GTA 2: Беспредел чит-файл №2

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Okay, if you can look past the terrible ASCII art, this FAQ is designed
to help you beat the Grand Theft Auto 2 demo without getting caught by
the cops. I would like to preface this FAQ by saying that it will only
be possible to complete one or two of the jobs within 6 minutes (demo
time limit) so it is impossible to do all these jobs at once. Oh,
yeah, this FAQ may be distributed freely, HOWEVER, since this is
copyrighted, you must ask me by e-mail (
before reproducing this FAQ. If you don't have this demo, you can
download it from

1. Controls
2. Finding a phone
3. Pizza Cake
4. Radio Za-Za
5. Get Zitzaki
6. Bank Robbery
7. Drug Dealing
8. Cop Car Crunch
9. Car recommendations

1. Controls

Really basic stuff. Hopefully, if you're looking at this FAQ, then you
are probably familiar with the controls. If not, here they are:

Enter: enter/exit car
Left Ctrl: Fire current weapon
Tab: Special
X: Switch weapon
Z: Switch weapon
Space: Jump/Brake

2. Finding a phone

Okay, the way you accept missions in this game is by finding one of the
many pay phones in the area. You find the different pay phones by
following the arrows in the center of your screen.

TIP: When finding a pay phone, don't get in too much trouble with the
cops, or else sometimes a particular gang won't hire you!

3. Pizza Cake

This is one of the easier missions in the demo. Your first objective
is to pick up some explosives at the university. I would recommend
using a car with good handling while finding the explosives so that you
don't run over too many people. Once you have the explosives, continue
following the purple arrow until you find the Pizza Cake restaurant on
the street corner. After you place the explosives, RUN!!! After the
restaurant blows up, you will be asked to destroy a Pizza Cake delivery
truck. Use an extremely fast car to find the truck (car with the
purple arrow pointing to it) and when you find it, pull in front of it
so it can't move any further. Then get out of your car, walk up to the
truck, and you can either blow it up with your Uzi or a Molotov
Cocktail. Once you have blown up the delivery truck, you have
completed the mission, and any cops who were after you before suddenly
lose interest in you! This happens at the end of every mission.

4. Radio Za-Za

This is also a very simple mission. You start by following the purple
arrow to a little area over some water. You can driver there, or you
can walk, you'll have plenty of time for either one. This is the
shortest mission in the demo. After you pick up the explosives, keep
walking along the grate to the north, then turn left, and walk on the
right side of the radio antenna. After you do that, RUN to the south
past the guys throwing Molotov Cocktails. You've beaten the mission!

5. Get Zitzaki

This mission can be found by following the blue/purple arrow at the
beginning. Once you are inside the building with the ringing phones,
go to the one on the left for Get Zitzaki and the one on the right for
Bank Robbery (see below). Once you have chosen Get Zitzaki, you'll
have to go get the marked Miara parked at the university. You can walk
their and still have plenty of time to complete the mission. I
recommend doing this so the cops won't come after you. Once you have
the Miara, drive in the direction the purple arrow is pointing until
you get to the building in which Dr. Zitzaki is waiting. Don't pull up
too close to the building or else he won't be able to come out. Once
you are close enough, a message will tell you to honk the horn (Tab
key). Once Zitzaki is in the car, you can simply haul butt until you
get to the building you're supposed to take him to. Remember, if the
cops are after you, just keep driving and don't stop! Once you
complete the mission by driving into the designated garage the cops
will leave you alone.

6. Bank Robbery

Once you have selected Bank Robbery, leave the building by going to the
RIGHT. You will see a green shark waiting for you. Enter the Shark
and drive to the bank. Try not to make any cops mad, because they will
be after you in about a minute anyway. Once you get to the bank, you
are told to go inside and kill the security guards. There are only two
of them and they shouldn't be that hard to kill. Just make sure you
have your Uzi out, and simply mow them down. That's when the bank
robber comes out and follows you. Get back in the Shark, and then you
are told to go get the car painted. The cops are after you now, so
don't worry about running over pedestrians. Just follow the purple
arrow until you see a row of four shops. The paint shop is the third
one from the left. Drive into it quickly, and then the cops will be
off your tail. Then become a law-abiding citizen again until you get
the bank robber to the designated garage. That's the end of that

7. Drug Dealing

One of the harder missions (along with Cop Car Crunch) can be located
by following the gray arrow. I recommend stealing a fast car to get to
the building with the phones with enough time left to complete the
missions. DON'T steal cars in front of police officers! It shouldn't
take a genius to figure that out. Once you have stolen a car, drive as
fast as you can without running into pedestrians or cop cars. Cop cars
will not come after you for any reason other than killing people or
running into cop cars. Once you get to the building, you can select
either the top phone (Cop Car Crunch) or the bottom phone (Drug
Dealing). Once you have selected Drug Dealing, go downstairs and steal
a car to drive and pick up the drugs. Once you have the drugs, follow
the arrows to the four drug dealers. Once you give the drugs to the
fourth dealer, you have completed the mission and the cops will leave
you alone.

8. Cop Car Crunch

Okay, this is the hardest mission in the demo. You start off by going
north from the building with the phones up to the police station.
Don't drive there, it will only get the cops after you faster. Once
you get to the police station, steal the cop car. Then you must follow
the purple arrow to the train station where you will then honk the horn
and wait for the guy to come get in the car with you. After he gets in
the car, drive north until the arrow is pointing to the east. Then
turn right. Keep driving until the arrow is pointing into a gate. Go
through the gate, and after you drive under the crane, a message will
pop up telling you to get out of the car. Once you get out of the car,
the crane will pick up the police car crushing it and the guy inside.

NOTE: In this mission, along with Get Zitzaki and Bank Robbery, if the
designated car (cop car, Shark, or Miara) gets destroyed, you fail the
mission. Take good care of them!

9. Car recommendations

This section is to make sure you don't get stuck driving a van around
the demo. It will tell you what cars to steal to make sure the cops
don't catch you. Keep in mind that this is not a complete list of cars
in the demo!

Some of the cars I highly recommend due to their speed and handling are
the Shark, Miara, and Dementia. There are some other fast cars not
mentioned here, but if you want to find out how good a car is, just
look at how many points you get for stealing them. Some mediocre cars
due to semi good speed and handling are taxis, bugs, and large bugs.
Don't get stuck driving big cars like semi-cabs, vans, and ice cream

The following is a list of fun cars to drive:

The police car is extremely fast and has very good handling, but they
aren't the easiest to steal. First, you have to get a cop to come
after you. Make sure you have your Uzi out and then come to a complete
stop. Get out of your car and when the cops come after you, shoot them
with your Uzi. The cop car is yours!

The ice cream truck may be slow and have terrible handling, but instead
of honking its horn, it plays music. Pretty cool!

While driving the taxi, occasionally people will try to get you to stop
so they can get in (did somebody say Die Hard: With a Vengeance?). All
you have to do is stop whenever somebody yells out "Taxi!" and they
will get into the back seat.

One of my favorite cars to drive is the SWAT van. Yes, the SWAT van!
The hardest vehicle in the game to steal. In order to steal the SWAT
van, you must first have your police meter on the top of the screen to
four officers. Then you will hear them on the radio saying "SWAT team
en route." When this happens, just keep killing cops until the SWAT
van arrives. Four SWAT team members will come out shooting at you
wearing bulletproof vests. You must kill the SWAT team, and then run
and get in the van. It is very fast and has good handling.

Now I am going to tell you how to steal the fire truck. All you have
to do to get the fire truck is blow up a car (Uzis or Molotov
Cocktails, it's up to you) and wait for the fire truck to arrive. Once
you have stolen the fire truck, you can use the hose by pressing the
fire key (default left ctrl).

That's all. I hope to be updating this FAQ soon with more information
about this demo. Remember that this is my first FAQ, so that's why
it's not that great. If you have any suggestions on improving this
FAQ, please e-mail them to

This FAQ copyright 1999 to David Fry AKA "The People's Car Jacker."