Dragon Age 2: Legacy чит-файл №1

DLC: Legacy

Deep Roads Safari (Bronze)
Objective: Killed a genlock, genlock alpha, hurlock alpha, bronto, and
deepstalker in the Vimmark Mountains. ('Legacy' downloadable content)

Family Outing (Bronze)
Objective: Completed the main quest in the Vimmark Mountains with Bethany or
Carver in the party. ('Legacy' downloadable content)

Conductor (Silver)
Objective: Defeated an ancient evil in the Vimmark Mountains. ('Legacy'
downloadable content)

Family Legacy (Silver)
Objective: Applied three effects to Hawke's Key. ('Legacy downloadable content)

Tower Sweeper (Silver)
Objective: Completed every side quest in the Vimmark Mountains prison tower.
('Legacy' downloadable content)