Force 21 чит-файл №2

Нажмите ~ для включения консоли.

ISpy - показать всех врагов на карте
NoVictory - сделать так, чтобы миссия никогда не заканчивалась (даже
если вы выиграли)
KillEnemy - убить всех врагов на карте
Hasselhoff - провалить миссию
GameOverMan - выполнить миссию
Neon - Неоновая желтая стрелка над каждым
Polytheism - вы и враги - непобедимы
Hurt - Ранить первую машину в выбранном взводе
Seattle - Убрать Горизонт
ChillOut - Зафиксировать машины
Amazon - убрать все деревья с карты

Other Commands
ID - Gives the type/ID/Unit ID of the currently selected vehicle
TargetList - Gives a list of currently selected targets (Useful for
"Kill" and "Hurt" commands)
SetX # - Moves the current unit to the new X pos (same as
clicking the goto button)
SetY # - Moves the current unit to the new Y pos (same as
clicking the goto button)
SetZ # - Moves the current unit to the new Z pos (same as using
the up/down button with the helicopter)
CenterMass - Centers the camera on the current unit
SoundBytes - Displays the amount of memory used by sound
Exit - Exit's to windows
Quit - Exit's to windows
Zoom # - Zooms the camera in (WARNING: I couldn't figure out how to zoom out)
GetPos - Gives the current units position on the map X Y Z
(useful for SetX, SetY, and SetZ)
CameraHeight # - Changes the height of the camera
TerrainDirectional - same as "Dir"
Dir - Displays the current RGB directional light values
DirR # - Changes the R Direction light
DirG # - Changes the G Direction light
DirB # - Changes the B Direction light
TerrainAmbient - same as "Amb"
Amb - Displays the current RGB ambient light values
AmbR - Changes the R ambient light
AmbG - Changes the G ambient light
AmbB - Changes the B ambient light
MinPitch - Controls the cameras minimum pitch
MaxPitch - Controls the cameras maximum pitch
MinHeight - Controls the cameras minimum height
MaxHeight - Controls the cameras maximum height
ScaleModel # - Scales all models to # times their original size
ScaleTurn # - Changes turning speed, 10 is about normal
ScaleAcceleration # - Changes Acceleration speed, 10 is about normal
ScaleSpeed # - Changes travel speed
London - Turns fog on/off
FarFog # - Furthest distance to draw fog
NearFog # - Nearest distance to draw fog
FarClip # - Farthest to draw objects/terrain
NearClip # - Nearest to draw objects/terrain
FPS - Shows current frames per second
Grid - Turns off texture maping
Avatar - Draws a yellow box around all objects
Unknown Use
ChessMatch - Toggels "ChessMatch" mode
Commanders - Disables Commanders Effects

Bad ... Very bad
CameraDistance # - Hung my computer
ImpLines - **Crash*