
Rebecca's cabin and look through the port-hole (12:40). Go to Daphne's room,
open her wardrobe and search the pile of laundry to find an envelope (12:50).
Go and talk to Rebecca. Go to the upper deck and talk to Rose (1:00).

1:00pm to 2:00pm
Go to the laundry room and search the pot to find a small key. Go to Hector's
cabin and search the room. Go to Niklos' office and talk to Hector. Go to the
dining room and talk to Fabiani. Go to Fabiani's cabin and search everything.
Open the wardrobe and take the pocket watch (1:10). Go to talk with Daphne in
her cabin (1:20). Talk to Julio (1:30) then go to the dining room and talk to
Fabiani. Go to the bar and talk to Suzanne. Now go and talk to the following
in this order: Dick, Hector, Daphne, Rebecca, Suzanne, Julio and finally
Fabiani (1:40). Then go talk to: Dick, Daphne, Rebecca, Julio and then Hector
(1:50). Go to the upper deck and search the bag to find the gun advert (2:00).

2:00pm to 3:00pm
Talk to Rose (2:10). Go to Tom's cabin and open the wardrobe. Search the
sheets to find a letter (2:20). Read the letter then examine the rest of the
cabin. Go to the upper deck to observe Suzanne fall overboard (2:50). After
the sequence has ended Suzanne will give you a letter to read (3:00).

3:00pm to 4:00pm
Go to Suzanne's cabin (3:10). Open the music box then examine it. Insert the
small key and block the ballerina. Turn the key and take the letter (3:30).
Read the sheet of paper then go to the bar (3:40) and watch Rebecca try to
kill Dick. Take the purse (3:50) and go to Daphne's room. Talk to Daphne

4:00pm to 5:00pm
Walk past Rebecca's room and she will call you in. Talk to her. Walk past
Daphne's room and she will call you in. Talk to her. Walk past Rose's cabin
and then she will ask you in. Talk to her. Finally walk past Fabiani's cabin
and then he will ask you to come in. Talk to him (4:10). Go talk to Dick
(4:20). Go to your cabin and take Hector's note (4:30). Go to Hector's cabin
(4:40). Go to outside of the kitchen then go in to the kitchen. Take the
can-opener then open the hatch to go down to the storage room. Take the
crowbar and use it on the plank. Take the reel of film then use the crowbar on
the lid of the second crate, remove a can then use the can-opener (4:50). Go
to the smoking lounge and pull out the projector, examine it then put the film
on it. Go to the engine room and take the screwdriver(5:00).

NOTE: Not sure if it was a bug in the game, but sometimes the screwdriver
wasn't there. If that happens, just walk around the ship until it does turn up
in the engine room (outside Hector's cabin).
5:00pm to 6:00pm
Go to the smoking lounge and use the screwdriver on the screws (located on the
projector). Press the switch then replace the hood. Operate the switch and
watch the film (5:10). Go to the rear hall and Daphne will give you a note
from Suzanne (5:20). Go to Suzanne's cabin and examine her body (5:30). Go to
the captain's cabin and look around then take the book (5:40). Go to Niklos'
office and examine the books. Use the book and arange the books to spell INCAL
(leave left-most slot blank) (5:50). SAVE THE GAME then enter the secret
passage. Fight the assassin (6:00).

6:00pm to 6:30pm
Examine the posters. Search the Mafioso (6:10) then take the puppet (6:20)
look around the room then go to the smoking lounge. Show the puppet to Daphne

Now you must point out the killer: KCOMHCS KCID alias HCTIVORTSO IRTIMID. The

Copyright й David Rudge 1999. All rights reserved.