Diablo II чит-файл №6

Go to location 261h in your savegame file (d2s).

There you will find your EXPERIENCE, which takes up 4 bytes (00 00 00 00)
THen you will find the GOLD (00 00 00 00)
And Finally the Money in "bank" (00 00 00 00)

260h : 00 || 3A D9 03 00 || 07 00 00 00 || 0E 83 00 00 ||

Experience ; Gold ; Bank.


If you have 0 EXPERIENCE, Gold will be where the EXPERIENCE was.
If you have 0 BANK money, there will be other info ther.e
If you have 0 money, but in the bank, BANK Will be where GOLD is supposed to

Info provided by Terje Alexander Barth