Fox Sports Soccer '99 чит-файл №1

Hint: When in Amateur mode, don't try a bunch of complicated passing--instead,
run like the dickens; if you zigzag to lose your pursuer, you'll more often
than not end up in front of the opposition net or the recipient of a free

Hint: If you figure you've got a pretty good angle on the ball carrier, try
running "through" him without clicking any buttons. You cannot draw a foul if
you don't attempt to knock him off the ball, and you'll often come up with it
Hint: After-touch, particularly at Semipro or Pro levels, is oh-so-important.
One of the most effective scoring techniques involves bearing straight at the
goalie, blasting the ball as hard as possible, then curving it on the way in.

Hint: Choose the Blimp Cam, then zoom out for a definitive read of the field.
Results are much better with it than without it.