FEZ чит-файл №1

A numbers game (10) Find the Counting Cube artifact.

Achievement unlocked (15) RTRTLTRTRTLTLTLT

Cryptographer (15) Break the code.

Equal and opposite (15) Find an Anti-Cube.

Get a cube (10) Find your very first cube shard.

Haikus not epics (10) Find the Tome artifact.

Hexahedronaut (25) Collect all 32 Golden Cubes and 32 Anti-Cubes.

Kill screen (25) Get to the end.

Mightier than the sword (10) Find the Writing Cube artifact.

Phrenologist (10) Find the Skull artifact.

Sum total (40) Find ALL collectibles.

Warp zone (15) Reactivate all 5 warp gates.