Giants: Citizen Kabuto чит-файл №1

Kabuto's Story

Attack of the Evil Smarties

Mission Objectives:

-Hunt for the EVIL SMARTIES that have taken over the friendly Smartie Villages.
Eat enough of them and you'll GROW!

-Once you've grown, destroy the WOODEN GATE to get to the other side of the

Finally! We now get a shot at playing as the Giant; Kabuto. I don't know if any
of you were holding your breath, but we sure were. All that power. What
incredible size! This is one of the many things that makes playing "Giants
Citizen Kabuto" different from any other game. Know this... Controlling the
is not quite as easy as the other races. Plus, being so large makes it a bit
difficult to attack targets below you. During this mission walkthrough, not only
will we guide you through the mission, but we will also attempt to easy your
transition into playing as the Giant.

Mission Walkthrough:

Now... For your first mission, you need to go looking for a few Evil Smarties to
munch on. Begin by switching to the map view, and making note of the circle
marks. Each of the marks represents a Smartie (or the Wooden Gate). As you near
Smarties location, the Smartie will begin to panic and run about. Often, the
Smartie will enter inside the Smartie Houses to hide. If you attack the Houses,
you can break them open to get to the Smartie inside. Anyway, If you find every
Smartie, you can grow up to 2 times during this mission. Check the labeled map
for locations.

While looking around for Smarties, you will be attacked by Reapers. Practice
grabbing them, throwing them, and eating them. When you near a Reaper Barracks,
you should smash down the Barracks before messing with the Reapers that are
running about.

Once you have grown at least once, head for the Wooden Gate, and smash through
it. This will complete the first mission...

Controlling the Giant:

At this point in the game, you will not be able to use most of Kabuto's skills.
While configuring the keyboard, it is common to place the skill that you use now
on the easy to reach keys. Although this is a good idea to do, you may find
yourself re-configuring them over and over when new skills are available. For
now, the main keys that you will want close together are: Forward, Back, Step
Left, Step Right, Jump, Run, Horn Spike, and Zoom. This is assuming that you
Attack and Grab configured to the Left and Right Buttons on the Mouse.

Later, you will also want the following keys close by your primary movement keys
(in order of importance): Charge Adrenaline, Offspring Command, Recall
and Magnifying Glass Mode. When setting up the controls for Kabuto, keep this in

When to Eat It and When to Throw It Away:

As Kabuto, you will be able to pick up Smarties, Vimps, Rippers, Reapers, Raiks,
and Volcanic Rocks (Boulders). To pick something up, use the Grab Key (Right
Mouse Button by default). While holding something, you have 2 options:

1. Eat it

2. Throw it.

Depending on the situation, you will decide when to do either option. To give
an idea of the effects or benefits, eating something will refill some of your
points, and throwing something will damage or kill the thrown critter. You can
not eat Volcanic Rocks.

Smarties will give you the most benefit when consumed. Not only will a Smartie
refill some of your hit points, it will also add a little to your "growth"
Once you have consumed enough Smarties, you will grow in size. You will need to
go through a few growth spurts before you reach your full size. Once you are
grown, eating more Smarties will allow you to lay an egg, which will hatch into
Offspring. You can have up to 2 Offspring at a time.

Throwing critters around is often very helpful. Doing this gives Kabuto long
range attack abilities. Try tossing a Reaper at another Reaper. As you grow, you
will be able to throw things further, and harder (which will cause more damage).
When you are full grown, you will be able to throw a critter across the the
playing field (or the island) to hit a target miles away. You will begin using
this tactic a lot in Kabuto Mission #3.

Sink or Swim:

As the Meccs, you could enter Deep Water but you would be attacked by Piranhas.
As Delphi, entering Deep Water allowed you to Regenerate lost hit points and you
could swim at a rapid pace. As Kabuto... You just sink. Entering Deep water is
one of the fastest ways to kill the big guy. Stay on dry land, unless you know
that the water is shallow.


The Way Out

Mission Objectives:

-Eat more of those little bastard EVIL SMARTIES in order to GROW!

-Once you've gone through another growth spurt, break through the STONE GATE.

-Find the magical PORTAL to exit this island.

This Mission has the same focus as the last. Hunt down more Evil Smarties, and
GROW! Unlike the last mission, you will have more enemies to face, as well as
Raiks. Lots of Raiks. But, don't worry. Raiks are pretty easy to deal with.
Instead of attacking them, grab them. This is the easiest way to defeat them.
Pick them up and eat them. If you pick them up and throw them, chances are they
will survive and return to fight some more. If you eat them, well... They're
dead. Check our labeled Map for locations.

Once you have grown a total of 3 times (including any growth from the first
mission), break through the Stone Gate. The area is well defended by Reapers,
Raiks, Turrets, and Barracks. Once the Stone Gate is smashed down, follow the
path behind it to locate the Exit Portal.


-If you gathered up all of the Smarties on the first mission, and if you look
everywhere for Smarties during this mission, you can gather enough Smarties to
grow to full size and lay 2 eggs. However, when you move to the next mission,
will be shrunk a size (I guess they didn't want you to be full size just yet).
The good thing is you can keep the Offspring that you created, and they can be
quite helpful.

-Giving orders to your Offspring isn't as easy as it was with the Meccs. You
first target the Offspring. Press the Offspring Command key, and then press the
Attack or Grab Buttons (Offspring Attack, or Offspring Fetch). Your cursor will
change into a Mouth or into a hand. You will then need to target something with
the new cursor to finally issue the desired command. This will be covered more
during the next mission.

A Monster Comes of Age

Mission Objectives:

-Eat enough EVIL SMARTIES to grow once more and attain your full magnificent

-Once you've at full size, use your ADRENALINE ATTACKS to break through the
DOOR to get to the other side of the island.

Are you ready for a challenge? This mission can be quite difficult. We will try
to give you a few pointers, and a couple tricks. The final outcome will still
depend on your ability to control the Giant, and in your ability to measure a
losing situation before it is too late.

When the mission begins, turn slightly to your left, and follow the path leading
downward. Move quickly, and side to side to avoid the shots of the Turret up on
the mountain. Once you are up against the mountain, the Turret will not be able
to fire at you. Take a moment here to catch your breath. When you are ready,
follow the mountain around to the Smartie Village. You will have to deal with a
lot of Reapers, the Turret on the Mountain, 2 Turrets on small islands behind
Village, and a Barracks. As soon as you enter the village, you should spot an
Evil Smartie, who will run for the safety of the houses. If you run directly for
him (ignoring the Turrets, Reapers, etc) you can catch him before he enters any
of the houses. Eat him, and then quickly attack the Barracks. Once you have done
that, retreat back around the mountain from where you came (where you are safe
from Turret fire). Grab and eat each of the Reapers as they chase you around the
corner. Do not feel like you need to kill everything in this area (don't bother
with the Turrets). Your goal was to get the Evil Smartie.

After snatching the Evil Smartie from the first village, follow the path leading
away from the village. You will find a Ripper Husk (Barracks). Rippers are
usually little to no threat to Kabuto. Think of Rippers, and Ripper Husks as
a "snack". Once you eat all of the Rippers outside of the Husk, you can stand by
the doorway and catch each new Ripper as it exits. Eat enough to fill your hit
points, and then do what you like with the rest. From here, you can continue to
follow the path, or you can climb over the mountain to your right. If you
continue straight ahead, you will come to a Reaper Barracks and a few Reapers.
Kill them all, and then continue towards the right. You will come to a Smartie
Village in a indenture in the mountain (the same spot you would have located if
you had climbed the mountain before the Reaper Barracks).

In the Smartie Village, you should find another Evil Smartie. Smash open the
buildings if you can not find him. Eating this Smartie will move your Growth
Meter to almost full. Eating another Smartie will allow you to grow to full
Anyway, from here, the mission will become quite difficult. You will see
two "walkways" leading across the water. If your back is to the starting
location, looking out from the Smartie Village, you should see a path on your
left and a path on your right. The path on the left is there to tempt you.
Crossing it will likely kill you. Instead, take the path on the right. Check the
map for a clear idea.

Cross the right hand path. You will come to an area where there will be lots of
Reapers, 2 Reaper Barracks, a Turret, and a Sniper on a Tower in the water. Run
into this area, and begin destroying the first Barracks that you come to. Once
the Barracks is destroyed, run through the area, heading towards the Smartie
village in the northeast (a little to the right and past the Barracks). We
suggest that you destroy the first Barracks because it will begin spitting out
Reapers as soon as you near it. Having one Barracks doing this is bad enough,
two Barracks doing it can quickly get "out of hand". Anyway, when you near the
Smartie Village in the northeast, you will see a Ripper Husk. If you are very
on hit points, go ahead and eat a few to get a little life back.

Now, go over to the Village and get the Smartie. You may need to smash him out
the houses. Eating this Smartie should grow you to full size. You will now be
able to use your Adrenaline Attacks. This will come in handy while dealing with
the Barracks and the Turret that we passed a minute ago. Return to the Husk, and
eat Rippers until your are at full health. The Reapers from the Barracks should
have found you by now, so eat them as well. Once the area is clear, charge up
your Adrenaline attack (Shift key by default), run over to the Turret near the
second Barracks, and attack. If you charged the adrenaline attack to full (red)
then Kabuto should perform a "Belly Flop" attack, crushing the Turret, and
rippling the ground. Using your adrenaline attacks like this is an excellent way
of destroying Turrets, Barracks, etc. If you charge your attack to full, most of
the time, you will destroy the target. Practice doing that on the second
Barracks. Charge your Adrenaline attack to full, and then attack the Barracks.

With the Reapers that are left over, grab them up and throw them at the Sniper
the Tower in the water. This Sniper will cause problems for the rest of the
mission if you do not deal with him now. Use your Zoom key to help with your
Once the Sniper is out of the way, follow the mountain off to the left. Along
way, you will pass an "alcove", which is loaded with Reapers, Turrets, and
Barracks. We suggest that you just pass by this area. If you need a Smartie to
grow with, then you can enter and find one, but this fight is one that is best
left alone.

Continue following the path to the left. You will find another Barracks.
Adrenaline attack it to destroy it. Eat all of the Reapers in the area. Notice
the Smartie Village in the distance? If you near that village, the Large
will begin spitting out tons of Reapers. So, try to get as full on health as you
can be. Run in and Adrenaline attack the Large Barracks. You may need to punch
a few times to finish it off. Once the Large Barracks is out of the way, fall
back behind the mountain, so that you are not fired on. Try to catch as many
Reapers as you can from behind the mountain. Eat until full, or until the
stop coming. From here, you can run in and clean up the rest of the Reapers.
There is also a herd of Vimps in the area that you can munch on if you need hit
points (usually they are running up against the side of the mountain near the
Smartie Village). Once the area is safe, go over and smash down the Large Stone
Gate to complete the mission...


-Most of the Turrets on this mission will be too high to reach or on islands in
the water. The Turrets in the water are surrounded by deep-water. You can try
jumping over to the small island, but chances are, you will fall into the water
and die. Instead, avoid the Turrets that are out in the water, or toss a couple
Reapers at them to destroy them.

-If you have any Offspring during this mission, order them to attack the Turrets
in the water. Your Offspring can swim (even though you can not).

-If you get low on hit points, fall back! Go to the other side of a hill, or a
mountain. You can lure Reapers one at a time from here, to try to re-gain some
hit points. You can also take cover behind a Barracks, or a Smartie House, etc,
allowing the attacking reapers to hit the Barracks, Smartie House, etc and
destroy it for you. This is helpful when you are very low on hit points, and can
not withstand any more damage.

-You can get on top of higher elevated areas by using your Adrenaline Attack.
Adrenaline Attack works much the same as Delphi's Turbo, but without such
effectiveness. What you will want to do is jump towards the higher area. At the
top of you jump, release your Adrenaline Attack, aiming at the area where you
want to be. If it isn't too far away, Kabuto will begin his Adrenaline attack at
the top of his jump, often landing where you wanted him to go. This can be
helpful in getting to some of the Turrets or Towers that are on the Hills (just
out of reach).

-Now that you are full grown, test out the "Mouth Cam". Check your configuration
for the correct key (R or P by default). Although this view is somewhat clumsy,
and blocks most of the viewing screen, it is pretty cool to play around with.


Monster Motherhood

Mission Objectives:

-Eat still more EVIL SMARTIES.

-Each EVIL SMARTIE you eat will allow you to create OFFSPRING - Use the darling
little creatures to destroy enemies.

-Enter the PORTAL to go to the next island.

When the mission begins, you will see a few Evil Smarties on a small hill in
front of you. There is a group of Vimps that will make laps around the hill. At
the backside on the area, you will find 5 Turrets, and the door leading further

Eat the Smarties and lay 2 eggs . Now have your Offspring eat a couple Vimps so
that they will grow to full size. Once your Offspring are grown, begin ordering
them to attack the Turrets. You could go over and attack the Turrets yourself,
but I believe that the Turrets are setup there to give you a chance to practice
ordering your Offspring around.

Once the area is clear, fill-up on Vimps to recover any damage (the Vimps will
return if you wait a moment), and then break down the large door. On the other
side, you will find a lot of Reapers, and 3 Barracks. Charge up your Adrenaline
attack. Run over and belly flop on top of one of the Barracks. Afterwards, begin
munching on the Reapers that are running around, until your Adrenaline attack
recharged. Repeat the Adrenaline attacks on the 2 remaining Barracks, and then
finish munching on the Reapers.

At this point, you will want to call your Offspring over to you. Order them to
attack the Turrets and the SAM Turret in the next area. Once the Turrets are out
of the way, run in and smash down the Barracks. There should be a couple
in the small village, if you need to hatch another Offspring. Take a moment now
to gather yourself, as the next area is going to be a real workout.

For the final area, before entering it, charge up your Adrenaline attack. Run in
and Adrenaline attack the Large Barracks to wipe it out. If you begin taking
heavy damage, quickly retreat back out to the Smartie Village area (around the
corner from all of the Reapers). From here, you can grab up the Reapers as they
chase you around the corner. Munch away until you are full, or until all of the
Reapers are dead.

Finish this mission up by smashing through the large door, and then entering the
Exit Portal. There will be two Raiks at the Portal, so be sure to have some hit
points before breaking the door. Enter the Portal to complete the mission...


-To issue orders to your Offspring, you must target the Offspring , while
down the command button, and then press the attack or the grab button. Your
cursor will change into a mouth or into a hand . The mouth will command your
Offspring to attack, and the hand will command them to fetch. Anyway, once you
have a mouth or a hand for your cursor, you must then aim at the target.
Releasing the mouse button will complete the command to your Offspring.

-If you get desperate, you can always fall back to the starting area, where the
herd of Vimps were circling the hill. Munch them down, and then return to the
action. The Vimps will re-spawn, so you can return over and over as needed.

-Watch the Offspring meter to monitor their growth. The more Vimp Meat that they
eat, the larger they will grow, until they reach their maximum size.

The Kabuto Canyons

Mission Objectives:


The goal of this mission is for you to locate the Secret Entrance leading into
the Canyons. As soon as this mission begins, if you pull up the map, you can
locate the Secret Entrance by looking for the green marker circle. Begin by
crushing through the trees (ala-King Kong). You will come to a small ledge,
overlooking hordes of Reapers. The Reapers will begin advancing towards you.
Charge up your Adrenaline Attack, run over, and flatten a clump of them. Eat the

Continue across the area. In the rear, you will find 2 Reaper Barracks, a Ripper
Barracks, 4 Turrets, and 2 SAM Turrets. Just behind all of the Turrets, you
should see a clump of trees (in the water). The trees are covering up the secret
entrance. Clear the area of Reapers, Turrets, etc, and then smash through the
trees. You will find a Fake Wall. Break through the Fake Wall to complete the


-If you are having a hard time with this mission, just run from the starting
location to the Fake Wall. You should be able to survive the damage that you
take, so long as you run every chance that you get.

-The funny looking glass wall if for a later mission. If you try smashing it, it
will tell you that you need a Magnifying Lens first.

-If you need some Smarties, look to the left of the Secret Entrance. You should
see a Smartie Arch. Following that path will lead you to a Smartie Village.


Kabuto Volcano

Mission Objectives:

-Find the pillar of VOLCANIC ROCK... and smash it!

-Grab a BOULDER from the broken pillar and throw it at the nearby BARRACKS -
watch the shrapnel fly!

After smashing through the Fake Wall (the Secret Entrance), you will find an
with a Ripper Husk (Barracks), a Tower with 4 Reapers, and an oddly placed
The Sonak is here for looks. It doesn't move around or do anything. Behind the
Sonak, you will see 2 more Fake Walls. The Fake wall on the left leads to a
Smartie Village, and then connects with the Fake Wall on the Right. The Fake
on the Right is the quickest way to continue ahead.

Once you enter the area behind the Fake walls, heading towards the right will
yield yet another Fake Wall. Smashing this Fake Wall will allow you to continue.
There will be about 10 Reapers armed and ready for you when you do break through
this wall. Kill them all, and then continue following the default path. You will
find "another" Fake Wall. Break through it, and continue to the next Fake Wall.
Breaking this Wall will expose a large area, heavily defended by Reapers and

You can run through the area, killing everything, or you can run around the
mountain on the right side of the area, and head up to the Volcano. Either way,
the Volcano is your destination. Once you get to the Volcano, smash the top off
of it, and grab the Boulder that pops up. In the distance, you should see the
reaper Fortress. Toss the Boulder at the Fortress to complete the mission.


-If you skipped fighting all of the "Bad-Guys" below the Volcano, they will be
destroyed automatically when the mission ends.

-You may not get a target cursor when you aim at the Fortress in the distance.
That is ok. Just aim for it anyway, and toss the Boulder.


Magnifying Glass!

Mission Objectives:

-Find the GIANT CRYSTAL... and smash it! (you may have limited faculties, but
you're really good at smashing things).

-Pick up the MAGNIFYING GLASS fragment of the shattered CRYSTAL.

-Use the MAGNIFYING GLASS to burn through the CRYSTAL GATE.

You begin this mission at the Volcano from the last mission. Walk back down the
way that you came up. Along the rim of the island, you should find a walkway
leading over to the Fortress that you destroyed with the Boulder. Locate the
Fortress, and walk through it, into the area behind it. There will be 3 Raiks
you to deal with.

Continue following the path from the Fortress. Along the way, you will run into
Reaper Patrols and a Reaper ambush. If you hang out in the area where the Raiks
were, you can pick off the patrols before reaching the Reaper ambush. At the top
of the slope, you will come to a Large Barracks, and you should see the Crystal
behind it. Destroy the Barracks, and then go smash the Crystal. The Lens will
fall from the debris. Pick it up.

Just behind the spot where the Crystal was, you should see the large Stone Gate.
Go smash your way through it. You will find yourself back at the area where the
first mission began at. Now, there will be about 5 Log Launchers and a few Horn
Reapers. From a distance, use your Magnifying Glass to burn all of the Horn
Reapers, and the Log Launchers. Once the area is clear, return to that Glass
from earlier. Use the Magnifying Glass to burn the Wall. Mission Complete...


-At the Reaper ambush, be careful that you do not fall off the walkway.

-You can skip fighting most of the "Bad-Guys" if you just run past them.

-After breaking the Crystal, be sure to pick up the Shard that remains. Use
your "Grab" button to pick the Broken Crystal Shard up.


Exit Portal 1

Mission Objectives:

-Find the EXIT PORTAL... and smash it! Just kidding. Walk through the EXIT
to reach the next island.

Begin by entering the area behind where the Glass Gate was located. There will
a large open area, where there will be 2 Reaper Barracks, 1 Ripper Husk, 2
Towers, and a Volcano. It may be tempting to use the Volcano to smash everything
in the area, but the spawning Reapers can quickly overwhelm you. You are better
off just running in and Adrenaline Attacking the Barracks, and then munching on
the scattering Reapers.

Break through the Metal Gate, and continue onward. You will enter an area with a
bunch of Raiks all scattered around. You can attack or eat them, but it is just
as easy to continue walking. Walk over to the Metal Gate near the end of the
path. Smash through the Gate, and enter the Exit Portal to complete the

Magnifying Glass II

Mission Objectives:


-Use the MAGNIFYING GLASS to burn through the CRYSTAL GATE.

When this mission begins, you will be under fire from a SAM Turret in the
distance. Head for the SAM, and destroy it. Take care of the Ripper Husk that is
in the area, and then continue onward. When you reach the opening, you should
a Large Smartie Village, Reapers, Reaper Barracks, Towers, Log Launchers, etc.
Run in and flatten the first Barracks. Take care of any of the Reapers that may
be around, but try to keep the mountain between yourself and the rest of the
area. Be ready to deal with a few Log Launchers that may drop re-enforcements in
on top of you. Secure the area, and then move to the next closest Barracks to

Once the Area is clear, take a moment to view the mountains around you. On each
side you should see a canyon. The canyons will have water at the bottom of them,
and a bridge crossing them up high. Once Canyon will lead to a group of Reapers,
and the other will lead to a Gate. Take the Canyon that has the Reapers. Follow
that path, up and around to the Crystal. It is a long path... Just keep
it until it begins to curve and slope upwards. You should be able to pick up and
eat all of the Reapers before they can do any real damage. The Reapers in the
Towers are another story. You may find it easier to run past them, and then
returning, you can burn them with the Magnifying Glass.

Once you have the Crystal Lens (Magnifying Glass), Return to the Large Smartie
Village, and enter the Canyon with the Large Gate. Smash through the Gate, and
follow the area around to the right. As soon as you smash through the Gate, you
will find a group of Reapers. You can run in and eat them, or you can hang back
and burn them all with the Magnifying Glass. Continue towards the right. You
have lots of Raiks to deal with along the way, but near the end of the island,
you should find the Glass Gate. Use the Magnifying Glass to burn through the the
Glass Gate to complete the mission...


-If you have trouble with an area, try passing straight through it. Run through
an area in a zigzag pattern, until you reach the Crystal. Get it, and then run
a zigzag to the Crystal Gate.

-Having trouble locating the Crystal? With your back to the starting location,
take the Canyon on the left hand side. To locate the canyon, enter the Smartie
Village, and then look towards your right.


The Last Reaper Base

Mission Objectives:


-Break through the STEEL GATE to get to the rest of the island.

This mission is a tough one. It is very short, but very difficult. You will
in a safe spot. Walk forward, and across the bridge. You will then smash through
some trees, where you will overlook the Last Reaper Fortress, below. As soon as
you look over the edge, the 30 or so Reapers below will begin to scatter, and
take aim. To the left of the Fortress, you will see a Reaper Barracks on a steep
hill. To the right of the Fortress, you will see a Ripper Husk, and a Reaper
Barracks. Directly in front of the Fortress, you will see the 30 or so Reapers
and a Turret. Directly behind the Fortress, you will see the Steel Gate.
Scattered all around are a few Raiks (one behind the Fortress, one to the left,
two to the right).

Now.... That is what we are up against. The two main things to consider are...

Barracks / Fortress: The Barracks and the Fortress will continue to spawn more
Reapers as long as they are standing. The Barracks will eventually run out of
Reapers to produce, but the Fortress can continue almost endlessly. Destroying
these buildings early is the key to winning the mission.

Raiks: The Raiks will cast the "Slow Time" spell if they can. This is one of the
worst things that can happen in this situation. Moving slow will allow the
Reapers to pummel you with suppression fire. Enough to kill you in a few
You need to stay moving, and destroying stuff quickly. To avoid the Slow Time
Spell, try not to move in predictable patterns. Raiks will judge your current
direction, and try to place the Slow Time bubble in front of you, on your
path. For this reason, you should change direction a lot, and do not stand in
place for more then a second or two.

You should not need any direction during this mission, so for this one, we will
give you a few strategies.

Hit & Run - When the mission begins, cross the bridge and enter the area with
trees. Do not near the edge of the cliff just yet. Begin charging up your
Adrenaline Attack (to full), and get ready to make a running jump off of the
of the cliff. When your Adrenaline attack is at full, hit your run button, and
dash towards the edge of the cliff. Jump just as you reach the edge. If
correctly, you should land just in front of the Fortress. The Reapers will begin
to scatter, but will not have scattered far enough to get away. When you land,
target the ground in front of the Fortress, and attack. You should be able to
take out almost all of the 30 or so Reapers, the Turret, and do a little damage
to the Fortress.

Step around to the right side of the Fortress (to your right if you are looking
at the Fortress). Begin smashing the Fortress until it has been destroyed. Once
the Fortress is destroyed, quickly run back towards the cliff. You will not be
able to climb back up, but you will be far enough away to avoid most of the
Reaper fire, and the Raiks spells. You will want to wait for your Adrenaline
Attack to recharge. Begin charging up the Adrenaline Attack, while moving side
side to avoid fire. When the attack is ready, run towards the Barracks on the
right, and smash it. Now begin picking up and eating the Reapers in the area.
can use the building as cover fire. The small hill will provide a small amount
cover fire as well. Keep eating Reapers until your are at full health again, or
until there are no more reapers in the area. Ignore the Rippers, as they are no
large threat (you can eat them if you need health, but focus on the Reapers

Now, run over and Adrenaline attack the final Reaper Barracks. At this point,
should have control over the situation. Eat any reapers that are running around,
and then head towards the Steel Gate. Smash the gate open to complete the

Avoidance - When the mission begins, head for the area with the trees. Charge up
your Adrenaline Attack, and then run and jump off of the cliff. When you hit the
ground, aim directly in front of the Fortress, and attack. You should be able to
take out most of the Reapers, and the Turret. When you get up from the ground,
move behind the Fortress. Smash the fortress to destroy it. It may help if you
dodge left and right until you can Adrenaline Attack again. Once the Fortress is
destroyed, quickly run over and smash through the Gate to complete the mission.

This strategy is pretty risky, but can be used if fighting all of the Reapers is
too much. You can change things up a little if you use your first Adrenaline
Attack on the Fortress instead of the Reapers, but watch out for the Raiks Slow
Time Spell. If you are hit with that spell, the 30 or so Reapers will drop you


-Often, the Raiks will not react to you until you get very close to them. Try
avoiding them if you can.

-It can be very difficult to target a Fortress. We have found it easier to
the Fortresses from the sides. Watch for the red crosshair. Don't be fooled by
the red crosshair when attacking from the front (you are probably targeting the
Reapers that are spawning from the Fortress).


Exit Portal II

Mission Objectives:

-Find the EXIT PORTAL and pass through it... to KABUTO'S ISLAND!

Almost done... Follow the path before you, until you reach the large Metal Gate.
Smash through the Gate, and enter the next area. Turn towards the left, and
follow the path through the mountains. From here, you will follow a path that
wraps around the mountain, until you reach the top. Along the way, you will run
across 4 Reaper Barracks and 1 Ripper Husk. The Barracks and Husk will be
surrounded by the Smartie Villages. This mission can be difficult because each
the Barracks will be triggered when you near the area.

Your best bet for this mission, is to focus on the Barracks. Keep going around
the mountain, smashing Barracks, until they are all destroyed. Once that is
begin munching on the Reapers, or continue up to the portal. In fact, you could
just run past all of the Barracks until you reach the top (the portal).


-You can avoid all confrontation by using the "climbing technique". You may have
already mastered this technique. You probably used it with the Meccs (then
the Jet-Climb), and then again with Delphi. Find a slope, or a "seam" (seam =
point where two straight edges collide) on the mountain. Run towards the slope
seam, and then jump up as high as you can. when you hit the mountain, press and
hold the Forward Button, and then Left or Right Button (Left OR Right, NOT
You should move slowly up the mountain side. Sometimes it helps if you move your
mouse back a forth a little (look left and right in very short strokes). Anyway,
use this technique to climb up to the Portal from the safe side of the mountain.

Citizen Kabuto

Mission Objectives:

-This is Kabuto's Island... and YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!! Break through the
STEEL DOOR to reach the island interior.

Now you are on the real Kabuto's turf. Begin walking forward. You will come to
area which will be guarded by 3 Raiks, and 3 Rippers. After the Raiks, you will
find 2 Reaper Barracks, and a Fake Wall. Destroy the Barracks, the Reapers, and
break through the Fake Wall. You will come to a series of breakable Gates. You
can break though any of the Gates that you choose. Beyond the Gates, you will
find Reapers, Raiks, Reaper Barracks, a Volcano, and a few Log Launchers. If you
hang a left when you enter the area past the Gates, you will find a small
Village. In the Smartie Village, you will find a Horn Reaper, a Ripper Husk, and
a Crystal. Smash the Crystal to get a Magnifying Glass. Use the Magnifying glass
on the Reapers, Barracks, and Log Launchers.

Walk across the area where the Log Launchers were located, and enter the path
through the mountains. You will run into a Reaper barracks, and then a group of
Reapers who will nail you with rockets. Adrenaline Attack them, or burn them
your Lens Laser. Continue ahead, where you will confront more Reapers, and a
Smartie Village. Eat the Smarties if you need to, and then cross through a
Smartie Village. You will eventually come to the Steel Door, which is guarded by
3 more Raiks. Smashing the Steel Door will complete the mission...


-The Magnifying Glass can not be taken to the next mission. If you want to skip
grabbing it, go ahead. There is nothing that you must do with the Glass.

-If you want to skip through this mission, go ahead. Just run from start to
finish, and then smash the Steel Door.


Kabuto's Sewers

Mission Objectives:

-You're getting warmer... Find your way into Kabuto's SEWERS and break through

When the mission begins, you will be under fire from the Reapers in the
Even Reapers that you can not see! Anyway, move up to the first hill, and kill
the Reapers on top of it. Take notice of the flying Reapers. They are no real
threat, but you should be aware of them.

Continue from the first hill towards the second. The second hill is pretty
and has 3 Reapers on top of it. One of the Reapers in holding a Horn. If you are
able to get on top of this hill quick enough, you can kill the Horn Reaper
he calls for the Log Launcher reinforcements. Just behind the steep hill, there
will be a Barracks and the Log Launcher. You can go in and smash these buildings
first if you like, and there is a Volcano that you can use to smash things.
Either way, this area should not be too much trouble.

From the Volcano, if you look out from the mountain, you will see a Barracks, a
Husk, some Vimps, and a Crystal in the valley below. Slide down the slope to the
lower area. Go over and smash the Barracks and the Husk. Crush the Crystal, and
pick up the Magnifying Glass. Now head towards the opening in the mountain. You
will cross through shallow water, and enter into a new area.

When you enter the area, pull out your Magnifying Glass, and burn anything that
is within range. Continue doing this, inching your way into the area more. Once
the area is relatively clear, go over and smash the Steel Door to compete the


Climb to the Big Fight

Mission Objectives:

-Escape the swamp of Kabuto's mighty waste products and climb to the HEIGHTS
above. Break through the FINAL DOOR to reach KABUTO!

When the mission begins, you will still be in the sewers. While exiting the
sewers, you will come across 4 Raiks. Gobble them up, and continue forward. You
will come to a slope, leading upwards. Just follow the slope all the way to the
missions end. Along the way, you will find a few Log Launchers. Destroy them as
you come to them. Past the Log Launchers, you will find a Reaper Barracks, and 4
Turrets. This can be a dangerous area. Charge your Adrenaline Attack before
entering, and aim for the Barracks. You should destroy all of the Turrets,
for one, and the Barracks, with the one Adrenaline Attack. Once the area is
clear, follow the narrow walkway to the large Gate. Smash through the Gate to
complete the mission...


Defeat Kabuto!

Mission Objectives:

-Kabuto, meet Kabuto.


This looks like it. You are faced against Kabuto for the fight of all fights.
When the fight begins, Kabuto will charge towards you. When he gets close, throw
out a punch or kick. Pathetically, Kabuto will drop to the ground after the fist
blow. Mission Complete...


NO... Defeat Kabuto!

Mission Objectives:


Oops! Kabuto wasn't down for good. You will need to fight him again, but this
time, finish him off. The catch? Well you will be using Baz to do the fighting,
instead of the Kabuto transformed Delphi.

As Baz, Kabuto can be pretty tough. He uses a simi-charged Adrenaline Attack,
over and over again. When he tires of doing that, Kabuto will jump up to the
Volcano and begin chucking large Boulders at you.

The idea is for you to get in real close and attack his weak spot. You can find
it on his belly.

There has got to be an easier way!:

Yup... There is...

-In the center of the area, there is a "Foxhole". Enter the "Foxhole" and Kabuto
will be unable to attack you. He will try, but the bars above you will prevent
him from doing so. Fire up from the Foxhole at Kabuto's Weak Spot. It may be
difficult to hit him from there, but at least he can not hit you. There are two
other Foxholes (under the Volcano), but they are further, and more difficult to

-If you back up against the Gate (wall), Kabuto will miss you when he attacks.
When Kabuto jumps towards you, he will hit the Gate. Once he hits the Gate, he
will "bounce" away from it before he lands. If you are against the Gate, Kabuto
will miss you. This gives you a perfect shot at his weak spot!