Exile 2: Crystal Souls чит-файл №1

The Complete Guide to Exile 2
Version .21
By: Magus999

I. General Information about this walkthrough and Exile 2
II. General Tips
III. Characters
IV. Spells
V. Walkthrough

--I. General Information--

This guide is for Exile 2: Crystal Souls for the PC. Feel free to read
this guide and e-mail suggestions.

Version History:
The most recent version can be found at www.gamefaqs.com

NEXT VERSION: The next version will have a walkthrough for all of
chapters 1 and 2. I will also finish the spell section and add any
information that is sent to me. This version should be done around the
end of January. Sorry about taking so long, but midterms are coming,
so I can't start working until January 21.

Version .21
This is just a minor revision. I added my e-mail address (can you
believe I forgot it?) and added this section.

Version .20
The first version of this guide is finally finished! I have a mage
spell section, a section on skills and traits, and a short starting


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C. Send it to others as long as there is no modification or profit

You are not allowed to:
A. Sell this guide for profit.
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There are several things I assume about you in this walkthrough:

1. You have the game or the demo.
2. You are not using the editor to make your characters invincible with
maximum stats and spells. This ruins the fun of the game. But there
are several ways to use the editor without ruining the game.
3. You know the interface in the game.

About the author
This FAQ is written by Magus999. If you want to contact me:

Make the subject "Exile 2"
Put all information in the text of the message
No attachments
Contributing information is great
If you contribute, list what name you want in the credits section
Constructive criticism is accepted
Non-constructive criticism is not accepted
It may take some time for me to respond
Don't send the same message multiple times

I can also be contacted in the Exile 2 Message Board at
At gamefaqs, I am in the message boards as Magus999.

Where to find the Lvl.5 Mage and Priest Spells
General Tips
Answers to puzzles in Erika's Tower
Recommended Weapons and Armor and the locations
Anything else you think I need to add


Exile 2 is an RPG for the computer. It was made around 1994. You
create a party and lead them through a large, complex adventure. This
game is only available by going to the publisher, Spiderweb Software,
and ordering it from www.spidweb.com.

Abbreviations used in this FAQ: Slithzerikai:
Level: Lvl.
Hit points: HP
Spell points: MP
Skill points: SP
Experience points: EXP
Gold pieces: GP
Action points: AP


The Empire completely ruled the surface world. A series of underground
caves were discovered and the Empire decided to use the caves as a
prison. The Empire made a teleporter and sent anybody who didn't
conform down to the caves. The caves are called Exile and the people
sent down are called Exiles. The Exiles built up their strength.
Hawthorne was the ruler of the Empire. He sent several powerful mages
down to Exile. The leader of the mages, Erika, wanted revenge. She
helped to create her own portal and sent a group of adventurers to
Hawthorne's palace. The adventurers assassinated Hawthorne. The Empire
suddenly realized the power of the Exiles and responded. Immediately,
people were no longer teleported into Exile. Four years later, it was
clear that Exile was surviving fine without new people from the
surface. The Empire started making portals and sent down soldiers and
mages to destroy Exile. Your group was one of the last groups sent to
Exile. How are you going to help win the war?

--II. General Tips—

These are a list of tips about the game.

1. Money will be scarce early in the game. Do not waste skill points
on crappy skills like luck, merely because luck has a lost GP cost.
You will regret it later on.
2. If possible, dual-class spellcasters. What I mean is your mage
looks like this:
7 Mage Spell (or however many Mage Spell you have)
3 Priest Spell
and the numbers would be switched for your priest. When you reach a
high level, you could max both at 7. Why do I recommend this? Because
late in the game, it becomes a major pain when your priest dies or runs
out of MP and nobody else can heal the party. For the priests in the
party, I recommend getting to 3 Mage Spell as soon as possible because
Fireball greatly helps priests kill enemies (and gain EXP)
3. There are several ways to open doors, but not all are equal.
Bashing doors should only be used until you get lockpicks because you
take a lot of damage bashing doors. Lockpicking is a good way to open
doors because lockpick skill is cheap (1 SP) and lockpicks don't cost
much money. If you find or buy magic lockpicks, you will never need
need to buy any type of lockpicks again because magic lockpicks cannot
break. Unlock should be used after you try lockpicking the door.
Unlock is a very useful spell, but costs MP. There are 3 types of
locked doors. Type 1 is a weak lock and can be broken using any of the
ways. Type 2 is a magic lock and only the unlock spell will open this
door. Type 3 is a special lock and cannot be opened normally. Type 3
doors usually require keys or hitting some sort of switch. If you find
a door, start by lockpicking it a couple times, then switch to unlock.
Don't really worry about Type 3 doors because a clue is usually given
(something like, "There is a bronze keyhole" indicating you need the
bronze key)
4. Never forget to use your mages in a fight. Even if the monster is
immune to all types of magic, you can always heal, bless, or haste your
fighters. If you are really in a jam, remember the Lvl.2 Priest Spell
wound has no damage type and works against all monsters. It only does
between 10-40 damage, but that might save your neck. Also the majority
of monsters that are immune to all magic types are weak fighters, but
strong spellcasters. Use antimagic field and if the monster casts
spells, it will stop dead and not even attack with weapons. That means
even your mages can come in and help fight the monsters. Be careful
with the mages, though.
5. If a large section of the game seems hard, you probably need to gain
levels. Go outside of a town and walk around. Kill all monsters that
you see. If you have to go in the town to heal, than you are pretty
close to the town, so it isn't a problem. If just one dungeon or enemy
is hard, you need a new tactic. Look in the walkthrough and see how to
beat the dungeon. If it is just one enemy, start by casting Scry
Monster. This spell gives all information about the monster, so you
know what spells to use.
6. Save before entering specials outside. While most will allow you a
chance to leave without fighting or disturbing anything, several will
not. This also applies to specials inside dungeons, although
problematic specials inside dungeons are less common.
7. Save before fighting large battles or dangerous enemies. This way
if you lose, you can easily try again.
8. Save whenever you gain levels. It is incredibly annoying to gain 2
levels, run into trouble and have to gain those levels again.
9. Raise your clearance as soon as you can. You start at soldier, but
you can raise it to mage clearance and royal clearance. You have to do
3 missions to raise your clearance. One mission can be done in chapter
1, the rest are done in chapter 4. Higher clearance allows you to talk
to more people and gain spells from certain places. You also gain the
benefits of the mission including the EXP and items from enemies and
any other rewards of the mission. Accept all missions, but be
selective in the order you do them. Some missions are harder than
others. Some missions require you to go somewhere you would have to go
anyways. My recommended quest order:
-Formello (easy, gets a lot of EXP, available in chapter 1)
-Blosk (complex, but all you need to do is look around town, no
fighting required)
-Patrick's Tower (requires a lot of running around, but little actual
{Get Mage Clearance}
-Fort Remote (you have to get the blue pass anyway, so why not complete
a mission for doing it?)
-Silvar (easy mission)
-Fort Dranlon (hard mission, but you get Dispel Barrier)
{Get Royal Clearance}
10. Never go below 100 food, with the exception of one place where you
lose most of your food.
11. Try to keep some money on hand always. It doesn't have to be a lot
of money (a couple hundred gold is more than enough), but the money
allows you to rest at inns, buy emergency food if needed, or pay
identification fees. Beyond chapter 1, you will probably have enough
money that you won't need to worry about keeping money on hand, because
you won't be able to spend quickly enough to fully drain yourself of
12. While money can be gotten easily after chapter 1, be selective in
your purchases especially spells. Spells are very expensive and you
will rarely have enough money to buy all the spells of a level
immediately. Buy the most needed ones first, followed by useful
spells, and ignore all the worthless spells. Only a few spells fit
into the first category. First category spells include: heal spells,
firestorm, kill, ravage enemy, antimagic cloud, slow group, curse all,
and all spells that improve the entire party. Second category are
spells that have value, but are only useful in certain situations or
are not going to be used that much. Third category spells just flat-
out suck.
13. Don't be afraid to flee. In outdoor battles, you can move the
party members to the border of the battlefield and try to move off the
battlefield and the member will run away. In dungeon battles, you can
try to lose the monster in a corridor (Haste and Slow are very useful
here). If you see an enemy before it sees you in a dungeon, you can
close doors to hide before it sees you. If a monster doesn't growl, it
hasn't seen you. You can also block off a corridor with webs or
(better) barriers. Enemies cannot see through webs or barriers. Force
Barriers can block enemies even if they have seen you, as in this
M is for your mage
F is a fighter
X is a barrier
* is the enemy
# is a fighter standing on a barrier
| |
|M M|
| |

Cast a barrier on a fighter

| |
|M M|
| |

Move the fighter back a space

| |
|M M|
|F |

Repeat until you fill the hallway

| |
|M M|

The enemies are trapped, but be careful because some enemies can break

--III. Characters--

You have no set characters in Exile 2. At the start of the
adventure you create a group of characters and stick with them until
the end of the game. While it is possible to create new characters
during the game, it is a bad idea because they start with none of the
experience, spells, or items you acquired during the game.
Make sure there is a good mix of characters in a party. A great
setup is to create 2 fighters, a fighter-thief, and several mages or
The default party can be used easily with only a few modifications.
Although it is possible to have all advantages and be the best
race, doing this causes you to need over 200 EXP per level! I usually
try to keep EXP per level between 130 and 140. Fighters need a lower
EXP requirement than mages, because mages normally get more kills.


Human: No advantages, +0 EXP per level
Humans are good for keeping EXP requirements low. Your mages
should be human because they have a long list of other traits needed.
Fighters should not be human, so they get benefits.

Nephilim: +1 Dexterity, Better with missile weapons, +12 EXP per level
Nephilim are great for thieves because of the +1 dexterity. The
missile bonus doesn't help much.

Slithzerikai: +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, Better with pole weapons,
+20 EXP per level.
Sliths are excellent fighters. They do better with pole weapons and
pole weapons do the most damage out of all weapon types. Therefore,
sliths do the most damage. The strength bonus adds extra HP per level
and damage. The intelligence doesn't help fighters, and I never use
sliths as mages because of the +20 EXP.

Toughness: Takes less damage, +10 EXP per level.
This helps lessen physical damage. Give this to as many of your
fighters as you can.

Magically Apt: Spells more effective, +20 EXP per level.
Spells do a lot more damage to enemies, or last longer, or heal
more HP. This improves both Mage and Priest spells. Give this to all
your spellcasters.

Ambidextrous: Use two weapons at once, +8 EXP per level.
Use two one-handed weapons at a time. It is possible to use two
weapons without this trait, but there is a large drop in hit
percentage. Two broadswords or wave blades allow a Nephilim thief to
do as much damage as a slith fighter. Give this trait to your thief
and priest. Do not give this to sliths because sliths use pole weapons
and pole weapons are two-handed. The sliths, therefore, get no

Nimble Fingers: Increases success with thief skills, +12 EXP per level.
This increases the ability to pick locks and disarm traps. There
is no difference on the stats screen, but you can tell the difference
when you actually use the skills. Give this to your thief.

Cave Lore: Helps in caves, +6 EXP per level.
I only know of one use for this skill. Sometimes, there are
specials where you find food in the wilderness. This skill tells
whether the food is safe to eat. I don't know of any other effects.
If anybody knows what this skill does, e-mail me. I usually give this
to one of my mages.

Good Constitution: Resist poison and disease, +10 EXP per level.
This skill sounds useful, but really isn't. Poison and disease are
rare in Exile 2. Poison usually wears off, but if it doesn't just cast
Cure Poison. Disease doesn't wear off, so cast Cure Disease. This
skill isn't worth adding the EXP.

Sluggish: -1 AP, -10 EXP per level.
Even though you get –10 EXP required, the AP cost isn't worth it.
Don't give this skill to anybody.

Magically Inept: Can't use magic, -8 EXP per level.
The person cannot use magic or potions. Completely and totally

Frail: More vulnerable to poison and disease, -8 EXP per level.
The only disadvantage I ever use. Poison and disease are easily
cured with a spell and using this disadvantage allows for another
advantage. Give this to anybody who has too much EXP per level.

Pacifist: Cannot attack, -40 EXP per level.
Pacifist prevents the character from fighting and casting attack
spells. Because of this the person will almost never gain levels. The
character doesn't get kills and without kills the only EXP acquired is
through other people's kills. That means about 1 EXP for every monster
killed by another character. This disadvantage makes the character
useless. This trait should never be picked.

Good skill setups:

The ultimate fighter with a low requirement (121 EXP per level)

Nimble Fingers

A great thief who can also fight pretty well (135 EXP per level)

Magically Apt

A spellcaster who can fight (130 EXP per level)

Magically Apt
Cave Lore

A spellcaster who can handle attacking and has cave lore (125 EXP per


Health: Adds 2 HP for every 1 SP. Maximum of 201.
Have fighters start with about 20, mages with 10. You shouldn't
need to add after the beginning because when you level up, your
strength adds a number of HP without spending any SP.

Spell Points: Adds 1 MP for every 1 SP. Maximum of 99.
Mages need about 15 to start with. Mages get some free MP at the
start of a game based on Mage or Priest skill. Add points every so
often. This skill needs to be added to quickly.

Strength: Boosts damage in battle and HP gained per level. Maximum of
Fighters need this at 6-8 to start and Mages need it at 2-3. Boost
this at the same rate as dexterity for fighters. Mages need this
boosted to at least 4 as soon as possible.

Dexterity: Boosts hit percentage in battle, improves thief skills.
Maximum of 20.
Fighters need to start at 6-8 and add at the same rate as Strength.
Mages should neglect this stat until they start using weapons. At the
start, lower this stat to 1 and put the extra points into Strength to
raise the HP of your mages.

Intelligence: Effectiveness with spells. Maximum of 20.
Fighters should keep this at 1 and leave it at 1 the entire game.
Mages should start with 5-6 and raise it whenever possible. This stat
is only useful to spellcasters.

Edged Weapons: Effectiveness with edged weapons. Maximum of 20.
Fighters who aren't sliths should start at 4-5. Raise only this
weapon stat and only use edged weapons.

Bashing Weapons: Effectiveness with bashing weapons. Maximum of 20.
I don't really use this stat. Edged weapons are more common and
cheaper, but do the same damage. Until someone proves otherwise, use
edged weapons.

Pole Weapons: Effectiveness with pole weapons. Maximum of 20.
This stat should start at 4-5 for slith fighters. Raise only this
weapon stat and only use pole weapons. Non sliths should use edged
weapons instead.

Thrown Missiles: Effectiveness with thrown weapons. Maximum of 20.
Don't bother with this stat. Thrown missiles have too low of
damage to be of any use. If you need a ranged attack, cast attack

Archery: Effectiveness with bows and arrows. Maximum of 20.
Don't bother with this stat either. Archery has low damage and is
worthless beyond the first chapter.

Defense: Ability to move with armor on. Maximum of 20.
This stat should start at 1 for all mages and 2 for all fighters.
It is key in reducing encumbrance. Encumbrance is the weight of the
armor worn by a character. Encumbrance reduces the amount of AP per
turn. If you have an encumbrance of 2, you have 2 less AP. If
encumbrance is over 1, the character cannot cast Mage spells (priest
spells have no encumbrance restriction). Defense subtracts a number of
encumbrance in combat. Every point of defense subtracts a point of
encumbrance in combat. I think defense only works up to 3 points of
encumbrance. This allows you to equip heavier (better) armor and still
have the same number of AP. Raise this stat up to 3 for fighters, 2
for mages.

Mage Spells: Ability to cast Mage spells. Maximum of 7.
This allows you to cast Mage spells. Characters automatically know
most spells up to Lvl.3. Beyond that, the spells must be found or
bought. Raise this when you get spells that require higher ability.
Start with 3 for mages, none for fighters.

Priest Spells: Ability to cast priest spells. Maximum of 7.
This allows you to cast priest spells. Character automatically
know most spells up to Lvl.3. Higher spells must be bought or found.
Raise when needed. Have one Mage start with this at 3, the other mages
raise it up to 3 ASAP. Fighters don't need this.

Mage Lore: Ability to learn new spells. Maximum of 20.
Mage Lore lets you read spells books that you find. This is
crucial to learning higher level spells. This doesn't matter if you
are buying the spell from a shop, only if you find the spell in a spell
book. Whether you can read the book and learn the spell depends on the
total number of Mage Lore the party has. I recommend starting at 3 for
mages and adding a couple points every 3-4 levels. You only need about
20 for the entire party.

Alchemy: Ability to make potions. Maximum of 20.
Useless. Alchemy is worthless because you need to carry the
ingredients around. Why not just carry the potion you need instead of
the ingredients? Keep this skill at 0 for the entire party.

Item Lore: Knowledge of items dropped by enemies. Maximum of 10.
It can be good at high numbers. If a dead enemy drops an item, the
game checks your item lore. If item lore is high enough, the dropped
item is automatically identified. This takes the sum of all the points
of item lore in the party. Start with 0, but raise when you get to
high levels and are low on other things to invest SP in. This skill
only makes a difference when the total of Item Lore in your party is
greater than about 5-6.

Disarm Traps: Talent in disarming traps. Maximum of 20.
This is a key stat because there are many traps in Exile 2. Have
the thief start with this at 3 and raise every 2-3 levels. Stop at
about 7-8. The skill can be less useful because Exile 2 usually will
warn you before you step on a trap and are forced to disarm it. For
example, the game will say, "The floor ahead looks suspicious."

Lockpicking: Skill at picking locks. Maximum of 20.
This is a stat for your thief that is very useful. Picking locks
allows you to enter places without the use of the Unlock spell. Start
at 3-5 and raise a point every other level. Stop at 6. Beyond 6, the
SP don't help because you can usually pick the lock in one try and if
you can't, just try again.

Assassination: Chance to do double damage. Maximum of 20.
Great skill for fighting. It represents your chance to assassinate
and do double damage. At skill 2, you can only assassinate against
weak enemies, but at 10 you can assassinate against medium strength
enemies, and at 20 you can assassinate against almost anybody. Have
your fighters start at 1-2 and add points whenever possible.

Poison: Skill at using poison. Maximum of 20.
With this skill, you can put poison on your weapon stronger and
without damaging yourself. This can be useful, but usually I never use
poison on my weapons. Instead, I have a spellcaster use the Mage Spell

Luck: How lucky a person is. Maximum of 20.
This affects whether you can survive a killing blow. If you get
hit hard, your HP will drop to 0. Get hit again and you die. With
luck, you might "luck out" and survive. This stat is a waste of SP
that would be better spent on useful skills.

My Party Recommendation:

Fighter 1

Raise Strength, Dexterity, Pole Weapons, and Assassination.

Fighter 2

Raise Strength, Dexterity, Pole Weapons, and Assassination.

-Nimble Fingers

Raise Strength, Dexterity, Edged Weapons, Assassination, Lockpicking,
and Traps.

Mage 1
-Magically Apt
-Cave Lore

Raise Strength, Mage Spells, Priest Spells, MP, and Mage Lore. Starts
with 3 Magic Spells, 0 Priest Spells.

Mage 2
-Magically Apt

Raise Strength, Dexterity, Mage Spells, Priest Spells, MP, and Mage
Lore. Make sure to raise Magic skills before fighting skills. This
character starts with 3 Priest Spells, 0 Magic Spells.

Mage 3
-Magically Apt

Raise Strength, Dexterity, Mage Spells, Priest Spells, MP and Mage
Lore. Make sure to raise Magic skills before fighting skills. Starts
with 3 Magic Spells, 0 Priest Spells.

--IV. Spells--

This is a listing of the spells and my recommendations on usefulness
and suggested ways to use the spell.

Mage Spells


Light: Creates light. This allows you to see further than 1 space in
dark dungeons. This would be useful, except for Long Light.

Spark: Fires a weak electric bolt. Worthless because of the low

Minor Haste: Speeds up a character. Good for improving fighters, but I
usually use Haste instead.

Strength: Makes a character more skilled and the character does
everything better. This is essentially the same as the Priest Spell,
Bless. Useful for improving fighters.

Scare: Decreases morale of the victim. I have never found a use for

Flame Cloud: Creates a fire cloud over a space. Not very good, use
Wall of Ice, Wall of Force, or Wall of Blades instead.

Identify: This identifies one item. Very useful for saving money on
identification fees.

Scry Monster: Find out information about a monster, including HP, MP,
Skill at combat and ability with Mage and Priest Spells.

Goo: Covers target with goo. I never use this spell, use Web instead.

True Sight: See everything in a 3*3 radius. Valuable for finding
hidden passages.


Minor Poison: A light poison on an enemy creature. Good for mages who
resist all other elements.

Flame: Shoots a flame at an enemy. Used only for conserving MP.

Slow: Victim gets only half as many turns as normal. Great for holding
off an enemy until later in the battle. Also good for allowing you to
run from an enemy.

Dumbfound: Makes victim easier to hit and damage. It never seems to
work well when I cast it.

Envenom: Puts poison on a character's weapon. Pointless, just poison
the monster yourself with Minor Poison.

Stinking Cloud: Creates a cloud of gas. Anyone entering is cursed
(lower attack, lower hit percentage, lower defense). Valuable for
weakening enemies. Becomes obsolete when you get Curse All or Ravage

Summon Beast: Summons a weak monster to fight on your side. Don't
bother with this spell. Use Weak Summoning instead or just charm an
existing enemy.

Conflagration: Creates a radius 2 circle of flame clouds. Not used
much because Fireball or Firestorm do group fire damage and don't block
your fighters from attacking.

Dispel Field: Erases a magical field (flame cloud, ice wall, force
wall, blade wall). Not used because it only erases 1 square and most
of these fields are long walls or large areas.

Invisibility: Makes a character invisible. The character becomes
visible when they attack or use a spell. Good way to protect a weak
character or a mage who has run out of MP.


Unlock: Unlocks a door. Invaluable because many doors can only be
opened with this spell.

Haste: Speeds up a character. Valuable for allowing a fighter to
attack more often in a turn or allowing a mage to cast 2 spells in a

Fireball: Hits a 3*3 area with a fire spell. Incredible damage and
with the large area, lets mages kill several enemies in a turn.

Long Light: Like Light, but lasts much longer. Required for dungeon
crawling. After all, if you need to put several spells and attacks to
kill somebody, you better see him before he's right next to you.

Fear: More powerful version of Scare. I never use this spell, either.

Wall of Force: Creates a long wall of force. Hit space to rotate.
This can be used to block off areas because enemies will rarely walk
into or through a wall.

Weak Summoning: Creates up to 8 monsters, which fight on your side for
a while. Good for distracting the enemies.

Flame Arrows: Casts flame on several targets. Each arrow seems to do
less damage than a flame spell. Useful for targeting several enemies
that are spread far apart.

Web: Creates a radius 2 circle of webs. Webs slow down anyone walking
through them. This can be used to weaken enemies or to block off
vision of enemies (they cannot see through webs).

Resist Magic: Improves a character's resistance to general magic. This
has little use because the only spells that enemies use that are
general magic are Kill, Forcefield and Wall of Force. By the time
enemies start using Kill, you will have enough HP to survive several


Poison: Better than Minor Poison. Take the same advice as Minor
Poison, except this is more useful due to the higher damage.

Ice Bolt: Shoots a bolt of ice. Identical to flame, except this spell
does Ice type damage.

Slow Group: Slows all enemies within 12 spaces. Exceptional for
weakening enemies. This spell halves the movement of all monsters in
12 spaces. This is a great spell to start a fight with.

Magic Map: See a vision of the entire map of the current location in
town or dungeons. Requires a sapphire. Very helpful for locating
secret rooms and finding your way through mazes.

Capture Soul: Attempts to create a copy of the monster inside your soul
crystal. Requires a soul crystal. This adds a copy of the monster
inside your soul crystal. The monster can then be summoned with
Simulacrum. Use this on powerful monsters to get great allies. The
soul crystal can only hold 4 monsters at a time, though.

Simulacrum: Uses captured souls to create a monster to fight for you.
Requires a soul crystal. Capture a monster with Capture Soul and then
summon it with Simulacrum. Valuable for creating good monsters to
fight for you.

Venom Arrows: Similar to flame arrows, except casts Poison on all
enemies hit by the "arrows". Useful for Poisoning a group of enemy

Wall of Ice: Creates a long wall of ice. Used like Wall of Force,
except ice walls last longer and do more damage.


Stealth: Lowers the chance enemies will see you. Only used to sneak by
powerful monsters. It doesn't help if the enemy has already spotted

Major Haste: Casts Haste on all party members. This is used similar to
haste, but works better. Use at the start of battles to improve your
group's fighting ability.

Firestorm: Hits a radius 2 circle with a fire spell. More powerful
than Fireball, and can hit more enemies. This spell is invaluable for
killing large numbers of enemies.

Dispel Barrier: Removes a magic barrier. Works on both Fire Barriers
and Force Barriers. Used often to remove pesky barriers. Very
important for beating Exile 2.

Fire Barrier: Creates a fire barrier at a space. Fire barriers damage
anybody walking through them. Good to force enemies into a narrow
passageway. Once they have to enter the passageway, blast them with
Firestorm, Fireball and other spells that hit enemy groups.

Summoning: Like Weak Summoning, but the monsters are stronger. Use
instead of Weak Summoning because the monsters last longer and do more

Shockstorm: Fills a radius 2 circle with force walls. Good for
blocking passageways and entrances.

Spray Fields: Create a number of randomly chosen fields. Useless
because you could randomly get fire walls, force walls, ice walls,
antimagic walls, or blade walls.


Major Poison: Like Poison, but much more powerful. Use on same enemies
as Minor Poison and Poison, but this spell does tons of damage. Very
valuable for dealing with enemy mages.

Group Fear: All monsters within 12 spaces get hit with Fear spell.
Because Fear is useless, this spell is too.

Kill: Does a lot of magic damage to one target. Does the most damage
in the game to enemies. Unfortunately, later in the game, many
monsters are resistant or immune to magic.

Ravage Enemy: All monsters within 8 spaces are hit with a Slow spell
and a Curse spell. Incredibly useful. Battles that would normally be
hard are simple with this spell. If you combine this spell with Major
Blessing, your party is close to invincible!

Daemon: Summons a demon. With Simulacrum and Major Summoning, I rarely
use this spell. Simulacrum is better because you can choose the
monster and major blessing summons many more monsters.

Antimagic Cloud: Creates a radius 2 circle of antimagic. Antimagic
prevents spells from being targeted into or cast out of the field.
Using this spell can take enemy spellcasters completely out of the
fight. Without mages, your fighters shred through the enemy fighters
and move on to attack the mages. This spell eventually fades (like all
wall spells), but while an enemy mage is standing inside the cloud, the
mage will do nothing. They won't cast spells, attack, or even move out
of the cloud. If used correctly, this spell is definitely one of the
best spells in the game.

Mindduel: Cast on an enemy who can use magic and a mental battle
begins. The loser gets MP drained, dumbfounded, or killed. Requires a
Smoky Crystal. This spell stinks because you will probably lose the
mental battle. Even if you win, the spell isn't effective enough to be
useful. Don't bother buying this spell.

Flight: Party flies for 3 spaces. Valuable to cross rivers, lava, or
pits. This spell becomes obsolete once you get the Orb of Thralni
(which allows you to fly for 5 spaces and never requires magic).


Shockwave: Sends out a wave of damage that hits everybody (your party
included) within 10 spaces. This spell does far too little damage to
be useful. Don't waste your time with this spell.

Major Blessing: Casts Bless, Haste, and Envenom on the entire party.
This spell increases fighting ability, doubles or triples AP and puts
poison on your weapon. This spell is great to start battles with
because it improves your party so much. This is great when combined
with Ravage Enemy. Get this spell as soon as possible.

Recharge: Adds a charge to a wand, staff, or rod. Useless because you
can destroy the item and one charge isn't all that useful.

Protection: Casts Resist Magic on the party and makes one character
invincible. Resist Magic still isn't very useful, but the
invincibility is a great benefit. A tough call on the overall

Major Summoning: Like Weak Summoning and Summoning, but with more
powerful creatures. Use in the same ways as these two spells.

Force Barrier: Creates a force barrier at a space. This is a permanent
barrier that cannot be walked through. The only way to get rid of the
barrier is Dispel Barrier. Make sure you don't trap yourself. This is
used like Fire Barrier, except you can barricade creatures in with
Force Barrier. Some enemies can break through the barrier, though.

Quickfire: A fire, which burns through the current town, dungeon, or
battlefield. Only Fire Barrier, Force Barrier and solid walls stop the
fire. This spell sounds better than it is. The high cost (50 MP)
prevents it from being used commonly in battles and the lack of control
over the fire makes it worthless in dungeons.

Death Arrows: Like the other arrow spells, but shoots targets with a
kill spell. Like Flame Arrows, these spells do less damage. The
damage is about half of a kill spell, but the number of targets makes
it valuable. It should be used against a number of enemies vulnerable
to magic.

--V. Walkthrough--

Note: Exile 2 is a very non-linear game. Feel free to explore and do
things in another order. I chose the order that seemed easiest, but
there are other ways to complete the game. Good luck!

Fort Ganrick
Set up your party and leave your room. Explore the fort and talk
to the commander. Make sure to ask about your mission. There are
supplies in the east rooms. The northeast room that has supplies has a
hidden door on the north wall. Pick up everything and equip yourself.
When you leave the fort, Nephilim will attack. Defeat them with you
fighters attacking, mages casting Fireball, and priests casting Wound.
Grab all the loot they dropped and look at the map the Nephil Chief was
You could go to the Nephilim Fort now, but it would be hard to
survive. Head a little ways south on the road and you will see a sign
directing the way to Fort Draco. Talk to everybody to learn about the
magic barriers. West of the north gate, there is a store that sells
lockpicks ant torches. Buy some lockpicks for your thief and talk to
the shopkeeper. She will tell you things like, "Don't go near the ore
piles behind the shop. They are perfectly normal." Walk behind the
shop through the ore piles to find a staircase to a dungeon.

The First Dungeon
The fights are easy if you remember to use magic and your fighters.
Search the area and you will find information about the enemies in a
dresser. The room with the dresser and information about Black Saber
has a hidden passage on the right side of the room. The locked doors
can be easily opened with a lockpick or Unlock spell. In the rightmost
room (the one located under the inn) there is a secret passage in the
wall. You can fight several rats for easy experience. After you
finish this dungeon, go to the armor seller and buy enough leather
helms for your entire party. If you have the money, buy some boots
too. Make sure everybody has either leather armor or a leather jerkin
(if you picked up all the treasure so far, they should). Train a
little bit if you can afford it and have the SP. If you don't have the
money for a good skill, don't waste the SP on a cheaper, worse skill.
Now leave Fort Draco. You can either go east or west from Fort
Draco to find some fights and EXP, but I recommend east. The fights to
the west include some Aranea who have strong magic. If you choose to
go west first, skip down to the section "Spider Wars". If you choose
to go east continue reading.

Salamanders and sailing