Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas чит-файл №1

Battle tactics

When battling at sea, attack your opponentТs sails with Chain shot. (Without a
sail, the ship becomes less mobile.) Once the sails are tattered, switch to
Grapeshot and pound the deck. (This will slay most of the crew.) After a few
strikes, sail alongside the ship and issue the grapple order to begin
boarding. Build a large crew
Port at any seaward town and give the crew orders to take prisoners before
returning to the ship. Once they have come back, send them out again. (The
prisoners will be pressed into service and added amongst the ranks of the
sailors.) Repeat as often as necessary. Quick Marine Build Up

All you have to do is attack a port. When you do this, the number of marines
will either double or triple(try not to keep more than 300 or your food and
rum supply will be consumed quickly).