Gambler Queen's Cup чит-файл №1

Do a binary file edit on the GAME.HIS file using whatever
program/utility you have available. This is a 603 byte file, but
you only need the first few bytes. Alter/edit the values in bytes
6, 7, and 8 to all be 3. Making them larger than 3 can cause
Queen to skip pictures and possibly crash. That's it! Save the
altered file, re-run Queen (START), and check out the girls!

But if you want to play this the hard way, I'd also suggest you
give yourself a LOT of money. Getting all the pictures for one
girl can cost about 3,000,000! If you do some more binary
editing, the money values for the 6 saved games start at bytes
67, 166, 265, 364, 463, and 562. The money values are all 4 byte
integers, but I didn't need more than 9,999,999. The first 6
bytes (0 through 5) in GAME.HIS control which saved games are
available - 255 for yes, 0 for no.