Атлантида. Затерянный мир чит-файл №2

This is an almost complete solution of the amazing game "Atlantis" of Cryo.
There are not included the solutions of classic and very easy puzzles, which I
didn't know how to describe in words such as the most used jigsaw puzzles
which we meet at the game in three occasions. At the beginning the solution is
very detailed as I describe even the steps needed to move to a specific
location. As the game moves I assume that you already know where a location is
from the moment you've already been there.


You begin at the outer forecourt of Atlanti's City. Head right to the
soldiers. You can talk to them but it's not necessary. Get past and go up the
stairs. Go towards the soldiers that guard the entrance to the palace. Talk to
them (you have only one dialog option). The soldier asks you proofs. Take from
your inventory the sign of the companions (the only one you have at your
inventory right now) and click on the soldier. He will tell you where are the
companion's apartments. Go up the stairs, forward once, left and up the
stairs. At the balcony you can choose any destination you want (left or
right). You find a door. Go in. Agatha welcomes you.Wait until Lascoyt and
Meljanz come in and announce the queen's kidnapping. Creon is handling
investigations and asks that nobody interferes.

Lascoyt leaves but Meljanz stays. Meljanz asks you wine. Go near to him, click
on him and tell him no (the hand with the finger down). Meljanz is upset, but
Agatha send him out of the room. Go near Agatha and talk to her about the
queen. You decide that you must act despite Creon's orders. She asks you if
you accept to investigate. Click on her and answer yes. Go out of the room and
go to the outer forecourt the same way you came in. When you arrive at the
forecourt head straight towards the volcano. The scenery is changing cause you
leave town to the countryside. Keep moving until you come towards a crossroad
near the beach. Don't go straight towards the soldiers. Turn right and head to
a small boat. There you meet Actyon who is a fisherman. Talk to him. He
doesn't believe that you are a companion. Show him the symbol of the
Companions. He takes you to his hut so you can talk in private. He gives you
an earring. Ask him about everything. Now you have a slightly idea about what
might happen..

Leave and return to the palace. At the palace's courtyard the soldiers arrest
you cause you didn't obey at Creon's orders and lead you to him. Creon learned
about your actions from Meljanz. He tells you many things and finally asks you
if you found anything that will help the investigations. Click on him and say

Return to the Companion's apartments where is Agatha. When you get in she
talks to you and you tell her about Creon and the earring. She sends you for a
small investigation to find out what the earring symbolizes. Get out of the
room and go to the peristyle (don't go to the courtyard cause you will be
arrested). At the peristyle at the wall opposite to the one where are the
stairs leading to the Companion's apartments, you see two big wooden doors
which are guarded. Move towards the right guard but don't talk to him. When
you reach him turn right and at the corner turn left. You see Lascoyt. Go near
him and talk to him. Ask him about everything. Continue ask him until there is
nothing else to ask. Then show him the earring. He is astonished. He talks
about a conspiracy. Ask him again about the queen. He tells you that are some
faithful to the queen who want to resist at the Sa'at's priestess and ask you
if you want to join them. You accept and he gives you a jewelry which is
shaped like a sheep saying that is the key to a secret passage. He will
distract the guard so you can enter the palace. When you are ready to follow
him click on him. He leaves to distract the guard. Wait for a few seconds and
then follow him (that means to go to the corner and then turn right). You'll
watch Lascoyt talking to the guard. Move forwards and enter the door. When you
enter move immediately to the left (towards the other wooden door you see) so
the guard who is inside the palace will not notice you. When you hear guard's
steps (meaning that he moves away) move to the nearby room (not the one with
the closed door; the other one). Once you're in move immediately to the left.
You'll see steps. Go up quickly. You are in a room with a lion statue at the
center.Move forward a little and you'll see at the right a strange device
which contains earth, moon and the sun. It matches a description Lascoyt made
before. Move to the the device until you reach the opposite wall. Turn around.
You'll see the device's control panel. It has two crank which position the
location of earth,moon and sun. Having the cursor at the top of each crank,
you have to click 35 times at the right (moon and earth) and afterwards 37
clicks on the left (sun). Earth, moon and the sun must be on the same line.
You see lion's mouth open. Move towards the lion as close to his mouth as
possible. Take the sheep from your inventory and place it inside the mouth.
You see a secret crypt opening. Once you move inside the door closes. From
where you stand you see a wooden door which doesn't opens with a simple push.
Take the earring from your inventory and click it on the lock. The door opens.
You are inside a room which looks like a prison.There is a window with broken
guardrail. Move towards it and get outside. Once you reach ground move towards
the steps. Go up and walk as much as you can. As you walk up you notice that
there are two (locked) doors one double and one single. Later you are going to
need them both. Turn right move forward and turn again to the right. You see
steps leading to the first floor of a house. Go up. Move forwards pass the
door of the house turn left and walk forward once. Turn right so you can see
the opposite building and a flowerpot. Look down. Someone is waiting for you.
Take the flowerpot (it's in the inventory with the second click). Take it
again from your inventory and watch until the head of the man is exactly under
the flowerpot. Click and the flowerpot drops on his head. This is something
you may have to repeat it until you hit him.

Go down and into the slip-road where the unconscious man lies. next to his
body there is a knife. Take it. Turn around.Move forward and then left. Move
towards the big door where there is a painting of a chandelier and prepare
yourself cause what is going to happen demands quick moves otherwise you
busted it. Get in. Your "friend" Lascoyt greets you and invites you to join
him. Do not. Move close to him. If you like ask him. When Meljanz comes hurry
in the room starts talking to you. You learn that they don't like you, that
they are not funs of the queen and that Meljanz intends to kill you. Now you
must act quickly. Immediately turn left and move towards the wall. Quickly
turn left and go up the stairs. At the top turn left move forward once and
turn left again.You should now be able to see the rope that holds the
chandelier in position. Take the knife from your inventory and click on the
rope. You cut it and then you hold it. Move the cursor so it's above Meljanz
(you'll see when it's at the right position). Click and enjoy. You are outside
the room. You hear a voice. Follow that voice and head to the single wrought
iron gate we mentioned earlier. Go in. Agatha is here waiting for you.

Talk to her. Ask her until she tells you that she will gather some trusty and
you'll meet again. She leaves. Now you have to enter again into the palace.
You have to follow route A which I call that way cause you have to use it many
times during the game.


At the garden where you are standing you see a ladder. Move towards it. When
you are close, take it and put it in your inventory and turn around. Move to
the stone bench you see next to. Take the ladder from you inventory and put it
on the stone bench. Click at the ladder so you climb it. Put the ladder in you
inventory, turn right and move forward once. Turn left, take the ladder from
your inventory and place it on the ledge where is the window with the broken
guardrails. Move through the window. Move towards the wooden door and open it.
You are at the secret passage.


You hear soldiers voices next to the secret stone door where you came in the
last time. That means that you can leave from here. Near the stone door and
from the right and down you see a gad. Take it. Turn around so you can see the
wooden door. At the upper left corner there is a vaulting hole. Take the gad
from the inventory and click in the hole. You find out a little statuette
shaped as a mouse. Put it into your inventory and walk toward the painted
wall. There a little to the left from the cat's eyes you see a hole. Put the
mouse into the hole. You hear behind you a door opening. Turn around and enter
the door. Talk to the guy inside the room until he proposes you to play a
game. Click on him and answer yes. This game I named it "find the queen" and I
haven't find a specific solution. What you need to do is to draw away the
soldiers up and right and afterwards try to find the queen moving two blocks
each time.As soon as you win this game ask him again about Creon. He tells you
some things you can't understand but he opens a hatch beneath your legs and
you are transferred to the room with the dolphin. Walk to the center of the
room and enter the fountain so you can see the trident clearly (not from the
side you fall in the room but the opposite side). Take the trident and put it
into your inventory. Walk towards the wall where there is a plot inside a
triangular with a star at the top. Click on the star. A hatch opens at the
roof from the side of the wooden door. Go there and take the trident from your
inventory. Look up and click the trident at the hatch. You climb and watch
Creon talking to a high-priest named Gimbas. You learn that the queen is taken
to Carbonek. At the end of the discussion you climb down again. Walk to the
fountain and click the trident on the statue.Walk towards the wall with the
sketch and push once the star so the hatch closes (you can't leave if don't do
this actions). Head towards the wooden door open it and get in the room. This
is the same room where you was before enter the Lions room. Hold your position
and observe the next room until you see the guard go to the lions room. Then
enter the room walk forward and turn left heading the big hallway. Walk till
the end of the hall, turn left and go up the stairs. You into the library.
Some of the planks crackle. If you step three (3) times at one of them then
the guards inside the library will notice you. The right route is the
following (assuming that you've just enter the library and you can see some
papyruses). Turn right and walk towards the ladder you can see as far as you
can go (one crackle). Turn right and walk forward twice (you approach the
guards). Turn right and walk forward once (another crackle). Turn left and
walk forward once. Turn left and click on the library that is there.You throw
it on one of the soldiers and after the animation the game puts you in front
of an open window. Walk towards it and jump out. There you find Agatha with
one trusty called Carven. Walk to them. When you reach them Agatha asks you if
you found out anything. She introduces you Carven who leaves to watch the
entrance. Ask Agatha all three options. When you are finished Carven comes
running followed by a soldier and reclaims that you are traitors. That's some
kind of a friend!. When you take control of the game take the knife from your
inventory turn right and click it on the guard. After the sequence all are
dead and Agatha is dying (that's a pity). Click on her and she tells you about
her brother Hector who is a pilot and where you can find the entrance to the
tower where the flyers are located. Before she dies she tells you about her
bracelet. Take it and put in into your inventory.Now you must leave. Walk
towards the double wrought iron gate and get out to the street. Turn right,
forward and turn left. Get into the single wrought iron gate. From there walk
to the secret passage following "Route A". This time leave the secret passage
through the secret stone door. The soldiers are not there. Walk in front of
the stairs and go down once. When you hear guard's steps go all the way down
turn right walk into the right room turn right and head to the door leading to
the dolphin's room. You hear guard's steps approaching. Wait till he moves
away and get out to the peristyle from the wooden door at your right. Once
you're out walk forward once, turn right, forward, turn right and get into the
door (CD2). You are into a dark room in which you can see a mechanical
elevator. Get in and click on the handle. You go to the upper level where is a
passage leading to the flyers. Get out and walk to the exit. Follow the
passage to the end. Arriving at the tower go to the first flyer from the left.
Get in and walk to the sit. You fall asleep. Hector wakes you up who seems to
be angry. Talk to him about Agatha. He does not believe you. Take from your
inventory Agatha's bracelet and click it on him. He is still doubting but he
takes you to Carbone.


Arriving at Carbonek Hector asks to join you but you deny. Carbonek is a huge
area which is mapped rather difficult. I'll try to be as more specific as I
can. When I say right or left I don't mean that you have to move towards these
directions only to turn towards these directions. Forward means move forward
or almost forward. Beginning move forward, left, forward, left, forward,
forward, forward. You are facing a bridge. Left (don't pass the bridge),
forward. You are facing a puzzle in which you have to put together a snake.
The puzzle consists of six pieces. For a better understanding of the solution
I named the pieces as follows:


The "letters" begin from the head of the snake (A) clockwise. The letters
don't mean specific places but specific pieces. So C-right, A-down, C-right,
E-down, F-left, F-right.

A hatch opens. Get in. You reach a room that looks like a kitchen where you
can see a priestess. She ask you who you are. Talk to her about Companion's
symbol. She does not believe you. Show it to her. She accepts you. Turn right
and walk towards the crest. Turn left and click on the chest. Inside you find
a priestess uniform. Take it. You disguise to a priestess. Put the uniform
into your inventory. Talk to the priestess again. You learn that the queen is
somewhere near. Walk to the table. There is a bottle filled with ale. Take it
and put it into your inventory. Walk towards the guard. When you reach him
take the bottle from your inventory and click it on him. He lets you out so
you can give ale to the other soldiers. At the route when some soldier stops
you you must go and give him ale. Otherwise you busted it. Getting out of the
room you walk forward (towards the room you can see), turn left, forward
(soldier). Turn around, forward, left, forward, right, forward (soldier). Turn
around, forward, left, forward. You hear soldiers talking that the queen will
soon reveal the secret to the high priest Gimbas. Turn a little to the right
and you sneak Gimbas leaving pleased that the queen Rhea revealed him the
secret. Where you are standing there is a bat. Take it and put in the
inventory. Walk forward towards the soldier who is left guarding queen's cell.
He talk you and tells you to leave. Take the bat from your inventory and click
it on him. The guard topples. Walk forward once turn around and click on the
guard. You take him into queen's cell so the other soldiers don't see him
unconscious. The queen thinks of you as a priestess and asks you what you're
trying to do. Talk to her using the Companion's symbol. At the end of the
conversation turn left and click on the guard. You undress him and you wear
his uniform (the queen discovers that you're a man; how did she?). Turn right,
take the priestess's uniform from the inventory and click it on the queen.Rhea
accepts to wear priestess's uniform but you have to turn around. Do so and
don't try to sneak till she calls you cause you busted it. Talk to her again.
Ask all three questions. Then talk to her again. You tell her to take out the
royal mask cause they will recognize her. She accepts. Turn around and exit
the room. Return to the room where the priestess was the same way you reached
here. That means (once outside the cell) turn right, forward, left, forward,
forward, forward, left, forward, slightly to the left, forward (room), right,
forward, forward, forward. The soldier outside the room stops you. Talk to him
using soldier's icon. You go in. Turn right, forward, right, forward, forward
until you move in to the fireplace. You reach the underground cave. Turn
around, walk forward and dive into the water again. This time you get out to a
different place. Look up and click on the opening to get out. Now you must
reach Hector and the flyer. You begin having the hole behind you at the
ground. Turn left, forward, forward, forward, right, forward, right down,
forward, you reach the bridge, you pass it, forward, forward, forward, right,
forward. There Hector finds you and tells you that two soldiers found the
flyer and are guarding it. You must design a counterplot so that Hector and
the queen will manage to escape. Turn left so you can see the flyer and the
guards. You shout at them and they are after you. Now move as fast as you can.
Turn around, walk forward, forward, forward you reach at the rillet you pass
it, forward, turn to the rightmost passage, forward, forward, left, forward.
You hear a voice telling you to close you eyes and become dark. When the
soldiers pass and you hear again the voice click to open your eyes. Move
forward towards the rock. Keep going forward passing through the curtains.
There you find the old lady who saved you and know she wants you to pay back
depth. This room has two puzzles. The first one is with the bevel gears with
which you'll make the chicken to generate four eggs that the old lady wants.
The bevel gears are seven spread at the floor as described:

The puzzle already has to bevel gears which you can't move. The diagram has to
be as followed:

Now when you're finished with the construction you must pull the right
latchet of the bevel gear and not the left one. You must pull it four times
one for each egg. When you complete all four eggs the old lady will put you
another puzzle with snakes. This one is solved with the same way no matter
where the eggs will be placed. Suppose you place them as follows:

Clicking in front of the snake's head you must lead them to the matching eggs.
The solution is as follows:

When you solve this puzzle the unsatisfied old lady tells you to go find
something that is high to wash it so that the "White" shows up and more things
you can't understand and she hands you a leather bag. So you just search.
First walk to the passage you followed getting the queen to the flyer. What
you are looking for is an bow and some arrows which are spread at that road.
From where you're standing the most easy to remember way is to follow the
opposite course from the one you followed when the soldiers pursued you, reach
the flyer and take the route you followed at the very beginning until you
reach at the bridge. This time you cross the bridge turn left and walk
forward. The bow with the arrows must be there. Take them and put them into
your inventory. Now you must wash them according to the old lady's
instructions. Cross the bridge once again and walk forward, left, forward,
forward. Pass the rillet and turn around. Take the bow from your inventory
look down and click the bow in the water (the exact location will be easy to
spot). Now pass the rillet again and walk forward, forward, right, forward you
reach again the bridge cross it, forward. Stay the way the game leaves after
your last move. Take the bow from your inventory. You'll see a real bow in
front of you. Wait till you hear something moving behind you. Immediately turn
around. You will see a white wild boar to run at a direction vertical to the
road ahead of you. Aim it and kill it. Maybe you have to try many times
(waiting-aiming-shooting) until you manage it (you don't have to load a game
since the wild boar reappears). To kill it the head of the arrow must "touch"
the body of the wild boar when you click. When you kill it walk towards it.
The wild boar is n the agony of death. Take the bracelet in his nose. The
animal disappears. It leaves some blood. Take the leather bag from your
inventory and click on the blood. Put the filled bag in your inventory again.
Go to the old lady (from where you're standing walk forward, a little to the
left, forward, forward, left, forward). After the discussion with the old lady
keep asking her even if there is nothing else to ask until she puts you to
bed. You will have a dream about what happened at the goddess's temple. The
Force is liberated. You wake and except the old lady you see a
priestess-pilot. The old lady arranges so the priestess returns to Atlantis.
Before leaving you can ask her again. Ask her about everything until she
handles you a bottle with a strange powder. Get out. The priestess stops you.
Talk to her and ask her about everything. You return to Atlantis.


You land near fisherman's house who welcomes you. Go to the hut and get in.
Ask him about everything. You learn that the queen and Hector never arrived
there. When there are no more questions to ask click on Actyon again. He will
put you to bed. The next morning, after a brief discussion with Actyon, head
for the palace. From the guards at the courtyard you pass without any problem
but not from the ones at the palace's courtyard.

Therefore when you are up the stairs move right and up the stairs. You will
find yourself at the "area" you know very well. Walk towards the single
wrought iron gate get in and go to the secret crypt following "Route A". Use
the gad to retrieve the mouse statuette and as before use the statuette at the
hole on the painted wall and get in the room. Ask him about everything and
mainly for the "Tree of the First" that the old lady mentioned you. He wants
you to play another game. Answer him yes. The game is rather easy but needs
good timing. The mouse that comes out at the left corner must hit the bell
that is below. First of all there are nine levers in the game. Let's number

There is also a lever below "9" which is used to start the game. This is the
one we use first so the mouse shows up at the upper left corner. You press
lever "1" and then you press and keep pressing lever number "2". When the
mouse freezes you press lever number "3" and then you keep pressing number "4"
until the mouse gets in the tube. Press lever "7" so that the time of belt to
be to the outer side. Press and keep down lever number "9". At the right side
of the game there is an object a rotating passage. Release lever "9" when the
passage has the following shape:

/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /

So that the head of the rotating arrow heads to the right.

At the route the mouse will follow it will enter a hole. You must be ready to
press handle number "5" as soon the mouse shows up at the left hole. So the
mouse is heading to the "boot". Here is the most tricky part of the game. To
win the game the "boot" must kick the mouse, which is very difficult in
timing. Anyway you have the cursor ready at lever number 6 and when the mouse
reach the height of the utterance (it seems like a gold spot) press him. You
may need several tries. The "gold spot" is the best thing I could imagine as a
point for reference.

When you win the game after a short discussion you end again at a hatch
holding a blue globe this time. At the wall behind you there is a hole. Put
the globe into the hole. A combination of colors and planets will reveal.

Write it down cause you're going to need it.

Move to the passage, go up the stairs and open the door. Meljanz and a guard
are here ready to kill you. Turn left and take the fictile ewer (If you don't
want to put it in the inventory click to take it and right click to hold it).
Turn right and click the ewer on the guard. He will leave the weapon to catch
the ewer. Meljanz is still there. The cursor becomes an arrow meaning that you
can walk. Walk towards him. You'll pass under his legs! While Meljanz speaks
some not very nice words, turn right and enter the door. You are into the
throne's hall. Immediately turn around take the spear that lies next to the
door and click it on the door so you can secure it for a while. Turn around
and move towards the throne. What you are seeking is behind the throne. Here
you need the colors and the planets you saw previously. For those who don't
remember the solution to this puzzle is (clicking on the appropriate handles):

Red lever to the upper left corner: three clicks (star)
Blue lever at the upper right corner: four clicks (star)
Yellow lever to the lower right corner: seven clicks (Sun)
Green lever to the lower left corner: six clicks (Moon)

The throne is moving revealing a hatch. Get in. You are into a cluster of
underground galleries. Two of them are at the right of you and one at your
left. Begin from the one to your left. Walk until you reach a turnstile
ladder. Go up. You reach a room at the center of which is a puzzle. Actually
there are four puzzles but for the moment you can solve only the one of them
as you're missing parts for the others.

The first you'll solve is the one that seems like a geometrical trapezium. For
the moment you have on your disposal only four pieces: a big triangle, a
middle-sized triangle and two small triangles. The following is the solution
to this puzzle.

When you complete the first puzzle a statue shows up. Move close to it. Search
it well. Near to its tail you can find another piece for the next puzzle. Take
it and click it on the puzzle.

The second puzzle is the one that seems like two triangles the one above the
other. Here is the solution to this one:

When you finish that one another statue appears. You can find another piece
near it's right elbow. Click it on the puzzle and move on.

The puzzle that you have to solve this time looks like a little house. Here is
the solution to this one:

Solving this puzzle another statue appears that holds the last piece near it's
chaps. Take it and once again click it on the puzzle.

The last one is the big triangle. The solution is as follows:

When at last you're through the puzzles, another statue appears that has not a
hidden piece but a hidden lever at his head. When you click on the lever the
tongue of the statue comes out and a hatch opens. Grab from the tongue so you
can get out.

You in front of a ladder. Go up until the program stops you. Turn right, get
out, turn right and walk as far as you can go. At the wall you find a trident.
Take it. Turn around and walk until you find another ladder. Go up. You reach
the Tree of the First! Walk around the tree as far the program allows you.
Turn left and look at the ground. You find a different colored area. Take the
trident from your inventory and click it on this area. You get a crystal ball.
Return to the room with the statues. Trying to get out of the room the light
illuminates the crystal ball and the old lady shows up telling you some thins
among them the next place you must go. You move down the corridor and walk
till the end of it. From the two corridors ahead of you move to the left one.
Walk as far as you can go.

At the wall you find there is a puzzle. Take from your inventory the trident
and click it on the puzzle. The purpose of this one is to make the form of a

A classic one.

Once you are finished you get out through a secret door. Walk towards Actyon's
hut. Get in. Actyon welcomes you. Ask him about everything. When the
discussion comes to flyers he will tell you about his daughter who is a pilot
and gives you her mother's crystal. Return to the palace. To get in use the
secret door from where you came out going to Actyon. There is an identical

Walk in to the corridor and walk till its exit. Now enter the right corridor.
Walk to the end and solve the puzzle that is there (don't forget the trident)

Another secret door opens and you find yourself at the passage leading to the
library. Don't move towards the library but to the opposite direction. When
you reach the room turn right, forward and once again right and up the stairs
so you reach the room with the lion. Here you to solve once again the puzzle
with the earth, the sun and the moon to "feed" the lion with the jewelry with
sheep shape so the secret passage reveals. (As I said before you click 35
times the right handle and 37 the left one). As soon as you find yourself into
the passage open again the wooden door with the use of the earring, enter the
cell, move to the window with the broken guardrail and jump outside.

You have to find the house where the priestesses are enclosed. Asking a women
at your way you'll learn that it's the first next to the stairs. From the
tavern twice forward and once right. That's house door has a very different

Go inside. The high-priestess welcomes you who is a fanatic supporter of Creon
and her purpose is to initiate the rest priestesses at Sa'at's worship. Ask
her about herself and then ask her about Anna. Soon she will call her. When
Anna shows talk to her. Turn around and leave the room (you take with you
Anna). But outside the room Anna kicks you and runs away. Where did she go?
Unfortunately she could not choose a worst for you place to go. She went
inside the tavern so you understand where you have to go.Well from the
beginning. This time there is no need of knifes and chandeliers. Just a little
talk. Walk to the tavern door and enter. Garcelos welcomes you. Walk forward
to Servage the party's fool. Talk only to him. A combination choices that
really works is to speak to him using the icons of Creon, queen's and Servage.
This way Servage tells you where the girl is and that he will cover you. Go up
the stairs and enter the door. You are in a passage with two doors at your
right, two at your left and one behind you (the one you used to come in). Anna
is at the left door (the second one). Move forwards. Right now something
happens and Lascoyt is ready to get out to see what's going on. Leave the
passage. There is Servage. He tells you that he hit Garcelos and he offers to
come with you into the room cause the other two (Lascyot and Meljanz) believe
that you are a traitor. Click on him and answer yes. Get into the room where
Anna is held.

Meljanz greets you. Click on Anna and ask using Anna's icon. Then talk to
Servage with the icons Creon, Creon, Servage. To be safe before leaving
Servage must tells you that he will take care things. You go outside with
Anna. When you take control of the game you are already at the garden rear the
single wrought iron gate. Talk to Anna about the flyer. Show her the symbol of
the Companions and the the crystal her father gave you. She accepts to follow
you. Follow "Route A" and arrive at the secret passage. Enter the room with
the lion through the secret stone door and go down the stairs. Turn right and
walk forward until the door that leads to the peristyle. From here (the known
way) you go to the room where is the mechanical elevator. (CD3). You enter
with Anna into the peristyle the elevator and go up.

Because there are guards at the passage's door Anna denies to come out and
sends you. (If you like you can make a walk by yourself). Go to the opposite
corner of the elevator's room. There, at the floor you find a sack. Take it
and put it into your inventory. Click the sack on Anna. She first denies and
then asks you if you're sure that you want her in. Click on her and answer
yes. Take the sack and put it into your inventory. Walk towards the exit. The
guard stops you. Talk to him and you pursued him. Walk to the flyer's tower.
Once again walk to the first flyer from the left. Get in and walk to the seat.
Turn around. Anna is getting out from the sack and takes control. Finally you
take off with destination to the Arctic.


You arrive at the Arctic and land at a beach near to a village. Get out and
move towards it. When you arrive at the huts you hear foreign voices. Turn
right. Here are the Eskimos. You can't understand what they are talking about.
Talk to them with the Eskimo's icon. Next take the symbol of the Companions
from your inventory and click it on them. They seam more friendly. They take
you at the grand hut and show you their history but Anna does something bad
and you are unconscious. You wake inside an igloo. You try to get outside but
there guards at the door. Take the knife from your inventory and cut the rope
that expands the painting. Click the rope you cut on the piece of wood that
lies at your left.

Use the combination of branch - rope at the hole on the roof of the igloo. You
get outside. Leave from the rear of the hut and head towards the big lighted
igloo. Get in and move towards the two statuettes. At the right one there are
some pieces of a puzzle. Take them and go at the Igloo Anna showed at the
painting. Once leaving the lighted igloo turn left. The igloo you are
searching is at the upper left corner. Go inside. You see a puzzle from which
the pieces are missing. Surprise! Take the pieces from your inventory and
place them on the ground. You have to place three of these pieces so that they
form a star. As a guide you can use piece with the moon. You have to turn it
so the moons on the ground and the moons on the piece matching. Don't be
disappointed fast. It's a hard puzzle. They are only three pieces but each one
has to be placed exactly at the right place so that the shape (moon, sun,
star) to concur and in the same time none of the piece's corner to be outside
the circle in which is the puzzle.

When you manage it the hatch opens and you enter the igloo.

First you follow the right passage and walk till you can see what's going on
inside the sanctuary next to the door. When the sequence ends, turn around and
run all the way around till you reach the other door. The Eskimos noticed you
and they are after you all of them. Once you're in the room of the sanctuary
(where you see Anna tied) turn immediately around and click on the door so you
close it. Turn around again and move forward once towards the statue at the
middle. Click on the mask the statue wears. You wear it and you present
yourself at the Eskimos as a God so they leave you at your privacy for a

Move towards the table where Anna is imprisoned. Take the knife from your
inventory and click on the ropes. You free her. Talk to her and choose the
third option. You ask her to look at the crystal at the statue's eye. She
tells you that indeed there is a crystal but it's deactivated. Once again talk
to her choosing the third option. She will energize the statue's crystal using
her own crystal. Now you must act quickly. You must quickly reach the points
she mentions and click on them before their image is deleted from the crystal.
These are in order the following:

Star, baby, men, women, sun, moon.

They are the shapes that are on the floor around the room (It's good to write
down their position on the floor before start the specific puzzle so you know
where you have to go exactly). When you click on the last one Anna will see
something more (you don't have to do anything). Move next to Anna. At the
table where she was tied you see a statuette. Take it. Go outside passing the
Eskimos that are prostrating you. Once you and Anna are outside you see that
Creon's flagship attacks the village. Anna goes to stop them using her flyer.
She lift off and crashes on Creon's flagship. The flagship shambles while the
second flyer of Creon lands on a height. Now you have control of the game.
What you have to do is reach that flyer.

Turn around and move forward once (towards the flyer). Turn around again and
move right towards a rock. To the right of you; you can see a cave in which
there is a bear. You have to enter there. Turn left and move forward once
(rear the rock). Turn right and move forward. You are in front of the bear.
She is hunting you. Turn a little to the left and move forward towards the
right cave. Turn left and and move forward toward the bear's cave until you
enter in. You cross it to the other end where you see the soldier guarding the
flyer. Move forward once (you are behind him) and turn left. Click on him. You


You arrive at the island Para Nua. You come out of the flyer together but the
pilot before comes out destroys it. After your conversation ends, turn around.
You see Hona Lu the king of Para Nua. Talk to him. He'll understand that you
and the pilot are enemies and he invites you to solve your disagreement in a
race of crabs. Forward once, turn left, move forward (down the hill). Hona Lu
talks to you again.Turn right and move forward towards the depot you see. When
you reach it move forward once again. Hona Lu explains the rules of the game.
Turn around and click on the basket with the crabs you see in front of you.
The crab with the most success is the most red one. Take it and put it beneath
the middle of the initiation line When you win three races Lu takes care of
Jomar the pilot. Go to the depot and take the rope you see there. Move forward
until you reach the statue (the fallen head).

Talk to Hona Lu (To talk to him you have to make a right click so the
inventory shows and the left click on him). Ask him about everything but
mainly for the "standing god" (the icon with the statue). You'll see Hector's
flyer coming. You learn that the queen is well. Ask him about everything.
Looking at the fallen statue walk forwards once. Take the rope from your
inventory and click on the fallen statue. You tie it on the statue. Move close
to Hector and ask him about the flyer. He tells you that he needs someone to
help him raise the statue. Turn right and enter the flyer. You try together to
raise the statue but the power is not enough. Get out of the flyer. Hona Lu
says that his daughter can help you. Climb down the hill till you reach Hona
Lu's boat.

Try to get into the boat. Hona Lu stops you and calls out his daughter. Naka
and Hector attract each other. Both they manage to raise the statue. Talk to
Hona Lu about god's statue. Despite your agreement Hona Lu denies taking you
there unless Hector remains hostage. Talk to Hona Lu and answer yes. Once
again move towards the boat and try to get in. Hona Lu tells Hector and Sama
to wait. Enter the boat. When the talks end you leave.


Sama leaves you at the island and leaves. Move towards the door you see. At
the sand you see a puzzle with statuettes and stones with marked symbols. Each
time you put a statuette at his position it gives you a hint to solve the
puzzle. The solution is the following (beginning from left):

Blue statuette, bird, globe
Red statuette, wild boar, constellation
Yellow statuette, fish, moon
Green statuette, crab, sun.

The door opens and you're into a rather strange room, with a woman in the
middle of it who is probably spining. Move to the center of the room and enter
the door which is left to the one you came in. After the sequence you are next
to the woman. Take from your inventory the big crystal ball and click it on
her. She will tell you to "die again". Enter the door which is to the right
from the one you came in (I think it doesn't make any difference which door
you'll choose). After the sequence you're in a room with a blue cube at it's
center. Click on it. It comes orange and shows you something from you past.
Click on it again and ask the cube about everything, even for your personal
crystal, question that appears only when you have made all the other
available. Turn around and look at the floor. The game allows you to click on
one of the floor's tile.As soon as you do this the tile becomes green. Click
it once again. You are moved to a higher level (down you can see a flyer). Go
to the antidiametric point of the room in which you are standing, till you
find a tile that's missing. Click on it. You'll be transferred into a room
with a strange construction with stars in the middle. Looking at the
construction at your left there is a door. Enter it. You find a spar with a
oil lamp on it. Take it, turn around and return to the room. Go round the
construction until you see on it a star that is colored yellow (all the others
are white). Take the oil lamp from your inventory and click it on the star. A
flame burns. Take your personal crystal from your inventory and click on the
top of the construction. A hole opens at the floor. Enter it. Click on the
rotating cube you see. The "knowledge" becomes part of you and you possess a
"bright hand". You are in front of a (different I could say) flyer. Move close
to it and click at the command crystal. You leave (CD4)


You arrive at Atlantis and you "park" near fisherman's hut. Enter the hut.
Actyon welcomes you. You tell him that his daughter is dead. Ask him about
everything. Leave and go back to flyer. Head forward to Creon's flagship. A
soldier is yielding at you. Ignore him. Move towards the flagship. When the
discussing is over turn right and enter the flagship. Turn right again and
move to the point where Anna is captured (dressed with an interested suit).
Take from your inventory the knife and click it on Anna's ropes. You free her.
Creon sends Meljanz to kill you. When you take control of the game immediately
turn a little to the right and move towards the wall (you can also see a
ladder). Meljanz on his hurry falls into the void. Turn around and head to
your flyer. Go in. You and Anna leave. Creon is pursuing you. He shots on your
wing and another shot hits the volcano. You arrive at the palace's peristyle.

When you take control of the game, you are into a room, next to dolphin's
room. Go to the next room, turn left and go up the stairs so you reach the
room with the lion. Solve the puzzle with the sun, the moon and the earth as
you did before (as I said you click 35 times the right crank and 37 times the
left one), feed the lion with the sheep statuette and enter the mystic crypt.
Use the gad at the vaulting hole to get the mouse statuette. Put it in the
hole at the painted wall so the door opens. Go inside and talk him about
Creon. He tells you about a horn whale and a dolphin's eye.

Leave and return to the lion's room from the secret stone door. Go down the
stairs, left, forward and once again left and then forward till the end of the
passage (you enter the library). Left and up the stairs. Turn right and all
the way forward till the ladder you see. Go up so you reach the second floor
of the library. Turn left and walk forward three times. Now if you turn around
you must see the head of the whale from aside. There is something in her eye.
Click on the eye and you take it. It match at the dolphin at the fountain.
Return to the room in front of the door of the dolphin's room and enter. Move
close to the dolphin enter the fountain use from the inventory the eye and
click it on the hole at the dolphin's eye. You are now at a underground crypt
which is a labyrinth. The general rule is that you should not go to the place
where the minotaur appears. To go to the room where Creon is you must follow
the route I describe bellow. I just want to remind that "right" means "turn
right" and not "turn right and move forward". The same issues for "left". Only
"forward" means walk. Well you begin inside the fountain. The route is the

Six (6) times forward, left, forward, right, three (3) times forward, left,
four (4) times forward, left, forward, left, forward, right, forward, left,
three (3) times forward, right, forward, right, forward.

You are in the morgue. Creon stands towards you ready to kill you with his
secret weapon. Take from you inventory the "bright hand" and click on the
weapon. The weapon smashes smash. Creon tries to escape through a hole. Follow
him. He goes at the secret room where he keeps knowledge's head. The head
turns towards you. Once again pick from you inventory the "bright hand" and
click at the head. The head is transformed to a monster like an octopus.
Quickly get out from the hole you came in. Coming out from the hole to the
room go to the opposite wall. You will watch the octopus eat Creon. You are
next. From where you stand you can see at the right of you a crystal ball.
Take it and put it into your inventory (well that's tricky cause you'll have
to reach a specific point to reach it). Turn right towards the monster. Take
from you inventory the crystal ball and click it at the monster. Well Done!!!
Now watch the - rather poor - finale.


Copyright щJohn Patrikios
email address: master@compulink.gr
This solution is freely distributable from the moment the copyright notes
remain as they are.
The solution was retrieved from Adventure Magic www.compulink.gr/games/
The translation was made (from Greek to English) from Costas Barakitis
