Evolva. Риск заражения чит-файл №1

Level 1


1. Attack dead creatures to absorb meat and gain a new ability
2. Gain a genetic sample from non-indigenous life
3. Get all remaining Genohunters to pick-up point

The game starts with your four Genohunters in an enclosed area. Select
3 (Heavy) and follow the Objective arrow at the bottom of the screen. Your
Genohunters begin the level grouped, if you lead, the rest will follow.

After taking a right out of the starting area, the arrow leads you to the left,
past a group of Health creatures and to a tunnel entrance. Inside is an
plant. Make your way past this into the tunnel system. The Objective arrow leads
you to a tunnel full of exploding plants.

Run up the tunnel and turn left. When your Genos are through, gather them on the
ledge. Use one of the Genos to attack the dead Jump creature. It takes a few
swift hacks to yield its genetic material. Go into the Mutation screen and use
the new DNA to mutate the Jump ability into each hunter. Group the Genos and
across the trench, landing between the two large boulders on the other side.

The Objective arrow points left, but your path is blocked. With your Genos still
grouped, head right (North) toward the group of Speed creatures. Go through the
gap between the rocks, killing any creatures you find and absorbing their meat.
Bear left to find a tunnel blocked by rocks. Continue on to reach an unblocked
tunnel, head down the tunnel and into the water.

Move your group left, out of the water and onto the open plain. Keeping to the
left, continue until the Genos are in water again and moving through a row
passage. The Genos are now on the back side of the rock wall located on the
side of the trench that they jumped earlier. The Genos can mutate the Speed
ability. Equip all your Genos with Speed, then continue onward to the end of the

Take a right down the narrow valley. When the passage opens up, Claw parasites
attack. Stay in the narrow passage for protection and use the targeting cursor
order the other Genos to attack the creatures. When the creatures are dead,
absorb their meat and mutate your Genos with the new ability—Claw.

The narrow passage eventually opens up into a curved valley, which leads to more
Claws and Health. The path takes you to a large area where a pack of Claws await
your attention. There are two caves, one blocked by crumbling rocks that house
groups of four or five Claws. Absorb meat and fine-tune your mutation process.

Mutate the Claw ability to complete the second objective. This allows the
Genohunters to smash rock barriers and gain access to new areas. Follow the
Objective arrow to the pick-up point. Cut across to the back side of the rock
barrier. Smash through it and head left. Smash through the next rock barrier as

Go up the slope and jump over to the platform on the right. Jump over the gaps
between the platforms, watching out for Claw parasites. Pass the exploding
to reach an area with three small caves guarded by two Claw parasites. Dispatch
the creatures to complete Mission 1.

Level 2


1. Obtain Type 1 explosive plant
2. Obtain Type 2 explosive plant
3. Combine the plants to destroy a parasite structure

You begin in an enclosed area. Group your Genos and head toward the narrow exit.
At the end of this passage are Speed creatures being attacked by Claw parasites.
Kill all the Claws and any Speed creatures left, then follow the Objective arrow
West. There’s a ramp leading up around the wall of the cliff and Spike plants
firing across the open ground. Take the fastest Geno up the ramp and follow it
around, avoiding the spike plants. There are Health creatures on the ramp. Keep
following the ramp.

When you reach the exploding plants, guide your Geno safely through, taking care
around the sharp left-hand turn. When the valley narrows, you'll see a cave on
the far side. Jump over the gap and head toward the cave, which is guarded by
Spike plants and blocked by crumbling rocks.

Breaking through the rocks leads to a dead end and Claws, but not too many for a
single Geno to handle. Find Objective 1—a Type 1 explosive plant. Pick it up.

Go back out the way you came, jump over the gap and stop on the ledge. Drop off
the ledge and rejoin the three Genos. Absorb any meat, then go to the Mutation
screen. Your Genos should have enough meat to upgrade all of their Claw and/or
Jump abilities.

Group your Genos and move off in the direction designated by the Objective
Head out to the left side of the open area and into a valley, where another turn
leads into another valley. It's a dead end, with rocks on the left-hand side.
Behind here is the Type 2 explosive plant, guarded by Claws.

Stop your Genos behind the rocks. Select the most agile Geno and jump it onto
rocks to have a look below. Once you've scouted the area, jump the Geno off the
rock and into the middle of the group of Claws. Run back around to regroup with
the other Genos and use their combined force to destroy the Claws.

Once the dead Claw meat is absorbed, collect the Type 2 explosive plant. Use a
different Geno for this task than the one used to pick up the Type 1 explosive

Follow the Objective arrow out of the dead end and around to the left. Follow
Objective arrow to the water and up a winding ramp overlooking small canyons.
These canyons are blocked off by plants and rocks and hold a new type of enemy—a
Flame parasite.

Dropping off the ramp and behind the Flame parasite prevents it from using its
flame weapon. Alternatively, stand by the entrance and goad the Flame parasite
into setting fire to the plants, allowing the Genos access once the flames have
died down. When the Flame parasite is destroyed, stand back and let the flames
and small explosion die down. Go to the Mutate screen and mutate the Flame
ability to at least one of your Genos.

The Flame ability allows Genos to burn plants that block certain areas. If your
Genos need it, go back and burn your way in to the cave near the Type 2
plant and pick up the Health. If you go back to pick up the Health, get back on
the ramp and follow the Objective arrow. It leads right up the ramp and to an
entrance blocked by rocks guarded by Spike plants. Break through the rocks and
enter the tunnel. Follow this and stop at the patch of exploding plants.

Take your fastest Geno and leave the other three here. Run through the patch of
exploding plants and then scout around for Flamers. Lead the Flamers through the
gauntlet of spike plants and exploding plants to weaken them. By the time the
Flamers reach the waiting Genos, they'll be depleted and easier to kill.

Move the group past the Spike plants and continue down the tunnel. At the end
rocks blocking your way and Claws lurking behind—break through and dispatch
You will now be facing three paths. Take your grouped Genos up to the Spike
plants on the middle path. Entice the enemies through the spike plants. After
killing them, move all of your Genos through the spike plants and up onto one of
the ledges. Move up the canyon, scouting out enemies from above.

Traverse along the ledge until a parasite structure comes into view. If any
enemies locate your Genos' presence, hopefully they'll attempt to follow you by
running back to where you got on the ledge.

Once the area is clear of enemies, jump down, run inside the structure and drop
one of the explosive plants. Leave the other three Genos outside the structure a
safe distance away but close enough to provide cover from any enemies that
appear. Now run into the structure, drop the other plant near the first one,
turn, and run. Then group your Genos and run back down the canyon—when the
structure explodes, you've completed the mission.

Level 3


1. Herd indigenous creatures to the containment area
2. Defend these indigenous creatures from the parasite life forms
3. Clear the region of enough parasite life forms to prevent re-infection

You start in a dead end, facing an archway and a passage to the right. Stand the
Genos just back from the archway, then take the fastest Geno to use as bait.

Run your bait into the middle of the circular area and try to lure any Claws
to the other Genos. When the area is clear, group up and follow the Objective
arrow. The arrow leads the Genos through a second arch. Through this arch is a
new type of enemy—Spike parasites.

Spike parasites are high up and out of reach to start with, but you may be able
to lure them down. Take the three slowest Genos through the other archway (not
the one indicated by the Objective arrow). Turn left and wait there. Select the
fastest Geno and run through the arch indicated by the arrow and bear right and
down the narrow passage. There will be heavy fire from the Spike parasites, but
all you have to do is lure them around to where the other Genos are waiting.

When these Spike parasites are killed, go to the Mutate screen and mutate the
Spike ability to your Genos. Now clear the rest of the area. There are some
Claws, and possibly more Spike parasites to destroy, use Flame to kill both.

The Objective arrow leads you through another archway with vegetation and trees
dotted around. Use the same tactic as before, run in with your fastest Geno and
draw the enemies back into your trap. The range of the Spike parasites is longer
than the range of your Spike ability, so draw them in close and use Flame.

Once this area is cleared, the arrow directs you to the top of a ridge. Follow
the ridge to a rock blockage. Break through this and into an area filled with
trees. You come out in a high-sided valley with Speed creatures. Approaching
sends the Speed creatures running through a gap in the rocks and into a new
This area houses a large number of indigenous creatures, including Armour
creatures. These are the creatures you're here to protect. As you move toward
them they run away into the containment area. As soon as they're herded into the
containment area, a host of alien parasites will descend upon the creatures. If
too many indigenous creatures die, the mission fails and the level re-starts.

A majority of the parasite creatures appear from underneath the rock bridge
that's directly in front of your Genos as they follow the indigenous creatures
into the containment area. Run the grouped Genos past the indigenous creatures
and meet the alien parasites head on. This deflects the parasites' attention
enough to hold them up.

Use the targeting key and order your Genos to individually attack parasites. As
soon as they have engaged the enemy, ungroup, letting the other three Genos
destroy the main wave by laying down suppressing spike fire. Next take the
remaining Geno and run around killing the alien parasites that escaped your

Once the aliens have been stopped and the objective is accomplished, take
of your Genos to stop them from running off and killing the indigenous
There should be meat to absorb, and if none of the Genos have absorbed the
gene, kill one of the Armour creatures to gain this genetic ability. If you have
the Armour gene, mutate it to all of your Genos.

Follow the Objective arrow through the narrow pass that the aliens came through.
It leads to an open area; there are Claws to kill here. Go down the tunnel and
take a right to find a path blocked by rocks. Break through the rocks and go
through. Next is a patch of exploding plants that should be negotiated with
then follow the tunnel until it opens up.

In the distance are flammable plants and parasites hiding among them. Leave
Genos at the end of the tunnel and take the Geno you've been using as a scout up
to the plants and set fire to as many as possible. This attracts the parasites'
attention, causing them to chase your Geno. Try running backwards in the
direction of the tunnel, while firing Spikes. This should do some damage until
you can link up with the other Genos. When the plant area is clear, advance up
the rocks.

Below are large numbers of parasites. When they see your Genos, the parasites
up the ramp and attempt to jump the gap to get to them. The spike plants on the
ceiling damage the parasites, so stand out of range of the spike plants and have
all four Genos let loose a volley of spikes as the parasites come swarming over
the narrow gap.

When all the parasites are killed, jump over the gap and follow the arrow to
another tunnel filled with Spore plants that fire explosive spores. Take each
Genohunter through individually, dodging the spores. At the end of this tunnel
an open area filled with trees, vegetation and huge parasite tentacles.

This area is guarded by Claws and Flame parasites, so use the bait trick to lure
them into the tunnel entrance, then Spike and Flame them to death. There are
Spore plants in the middle of the area that are set off by standing near them.
These can do damage to the parasites as you lure them into your trap. Once
killed all parasites in the area, the level is finished.

Level 4


1. Find access to the underground section
2. Identify and destroy the source of the bio-signature

If you didn't get the Armour ability on the previous level, now is your chance—
there are Armour creatures here. Jump into the water and follow the Objective
arrow. As you walk away from your starting position, the valley widens. There
two paths behind you. The left path is blocked by rocks, beyond are a couple of
Speed creatures and some Health creatures. The right path leads to an area that
contains a single Claw and more Health. Kill and absorb everything.

Farther up the valley there's another sealed area to the right, which contains
two Armour creatures and more Health creatures. Back in the main valley, the
water curves off to the left and there's an Armour creature to the right hiding
the entrance to an area blocked off by red plants. Back in the main valley,
follow the water around to the left and look for a rock that bridges over the

In front of the rock and to the left is a small entrance blocked by rocks.
are two Spike parasites on rocks to the left and right, and a Claw that runs out
at you—kill these. Return to the main valley, and pass under the rock that makes
a bridge over the water where a huge Flame parasite is waiting to hurl

Use your Spike ability from long range, trying to avoid the fireballs. Once
you've killed it, jump over the rocks, avoiding the spores. The other side of
these rocks are Armour creatures, and as you round the corner a swarm of Claws
attacks. Kill and absorb the Claws and the Armour creatures.

Up ahead is a large open area. The Objective arrow points to the base of the
that winds upward from the middle of this area, but ignore that for now. To the
left is a narrow path guarded by spore plants and exploding plants. Jump over
ramp and head for the archways.

You may run into another big Flamer. If so, use the same Spike tactics and
remember to stand back. Through the last arch, are spore plants and exploding
plants to the left and a river to the right. Head right to find Jump creatures
moving into the distance. Follow them over the river and up a ramp, then under
overhanging rock to another large open area.

To the left in the distance are trees and rocks. There are parasites hiding here
and you need to flush them out. Leave your three slowest Genos hidden behind the
rock overhang and, using your fastest Geno as bait, run up to the trees and
attract as much attention as possible. Once the parasites notice, lead them back
behind the overhang and spring the trap.

This should give you plenty of meat to fine-tune your Genos' genetic abilities.
Once the area is clear, proceed to the rocks and go around the back where
a patch of Type 1 explosive plants. Pick one up, then follow the Objective arrow
back to the foot of the ramp.

Follow the arrow up the ramp and around the path. Your Genos come face to face
with crumbling rocks and a large monolithic rock. Reveal a Type 2 explosive
by smashing the rocks. Place the Type 1 plant next to the Type 2 and stand back.
The explosion sends the monolith tumbling over to create a bridge.

Cross the bridge and follow the Objective arrow to a place where your Genos have
to jump onto another platform. There are Claws on the other side of the platform
that come running down. Use Spike fire to take care of the Claws. Follow the
arrow to a narrow path leading under a tentacle. There are Claws here, but
nothing that can't be easily exterminated. Following the path round leads to a
tunnel entrance, covered by red plants and guarded by a spike plant.

Burn the plants and go into the tunnel. This leads downward in a tight spiral to
crumbling rocks. Break through these and move on a to reach some spore plants.
Negotiate these, then go past a parasite until the tunnel opens out.

A way through this area is to keep three Genohunters hidden a safe distance up
the tunnel, and slowly move your remaining Genohunter to the end of the tunnel.
Poke its head out to attract attention, then attack with Spikes using the tunnel
walls as cover. The biggest problem here is dealing with the Flamers; they have
quite a long range and can do serious damage. Concentrate your fire on the
Flamers first. If the Claws get through to your Geno, retreat up the tunnel
all four Genos can.

If your Geno gets too damaged, swap it for another, send the damaged one back to
the others, and continue sniping the parasites. If you prefer to do things in a
more straightforward way, take all four of your Genohunters and run straight in
to the cave, killing everything.

The Objective arrow points to the right of the tunnel where your Genos came out,
but the way is blocked by a rock. Exploring the rest of the caves reveals that
all exits are blocked, except for the path that leads through some red plants.
This path is to the left of the tunnel your Genos came from.

Go past the red plants to see a patch of exploding plants and crumbling rocks.
Break through the rocks into a narrow tunnel. Follow this to the end, then turn
right. Continue to the end, to the next set of crumbling rocks. Break through
these, and carefully poke your head around the corner to see a new enemy—a Spore
parasite. These work in a similar way to the spore plants, firing explosive
like pods.

Once you've killed this new type of parasite, you'll be able to mutate the Spore
ability. This will enable you to blow up the large rocks that shudder when you
hit them with the Claw, giving you access to areas that were previously blocked.

Now that you have the Spore ability, go back to the main cavern and blow up all
the big rocks. Leave the one to the left of the tunnel you came down. There are
Health creatures and groups of parasites to deal with. After clearing the area,
follow the Objective arrow to a warren of tunnels partly blocked by crumbling
rocks. Clear the area, then follow the Objective arrow until the Genos are
running down a tall, narrow tunnel.

Your Genos arrive at a patch of exploding plants. Leave three Genos here and
one to the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, they're spotted by the Spike parasites
and a Flamer—draw them into the plant patch, then use your other Genos to pick
them off. The Spore ability is effective, but be wary of using it in close
quarters because your Genos may suffer as much damage as the parasites.

After the parasites have been lured out, take your group of Genos through the
plants and into the cavern. There are two paths: one to the left and one to the
right. Both eventually lead to a large patch of exploding plants and a toothed
door. When this door slides open, your Genos come face to face with the first

There's no set way to kill the Boss. There are two things to consider, however.
Make sure all your Genos have full health and mutate your Genos until you are
happy with their abilities. All four Genos should have the Armour ability. A
level 2 projectile weapon for each Geno isn't necessary, but would be a bonus.
Once that's done, enter the final area.

Inside the large circular area is a semi-circular ridge running around the back.
This area holds Health creatures and crumbling rocks that provide limited cover.
There are also spore plants to hit so they start firing into the middle of the
area. The Boss is a huge, snail-like creature with flame weapons for close
fighting and both spike and spore weapons for long-range attacks.

Plug away at the Boss, picking up Health whenever your Genos need it. Don't
if you lose two or three of your Genos, they'll be replaced for the beginning of
the next level. The mission complete message comes up when the Boss is

Level 5


1. Prevent any parasites re-infecting the area
2. Locate the explosive plants
3. Seal the tunnel

The main objective here is to prevent parasites from getting in the tunnel and
down the hole before you can seal it off. Split up your team of Genos—leave some
to defend the tunnel and send some to look for explosive plants. For the
of this walkthrough, take two and leave two.

Once you've selected which two Genos to take, place the ones left on guard duty
at the bottom of the tunnel. There are two pairs of spike plants, so place a
behind each pair—and on either side of the big hole—then fire at the plants or
stand behind them to activate them. Take your remaining two Genos away from the
tunnel and head East to a tree arch where red plants are blocking an entrance.

Burn through the plants and head up the ramp, dealing with any parasites that
come across. Follow the ramp to the right and look for the platform with two
Spore parasites. Spike or Spore them while avoiding incoming fire. When they're
dead, jump onto their platform then jump onto the next one where you’ll find
explosive plants.

Pick up one explosive plant and return to the archway where you burned the
plants. Turn right and continue up the valley. Keep going past the entrance on
your left as you won't be able to get past the tentacles that guard it until

Carry on up the valley until you reach a lake of lava that has mushroom-looking
structures in the middle of it. Take the only exit (to the North) and proceed
carefully. There are also Health creatures here. When you get to a ramp in the
middle of a large open area, you find a group of Claws attacking Speed
Stay back and while the Claws are distracted, snipe at them with Spores and
Spikes. Absorb any meat that's left.

At the top of the ramp are two Spike parasites and a Spore parasite. Kill them
from long range, before attempting to go up the ramp. Around the back of the
horseshoe-shaped ramp is a door that's blocked by tentacles. The tentacles on
this door do open, but only every 12 seconds or so. Ungroup your two Genos, and
run one through the door at a time. Inside are patches of exploding plants and
another tentacle door. When the far door opens, run your Geno through it. Now
select your other Geno and negotiate the tentacle doors in the same way.

On the other side of the doors, the Genos face a horseshoe-shaped ramp. There
parasites on the ramp, so if you choose to sneak around, keep an eye out for
attack from above. Once the parasites have been dispatched, head through the
arched trees toward a herd of creatures. Follow these creatures until you reach
an open area with a ramp in it. Parasites spring out to attack the creatures, so
hang back and pick off the parasites. Absorb any meat left.

There is a ramp leading upward, an arch to your right and two other exits to the
right. The ramp leads up above the maze area and is guarded by spore plants and
Spore parasites. However, you can see a new type of creature there—the Sticky
Foot. Make it your first priority to obtain genetic material from the Sticky

Walk up and along the ramp and use Spore or Spike abilities to blow the Sticky
Foot meat down to the floor. Keep moving so the Spore parasites don't target
Jumping onto the ledges of the maze is not recommended as they're covered in
slippery green slime. When you've knocked the Sticky Foot meat off, head back
down the ramp and clear the maze area below.

Use your Flame or Spike abilities to exterminate the Spore parasites. Absorb
their meat and the meat of the Sticky Foot creatures. Mutate the Sticky Foot
ability to both Genos and make your way out of the maze.

You should now be in a wide, open area with a large arch above you. There may be
Spore parasites on the archway. In front of you is a crystal forest from which a
number of Claws emerge. Use your-long range attacks to inflict damage on them,
then switch to Flame or Claw to finish them off at close range.

Take the ramp to the right and follow it to the top of the large arch you saw
earlier. Take each Geno over the arch individually and use the sidestep keys if
you start to slide toward an edge. You can also jump and direct your Geno in
midair to regain the centre of the ledge.

On the other side of the arch is a rock blocking an entrance and a ledge to the
left. Use Spore to blast through the big rock, and move forward with caution.
will be overlooking a forested area and a large pack of Flamers. Attract the
Flamers by igniting the red plants with beamed-up Flame, then pick them off as
they run up the long curved ramp toward you.

When the forested area is clear, go down the ramp to collect the Type 2
plant. You should now have both types of plant. If you don't, there are Type 1
plants growing at the top of the ramp. Once you have both types of plant in your
possession, make your way back over the arch and down through the tunnel.

There are two tunnels blocked by crystals, one to the East of the tunnel you
came down, and one on the far side of the area. Both lead to the same place, so
it doesn't matter which one you pick. Combine the plants to blow up the crystals
and give you access.

Once inside, you find yourself on a ledge. Jump onto the platform and head for
the red plants blocking the way. Use beamed-up Flame to set the plants alight.
Once they've burned down, send one of your Genos up to the edge of the ramp that
leads down, and fire spores to attract the attention of a new type of parasite—
Stealth parasites. These have the ability to cloak and uncloak themselves at
will. Once you've attracted their attention, they run up the ramp toward you.
Step back a few paces so you're out of the line of fire of the spike plants on
the wall, and stand your Genos side-by-side facing where the plants were.

Keep firing Spike at the entrance—the spike plants create a cross fire as the
Stealth parasites arrive and uncloak to attack. Once you're sure that you've
cleared the area, go down the ramp. Turn right, where there is a tunnel blocked
by parasite tentacles.

The tentacles block your way as soon as you go near the entrance. Use your
Stealth ability to sneak through. Your Stealth will only last a limited amount
time, so get as close as you can to the tentacles without making them shut. Then
select your Stealth ability, hold down the fire button, and your Stealth will
become active. Now you can dash through the door.

Use Stealth to get your other Geno through the tentacles and follow the
arrow up the tunnel. Blast through the rocks and go out onto a ledge overlooking
the area you were in earlier. Drop off the right-hand side of this ledge onto a
rock below, and follow the Objective arrow back past the Lava lake, to the first
tentacle door you encountered. Use Stealth to sneak through it, but only take
Geno this time.

Through the tentacle doors, there's a Type 1 explosive plant and a rock
Pick up the plant, and blast through the blockage with a Spore. Follow the
Objective arrow behind the boulder, drop the plant, then retreat your Geno a

Switch to the Geno standing outside the tentacle doors. Turn to the West and
forward a few paces. Take the left turn through the cave that was blocked by red
plants earlier and go up the ramp. Head for the platform where you picked up the
first explosive plant at the start of the level.

Pick up the explosive plant and travel back to the tentacle door. Use Stealth to
get through safely and go along the ledge until you get behind the huge boulder.
Drop the second plant near the first, retreat to a safe distance and watch as
block the tunnel and complete the mission. Don't worry about the other two
Genohunters in the tunnel, as all four Genos are replenished for the start of
next level.

Level 6


1. Destroy all parasite structures.

In this level the Genos are spilt into two pairs—Genos 3 and 4 are trapped,
hemmed in by lava and large rocks. Concentrate on Genos 1 and 2 in order to free
the other two. You should be looking at your Mutation screen every time you get
new meat.

Take Genos 1 and 2 slowly toward the tree that arches over the exit to this
Three Speed creatures being chased by Claws appear. Kill the Claws and absorb
their meat, then proceed under the tree arch. Keep going until your Genos reach
patch of explosive plants on the floor. Have one of your Genos pick one up.

Advance slowly until you reach a patch of spike plants in the middle of the
valley. Leave one Geno here and take the other past the plants until you can see
the crystal forest. A swarm of Claws now emerges from the crystals.

Pull your Geno back behind the spike plant with the other Geno. Use beamed-up
Spore and Flame to pick off the Claws as they advance. Once they’re dead, two
waves of Claws emerge from the crystal forest. When the second wave has been
eradicated, absorb meat and move on to the crystal forest.

Follow the Objective arrow to the right, until you see red plants ahead. Don't
run in; this is a very dangerous area that's guarded by Flamers. Slowly
approaching the plants may encourage a Flamer to fire and ignite the plants. If
this doesn’t happen, you can ignite the plants yourself with a beamed-up Flame.

Use Spikes and Spores to kill the Flamers before they get too close. There are
Health creatures near by if you need them. When you're past the Flamers, find a
narrow pass with rocks either side. Just before that, however, is a strange-
shaped object that resembles a Viking helmet. These are mine plants, and will
explode if shot. Take your Genos and stand them on a rock located either side of
the narrow pass. In front of them are mine plants and Stealth parasites. Use
Spikes to set off the mine plants and Flame for close-quarter fighting.

Once they're all dead, absorb the meat. Near the first mine plant your Genos
to is a rock that blows up if fired upon—there's a Health creature hiding behind
it. Continue following the Objective arrow East, until you turn a 180-degree
corner and are heading West. Ahead is a jungle area, populated by Armour and

Just past the indigenous creatures, your Genos run into a Spike parasite ambush.
With cover from behind the trees, use beamed-up Spore and Flame to hit them from
long range. When they're dead, absorb their meat and cautiously move on.

Past the jungle area, the valley turns 180 degrees again. In front is an
with vegetation around it, but we'll come back to that shortly. Just around the
corner is a ledge high on the valley wall with a Spike creature on it. Use Spore
weapons to kill it, but be careful about going too far around the corner—there's
a deadly crossfire of a Spike and Spore plants. Once the Spike plant is
exterminated, take both your Genos over to the red plants blocking the entrance
to a cave.

In here are nasty parasite types—Necrocytes. These parasites fire spidery
creatures that attack their target and explode in a cloud of blood. Kill these
Necrocytes by sneaking up to the entrance of their cave and firing beamed-up
Spore or Flame.

Once you have eliminated the Necrocyte and its spiders, use their meat to mutate
the Necrocyte ability to your Genos. Collect the explosive plant that's in their
lair. Now you have both elements to make an explosion.

Come out of the lair, and head toward the ledge where your Genos killed the
parasite earlier. Look up the valley in the direction the Objective arrow is
pointing and you can see the crossfire of spike and spore plants, which your
Genos must run through.

There's a Claw hidden behind a rock that's located after the area with the spore
points and spike plants, but it should present no problem. Once both Genos are
through, follow the Objective arrow until you reach a ramp on your left. For the
moment, ignore the ramp that's straight ahead.

The ramp on your left leads up to a ledge that is coated in the slippery stuff,
so your Genos will need the Sticky Foot ability. Spiked tentacles stick out of
the wall, then retreat. Avoid these; jumping them is probably safest, so take
each Geno up the ramp individually.

Once past the tentacles, you may have to blast a Spore parasite. At the end of
the ledge are Health creatures and a tentacle door. Go through using the Stealth

Your Genos are now in a cave with a small hole in the rocks to the West. You may
be able to see your other two Genos trapped down below. Drop and kick one of the
explosive plants through the hole, then use one of the Genos below to pick it
Repeat this process with the other explosive plant. Now switch to controlling
Genos 3 and 4, leaving Genos 1 and 2 where they are. Genos 3 and 4 should have
each element of the explosive plants in their possession. Place the plants close
together at the base of the middle obelisk then retreat to a safe distance. When
the rock is blown over, it makes a bridge over the lava, but your Genos can only
jump over if they have some level of Jump ability.

Once Genos 3 and 4 are across the rock bridge, they run into Spore parasites
firing from the East—kill them. Follow the Objective arrow, jumping from
to platform over the lava. Be careful—one slip into the lava means death for the
unfortunate Geno.

Once your Geno has jumped over to the other side of the lava, three Flamers
charge it. Take them out with Spike and Necrocyte. To the South is a big rock
that, once blown up, reveals a Health creature. To the North is a hill with a
ledge winding around it; head that way and up the ledge.

Your Geno passes an empty cave and approaches a cave with a rock plugging the
entrance. Blow it up and go inside to find an explosive plant and a Health
creature. Pick this up and then look North to spot another hill with a ledge
around it and a shelf of rock with a single Spore creature on it.

That is where you must take your Genos, so go back down the ledge and travel
to the other hill. In the direction of the Objective arrow, there's a ramp
leading down. Keep an eye out for any parasites coming out of here and

Climb the ledge, being careful of the slippery section. Your Geno will be all
right as long as it has Sticky Foot. At the end of the ledge, kill the Spore
parasite and jump over to the shelf of rock where the parasite was. There's
another explosive plant here; pick it up and now you should have both elements.
Follow the Objective arrow to a dried riverbed.

There is heavy opposition down here—Spike parasites, Claws and Necrocytes—so
Genos need fully beamed-up weapons. Start by using long range bombardments to
soften them up, then go to Flame as the Necrocyte spider creatures start to do
damage. Once your Genos have fought their way through the parasite defences,
follow the Objective arrow until you reach a cave blocked by strange red
crystals. Combine the two explosive plants to blow your way through.

Through the entrance is a warren of caves, filled with parasites. Rocks block
paths to the left and right—it doesn't matter which direction you choose. Clear
out all the rocks in the way and pick up Health. Eventually your Genos come to a
small tunnel housing a Type 1 explosive plant and a series of exploding plants.
Pick up the Type 1 plant and continue along the tunnel; take each Geno
individually to minimise damage from the exploding plants.

Follow the tunnel until it opens out, and take the narrow passage to the left.
the end of this passage is a large obelisk-shaped rock and a Type 2 exploding
plant. Place your Type 1 plant at the foot of the obelisk and retreat to a safe
distance. The obelisk will tumble, making a handy bridge for your Genos. Before
you cross it though, pick up the Type 2 exploding plant that will have re-grown
by now. On the other side of the rock bridge is a ramp leading downward to the
floor. To your left are the parasite buildings your Genos need to destroy.

First, return to the other two Genos who were left in the cave when you freed
Geno 3 and Geno 4. Using the Stealth ability, leave the cave you're in and head
down the slippery ledge, following the Objective arrow East. There's a ramp
leading to a raised area populated by Sticky Foot creatures; kill them if you
want, otherwise press on East until your Genos reach a lava stream. Jump the
stream to discover that any further progress is blocked by a crystal wall.

Now back to Genos 3 and 4. Run East down the ramp, with the parasite buildings
your left. Halfway down the ramp, jump off the right-hand side to see the other
side of the fanlike crystal growth that traps Genos 1 and 2. Use your explosive
plants to blow up the crystals (making sure the Genos on the other side are at a
safe distance). Now you have all four Genos in one group—you're going to need
them. There are plenty of Health creatures around, so take this opportunity to
top up each Geno's Health bar.

To the right of the end of the ramp from which your Genos jumped are patches of
both types of explosive plant, which will be useful momentarily. Now you're
for the final assault on the parasite structures.

Go the bottom of the ramp. To the North is a rock to jump across that gives
access to the area that contains the structures. Stand on this rock, and use the
high ground advantage to take out any parasites that come to attack. Use beamed-
up Spore in the entrances of structures before moving in.

There are parasites of nearly every type here—Spore, Spike, Claw and Necrocytes.
Use the tactics used in previous levels and swap weapons depending on what type
of parasite you're currently firing at.

When the area is totally clear, return to the explosive plants. There are three
structures that need to be destroyed, so your Genos need to make two trips to
explosive plants. Place one of both types of plant inside each structure,
remembering to stand well back. When all three structures have been destroyed,
the level is finished

Level 7


1. Locate and get past the parasite gateway
2. Destroy all parasite life forms in the area
3. Get all Genohunters to the vicinity of the underground entrance

At the start of this level, all four Genohunters are together. This level is a
large circular area with concentric rings. You start off in the outer ring, and
work your way clockwise to get to the inner ring. You'll be facing a series of
raised platforms with Spore parasites on them. As soon as your Genos move toward
them, the parasites begin firing. Your Genos can attempt to take them all out,
but it might cost quite a bit of Health.

The best plan is to run all of your Genos straight up the valley, trying to
incoming Spore fire. Your Genos will come to a narrow pass, where a group of
Claws attempt to ambush you. When the Claws are killed, follow the Objective
arrow until you come to a cave opening. To your left are two ramps, one leading
back the way you came, one leading over and above the cave entrance.

Enter the cave, and look up at the ceiling. There are spike plants and Type 1
explosive plants. Shoot the explosive plants with your Genos' Spike ability to
make them drop to the floor, then get at least one of your Genos to pick one up.
Follow the Objective arrow out of the cave; Claws may attack but they pose no
real threat. Also find the Health creatures on the roof of the cave your Genos
were just in, which you can access via the ramp.

Following the Objective arrow leads to a jungle-like area that has a number of
mine plants on the floor. There are two waves of Claws that will charge your
group from here, but your Genos have to lure them out first. Leave three of your
Genos at a safe distance back from the mine plants, standing in a line facing
jungle area. Take the single Genohunter into the mine plants, activate your
Stealth ability and move forward until the Claws start to give chase. Now turn
and run back to the three Genos.

While the Geno bait is running back to the group, change Geno control to one of
the waiting Genos and press the group all Genos key. This gets your lone Geno
back to the group and allows the waiting Genos to start shooting as soon as the
Claws are in range—aim for the mine plants. The mine plants should inflict
damage to the Claws so that they die easily by the time they actually get to

Once both waves have been dealt with, continue through the jungle area until
Genos reach two entrances to a cave. Both lead to the same place, so pick either
and cautiously enter, but don’t go into the main cave; hold back in the narrow
entrance. Inside the cave are two Necrocytes. A pack of Claws drop from the
ceiling when your Genos go into the cave. Lure the Necrocytes into the narrow
area and decimate them there before going in for the Claws.

Once the cave is clear, find a large rock plugging a passage between the two
entrances. In here are Health creatures. There are two exits to the cave. The
right-hand exit leads straight out; the left-hand exit splits in two—the right
branch leads out, the left branch leads to an area containing Stealth parasites
and Health creatures.

Firing beamed-up Spore and Flame down the tunnel weakens the Stealths. Once
are dead pick up any needed Health, but don't use it all—you may be back down
here very soon.

Follow the Objective arrow out of the caves to a large high-sided, forested
valley. Spore plants are on the right side wall, and the only way across is over
the slippery walkways. Kill any Sticky Foots because their genes will be useful
for the next section.

Take each Geno individually over the slippery walkways. If your Geno falls off,
it'll take damage from the fall, but land in the area where the Stealth
were. Take the walkway on the left, and keep tight to the wall.

Once all your Genos are safely over the walkway, continue to the end of the
canyon, which is blocked by a large rock. Fire a Spore at the rock to destroy
then run through the gap and attack the two Claws on the right waiting for you.

Keep following the Objective arrow as it leads to a narrow passage between a
and a ramp. Opposite the base of the ramp is a large rock with Health creatures
hiding behind it. Use Spore to blow up the rock if your Genos are in need of the

Now head up the ramp, it leads to a series of raised ledges overlooking a maze
passages. There are Spike parasites on the ledges and Claws and Necrocytes
Concentrate on taking out the Spike parasites first; the Claws and Necrocytes
will eventually find their way up the ramp to your Geno' position. But before
they do, Spore and Spike them as much as possible.

Once all the parasites are dead, the Objective arrow directs your Genos to an
entrance blocked by crystals. Drop one of the explosive plants that you picked
earlier at the base of the crystals. Turn 180 degrees to see a ring of exploding
plants on the floor in front of your Genos. In the middle of this ring is a Type
2 explosive plant. Place the Type 2 plant next to the Type 1 and retreat to a
safe distance.

Through the entrance previously blocked by crystals is a large open area with no
exits. There are Health creatures to absorb if your Genos need them, and two
strange circular objects on the floor. These are jump plants that work as
trampolines and are useful for propelling your Genos to areas otherwise out of

Step onto the pad farthest from the entrance where your Genos came in and bounce
over the wall to a small area with another jump plant that instantly bounces
Geno to the next area. There are two pads to choose from; step on the one
the blue flowers and you'll bounce to another area. Pick the pad with the blue
flowers again, and then again, and eventually, you should bounce all the way
the walls and into a valley.

Once all your Genos have bounced their way over, proceed to destroy the big
blocking the path. In front are three paths. Each one leads to the same place,
it doesn't matter which you choose. Each route contains two strong Spike
parasites, and if you dally too long, your Genos attract the attention of the
Spike parasites from the other paths.

Once your Genos have cleared the Spike parasites and made their way to the end
the narrow path, locate two boulders straight ahead with a narrow gap between
them, and a ledge to the right with two Spike parasites on it. Demolish these
with beamed-up Spore or Flame. After passing between the two rocks, find a lava
lake that runs away from your Genos down the valley.

A swarm of Claws jumps down on your Genos. At the far end of the lava lake there
are Spike parasites waiting on either side ready to ambush your Genos. Use
Stealth ability to sneak past and attack them from behind.

Keep following the Objective arrow to a narrow pass between the sides of the
valley. A number of Claws try and rush you, hold your ground in the narrow
passage and lay down suppressing Spike and Spore fire, then Flame and Necrocyte
close up.

Follow the Objective arrow, jumping from platform to platform over the lava.
Genos come to an area with crystal structures in front of them. Your Genos may
attacked by a Stealth parasite and a new type of parasite—the Electricity

The Electricity parasite fires bolts of lightning, but they are fairly weak.
you've killed the Stealth and Electricity parasites, mutate the new ability to
your Genos. At the far end of the crystal forest are Spike parasites and a Spore
parasite. Kill the Spore parasite and it will drop a Key for your Genos to pick

Find the very narrow passage guarded by three spore plants. The passage turns 90
degrees and heads up a slope. Your Genos must run up it while the spore plants
are firing and hope they don't take too much damage. When your Genos reach the
top, they're on a platform with two Electricity parasites. From here you can see
the other platforms that your Genos must travel over.

Use the targeting key and order one of your Genos to attack the Spore plant that
you see as you run out onto the platform, and use the other two to kill the
Electricity parasites. Claws attempt to jump across to the platform your Genos
are on, but ignore them until you've taken care of the more pressing threats.
Once your Genos have cleared all the nearby parasites, jump from platform to
platform, until you locate more parasites. Use beamed-up, long-range weapons to
deal with these, and slowly make your way up the valley.

At the end of the valley is a tentacle door with a green seal above it and
creatures bouncing around. Arrange all your Genos, except the one that has the
key, in a line in front of the door. Fine-tune your mutation. If you happen to
have two explosive elements, place them by the door to weaken any parasites
standing behind.

Using the Geno that picked up the key, walk up to the door. Inside is an
area with a large hole in the floor, but don’t go in. As soon as the door is
opened, throw Spores through it. Use the doorway as a choke point—the Claws are
fastest, and will reach the door first, meaning the Spike parasites won't have a
clear line of fire to hit your Genos.

When no more parasites remain, go through the door. Take one Geno, leaving the
rest outside, because six or seven more Claw parasites jump out of the hole. The
new objective comes up onscreen only when your Genos have killed the parasites.
Inside the cave is a large hole in the floor, have a look down to see a ledge
halfway down and three jump plants.

One by one, drop your Genos onto the ledge and then onto the floor, avoiding the
jump plants. Once all your Genos are down the hole, move them up the little
passage to the vicinity of the underground entrance, and the level is complete.

Level 8


1. Locate and destroy the bio-signature.

Level 8 begins with your Genohunters standing on top of a large pillar in the
centre of a circular cave. A spiral ramp leads down to floor with a passage
leading from it that holds a single big Flamer and red plants.

Destroy the Flamer by firing Spores at the entrance to its passage. Then burn
your way through the plants, revealing a cave below. Inside the cave are two
Electricity parasites, one of which is a Key holder. Kill them both and take the
Key. The only exit to this room is through a locked door, which your Genos now
have the key to.

Go through the door into an empty room with a ramp leading to a hole in the roof
blocked off by red plants. Flame through these, and go up the ramp. This leads
a tunnel, which in turn guides you to a large room. Inside there are three
Stealth creatures that will drop down from the ceiling.

Once the three Stealth parasites are dead and the Key is picked up, make your
back along the tunnel, down the hole, through the door, up the ramp and your
Genos will be back where they started. Run down the ramp and onto the floor.
There are three exits at floor level—a tentacle door, a locked door that
a Blue Key, and a tunnel that leads to a room with three big Flamers.

Leaving three Genos well away from the tunnel entrance, take one in using
ability. Get behind the rocks that the Flamers are standing on and then lob
Spores over the rocks, circling around to keep the rocks between your Geno and
the Flamers. There are Health creatures behind the rocks. Once the room is
call in your other Genos and burn away the red plants blocking the ramp. This
leads to a small H-shaped area with four exits blocked by big rocks—two on the
left and two on the right.

The first path on the right takes your Genos to a room guarded by spike plants
and containing Health creatures. Go down there if any Genos are low on health,
otherwise save it for later. Take the first path on the left, it goes to a room
with a small bridge over a lava stream and a new type of parasite—Shield

These parasites have shields which flash on and off intermittently; when it's on
it deflects your attacks. Kill these three parasites and absorb their meat.
Mutate the Shield ability to your Genos.

Cross the bridge, avoiding the spore plants, and exit down the tunnel. At the
of this tunnel is a small ramp leading to the room above. Guarding the ramp are
spore plants firing down into the tunnel and more Shield parasites. Jump up the
ramp and out of the way of the spore plants and annihilate the parasites.

Take the exit tunnel and follow it until your Genos reach a big rock blockage.
Blow your way through it and enter a room with a small lava lake and mushroom-
shaped platforms. Use the mushrooms to jump over the lake.

Blow up the rock that blocks your exit and move down the tunnel. Deal with the
single Necrocyte at the end and blow up the rock to emerge out from the second
right path from the H-shaped area. There should be one rock blockage left, the
one facing you. Destroy the rock blockage and kill the single Necrocyte before
proceeding down the corridor. This leads to a room with mine plants on the
three Shield parasites and a big Flamer.

Fire beamed-up Spores into the room to get the mine plants to inflict extra
damage on the Shield parasites. Use the trick of luring the Shield parasites
the tunnel to avoid taking damage from the Flamer while dealing with the Shield
parasites. Once the Shield parasites are dead, be aware, the Flamer might have
jumped off its mushroom and is coming to look for your Genos. Get rid of it.

Once the area is clear, take one of your Genos and jump onto the mushrooms to
pick up the Yellow Key. There's a jump plant on the second biggest mushroom that
propels you onto the biggest mushroom. You should now have two Keys in your
possession. Go back to the circular room where your Genos started the level.
There is a tunnel blocked by a series of tentacle doors with exploding plants
between each set of doors. Ungroup your Genos and then select the one that’s
carrying the Green Key.

Using the Stealth ability and timing it so your Geno can go all the way through
without getting injured by the plants, run through the tunnel and open the door.
If there's not enough time to make it all the way through, wait for Stealth to
charge up while moving around to avoid taking damage from the plants.

Repeat this until all four Genos are safely in the tunnel on the other side of
the Green Door. Group up and move on down the tunnel. It opens up to a large
cave, populated by a group of Flamers, both large and small types. Use beamed-up
weapons and duck back around the corner.

Once your Genos have weakened them, run in and mop up the remains. There are two
narrow passages both blocked by tentacle doors. Look up at the ceiling and spot
large rock that can be blown up by a Spore. Shoot it, and more Flamers drop from
the ceiling.

Use the targeting key and order your Genos to attack the largest Flamer.
Hopefully most of the small Flamers will be trapped on the other side of the
tentacle doors so your Genos will be able to pick them off from a distance.

When you've killed all the Flamers on this side of the large rock, take one of
your Genos through the left-hand tentacle door using Stealth. There is a ramp
rounding the West wall that leads to a jump plant. The jump plant flings you
across to a platform with a Blue Key on it. However, it also has a big Flamer.
Move up the ramp and fire Spores at the Flamer, dodging its fireballs. Use the
jump plant and pick up the Blue Key.

There was a Blue Door in the circular room where your Genos started, so go back
through the tentacle doors and the exploding plants until you're facing the Blue
Door. Pass through the door and to a large room. There's a small lava lake in
middle and a large tentacle emerging from the ground on the left-hand side of
room. Opposite you is a door, which needs a Yellow Key to be unlocked—you have
this. Move your Genos around the right side of the lake and discover two
Necrocytes hiding behind the tentacle. As soon as they become aware of your
Genos, a swarm of Flamers appears from behind the tentacle.

Once this room is clear, open the Yellow Door and move forward, watching out for
the two Shield parasites that may be on the other side of the door.

To the right are two rock barriers. Take the one on the right first. Inside are
some Stealth parasites. Leave three Genos hidden around the corner and with the
remaining Geno, activate Stealth then sneak in. Use beamed-up Spores to attract
the Stealths' attention, then run back to your Genos and use their combined
firepower to kill the parasites.

Once the area is clear, head past the crystals to a lava lake. There are
platforms in the lake and a big Flamer that attempts to fireball and then jump
across the platforms to your Genos. Weaken it from a distance using beamed-up
Spore. When the Flamer is dead, it’s safe to jump from platform to platform and
pick up the Type 1 explosive plant. There are also Health creatures.

With the explosive plant safely in your possession, head back the way you came
until you come to the other rock barrier. Blow it up to discover another large
room with crystal structures in the middle. There are four Electricity parasites
in here; lure them away from the crystals and use Necrocyte or Spike to destroy

When you've killed all four, go to the back of the room and look up at the
exploding plants. There is a Type 2 explosive plant in the middle of the line of
exploding plants; use a well placed Spore to knock the plant down.

Now that you have both types of explosive plant, retrace your steps to the
Door. There's one passage you haven't explored yet and now is your chance. The
tunnel leads West before curving to the South. Halt your Genos before going
around the corner, and ungroup them. Aim for level 2 or higher armour and try to
get your Genos to have at least one offensive ability at level 3 or level 2.

Take one of your Genos and beam up its Stealth. Run around the corner to find a
field of mine plants, crumbling rocks on the wall and a large parasite presence.
The rocks on the wall hide Health creatures and spike plants. Still under the
cover of Stealth, beam up your Geno's Spore ability and fire into the mine plant

This should start the parasites charging, so fire Spores at the rocks on the
to uncover the Spike plants. Between these and the mine plants, your Geno should
weaken the parasite force enough for the rest of your Genos to deal with them as
you lead the parasites back around the corner.

Once your Genos wipe out all the parasites that gave chase around the corner,
travel past the spike plants. There may be a Spore parasite and a big Flamer at
the far end of this tunnel; dispatch them with beamed-up Flame and Spore. At the
end of the tunnel is a crystal barrier. Combine the two explosive plants and
destroy the barrier.

Going through the crystal barrier leads to an enormous open area with lava below
and tentacle walkways between huge platforms. The first platform has two Spore
parasites on it. Leave three Genos out of harms way and with one Geno, rapidly
fire Spores up at the platform. Sidestep to dodge incoming fire. If your Geno
manages to hit an incoming Spore with one of its own, it will explode in midair.
Once the two parasites are dead, make your way up the tentacle to the platform.
There's a Health creature on this platform, hiding behind the pillar.

On the next platform along, find one big Flamer and some baby Flamers. Use the
same tactics as the first platform, using the pillar as cover. If the baby
Flamers start running down the tentacle toward your Geno, use Spike or
Electricity to pick them off, but keep out of sight of the big Flamer.

Once your Geno has cleared this second platform, call the rest of your Genos up
to the first platform. The platform that the Flamers were on has a parasite
building on it to use as cover for firing upon the third platform. Once cleared,
move up to the third platform and order your Genos onto the second platform.
the third platform there is no tentacle walkway and your Genos have to jump
across to the fourth platform, which has more Flamers on it.

The fourth platform has a walkway connecting to a small platform, which has two
walkways leading from it. On the small platform are two big Flamers that may try
to reach your Geno—use Spore to kill them. One walkway leads to a platform with
two Spore parasites, they must be destroyed before your Genos attempt to cross
the narrow walkway.

The platform with Spore creatures also holds Health creatures. The other walkway
leads downward to crystals. When the area is clear, call up your Genos to the
small platform and traverse to the crystals.

At the bottom of the walkway is a small entrance and inside a small area is the
second Boss. Mutate your Genos to prepare them—level 3 weapons, particularly
Flame and Spore and possibly level 2 Necrocyte. Level 2 Stealth and Armour are
also helpful. When your Genos are cloaked by the Stealth ability, the Boss won't
attack. There are Health creatures around the edge of the room—keep your Genos'
topped up. The Boss' primary weapon is equivalent to the beamed-up version of
Electricity, and its long-range weapon is three mini parasites, similar to the
Necrocyte ability. When being attacked by the electricity, enter Stealth mode to
break the attack. Use charged-up weapons whenever possible.

Level 9


1. Find the two structurally weak points and deploy the explosives
2. Get all remaining Genohunters to the extraction point before the explosion

Geno 1

Starting with Geno 1, run forward into the cave. There are tunnels to the left
and right, each lined with mine plants. In the middle is a big rock—Spore it and
kill the Necrocyte hiding behind.

Your Geno is now faced with two tunnels. Down the right-hand tunnel are Health
creatures, down the left tunnel is a crumbling rock with a Type 1 explosive
hidden underneath it. Pick up the explosive plant and make your way back to the
tunnels containing the mine plants.

Go down either one, at the end you'll see an open area and Claws. Lure the Claws
back up the tunnel and shoot at the mine plants to set them off. This
sufficiently weakens the Claws for your Geno to dispatch them easily. Repeat
process with the other tunnel. Once all the Claws have been killed, move down
end of either tunnel.

Your Geno should be in a large area with six exits to the North. Take the far
right exit, there's a Health creature behind the rock. To the left is a large
area that is the other side of the big rocks. There are three Necrocytes around
here, so try and take them out one at a time.

Keep to the right, and emerge in a large open area covered in slippery green
stuff—you'd better have Sticky Foot. There are a many pits to slide into and
spore plants firing into the air. Two Spike parasites guard the exit from this

On the other side of the large open area is an entrance blocked by a big rock.
Inside the cave are two rocks—the right one has Health creatures under it, the
left one has a slab of rock underneath it but to move this, you must enlist the
help of Geno 2.

Geno 2

Geno 2 starts in an area of conical pillars. Three Claws lurk around the bases
the pillars. Kill the Claws and then the Spike parasites standing on the

Continue heading North, killing the Shield parasite on the way. The Objective
arrow leads to a large chasm with slippery edges. Use Spore to take out the
parasites while hiding behind the crumbling rocks. Be careful because the
slippery surface makes moving around very tricky.

Once your Geno has cleared the parasites, jump onto the tallest platform, and
from there across to the other side. In front of your Geno is a rock barrier.
Blow it up, releasing the Claws behind. Once the Claws are dead, go through the
entrance your Geno made, looking out for any parasites hiding behind the rocks.
Take a left to encounter three choices. Take the left choice toward the chasm.

Locate the platform with two Spike parasites. Spore them, using the rocks as
cover. Then Jump onto the platform and off the other side. Follow the narrow
valley to the end where there's a Necrocyte. Your Geno will be ambushed by three
Claws. Once these minor problems are dealt with, look at the icy blue sea, then
look up at the East wall to see Type 2 explosive plants growing there. Shoot one
of them down and pick it up.

Next, return to the rock barrier between the two trees, using the jump plant to
get back over the chasm. Blow up the rock and follow the valley to the end,
ignoring the rock barrier on the left. At the end of the valley your Geno
encounters three Spike parasites. Use beamed-up Spore on them.

Turn around and go back to the rock barrier, blow it up and cautiously move
inside. Beam up Stealth; once it's activated, run into the room and bear right
into another cave, the entrance of which is guarded by spike plants.

Entering stealthily keeps the Claws from noticing your Geno; attract their
attention by lobbing Spores. Draw them into the little cave, where the combined
fire of the plants and your Geno should kill them easily. There's a Red Key on
the floor. The entrance to the room with the spike plants has a rock barrier.
Destroy this to expose a strange coloured rock. It's made of ice, so use your
Flame to melt it.

Melting the block of ice gives access to another cave that's inhabited by two
Necrocytes. It also opens the slab of rock blocking Geno 1. Use both Genos to
down the parasites. With both Genos together, melt the large ice block
obstructing the exit to this cave, and you'll find yourself back in the valley
with the two trees at the entrance. Both Geno's should be holding one different
type of explosive plant each.

Follow the Objective arrow to a locked door on the left, near to where your Geno
first jumped the chasm. Drop one of the plants, and get the Geno to run back and
pick up that Red Key you found earlier. Come back to the door, and unlock it—but
do not open it.

Pick up the explosive plant that you dropped. With both Genos, follow the
Objective arrow past the door to the chasm. There's a platform with Spike
parasites on it and strange twisted ice spikes beyond that. These ice spikes
appear at two locations—near the structurally weak points that your Genos have
blow up.

When trying to kill the Spike parasites, leave the Geno you're not controlling
a safe place. If you bring him in to fight, he could slip over the edge and
plunge to his death.

When the platform is clear, jump each Geno individually over to the platform.
There are more parasites on the other side; kill them before proceeding. If your
Genos stay on the platform, the parasites often charge and slip off the edge
the chasm. Once all the parasites are terminated, the Objective arrow leads to a
blackened patch of ground with steam issuing from it.

Take both Genos back to the Red Door, but not close enough so it opens. Leave
them there and switch to Geno 3.

Geno 3

Geno 3 starts near the sea. On the other side of the chasm are three Spike
parasites and a Necrocyte. Blast the Spike parasites, leaving the Necrocyte for
last. There's a Green Key on the platform but your Geno can't reach it yet.

Carry on along the ledge, with the chasm to the right. You come to a platform
that's split in two by a ridge. On the far side of the ridge are three Spike
parasites that need killing, then jump onto their platform. There are more
platforms, then a large platform on the other side of the chasm that has a large
number of Spike parasites defending it.

Exterminate what you can before jumping off this platform. Then jump across to
the slippery platform, then on the next slippery platform (which has a Health
creature on it) and finally onto the wide ledge that had all the parasites on
Head Southeast up the platform, avoiding the jump plants.

Jump onto the platform where you saw the Green Key earlier, and pick it up. Now
step on the jump pad to be bounced over the chasm. There's an Electricity
parasite to kill and a flat rock to smash. Underneath the flat rock is a jump
plant that gives access to the platform in the sea. Drop the Green Key near the
plant and walk onto it to be sprung into the air.

Shoot down a Type 1 explosive plant. If you shoot the plants and they keep
falling off the platform into the sea, try shooting the lowest plant and then
pressing the Pick up/Drop key as it falls down past you. With the plant in
possession, bounce back over to where the Green Key was left.

Head North, and destroy the rock barrier. A group of five Claws are behind here,
and will charge at you. Use Necrocyte as you back away, then Flame or
when they get up close. With all the Claws dead, move up to the next rock
barrier. Behind here are two Necrocytes. Continue onward, following the
arrow and killing any Claws that appear. You eventually approach a Green Door.
Drop the explosive plant you're carrying and go back to fetch the Key that was
dropped by the jump pad. When you get back to the door, don't open it.

Geno 4

Select Geno 4, who also starts near the sea. Head North along the ledge, making
sure to pass the tentacle spikes without getting injured or knocked into the
ocean. Past the tentacles is a dead end. Turn to face the sea and locate a small
platform with a jump plant on it. Jump over here and onto the jump plant. This
flings you to another small platform with a jump plant, but watch out for
incoming fire from the Spore parasites on the iceberg.

There's another small platform that you can't reach, but it has Type 2 explosive
plants on it. Shoot the plant onto the jump plant to bounce it onto the platform
your Geno is on. Once you have the plant and you're on the ledge where the
parasites were, your Geno comes under attack from another big Flamer. Dispatch
with Spore or Electricity, using sidestep to avoid the attack of fireballs.

Following along the ledge, you come to a big rock. Just past the big rock are
several large green rocks with Flamer parasites, both big and small, hidden
behind and around the rocks.

Necrocyte saves you from exposing your Geno too much. If the fighting gets too
frantic, bring out the Spore weapon and use it on the parasites. Once the area
clear, follow the Objective arrow past an entrance to another valley on your
right and over an area of slippery ground that has a jump plant—remember this
later. Pass a Blue Door on your left and enter a valley with the twisted ice
spikes. You must get both Geno 3 and 4 to this area before you can complete the

First, clear the two Spike parasites guarding the area. Drop the explosive plant
by the steaming fissure and turn back the way you came.

Turn right inside the entrance, and through the patch of mine plants. Locate a
rock with Health creatures under it to your right, follow the valley to another
rock, and blow it up. Behind here are two Necrocytes and a number of Claws. Fire
at them using Spore while retreating back through the mine plants using the
plants to deal out extra damage.

Once you've killed this first wave, blow up the next rock and move forward.
There's another rock in front of your Geno and an opening to the left. Poke your
head around the opening, to discover a big Flamer on a ledge that runs around a
hill. Go through the opening and turn right. Follow the path along until the
ledge the large Flamer was on comes into view. Eventually your Geno will be able
to jump up on it and follow it upward.

Your Geno goes past a patch of exploding plants and eventually to the top of the
hill. There's a Health creature and a Blue Key—pick up the Key and walk onto the
jump plant. This flings you all the way over to the jump plant in the slippery
area from earlier. Now that your Geno has the Blue Key, run back and unlock the
Blue Door. At this point, all of your Genos should be standing near an unlocked

Run all four Genos through the doors they're standing in front of and kill all
the parasites you can see. Once all your Genos are grouped together, drop the
remaining plant on top of the steaming fissure. Take all of your Genos to the
hill where Geno 4 picked up the Blue Key. As you run, look for steam bellowing
from holes that appear in the floor and walls. The iceberg is beginning to
destroy itself and you know time is running out. When all four Genos reach the
top of the hill, the mission is complete.

Level 10


1. Detain mucus-producing life-form in the containment area until the ship
arrives to pick it up

Group your Genos and move out in the direction of the Objective arrow, keeping
eye out for the three Stealth parasites and two Flame parasites that are lurking
around this area. Kill them, then proceed to the big crumbling rock and blow it

There is an open area with a solitary Spike parasite wandering around. Kill it
with long range weapons, but stop your Genos running in. There's an alcove to
left filled with Claws. Leaving three Genos where the rock was, take a Geno as
bait. Fire at the Claws, then run back to your other Genos and use the combined
firepower to kill them.

When the Claws are dead, you can group up and move in. There are two Spike
parasites on a ledge to the right.

There are two exits from this area: a locked Red Door to the East and a tentacle
door to the North. Through the tentacle door is a pack of large Flamers. One of
the Flamers is a Key holder.

Once you have the Key, Stealth back through the tentacle doors and unlock the
Door, killing the Spore parasites behind. Move on through to the next area where
there's a Green Door to the East and two large ice barriers to the North and the

To the North is an ice barrier. Use beamed-up Flame to melt the barrier and then
go through. On the other side of the barrier is a big cave and as you move in, a
large pack of Claws charge at you.

When this first wave of Claws is killed, move forward around the corner. Another
pack of Claws jumps from a platform on the back wall. One of them is a Green Key
holder so take them all out and pick up the Key.

As soon as you have the Key, turn around and go back to the Green Door. Unlock
it, but don't go in yet. Use Spore to break through the ice barrier to the South
and run in. There are two Claws guarding a Type 1 explosive plant. Kill the
Claws, take the plant and run back to the door you just unlocked.

Back at the Green Door, run through to another area with Tentacle doors to the
left, a crystal fan to the right and a Blue Door guarded by two Spore parasites
straight ahead. Kill the two Spore parasites and drop the explosive plant by the
crystal fan. Ungroup your Genos and select the one that has the best Stealth
ability. Take him up to the tentacle doors and beam up Shield.

The tentacle doors open on a timer—inside are Spore plants. You need to beam up
Shield, wait for the first tentacles to open, then run through and activate
Shield. Keep beaming up and activating Shield until the second set of doors
and you can run through.

Past the second tentacle door is a large rock. Blow this up to reveal a large
room packed with parasites of all different kinds and a number of mine plants.

It is possible to get all four Genos through the tentacle doors, then blow up
rock and take out all the parasites inside; this would cost you dearly in terms
of health. So, seeing as you don't have time to hang around, use just one Geno,
beam up Stealth and run to the far corner where you'll see a small rock. Use
Spore to destroy it, revealing a jump plant. Step on the plant and let it fling
you on top of a walkway in the air.

This walkway is guarded by four Stealth parasites. Look up at the ceiling to
a patch of exploding plants. In the middle of the patch is a Type 2 explosive

Shoot it down, then run down the walkway and jump off at the lowest point. Pick
up the plant and run back to the tentacle doors. Use the Stealth and Shield
tactic to get through the doors and reunite your Genohunters.

Once the crystal barrier is gone, move forward until you see a narrow tentacle
walkway leading off to the left, with a jump plant by the foot of the walkway.
You need to get all of your Genos over this narrow walkway. Be careful not to
fall off.

Over the far side of the walkway is the entrance to a cave with a jump plant and
mine plants. Be careful not to accidentally stand on the jump plant or you’ll
have to come all the way back over the tentacle again. Just inside the cave is a
crumbling rock and behind this are three Stealth parasites—take them out and
down the tunnel.

Farther down the tunnel is another rock barrier. Blowing this up will reveal two
tough Spike parasites. After killing them, there is yet another rock barrier
a pack of large Flamers guarding a Blue Key. Kill the Flamers and take the Key,
then head back to the tentacle and use the jump plant to get back over the other
side quickly.

Now that the Blue Key is in your possession you can go back to the area with the
tentacle doors and open the Blue Door. You'll find yourself in an open area with
large rocks in the middle. Behind these rocks are two Spike parasites. Kill
and then blow up the crumbling rock on top of the other rocks to reveal Health

If you look to the South, you'll see a large semi-circular area that's bounded
twisted ice spikes. This is the containment area that you have to lure the Mucus
parasite to and hold it there. To the North of the containment area is a large
area of Parasite structures with a large tentacle running over the top of them.

There are hordes of parasites here. There are Health creatures by the rocks on
the right-hand side of the tentacle. You can also use these rocks to get up on
the tentacles to take out the Spore and Spike parasites.

The best tactic is to leave three of your Genos around the corner and send in
Geno to lure a few parasites out. Draw a few parasites at a time into your line
of fire and when all the parasites on the ground are destroyed, kill the
parasites on the tentacle if they haven't already jumped down. Don't worry if
lose a couple of Genos clearing this area, you only need one to complete the

Clear up here and then find a rock barrier that blocks a cave at the back of the
parasite structure area. Inside is the Mucus parasite, so select your healthiest
Geno and hide the rest in a parasite structure. Once this is done, blow the rock
out and lure the parasite out. It fires Mucus at you that slows your Geno to
walking pace and stops him jumping.

Keep moving back toward the containment area, avoiding the mucus spray. The
parasite is slow moving so it shouldn't be too hard. Once you have it in the
containment area, simply dodge around, making sure the parasite doesn't leave
area. After 30 seconds, the level is complete.

Level 11


1. Destroy all mucus-producing Parasite life-forms
2. Destroy all Parasite structures

As in previous levels, Level 11 begins with all four of your Genos separated
each other. You need each of them to work toward releasing the others. The
objective is to gather them together and destroy all the Mucus parasites and any
Parasite structures.

Geno 1

Geno 1 starts in an area behind some rocks, the sides of which have mine plants
growing on them. To the west are twisted spires and three Necrocytes. Once the
three Necrocytes are destroyed, you’ll find a patch of Type 1 explosive plants.
Pick one up and go to the crystal fan to the East—there is a Health creature in
the depression. Drop the plant next to the barrier and switch to Geno 2.

Geno 2

Geno 2 starts in a dead-end canyon. Pick up the Type 2 explosive plant and
the canyon around to the large rock barrier.

Blow this up and carefully creep forward until you see the canyon open into a
large area with a ring of vertical tentacles in the middle. Inside these
tentacles are exploding plants and surrounding the ring are large crumbling
rocks. Don't advance in—you'll alert the parasites before you're ready.

Run around and blow up the crumbling rocks. Under each one is a jump plant. If
you step on one you’ll be catapulted into the ring of tentacles and take heavy
damage from the exploding plants.

Uncover all the jump plants. When the parasites charge at you, simply run in and
dodge around the jump plants, getting the parasites to chase you. Hopefully the
majority of the unsuspecting parasites will stand on the jump plants and get
flung inside the ring of tentacles. The exploding plants there will take care of
them, leaving any stragglers to you.

Once the Flamers are dead, proceed up the canyon until you come to the bottom of
a ramp that leads upward. Walk up the ramp, taking care on the slippery surface
at the top. Blow up the rock barrier, and you'll be looking out over the area
where Geno 1 started.

Drop the explosive plant down to Geno 1 and then go back down the ramp and
to the area with the ring of tentacles.

When you're back in the area of the jump plants having safely delivered the
to Geno 1, there are two exits, not counting the one you started from or the one
with the ramp.

Opposite the Necrocyte cave is a huge arch. Go under this and into a large
enclosed area with a river running across the middle and a tall thin rock
pointing to the sky. Standing on the jump plant propels you on top of the rock,
where you’ll find a Blue Key and a Health creature.

Pick up the key and then jump down into the river. Head North to the large ice
barrier, using a beamed-up Flame to melt your way through. You'll find yourself
in another high-walled canyon. On the left, is a tunnel opening high in the wall
with a Red Key in it, and high up in the wall on the right is a ledge. Up ahead
is a door to the North.

A pack of Claws will attempt to ambush you. When the parasites are all dead, go
to the far end of the canyon and wait by the Green Door.

Geno 3

no 3 also starts in a dead-end canyon, so head East in the canyon until you come
to an open area with trees and shrubbery.

There are five Spore parasites and a big Flamer to kill. Once they're all dead,
head West where you notice explosions caused by a patch of exploding plants.
Above the plants is a ledge with two Spore parasites on it, guarding a Yellow

Avoid going too close to the exploding plants and take out the Spore parasites
from long range. Once they're dead, use the jump plants to get over the patch of
plants and use the platforms to get up to the ledge to collect the Key. Once you
have the Key, jump back down the platforms and use the jump plant to get back
over the patch of exploding plants.

Now head North, following the Objective arrow, until you come to a large cave
with Health creatures in it. Follow the arrow up the valley until you come to
another cave on your right. Ahead and to the left is a large crumbling rock.
leads to a cave containing two Necrocytes and Health creatures, leave this for
the moment. In the distance, up the valley, you should see some shrubbery and a
cave on the left. There is a river crossing the valley floor and leading into

Once you've set off the Spore plants, retreat back down the valley and use
up Spore to attack any parasites that attempt to cross the river.

Take a moment to fine-tune your Genohunters' abilities. Continuing with Geno 3,
cross the river and follow the Objective arrow. At the end of the valley is a
Blue Door and a ramp on the right, this leads up to the valley where Geno 2 was
earlier. You don't need to go up the ramp, so leave Geno 3 by the door and
back to Geno 1.

Geno 1

You should now have both elements of the explosive plants. Use them now to blow
up the crystal fan that's blocking your way.

Through the hole, where the crystal barrier was, is a small valley with a dead
end to the right and a large open area to the left. The open area contains a
number of twisted spires and two rings of explosive plants just visible in the
distance. Jump on top of the rocks as soon as you run into the canyon because a
pack of small Flamers will drop from the high walls, and you can easily pick
off from your point on top of the rocks.

When the Flamers are dead, beam up Stealth, and run into the open area, turning
to the right. There should be two crumbling rocks—these hide jump plants that
will send the parasites flying into the patch of exploding plants. Blow up the
rocks and weave around, trying to get parasites to stand on the jump plants and
at the same time, shooting as many parasites as you can.

Clear this area of all the parasites and absorb any meat left. Then follow the
Objective arrow to the end of the valley that contains the jump plants. At the
end of this are two large crumbling rocks, destroying these releases another
large group of parasites. Retreat back to the jump plants and use the same
tactics to get the parasites onto the jump plants.

Move into the area that the parasites came from, mopping up any left. This area
also has twisted spires. Cross the river and head inside the cave. In front of
you is a crumbling rock barrier and to your left is a narrow entrance to another
small cave. Blow up the rock and then cautiously move inside. There is another
crumbling rock in front of you and a narrow tunnel leading to another room to

Down this narrow tunnel is a tough Necrocyte and a new type of parasite—the Gene
Disruptor parasite. The Gene Disruptor parasite fires a Disruptor beam at you
that reverses your controls so backwards becomes forward and left becomes right,
etc. This is very confusing, especially in the midst of battle, and once a
Disruptor beam is locked on your Geno, it's difficult to get away.

If you keep out of range of the Gene Disruptor, you can concentrate your efforts
on the Necrocyte, whose spiders can hit you from long range. Once you have
these two parasites, go to the Mutator screen and mutate Gene Disruptor to your

The rest of this cave area is very similar—many little rooms interconnected by
narrow tunnels blocked by crumbling rocks. Take one room at a time, retreating
out of the caves if you need to. There are Necrocytes, big Flamers and more Gene

Once you've cleared this whole area, you'll come to a Red Door. To the right of
this is a tunnel leading off that contains a Health creature. Follow the tunnel
to the end and you’ll come out in the place where Geno 2 saw the Red Key earlier
in the level. Pick up the Red Key and return to the Red Door.

So now Genos 1, 2 and 3 should all be standing in front of a locked door, but
only Geno 1 has the right Key for the door in front of him. Unlock the Red Door,
and you find yourself in a room with three locked doors and a Green Key on the
floor. Pick up the Green Key and unlock the Green Door, releasing Geno 2.

Group Genos 1 and 2 then select Geno 2. Now run inside the room and unlock the
Blue Door using the Blue Key that Geno 2 has. This will reveal Geno 3.

Group the three Genos together and head out South through the middle door, which
was the Green Door. Head back through the gap that was blocked by the Ice
barrier, over the river and under the arch. Just past the arch is a Yellow Door
on the left—and Geno 3 should have the Key.

Inside the area where Geno 4 was trapped are Health creatures and a Red Key.
Absorb any Health creatures that you can, then pick up the Red Key. Group all
four Genos and head back the way you came, back under the arch, over the river
and back to the area with the four doors—three of which you've already unlocked.
The final door is opened with the Red Key that you just picked up from the area
where you found Geno 4.

Before you go through the Red Door, take a minute to have a look at the Mutator
screen to see if there's anything you can alter to your advantage.

Opening the Red Door will bring you face-to-face with three Geno Disruptors. If
you can lure the parasites through the door, use all four Genos to concentrate
your fire. When the three parasites are dead, move into the long area they were
in. Find a patch of Type 1 explosive plants and a bunch of Health creatures at
one end and a patch of Type 2 explosive plants and a bunch of Health creatures
the other end. A crystal fan barrier blocks your way to the North.

Heal all your Genos, and pick up one of each type of plant. Place them by the
and then retreat to a safe distance. When the barrier has been blown away,
be looking into an area of parasite structures. Guarding this area are some of
the Mucus parasites that you met in the previous level—there are also large
Flamers to worry about. Explore the entire area, looking in all the structures.

On the North wall of this area is a small cave blocked by a crumbling rock.
Inside are two Health creatures if you need them. Once all the parasites are
dead, a message will come up on screen reminding you to destroy the parasite
structures. There are two structures with tentacle doors to destroy. Place one
each type of explosive plant inside the structures and wait for the fireworks.
When both structures are destroyed, this level is complete.

Level 12


1. Destroy the bomb before it destroys the planet and spreads the parasite to
other worlds

Your four Genohunters start this final level high on a ledge overlooking a large
basin-shaped area. There are two wide limbs stretching out in front of you.
your Genos and move along the right-hand limb.

Just before you reach the egg-shaped structure a pack of Claws will rush out of
the structure and charge along the limb toward you; kill them and proceed.
the structure is a locked Red Door. Return to the ledge on which your Genos
started and take the left limb.

The limb splits into two separate paths, one leading left, one leading right.
left limb leads you to another egg-shaped structure; more Claws will rush out of
here and try to attack you.

If you follow the left limb, you will find a tough Necrocyte inside the egg-
shaped structure. Beam up Stealth and sneak one Geno in. Kill the Necrocyte and
find another Red Door.

Both egg-shaped structures are now clear, so return to the point where the limb
split in two and take the right-hand path that leads to the ground. This whole
area is shaped like a crater, with strange enormous egg-shaped structures linked
by huge tentacle-like limbs. Head toward the middle of the crater, which is
from the base of the limb that you came down.

In the middle of the area are rocks surrounding the base of a huge egg-shaped
structure. Around here is a horde of parasites. One of them is a Key holder:
out for the distinctive red smoke above the parasite's head.

Once the area around the rocks is clear and you have the Key, get back to the
limb you used to get down here. If you remember, there were two egg-shaped
structures connected by walkways, each had a Red Door in it. Follow the
arrow, which will lead you back to the walkway, and into the egg-shaped
where the Necrocyte was.

Open the Red Door, and head slowly down the tunnel. The rest of this level
consists of numerous tunnels connecting rooms together—most of the rooms contain
very tough parasites. They all challenge you to the limit, so stick to the
Objective arrow and avoid unnecessary confrontations unless they're unavoidable.
You should be able to get enough meat from the parasites you fight to fine-tune
your mutations.

In the corridors, use Stealth to keep out of sight and scout the areas ahead
thoroughly. Use one Geno, then bring the others up when the corridor is clear.
this because the corridors are very narrow, and using only one Geno at a time
means you can retreat back up the corridor, firing as you go. With just one
you can beam up Spore, then use the narrowness of the tunnel to your advantage
firing Spores that bounce off the walls and around corners. Keep backing off and
firing Spores around the corner.

The first corridor leads to a room containing a pack of big Flamers and baby
Flamers. There isn't a lot of health on this level, so do your best to avoid
getting into a big melee. When the Flamers are dead, move into the room they
occupied and call up your other Genos.

This room has two exits: an open corridor on the right and a door leading to
another corridor on the left. The path on the left leads to another room, this
time full of Necrocytes, so leave that one for now. The Objective arrow points
the right; take that corridor and use the one Geno with beamed-up Stealth to
scout it out. After clearing the corridor, you’ll come to another door. This
leads to a room full of Flamers. Use beamed-up Spore and Necrocyte to kill the
fiery parasites, then call up your other Genos and hold them in the room.

This room has two exits: an open tunnel just to the side of the door you came in
from, and another door to the South. The door to the South leads to a room of
Gene Disruptors, and eventually to the other Red Door in the egg-shaped
from the very beginning of this level. The Objective arrow points to the open

There is another large Flamer down the corridor—a couple of beamed-up Spores
deal with that parasite. At the end of the corridor is another door, but don't
get too close to it. Behind it are Gene Disruptors and they can fire their beams
through the door.

The room the Gene Disruptors were in contains health, so bring up the rest of
your Genos and top up on energy while you have the chance. If you look at the
ceiling of this room, you'll notice something different. There are eggs growing
on the ceiling. This indicates you're close to the final confrontation. The room
has three exits: two doors, one to the East, one next to the door you entered
from and one open corridor that the Objective arrow points toward.

Group all Genos. You're about to come face to face with the final parasites.
Group your Genohunters, and run down the corridor that the arrow indicates, past
the exploding plants and into a large circular room. This room has Health
creatures that are situated along the inside perimeter, and a large pit in the
middle. Dangling above this is the parasite egg you’re here to destroy.

You must kill the two Boss parasites guarding the parasite egg before you can
complete your objective. In this final battle, you're going to need every trick
and tactic you've learned along the way.

Using the targeting key, order two of your Genos to attack one of the Bosses,
then order the other Geno to attack the other Boss.

Meanwhile, take control of the remaining Geno and try to get behind one of the
Bosses, shooting it with beamed-up Spore. Keep an eye on your mini-screens, and
if any Geno is getting low on health, take control and run around collecting
Health creatures from around the edge of the room.

When all the health is gone, keep control of your weakest Geno and keep using
beamed-up Spore from behind a Boss. Remember to use Stealth to break out of the
Bosses' Disruptor beam. Keep moving—and keep firing!

Once the Bosses are dead, concentrate your fire on the parasite egg hanging from
the ceiling in the centre of the room. Once it's blown up, you've completed the
game. Well done!