FATE: The Traitor Soul чит-файл №1

While playing the game, press [Ctrl]+[Shift] + ~, then type one of the following
codes and press [Enter] to activate the cheats:

Result Code

Extra 500,000 gold - Gold
+1,000 fame points - Fame
+ 5,000 experience points - Experience
Display red blood instead of particles - Blood
Replaces red blood with particles - Noblood
Ascend indicated number of levels - Ascend [number]
Descend indicated number of levels - Descend [number]
Full dungeon map - Discoverall
Spawn fountain that replenishes health - Fountain of Health
Spawn fountain that replenishes mana - Fountain of Mana
Spawn fountain that replenishes stamina - Fountain of Stamina
Spawn shrine that gives random positive - Shrine of Learning
Spawn statue that will give unique monster - Fate Statue
Save text desc. of current map to "maze.txt" file - Dumpmap
Spawn anvil that imbues either random positive - Magic Anvil
Gain one experience level - Levelup [number]
Gain ten experience levels and eight levels - God
Full health - Heal
Spawn large empty chest - Large Chest
Summons the given creature. - [Creature Name]
Summons the given item name. - [Item Name]