Grandia II чит-файл №1

GGGGGG AAA 22222 22222
-------- GGG - P C - W A L K T H R O U G H --- AAA ------------------


A.1. Some Comments
A.2. Disclaimer & Thanks
A.3. Revision History
A.4. How To Read This Walkthrough

B.1. Use The Compass!
B.2. Always Learn For Something
B.3. Dungeons Is Necessary
B.4. Have You Heared Gossip?
B.5. Let's Eat Together!

C.1. Witt Forest - Ryudo And Skye And A Geohound's Job
C.2. Carbo Village - Elena The Songstress Of Granas
C.3. The Black Forest - Escort Her! Don't Let Those Monsters Touch Her!
C.4. Garmia Tower - Death Of The Sisters, Elena Had Wings!
C.5. Carbo Village - Millenia! Oh No I Can't Move!
C.6. Inor Mountains - Let's Go To The Cathedral
C.7. Agear Town - Millenia Is Back, The Boy Is Missing!
C.8. Durham Cave - Ryudo To The Rescue! Is There A Poff Nut?
C.9. Agear Town - The Truth About Millenia
C.10. Baked Plains - See The Granacliffs! Attack Of The Beast Man!
C.11. Liligue City - I'm Hungry Let's Eat The Arum Root
C.12. Liligue Cave - Chase The Monster! Elena Was Eaten!
C.13. Liligue City - Hold On! We're Crashing!
C.14. Lumir Forest - Elena And Millenia, Are They Always Together?
C.15. Mirumu Village - They Have A Nice Dream, Should We Wake Them Up?
C.16. Mysterious Fissure - Watch Out! Those Eyeballs Are Flying!
C.17. Mirumu Village - Aira Is A Monster! Release Her From Misery!
C.18. Aira Space - Lonely Flower Of Aira's Heart
C.19. Mirumu Village - Could Flower Grows In Such A Cold Place?
C.20. St. Heim Mountain - The Cathedral Is Near, We Won't Get Lost!
C.21. St. Heim Papal State - The Job Is Done! Will We Still Be Together?
C.22. St. Heim Pilgrim Road - Let's Find The Granasaber!
C.23. Raul Hills - Hmmm... What's That Weird Plants Anyway?
C.24. Cyrum Kingdom - Elena's Love, Millenia's Jealousy
C.25. Cyrum Kingdom Secret Passage - Another Way To The Castle
C.26. Cyrum Kingdom Castle - Don't Let The King Open The Gate!
C.27. Underground Plant - Tio, The Last Of The Automata
C.28. Cyrum Kingdom - Long Live King Roan!
C.29. The 50/50 - Seasick Is Terrible!
C.30. Ceceile Reef - A One Romantic Night...
C.31. The 50/50 - Ride The Wind, Conquer The Granacliffs!
C.32. Garlan Village - The Disaster Of Ryudo's Past
C.33. Grail Mountain - Destiny Of The Two Long Lost Brothers
C.34. Garlan Village - Ryudo, Please... Don't Give Up To Valmar...
C.35. Ghoss Forest, West - Seeing The Trace Of Valmar's Claw
C.36. Nanan Village - Elena Or Millenia? Ryudo's Hard Decision!
C.37. Ghoss Forest, East - A Step Closer To The Granasaber
C.38. The Great Rift - Uugh... The Thick Clouds Are Blocking The Way!
C.39. Demon's Law - Tio Is Her Own Master, Leave Her Alone!
C.40. The Great Rift - Selene Is A Valmar's Servant!
C.41. Valmar's Body - Defeat Valmar And Ride The Granasaber!
C.42. The Granasaber - The Day Of Darkness Is Coming! Run For You Life!
C.43. St. Heim Papal State - Reveal The Truth Of The Good And Evil
C.44. Valmar's Moon - Live! Save The World From Destruction!
C.45. Cyrum Kingdom - Is Pain Is The Meaning Of Having A Heart?
C.46. The Birth Place Of The Gods - Share Your Strength With Me!
C.47. New Valmar - The Final Battle Against Darkness!

D.1. Playable Character List
D.2. Shop List
D.3. Mana Egg Spell List
D.4. Skill Book Skill List

E.1. Poff Nut Sidequest
E.2. Arm Wrestling MiniGame
E.3. Walnut Grabbing MiniGame
E.4. Raul Hills Special Stage
E.5. Millenia Logic Bug?
E.6. PC Or Dreamcast?

A.1. Some Comments

Yeah! The Grandia 2 is finally out on the market! Its 2002 in my country :(
I'm so happy because not only I have been waiting this game ever since I
finished playing Grandia, but also because it was released for PC as well.
Why? Because I don't have any game console at all. I even play Grandia
using an PSX emulator in my PC, but it did ran very well.

Like it's predecessor, Grandia 2 is a very fun game to play with. There is
some major changes here in Grandia 2, such as:
- The characters are now 3D, and having very good details.
- The battle system is very dynamic, on battle each characters move to
every directions, not only just stay put and attack.
- More simple skill and spell learning system.

Some old traditions are kept here on Grandia 2 as well, and those are:
- My favourite dining event, so we can always talk to our party members.
- People on towns are always have a lot of thing to say.
- Good music!

A.2. Disclaimer & Thanks

- GRANDIA 2 PC is Copyright 1997, 2001 by Game Arts
- GRANDIA 2 PC Translation is Copyright 2000 by UBI Soft
- This Walkthrough is Copyright 2002 by psycho_k41 (Kai)

This Walkthrough is may be reproduced or placed in any web site, but DO NOT
change anything and DO NOT charge people on it.

If you have any questions or corrections, send them to my e-mail on:

-, or
- (if you have problem with the first address)

Thanks to:
- Richard (
For mailing me about his trouble with Millenia, so I'm certain that it
wasn't happening only to me, so I can write the section E.5.
- cdogbreath (
For the additional information about Raul Hills special stage, read this
on section E.4.
- DTurner (
For giving me information about another difference between the PC version
and the Dreamcast version of Grandia 2, I write this on section E.6.
- yo K (
For his correction about the item I missed on section C.35 and C.46.
- Lipperman (
For his correction about the PC and DC version in section E.6.
- Shaggy (
For the final bosses strategy, section C.47.
- J-aoshi (
For the status effect strategy of beating the Devils at section E.4.
- HuoC (
For another solution of the Millenia logic bug in section E.5.

A.3. Revision History

- November 14th, 2002 : v2.08, new solution for Millenia logic bug (E.5).
- October 8th, 2002 : v2.06, updated section E.4 Devil monster strategy.
- August 2nd, 2002 : v2.04, section E.6 corrections and some fixes.
- June 17th, 2002 : v2.02, correction on section C.35 and C.46.
- June 3rd, 2002 : v2.00, added section E.6, fixing here and there...
- May 22nd, 2002 : v1.01, added section E.5, major changes.
- May 11th, 2002 : v1.00, all is new.

A.4. How To Read This Walkthrough

You can read do you?....:p
Anyway, because of the compass feature in the Grandia 2, I wrote the di-
rections in this walkthrough using the North-South-East-West system instead
of Up-Down-Right-Left system, more about the compass, you can read it at
section B.1 in this walkthrough.

In this walkthrough, instead of telling you the story I will use "watch the
event" statement, so you will have to follow on the story and figure out
the storyline by yourself. Anyway, it would not fun if I tell you the sto-
ry from the beginning, right?

You DON'T have to follow everything I wrote here, as it will be more fun
if you can figure out the way through a dungeon. Anyway the dungeons in
Grandia 2 is relatively easy, not like those brain-damaging dungeons in the
Tales Of Destiny 2.

In the List & Miscellaneous section (section D & E), I used abbreviatons to
save space, and they are:

- Wp: Weapon, Ar: Armor, Ac: Acessories, It: Item, Rg: Regional Item,
Sp: Special Item
- A: Attack, D: Defense, M: Move, P: Power
- SF: SomeFoes, SA: SomeAllies, AF: AllFoes, AA: AllAllies, EL: EnemyLine
- +: A lot, ++: A whole lot

If you have already finished this game and play it again, you will find
different items inside the dungeons which maybe different with the items
written in this walkthrough.

B.1. Use The Compass!

See the arrow at the top left corner of the game screen? Yes, the compass!
The compass is the most important feature on Grandia 2, it will help you
find your way through the dungeons. See the small red spot on the compass?
Its always point to North, when you read this walkthrough, you will find a
lot lot of North-South-East-West directions, always refer to this red spot
when you follow those directions. For example, if the red spot located at
the bottom of the compass, then East is on the Right, West is on the Left,
and South is on the Top.
Set the compass using the "Compass Button", press this button to switch
between Forward and Backward directions in the dungeons, you can also do
this in towns to show you the location of Inn, General Store, and others.

B.2. Always Learn For Something

Inside a General Store, you can find a Tutorial guy, always talk to them to
learn about something. Check them back often to get new Tutorial topics.

B.3. Dungeons Is Necessary

Make sure you kill all monsters inside the dungeons, because fighting
monsters is the only way you can get the experience points from. You can
reenter an area or dungeon that you've already passed to fight again with
all of the monsters there.
Take your time to explore the whole area inside a dungeon, you may find
some good items in it. Always use the "Rotate Button" to rotate the game
view, some items are hard to locate without rotating the game view.

B.4. Have You Heared Gossip?

In Grandia 2, every person in town have a lot of thing to say, always talk
to them several times, they might say something funny, something stupid,
something crazy, or they will tell you where to go. If a new party member
joins you, talk to those people again to have different conversations.

B.5. Let's Eat Together!

After you've finished all events inside a town, you can always go to the
town's inn to have a dining event. To do this, talk to the innkeeper and
select Spend The Night. In the dining event you will eat together with all
of your party members and have conversations with them. Different conversa-
tion topic may happen depend on which character you have selected to speak.
It's always fun to have conversations with them!

C.1. Witt Forest - Ryudo And Skye And A Geohound's Job

Items to get: Wound Salve(2), Poison Antidote, Blizzard Charm,
Hand Grenade, Yomi's Elixir
Monsters : Mottled Spider (250 HP)


Watch the prologue.
OK, you have control now. Walk directly North West from the dead tree and
take the Wound Salve near the pond. Go back to the dead tree and head West,
get a Poison Antidote between the rock and bushes. Again, walk back to the
dead tree and go South East from the tree until you can't. Head West down
the ramp and use the save point.

Go up the ladder there. Walk South West and take a Blizzard Charm from the
chest. Walk South and down the ladder. Follow this path to the East and it
will curves to the South West. Open the treasure chest and take a Wound
Salve, a Hand Grenade and a Yomi's Elixir. Don't forget to kill those mons-
ters. Continue on South West and exit to the Carbo Village.

C.2. Carbo Village - Elena The Songstress Of Granas

Watch the event here when you enter the village. After you have control, go
explore the village. After you've finished go to the Church, it's located
to the far South of the village. Watch another event with Elena and Carius,
after that go to the Inn, talk to the innkeeper and select the first option
and you will see another event with Carius. After that go to the Church and
after you have Elena with you, get out of the village and head to The Black

C.3. The Black Forest - Escort Her! Don't Let Those Monsters Touch Her!

Items to get: Medicinal Herb, Myriad Power Nut
Golds to get: 50 G
Monsters : Dodo (230 HP)


Walk East a little and follow this path to the North and get a Medicinal
Herb. Head West, follow this path as it curves to the North East, for an
event. Fight the Dodo. After that go North East and follow the path into
Black Forest 2.

Go North, fight the Dodo, then go North into a fork. Go North West and then
West to get the 50 G. Go back to the fork then go North East then East to
get a Myriad Power Nut. Walk North follow the path, and exit to the World
Map. Go to Garmia Tower.

C.4. Garmia Tower - Death Of The Sisters, Elena Had Wings!

Items to get: Wound Salve(2), Wind Charm, Hand Grenade
Golds to get: 200 G
Monsters : Mottled Spider (250 HP), Gargoyle (380 HP)


Walk straight forward and watch the event with the Sisters. After some more
events go enter Garmia Tower through the front door. See the save point?
Use it. Now walk North through two doors into a room with three statues on
it. There's 4 doors to go now.

Take the South East door, continue South East into a room and take the
Wound Salve. Go back to the room with statues and take the North East door,
enter the door to the North into a room with tables. Walk East, enter the
door to the South and take the Wind Charm. Again, go back to the room with
statues. Take the South West door, into a room and take the Hand Grenade.
Go back to the room with statues and now take the North West door. Enter
the door to the North and up the stairs into second floor.

Walk South into a narrow bridge. Follow this bridge as it goes around the
room, take the 50 G and up the stairs into the third floor. There's 2 doors
here, ignore the South East door and take the door to the South, then go in
the South West door. Ignore the South East door here and take the South
door. Walk West, enter the door to the North East and take the 150 G.

Walk South West through the door, down the small set of stairs. Head North
through the hole in the wall, get in the door to the North and use the save
point. From there go in the door to the South and take the Wound Salve, and
go up the stairs to the top floor. Fight the two Gargoyles. Then follow the
event. Check the door, another event here, go to the window and use the ac-
tion button. Watch the event.

C.5. Carbo Village - Millenia! Oh No I Can't Move!

After the event, go back to the church. Follow the long event, and...


Millenia : ???? HP Don't do anything, just let her Zap you, if you
experience trouble here, read section E.5.


Watch the event at the Inn. Now that you have some money, go buy some stuff
at the General Store. You can also Spend The Night at the Inn for:

Dining Event: "Last Meal Before Going To The Cathedral"

After you've satisfied yourself here, get out from the village and go to
the Inor Mountains.

C.6. Inor Mountains - Let's Go To The Cathedral

Items to get: Muscle Mushroom, Goblin Toadstool, Mushroom Cloud,
Poison Antidote(2), Climbing Hat, Yomi's Elixir,
Crystal Brooch
Golds to get: 650 G
Monsters : Dodo (230 HP), Mottled Spider (250 HP), Crag Snake (280 HP)


Smash the 2 mushrooms as soon as you get in, and take a Muscle Mushroom. Go
North West, follow the dirt path into a save point. From the save point go
far East into the grass and take the 150 G. Now explore this area, smash
every mushroom here, and you will get a Goblin Toadstool, a Mushroom Cloud,
and 100 G. Go back to the save point.

Now go South, follow the dirt path until you arrive in a rocky area. Head
South West, follow the long path into a fork. Take the North path first to
get a Poison Antidote. Go back to the fork and go South, follow this path
into another fork. Go North East first and take 150 G. Then take the other
path South West, follow it into Inor Mountains 2. Go South a little, watch
the long camping event here.

Morning! Now there's 2 path to go. Go North East first and take the 50 G.
Then take the other path heading East, follow this path, watch the boulders
rolling, go East and follow it into a ladder. Go up the ladder. Go far West
until you see a boulder on a wooden plank, press the action button on the
plank, and the boulder will rolling down smashing some other boulders. Ig-
nore the chest for now.

Directly to the West of the wooden plank you can find 150 G. Go North West
from there and you will see another boulder on a wooden plank, you know
what you have to do. Walk West and take the Climbing Hat. Now, go back to
the first plank, and go directly South, down the ladder here.

Go East, into a fork, go North a little and take a Poison Antidote, Yomi's
Elixir, and a Crystal Brooch. Go back to the fork, go East, follow the path
as it curves to the South. Keep following it into a fork. Take the South
path, then East, follow this into another fork. Take the South West path,
then West. Follow the path and take the 50 G. Head South and exit to the
World Map, go to Agear Town.

C.7. Agear Town - Millenia Is Back, The Boy Is Missing!

Well... We can call this ex-town...
Explore the town adn buy some stuff, when you're finished go to the Inn and
talk to the innkeeper. Select "Greet the innkeeper" option. Watch the event
here, Elena get drunk, and then Millenia appear. After that go downstairs
for another event. After you've regained control, go out from the Inn and
head South passing the barricade. Continue South until you reach the town
center and go South West. Enter the cave.

C.8. Durham Cave - Ryudo To The Rescue! Is There A Poff Nut?

Items to get: Medicinal Herb(3), Yomi's Elixir, Poff Nut(2), Calming Harp,
Stone Head, Torte's Redpipe
Golds to get: 500 G
Monsters : Crag Snake (280 HP), Frost Frog (400 HP)


Walk North then watch the stalagmite falling down become a stairway. Head
East down the new stairs into a save point. Use it. Go South East through
the door. Watch the Carro event. You can read section E.1 for more about
this animal.

Go North East, follow the path and jump! See the big boulder? Push it and a
new door will appear. Kill those snakes. Go West through the new door, then
continue West and take a Medicinal Herb. Go West and use the switch. Now go
East a little, then North and cross the bridge. From the bridge go South
West and get the Medicinal Herb. Go North through the door into a room.

Walk West and take the Yomi's Elixir behind those boxes. Now head East and
push the rock down. Go East down the ramp and follow this path into another
room. Oops! Kill those monsters and the door will open. Now head South West
through the door, keep going South West and activate the switch.

Go back North East into the room where the door closed. Head North, follow
the path up the ramp then exit through the South door. Walk West and cross
the bridge. From there go South East and take 100 G from the ground. Head
West through the door into a room. Kill all of the froggies here and all
door will be open.

Take the door to the South, follow the path into an open area. Walk South
East and take the Poff Nut, go North and take the Sleep Charm. Head back to
the roow where the froggies were and take the North door, follow this into
Durham Cave 2. Go North for an event, and...


Troglodyte : 980 HP (3)

Items : Mist Egg
Gets : 72 EXP, 320 G, 120 SC, 30 MC

Don't worry this is an easy battle


After the fight watch the event. Go East, follow the path into a room, kill
the snakes and take a Calming Harp from he chest. Go North through the door
and then North West to get a Medicinal Herb. Walk North East from here, and
you will see two black square button and a box. First, step on the right
button, then push the box over the left button. 3 doors will be open now.

First, go to the South East door to get 300 G. After that go to the North
East door and take a Stone Head. Lastly enter the East door and operate the
switch. From the switch room, head directly West until you hit the water,
then go North and take 100 G. Walk South a little then go South West across
the dry area. Go West into the wall and take the Poff Nut.

Go North and jump down, another miniboss battle. After that, go East and
operate the switch. Walk East across the bridge then North East to get a
Torte's Redpipe. Go South East and push the boulder. Use the save point.
Head North East, follow this path into Durham Cave, Depths. Head North and
walk to the monster.


Troglodyte : 980 HP (2)
Durham Minotaur : 4200 HP

Items : Adventure Book
Gets : 258 EXP, 320 G, 800 SC, 20 MC

Another easy battle. Millenia's Fallen Wings can do major damage, just
use special attacks.


Watch the event and after that make your way exit this place. In case you
forget, just go South into Durham Cave 2. Go South, follow the path into a
save point. Now go West a little and South over the boulder. Continue on
South until you hit the wall, then go South East into a room.

Take the South West door exit, follow the path into Durham Cave 1. Now head
South into a room and exit through the East door. Walk North across the
bridge, then go North East into a room. Head East down the ramp, follow the
path into another room. Exit through the South West door and go South into
the edge. Jump down near the save point. Go West up the stalagmite stairs
and go South exit the cave.

C.9. Agear Town - The Truth About Millenia

Watch the event here outside the cave, the another event at the Inn. You
can talk to the innkeeper and select Spend the Night for:

Dining Event: "Roan's Mother, Elena, and Millenia"

After you're ready, get out from the Inn, go South across the town ruin,
near the town's South exit there's a man. Talk to him and he will give you
a Poff Nut. Go South and exit to the World Map, then go to Baked Plains.

C.10. Baked Plains - See The Granacliffs! Attack Of The Beast Man!

Items to get: Seed Of Running, Dash Shoes, Seed Of Psyche, Seed Of Power,
Seed Of Defense, Seed Of Swift, Healing Herb,
North Wind Cape, Poison Charm, Poff Nut, Seed Of Magic,
Swiftness Nut, Shell Armor
Golds to get: 2800 G
Monsters : Giant Mantis (420 HP), Dodo (230 HP), Sandman (340 HP)


Walk East, see the action sign. Smash all of the rocks and use the save po-
int. Head North, avoid the poisonous gas and take the 200 G. Continue on
North until you can't, take a Seed Of Running from the bush. Go South East,
follow this path into a large area.

Head far South and take the 600 G. Go East, smash those 5 rocks, continue
East and take 600 G from there. Walk West a little until you see a bush, go
North and smash a rock here. Go directly North West into 4 smashable rocks,
smash them all, walk North and take the Dash Shoes. Now head back to the
place where you've smashed the 4 rocks.

Go directly East and smash a rock there. From there go South West and take
the 200 G, then go South East and take a Seed Of Psyche from the bush. Now
head North until you hit the wall and go East into Baked Plains 2.

Go East a little. See the rock that the poisonous gas come from? Go there,
but avoid the gas. Now head North until you can't and walk East, take the
Seed Of Power from the bush. Walk South West a little, then go South and
take the Seed Of Defense from the bush. Go East a little, then go directly
North East, see the three rocks? Smash them all. Take the 600 G from there.

Go East until you can't, then walk South and take the Seed Of Swift hidden
on the bush. Go back to the place you've found the 600 G. From there walk
directly South West. See the pool with a chest in the middle of it? Walk
around smash the rocks and open the chest for a Healing Herb, a North Wind
Cape, and a Poison Charm.

Go South West from the chest and take the 200 G. Go East until you reach a
breakable rock, not the one near the poison but the one near a dead bush.
Smash the rock, from there go North and take the 200 G. Walk North East and
take a Poff Nut. Go South until you can't, then head South West and take a
Seed Of Magic from the bush. Now go East, follow the path into Baked Plains

Use the save point. Go East, watch the event and the FMV, and also a:

Conversation Event: "Battle Of Good And Evil And The Darkness"

After that watch again another event, and...


Beast-Man : 4800 HP

Gets : 150 EXP, 0 G, 100 SC, 0 MC

Easy, just do what you have to do.


Watch again another event. After that go East until you reach the edge of
the Granacliffs. Now head South along the edge until you reach a group of
bushes and dead bushes. The Southernmost bush have a Swiftness Nut on it,
go take it. From there head directly West until you can't then go North and
take the 200 G from the ground. Go South a little, then East a little until
you see a bush right to your North. From the bush head directly North West
to get a Shell Armor. Now go South East until you see a dirt path, follow
this path South and exit to the World Map. Go to Liligue City.

C.11. Liligue City - I'm Hungry Let's Eat The Arum Root

Wow! A big town, and nice music here!
Watch the event as you entered the city, looks like you can not enter the
city now.

Near the gate, there are two buildings, the one to the West is the Inn and
the other is General Shop. You can ignore the General Shop right now, go
to the Inn, talk to the inkeeper and select the first option for:

Conversation Event: "Arum Root The Tasteless Delicacy Of Liligue"

Morning! Get out of the Inn and go to the town gate to the South. Watch
the event with the kid and the engineer family here, then get out of the
house to the main path. If you follow this main path south you will end up
at the skyway station through the center of the town. See the blue and
white path heading west? It will lead you to the Church.

Talk to everyone in town and head to Gadan's house after you finish, it's
right to the South East of the tree at the center of the town. Watch the
event with Gadan. Get out of there and head to the Church, talk to the
priest. Go to the 2nd floor and watch the event. Well, Ryudo here trying
to change Elena's face into something...:) Get out of the Church, head to
the town and now Mareg (LV 18) is joining your party.

Now that you have Mareg in your party, go to the General Shop, and do the
shopping routine. You can also do the advanced toturial here. Now head to
Gadan's house, don't get in, but there's a hatch door near his house,
notice the action sign. Ryudo will open the door and off to the cave.

C.12. Liligue Cave - Chase The Monster! Elena Was Eaten!

Items to get: Healing Herb, Mogay Bomb(2), Purifying Herb, Reflection Ring,
Bonds Of Trust, Confusion Charm, Holy Wound Salve,
Fire Pendant, Flamberge, Poff Nut, Smelling Salts,
Burning Bow, Flare Dress
Golds to get: 3200 G
Monsters : Crag Snake (280 HP), Giant Mantis (420 HP),
Frost Frog (400 HP), Gargoyle (380 HP), Ghoul (670 HP)


As you entered the cave notice the action sign, press the action button to
light the torch, see that save point? Better use it now. Follow the path
East, light up the torch on your way, follow it until the path split.

Light the torch again and take the North path, follow this to get 400 G,
go back to branch where you light up the torch and take the other path East
until it split again, kill the monsters here and light the torch. Take
the North path. Follow this path and it will split again, the one to the
North West is a dead end and the other will lead you to a Healing Herb. Go
back to the branch where you kill the monsters.

Now follow the other path East, you will arrive in a branch, kill those
monsters and light the torch. The path that goes South East will lead you
to a Mogay Bomb. After you take the Mogay Bomb, take the other path North
East, follow this path, light all the torch and kill the monsters on your
way, and you will end up on a branch with a torch. Take the path North to
get the Purifying Herb, then take the other path West, follow it to another
branch. Take the North West path because the other one is a dead end,
follow this path into a fork. Take the North West path to get 1200 G and
then take the other one to continue on Liligue Cave 2.

Kill those monsters and take 1200 G from the box, now get in the hole on
the wall directly in front of where you come from to Liligue Cave 1.

Follow this path until it splits and light the torch on your way. Kill
those monsters, see the Reflection Ring? Take it. The path to the North
will head you to a Mogay Bomb, now take the path South, follow this path
to a branch, kill the monsters and light the torch. Take the path South
West, the other one is a dead end, follow it to the Liligue Cave 2.

Walk a little to the North East, see the Gold down the ramp? Ignore it for
now. Follow the stone path to the North East kill all the monsters on your
way, the path will turn East and you will see a platform with a stone slab
on it. Up the platform, read the stone slab, and step on the blue square
button to open a new area.

Down the platform go back a little to the West, you will see two new opened
door. Get in the North one first into a room, kill all the monsters here
and get the Bonds Of Trust and Confusion Charm from the treasure chest.
Go down the small stairs and light the Green candle. Go back up the stairs,
take the path on the South West corner of the room and follow this path
exit the door.

If you follow the path that head to the South East from the door, you will
end up in a stone slab that tells you a hint. Now take the door directly
in front of the door where you exit from the Green candle room. Don't just
get in yet, go South East to get the Holy Wound Salve, Fire Pendant, and
the Flamberge. Now get in the door.

Follow the path to a room, ignore the stairs to the north, head a little to
the South West up into a platform with three boxes, push the rightmost box
to the West. Remember the stairs to the North? Go there and up the stairs.
Surprise! Kill those monsters, and follow the path South over those boxes,
light the Red Candle. Go back down the stairs, go to the South of the room
and head East. When you're about to leave the room, the box position will
reset. Now go back to the box, this time push it to the South and go behind
those boxes to get the Poff Nut. Head back to the door where you're going
to leave the room, exit the door and jump down. Get the 400 G. Go up the
ramp and get in to the door directly in front of the door you were jumping.

Follow the path to a room, go a little to the North East up the stairs and
kill those monsters. Up the stairs to the South West and light the Blue
candle. Now down those two stairs and take the North East path exit the
room. Go back East to the platform, light the Yellow Candle and the door
will be open, hurray! Go to the door to Liligue Cave 3.

Head south to a save point, use it and prepare for a boss fight, then go to
the West to Liligue Cave Caverns.

Watch the event. Now go a little to the NorthWest and turn SouthWest, head
straight to the treasure chest and get the Smelling Salts, Burning Bow, and
Flare Dress. A little to the South of the treasure is a path to the Liligue
Cave Temple Ruins, take that path.

Watch the event and here we go!


Head : 5000 HP
Right Hand : 4000 HP
Left Hand : 4000 HP
Valmar's Tongue : 8000 HP

Items : Ancient Cuirass, Revival Gem, Book Of Wizards
Gets : 500 EXP, 800 G, 1200 SC, 800 MC

This guy is not really that though, he takes a long time to cast a spell
so you can use the critical hit to cancel his spells.

C.13. Liligue City - Hold On! We're Crashing!

After the boss fight you will be at Gadan's house, watch the event and get
out of the house. Now you can either talk to the people in town to have
different conversations or go to the Inn for:

Dining Event: "Good Food And The Lurking Spirits Of Granacliffs"

After you've finished exploring, go to the skyway station area, and watch
an event with the engineer's family again, now go up the stairs and inside
the skyway to depart, inside they will have:

Conversation Event: "What Happened To Elena? She Looks Pale!"

Now watch the FMV here, and on to the next section.

C.14. Lumir Forest - Elena And Millenia, Are They Always Together?

Items to get: Lumir Flower(2), Insecticide Bomb(2), Oracle Staff,
Icefang Stone, Arctic Cape, Ice Pick, Blueberry
Golds to get: 5600 G
Monsters : Big Foot (750 HP), Giant Crab (560 HP),
Huge Caterpillar (630 HP)


Watch the event between Ryudo, Roan, and Mareg, then another event with
Elena and Millenia.

Now that you regain control, go South follow the path through the snowpile
into an open area, see the snowpile on the South West? Go through it follow
this path until you reach the Granacliffs' edge and head North West for a
Lumir Flower. Go back to the open area.

Head North East until the path split, take the North West path to get 400 G
and then take the other path to the Lumir Forest.

Go South a little and use the save point. Head South East from the save
point and you will see three pine trees and some Big Foot, kill them all.
East of the tree is a huge rock, South from the rock there is a path that
lead to 1200 G. There is an Insecticide Bomb inside the box North East of
the rock. Get those treasures and head to the path North East from the rock
near the Insecticide Bomb to the Lumir Forest Cavern 1.

Head north to the action sign and cut the vines on your way, keep following
this path until it split. The East path lead to 1200 G, take it and head to
the West path, follow this path, cut the vines on your way, and you'll be
arrive into a huge area. Kill those Giant Crabs and get the 400 G.

There is three path to choose in this huge area, take the path to the North
East located just beside the path that you were come in. Follow this path
into a fork, take the South path, kill those monsters and get 400 G from
the ground. Follow this path into another fork, take the West path, cut the
vines and get the Lumir Flower. Go back to the last fork and head South
East, cut the vines and you'll be at the huge area again. Now take the
South path into Lumir Forest 1.

Head South a little. See the tree with snow on it to the North East? go
there and there's a path there that lead into a 400 G. Head back to the
tree and head North West to a large area with a very big old tree there.
Take the path North West of the tree to get 1200 G in the end. Go back to
the tree and get in to the tree using an entrance located at the North side
of the tree.

You're now in the center of the tree. Cut all of the 5 roots in this area,
the root is the one that hangs from the ground to the water. Now there's
4 new doors opened into new areas. The East door leads to a dead end, the
West one leads into some Huge Caterpillars and a dead end. Take the North
door to get an Oracle Staff. Go back to the center room and take the South

Follow this path until it split. Take the path South West and get 400 G
from the ground. Head back and take the path to the East into another fork.
Head East from the fork, cut the vines and get the Insecticide Bomb. Head
North, then West a little, then North cut the vines, follow this path into
another fork. Ignore the West path, its a dead end, head East and out to
the Lumir Forest.

Head South, kill all those Big Foots and get the Blueberry hidden between
the three trees. Head South a little and there is a big rock with a Big
Foot on it. To the South of the rock there is a treasure chest on the snow
pile. Open it to get the Icefang Stone, Arctic Cape, and an Ice Pick. There
is a path heading South near the chest, follow it. Whew... it's foggy here.

When you arrive at the tree with the snow on it, head East to The Garden Of
Dreams. After the event with the girl, there's nothing to do here, so head
back to the Lumir Forest. Now you're back near the rock with the Big Foot
on it. Again follow the path to the South of the rock. You will notice that
when you arrive on the tree with the snow, you can't head East. Now take
the West path and exit to the World Map, then head to the Mirumu Village.

C.15. Mirumu Village - They Have A Nice Dream, Should We Wake Them Up?

Hmmm... this village reminds me of something...
As you entered this village, watch the event with the Village Chief.

After you regain control, get out of the house and explore the village. Buy
some good stuff at the general store. Head to the Inn after you've finished

Inside the Inn watch the event with Irina. After that get out of the room,
talk to Irina again to save your game, then get out from the Inn. Walk far
South follow the stone path onto a small bridge. Watch the event here with
Aria, then follow them inside Sandra's house. Watch another event and get
out of the house. All become quiet here...

Small event here on the bridge, and walk to the village entrance for
another event with Selena. Talk again to Selene, and go to the Inn. Talk to
Irina and choose Spend The Night for:

Dining Event: "Cursed Village And The Cathedral Knights"

After that is another event between Elena and Ryudo, and Ryudo having a
nightmare. After you regain control of Ryudo, open the window in his room,
then the party rejoin. Go to Irina's/Nicolas' room then get out of the Inn.
Head to Sandra's house, you can't get in, head South West from her house
into a save point, use it. Walk South from the save point and up the ramp
into the Mysterious Fissure.

C.16. Mysterious Fissure - Watch Out! Those Eyeballs Are Flying!

Items to get: Raincoat, Bone Harp, Wing Boots, Purifying Herb
Golds to get: 2000 G
Monsters : Giant Crab (560 HP), Twin Ogre (680 HP), Hammerhead (830 HP)


Walk North into a small room with a fork. Take the West path, kill those
monsters and get the Raincoat, from there head South for a 500 G, go back
to the small room, and take the other path East into the room with those
Twin Ogres. Kill them and head North to get the Bone Harp, from there go
a little South and then East and take the Wing Boots.

Go back to the room where the Twin Ogre was, and head West into a huge room
with a large bones. Walk North a little under the bones, get 1500 G there.
From here head directly South West kill those monsters and get the Puri-
fying Herb. Go back to the bones and take the path North, follow this path
until you're blocked by a large circular stone. Go up the stone, around and
around and get down to the other side.

Walk far South passing the room with pillars to a save point, recover and
save your game. Now head East from there into a new area, the Mysterious
Fissure, Depths.

Head East up the stairs into a blue round platform to watch an event, and..


Eyeball Bat : 3000 HP (4)

Items : Book Of Warriors
Gets : 200 EXP, 585 G, 900 SC, 900 MC

These guys were no real challenge! Just use regular attacks. If you can
use cancels on the right time they won't bother you so much. Don't forget
to heal in case your HP is low.

C.17. Mirumu Village - Aira Is A Monster! Release Her From Misery!

You're end up in the Inn, after a small event, go out to the Town Hall.
Another event with Selene here. Remember the save point near Sandra's
house? Head there, another event with Aira, follow her to the Shed. Talk to
her and jump down the hole. Aira will take you to the Garden Of Dreams.
After another event with her, get out to the World Map through the Lumir
Forest. From the garden just out to the Lumir Forest and head straight East
then follow the path out. Go to Mirumu Village again.

After an event, head to Sandra's house for another. Now back to he Garden
Of Dreams through Lumir Forest. Head to the tree, and Millenia will open
a gate to the Mysterious Fissure, jump down the gate. Follow the path to
the blue platform. See the glowing purple lights to the East of the
platform? Head there. Choose Let's Rock whenever you're ready, and get in
the portal.

C.18. Aira Space - Lonely Flower Of Aira's Heart

Items to get: Silver Feather, Yomi's Elixir, Red Shoes, Battle Manicure,
Illusion Clothes, Mirage Earring, Bonds Of Trust,
Moebius Ring
Golds to get: 5000 G
Monsters : Star Mirage (720 HP), Hammerhead (830 HP), Twin Ogre (680 HP),
Huge Caterpillar (630 HP), Hellhound (580 HP)


There's a save point here, use it, exit the door and head straight East,
get the Silver Feather. Walk directly South West from here until you can't,
then South a little and head East until you find some monster and 500 G on
the ground, get it and walk East to find a Yomi's Elixir.

Head far North from there, then East, into a disappearing bridge, step on
the bridge and head East, don't worry you won't fall down. After passing
two stone gates there's a fork on the bridge, take the South path and get
the Red Shoes. Go back to the fork head far East to the edge and get 500 G
on the ground. Now walk South and go near the bell, use the action sign to
ring it, a whale will appear, get on it and you'll be delivered into a new

Head West and fight the monsters, get the 1500 G near there. Continue on
West and head North, go up the platform with a transparent ball on it and
you will be transported into a new area.

Head South across the stone bridge until you see a red pool. Head South
West from the pool into a pink bridge, use the action sign to remove the
eye then cross the bridge.

Head North West into another pink bridge, cross it and get the Battle
Manicure, go back to the first pink bridge. Head South East for a treasure
chest, open it to get the Illusion Clothes, Mirage Earring, and Bonds Of
Trust. From there head South into another bridge, cross it and get 500 G.
From this bridge head West then South into another pink bridge, cross it
and head East across a stone bridge.

Walk a little South East to get the Moebius Ring, then head North, East,
and West through the gate and kill those monsters. To the East of the stone
with 2 eyes is a bridge from a tree, cross it and get 1500 G. Go back to
the stone, head South around the stone, then West, and North into a ladder.
Go up the ladder, walk North, and go down the ladder, head North across
the stone bridge, kill some monsters and continue on North and get the 500
G from the ground.

Walk a little East then North then West through the gate. Surprise! Defeat
them. Head West into a save point, prepare yourself for battle. Head West
into the edge, a stone bridge will appear, jump to the bridge and enter the

After an event with Aira, something will appear...


Eyeball Bat : 3000 HP (4)
Right Tendril : 6000 HP
Left Tendril : 6000 HP
Valmar's Eye : 12000 HP

Items : Gravity Egg, Demon's Tears, Warp Knife
Gets : 800 EXP, 1200 G, 1800 SC, 1800 MC

Well this guy is very good, so you were prepared were you?
First kill one of the Eyeball Bat to avoid them cast Delta Burst, then
throw everything you've got to the Valmar's Eye. Use attacking skills
often, and keep your HP up using spells like Alhealer.

C.19. Mirumu Village - Could Flower Grows In Such A Cold Place?

After the battle you will be in The Garden Of Dreams, watch the sad event
here, then you will be transported to Sandra's house for another event. Now
get out to the village gate for an event with Selena.

You're free to explore the town now, talk to the people as they will talk
about Aira's hope. As usual you may go to the Inn for:

Dining Event: "Strange Shaped Buildings And Facing The Past"

Whenever you're ready, go to St. Heim Mountain.

C.20. St. Heim Mountain - The Cathedral Is Near, We Won't Get Lost!

Items to get: Guard Mushroom, Seed Of Life, Scattering Stone, Mogay Bomb,
Scroll Of Alheal, Lion Field Garb, Battle Manicure,
Silver Feather, Godspeed Ring, Yomi's Elixir, Mach Boots,
Dragonslayer Axe, Holy Wound Salve, Seed Of Spells
Golds to get: 7500 G
Monsters : Hammerhead (830 HP), Big Foot (750 HP), Chameleon (780 HP),
Twin Ogre (680 HP), Giant Crab (560 HP)


OK, go South until you see a save point on your West, use it, from here go
South West and get a Guard Mushroom. Now go far East and get 500 G near the
tree. Follow this path East as it curved up into an entrance into St. Heim
Mountain, Cavern.

There's three way to go now, remember this place and take the South West
path first. Take 500 G from the ground, head West and exit, follow this
path to get a Seed Of Life, don't forget to kill those Big Foots. Now go
back to the room with the three way to go.

Now take the path to the South, kill the monsters and head East to get a
Scattering Stone. Head back and this time take the last path to the East,
follow this path under a bridge and get a Mogay Bomb. Head North East and
exit through the door.

Head South West, follow this path as it goes under the waterfall, there's
a door under this waterfall, get in there. Head South over a bridge, then
West and get a Scroll Of Alheal. Head East to take 500 G, and head North
East and follow this path out. Walk North East and get the Lion Field Garb.
Get yourself back under the waterfall.

Head West from the waterfall and follow this path into the Cavern. Go South
East, follow this path into a fork, head East and get 1500 G. Go back to
the fork and head South, for:

Conversation Event: "Selene's Act In Mirumu And Millenia's Intention"

Use the save point. Head East a little, then head South, kill the monsters,
continue on South and follow this path into a new area, head East then
North and open a treasure chest for a Battle Manicure, Silver Feather, and
a Godspeed Ring. Head back to the save point. Take the path heading West
near the save point, and exit from this area.

Walk East and get 1500 G, head North East, follow the path until a river,
use the action sign to jump up the rock, follow this accross the river and
jump down, go East and go in to the cave.

Head South and get a Yomi's Elixir, head South from there and push the rock
down. Head West using the rock, then North, follow this path to get a Mach
Boots. Go back up to the place where you pushed the rock earlier.

Head East until you can't, then walk North to get 500 G. Head North and
follow this path out of the cavern. Walk North East into a:

Conversation Event: "Prayers Are Heared"

Head East into a save point, use it. Walk far East and get 500 G. Go South
into a fork. Take the South path then East, push the big rock into water,
the pool will be drained, head back to the pool and take the Dragonslayer
Axe. Head far West take the Holy Wound Salve and follow this path West into

You can go to South West into the ledge to view the waterfalls. Walk South
East then East then out from the cavern. Head East take the 500 G, continue
on East, follow this path as it curved to the West, watch out for the poi-
sonous gas here. Continue West and get 1500 G. Walk South and take Seed Of
Spells near the bushes and the trees. From there head South East to the
World Map.

C.21. St. Heim Papal State - The Job Is Done! Will We Still Be Together?

Whew... Here at last!
Watch the event with the guard as you entered the town. After that do the
shopping and explore as usual. There's a path to the West just behind the
Inn that lead to the Squeak-Baa Pasture, hmmm... talking about a weird ani-
mal... Just next to the South of the General Store is a Bakery, but nothing
we can buy there, you can see a huge bread if you enter this place. Also
there's a Library in the center of the town, talk to the librarian several
times to heard the library rules, isn't those rules are little bit too
much? Head to the Inn and select Spend The Night after you've finished.

Watch the long event. After you've regained control, go to the Cathedral,
its located to the far South of the town. Small event in front of the Ca-
thedral and get in to the lobby. Talk to the guard in the middle door, and
get in to the Cathedral Audience Room for an event between Zera, Selene,
and Oro.

After finished talking with Zera, follow him to his room for an event, then
head back to the Audience Room for an event with Elena, then with Oro. Head
to the Cathedral's Library, just take the left stairway from the lobby, and
take the door near the save point on the second floor. Mareg and Roan will
be rejoin. Go to the Guestroom located next to the Library, for an event,
then another event with Millenia and Oro.

OK, go to the Balcony now, just take the right stairway from the lobby to
meet with Millenia. Morning! Go back to the Audience Chamber and talk to
Zera. After he give you The Book Of Priests head out from the Cathedral for
a small event. Now you're free to go. There's a man near the Inn that will
ask you to deliver a message to his son at Cyrum. Accept his request to get
a Poff Nut. Then you can go to the Inn for:

Dining Event: "Together Is Fun! Elena Was Nervous!"

After you're ready go to St. Heim Pilgrim Road.

C.22. St. Heim Pilgrim Road - Let's Find The Granasaber!

Items to get: Holy Wound Salve, Seed Of Moves, Magic Blessing, Poff Nut,
Bravery Bandana
Golds to get: 2500 G
Monsters : Big Foot (750 HP), Twin Ogre (680 HP), Chameleon (780 HP)


OK, head North East into a fountain, two person will be there. Get down the
ladder to the North West. Head North West and get a Holy Wound Salve. Go a
little to the North East then walk North West and take 500 G there. From
there head South East and get 1500 G.

Head North West until you see a tree, then turn East kill the monsters and
take 500 G from the ground. Head East a little, then North a little, then
walk far South East to get 500 G. Now walk back North West then East around
the trees, walk far South East and take the Seed Of Moves. From there head
back North West then West, ignore the first path to the South East because
you've already been there. Take the next path South East and go through un-
der the main road.

Head far South East until you can't then head West into a fork. Take the
South West path to get a Magic Blessing, the other one leads to a ladder up
to the main road. From there head directly North West to get a Poisoned
Knife. Go back up the main road.

Walk North East, there's a broken part of the road to the South East just
before the third fountain. From there walk South to get a Poff Nut. Head
North and take the Bravery Bandana. Go back to the main road and continue
on North East to the World Map. Go to Raul Hills.

C.23. Raul Hills - Hmmm... What's That Weird Plants Anyway?

Items to get: Thunder Ring, Buster Flail, BlackQuartz Helm,
Earthen Cuirass, Weakness Nut, Golden Nut(5), Quake Stone,
Scroll Of Alheal, Rage Ring, Seed Of Defense, Seed Of Psyche,
Seed Of Life(2), Myriad Power Nut, Seed Of Power,
Revival Gem, Seed Of Magic, Exhaustion Nut, Patience Nut
Golds to get: 3500 G
Monsters : Chameleon (780 HP), Twin Ogre (680 HP), Dragonoid (960 HP),
Land Cougar (1000 HP)


See the sign to the North when as soon as you enter this place?. From that
sign go straight far South East to get 1500 G. Head back to the sign, now
go North East from there into a save point, use it. Walk directly North
East into some fences. See the treasure chest, go around the fences and
open it for a Thunder Ring. Walk South East from there into a tree that
surrounded by fences. Take a Buster Flail there. Now head South into a
stone bridge, cross it.

We're on a maze here, and how could I explain this...
Anyway, head North East, take the first path heading South East, then take
the first path going South West. Now take the first path heading North West
walk a little and go North East for 500 G. Head back to the entrance.

Go North East, this time take the second path going South East, up the
small set of stairs. Head South West to get a BlackQuartz Helm.

Go back North East then North West until you hit the wall. Walk North East
until you hit the wall. Head far South East under the bridge until you
reach a place with pillars.

Walk a little to the South West, take the first path going North West up
the small set of stairs. From there head South West, then North West, and
North East for 1500 G. Go back to the place with pillars.

Walk far South West, if your angle is right you will see an armor, take it
for an Earthen Cuirass. Go back to the maze entrance.

From the entrance, walk South West until the wall, you can get up the tower
just for sightseeing. Walk South East and take the second path heading
North East up the stairs until you hit a wall. Go North West into a wall,
go around it and head North East over the bridge until a wall. Then walk
South East, North East, North West, North East, South East, and go South
East again, then North East and out from the maze over the bridge.

Whew... its over now... Confuse? Good, so am I. Refer to this map if you're
| |
| ___________ _______ |
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| @ _______________ | | | |
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_|___|___________________ ___| |___| ___#####_______ |
exit! Available after defeating Melfice

Job : Songstress Of Granas
Weapon : Staff
Hometown : Carbo Village
Special appearance: Cute sister's dress
Total SC needed for all skill to reach its max level: 30950 SC
| Skill | Max SC | SP | Description |
| Impact Bomb | 3750 | 25 | Ball of light, Cancel |
| Nightmare Ball | 5100 | 18 | Causes Sleep, SF |
| Droplets Of Life | 11900 | 90 | Restore all HP, AA |
| White Apocalypse | 10200 | 80 | Intense light, AF |

Job : Mocking Ryudo all the time
Weapon : Crossbow
Hometown : Inside Elena's body?
Special appearance: A sexy hot babe...
Total SC needed for all skill to reach its max level: 33550 SC
| Skill | Max SC | SP | Description |
| Arrow Shot | 3750 | 25 | Single shot, Cancel |
| Heel Crush | 4250 | 20 | Deadly heel attack |
| Fallen Wings | 6000 | 75 | Wing power, AF |
| Starving Tongue* | 5100 | 55 | Absorp HP, AF |
| Spellbinding Eye^ | 8500 | 60 | Block move |
| Grudging Claws" | 5950 | 42 | Split enemy |
*> Available after defeating Valmar's Tongue
^> Available after defeating Valmar's Eye
"> Available after defeating Valmar's Claw

Job : King of Cyrum Kingdom, lollipop lane your highness...
Weapon : Knife
Hometown : Cyrum Kingdom
Special appearance: Wearing a small backpack with a climbing tool on it.
Total SC needed for all skill to reach its max level: 19900 SC
| Skill | Max SC | SP | Description |
| Golden Hammer | 3750 | 22 | Hammer, Cancel |
| Dragon Rise* | 6800 | 38 | Legendary esoteric attack |
| Snowball Fight* | 5950 | 40 | Huge snowball, Blizzard based, SF |
| Vitality March | 3400 | 20 | Cures all status disorder, AA |
| True Dragon Rise^ | 6800" | 42 | True legendary esoteric attack |
| Ice Prison^ | 5950" | 30 | Deadly slash, Blizzard based |
*> Removed after Roan rejoin when return from the moon
^> Available after Roan rejoin when return from the moon
"> Value continues from the skill its replaced

Job : Wanderer beast-man, GRRRR....
Weapon : Axe
Hometown : Nanan Village
Special appearance: He is a beast with a big axe in his back.
Total SC needed for all skill to reach its max level: 24150 SC
| Skill | Max SC | SP | Description |
| Beast-Fang Cut | 3750 | 26 | Spirited axe, Cancel |
| Beast-King Smash | 6800 | 44 | Killer blow |
| Beast-King Blast | 8500 | 52 | Blast enemy, Special |
| Lion's Roar | 5100 | 18 | +ATK, AA |

Job : Automata, tell me what to do...
Weapon : Ring
Hometown : Cyrum Kingdom Underground Plant
Special appearance: Two antennas on her head, and some kind of wings on
her back.
Total SC needed for all skill to reach its max level: 24150 SC
| Skill | Max SC | SP | Description |
| Lotus Flower | 3750 | 28 | Splendid attack, Cancel, EL |
| Fast Dance-Whirl | 6800 | 38 | Legendary dance |
| Tornado | 8500 | 48 | Stop wind current, Special |
| Whisper To Stars* | 5100 | 36 | Cures all status, AA |
*> Available after Mareg died on the moon

D.2. Shop List

This section will list you all General Store found in game, and the item
they're selling including price and descriptions.

*> Items that available after flying with Granasaber
^> Items that unavailable after flying with Granasaber

Carbo Village General Store (13 items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Falx | Wp | 500 | +22 A |
| Shamsir | Wp | 620 | +26 A |
| Cuir Boulli | Ar | 500 | +12 D |
| Leather Armor | Ar | 750 | +17 D |
| Climbing Boots | Ar | 200 | +6 M, +2 D |
| Heavy Stone | Ac | 120 | +5 D, -5 M, anti Knock-back |
| Medicinal Herb | It | 10 | Cures 200 HP |
| Wound Salve | It | 24 | Cures 400 HP |
| Poison Antidote | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Eye Drops | It | 14 | Cures Sleep |
| Mushroom Cloud | Rg | 20 | 400 P |
| Goblin Toadstool | Rg | 30 | 250 P, causes Poison |

Agear Town General Store (21 items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Falx | Wp | 500 | +22 A |
| Shamsir | Wp | 620 | +26 A |
| Army Saber | Wp | 750 | +32 A |
| Iron Rod | Wp | 720 | +30 A |
| Leather Jacket | Ar | 650 | +14 D |
| Quilted Silk | Ar | 800 | +18 D |
| Leather Armor | Ar | 750 | +17 D |
| Chain Mail | Ar | 950 | +20 D |
| Traveler's Hat | Ar | 300 | +6 D |
| Leather Bandana | Ar | 350 | +8 D |
| Climbing Boots | Ar | 200 | +6 M, +2 D |
| Heavy Stone | Ac | 120 | +5 D, -5 M, anti Knock-back |
| Sleep Charm | Ac | 250 | anti Sleep |
| Medicinal Herb | It | 10 | Cures 200 HP |
| Wound Salve | It | 24 | Cures 400 HP |
| Poison Antidote | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Eye Drops | It | 14 | Cures Sleep |
| Smelling Salts | It | 20 | Cures Confuse |
| Mushroom Cloud | Rg | 20 | 400 P |
| Hand Grenade | Rg | 60 | 300 P, SF |

Liligue City General Store (36 items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Army Saber | Wp | 750 | +32 A |
| Samurai Blade | Wp | 900 | +38 A |
| Iron Rod | Wp | 720 | +30 A |
| Flame Staff | Wp | 1250 | +40 A, Fire based |
| Battle Rod | Wp | 960 | +45 A |
| Multiple Knife | Wp | 650 | +28 A |
| Hunter's Knife | Wp | 880 | +36 A, vs Animals |
| Quilted Silk | Ar | 800 | +18 D |
| Guardian Robe | Ar | 1200 | +22 D, anti Poison |
| Chain Mail | Ar | 950 | +20 D |
| Plate Mail | Ar | 1400 | +25 D |
| Guardian Hat | Ar | 450 | +10 D, anti Sleep |
| Iron Bandana | Ar | 480 | +12 D |
| Iron Helm | Ar | 600 | +15 D |
| Hunter's Boots | Ar | 400 | +8 M, +4 D |
| Gauntlet | Ac | 800 | +15 D |
| Fire Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Fire resistance |
| Wind Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Wind resistance |
| Earth Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Earth resistance |
| Lightning Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Lightning resistance |
| Blizzard Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Blizzard resistance |
| Medicinal Herb | It | 10 | Cures 200 HP |
| Wound Salve | It | 24 | Cures 400 HP |
| Healing Herb | It | 50 | Cures 250 HP, SA |
| Poison Antidote | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Eye Drops | It | 14 | Cures Sleep |
| Smelling Salts | It | 20 | Cures Confuse |
| Yomi's Elixir | It | 500 | Revive Dead |
| Hand Grenade | Rg | 60 | 300 P, SF |
| Insecticide Bomb | Rg | 60 | 650 P, Fire based, vs Bugs |
| Fireball Scroll | Rg | 50 | 400 P, Fire based |
| Whirlwind Scroll | Rg | 60 | 300 P, SF, Wind based |
| Patience Nut | Rg | 20 | +1 D, SA |
| Swiftness Nut | Rg | 20 | +1 M, SA |
| Kuko Berry | Rg | 10 | Causes Confuse & Intoxication |

Mirumu Village General Store (28 items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Swordfish Sword | Wp | 2200 | +52 A |
| Oracle Staff | Wp | 1800 | +50 A, cures Confuse |
| Fliying Fish Bow | Wp | 2400 | +55 A, vs Birds |
| Flint Knife | Wp | 2000 | +48 A |
| Hammer Axe | Wp | 2200 | +52 A |
| Pixie's Robe | Ar | 2600 | +26 D, anti Sleep, anti Confuse |
| Swordfish Armor | Ar | 2800 | +30 D |
| Feathered Hat | Ar | 1120 | +18 D |
| Magnolia Bandana | Ar | 1080 | +16 D, LV 1 Earth resistance |
| Swordfish Helmet | Ar | 1250 | +20 D |
| Crampons | Ar | 420 | +4 M, LV 2 Blizzard resistance |
| Arctic Cape | Ac | 800 | +10 D, LV 3 Blizzard resistance |
| Earth Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Earth resistance |
| Poison Charm | Ac | 250 | Anti Poison |
| Paralysis Charm | Ac | 250 | Anti Paralysis |
| Medicinal Herb | It | 10 | Cures 200 HP |
| Wound Salve | It | 24 | Cures 400 HP |
| Healing Herb | It | 50 | Cures 250 HP, SA |
| Poison Antidote | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Purifying Herb | It | 40 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Torte's Redpipe | It | 30 | Cures Sleep, SA |
| Smelling Salts | It | 20 | Cures Confuse |
| Lumir Flower | Rg | 40 | Cures 25 MP |
| Blueberry | Rg | 40 | Cures 25 SP |
| Mogay Bomb | Rg | 250 | 500 P, SF, IP damage |
| Insecticide Bomb | Rg | 60 | 650 P, Fire based, vs Bugs |
| Sleeping Harp | Rg | 250 | Causes Sleep, SF, breakable |

St. Heim Papal State General Store (32/36* items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Claymore^ | Wp | 3600 | +60 A |
| Sister's Staff^ | Wp | 3500 | +55 A, Cure |
| Halberd^ | Wp | 4400 | +68 A |
| Sister's Robe^ | Ar | 4500 | +35 D, anti Poison |
| Sister's Hat^ | Ar | 1750 | +20 D, anti Paralysis |
| Heavy Boots^ | Ar | 800 | +10 M, +6 D, anti Knock-back |
| Healing Ring | Ac | 500 | +5 D, Heal |
| Poison Charm | Ac | 250 | Anti Poison |
| Sleep Charm | Ac | 250 | Anti Sleep |
| Confusion Charm | Ac | 250 | Anti Confuse |
| Paralysis Charm | Ac | 250 | Anti Paralysis |
| Move Block Charm | Ac | 400 | Anti Move Block |
| MagicBlock Charm | Ac | 400 | Anti Magic Block |
| Wound Salve^ | It | 24 | Cures 400 HP |
| Healing Herb^ | It | 50 | Cures 250 HP, SA |
| Scroll Of Alheal^ | It | 120 | Cures 500 HP, AA |
| Poison Antidote^ | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve^ | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Purifying Herb | It | 40 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Torte's Redpipe | It | 30 | Cures Sleep, SA |
| Smelling Salts | It | 20 | Cures Confuse |
| Move Blessing^ | It | 50 | Cures Move Block |
| Magic Blessing^ | It | 50 | Cures Magic Block |
| Yomi's Elixir | It | 500 | Revive Dead |
| Butter Roll | Rg | 120 | Cures 50 SP |
| Fresh Sandwich | Rg | 100 | Cures 600 HP, anti Poison/Paralysis |
| Mogay Bomb^ | Rg | 250 | 500 P, SF, IP damage |
| Holy Ashes | Rg | 200 | 700 P, vs Undead |
| Myriad Power Nut | Rg | 20 | +1 STR level, SA |
| Patience Nut | Rg | 20 | +1 DEF level, SA |
| Sympathy Nut | Rg | 20 | +1 ACT level, SA |
| Swiftness Nut | Rg | 20 | +1 MOV level, SA |
| Holy Soul Blade* | Wp | 14000 | +112 A, drops 1 DEF level |
| Priest's Staff* | Wp | 12000 | +99 A, Halvah |
| Rune Axe* | Wp | 13500 | +107 A, reduce IP slowing |
| Priest's Robe* | Ar | 16000 | +54 D, anti Poisn/Paralysis/Plague |
| Priest's Hat* | Ar | 5800 | +36 D, anti Move/Magic Block |
| Heracles' Belt* | Ac | 6200 | +40 A |
| Shogun's Brace* | Ac | 5000 | +40 D |
| Relief Tag* | Ac | 4000 | Cures some HP in combat |
| Holy Wound Salve* | It | 60 | Cures 800 HP |
| Healing Fruit* | It | 100 | Cures 1200 HP |
| Scarlet Potion* | It | 250 | Cures 1600 HP |
| Healing Incense* | It | 400 | Cures 1000 HP, AA |
| Potion Of Azure* | It | 750 | Cures 1500 HP, AA |
| Blessing Scroll* | It | 150 | Cures Move/Magic Block |
| Vaccine* | It | 100 | Cures Plague |
| Panacea* | It | 500 | Cures all status disorder |
| Super Mogay Bomb* | Rg | 1000 | 1000 P, SF, IP damage |
| Thor Stone* | Rg | 750 | 1500 P, AF, Lightning based |

Cyrum Kingdom General Store (40/46* items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Shadowblade^ | Wp | 4000 | +44 A, -4 M, Sudden-death |
| Blazing Staff^ | Wp | 4200 | +60 A, Fire based, SF |
| Whirlwind Staff^ | Wp | 4200 | +60 A, Wind based, EL |
| Quarry Staff^ | Wp | 4200 | +60 A, Earth based, SF |
| Arbalest^ | Wp | 4500 | +70 A |
| Main Gauche^ | Wp | 4600 | +62 A, +10 D |
| Halberd^ | Wp | 4400 | +68 A |
| Purple Robe^ | Ar | 4500 | +35 D, anti Paralysis |
| BlackQuartz Mail^ | Ar | 5500 | +38 D |
| Wizard's Hat^ | Ar | 2000 | +22 D, anti Magic Block |
| BlackQuartz Helm^ | Ar | 2200 | +25 D |
| Magic Hi-Heels | Ar | 1100 | +12 M, +8 D |
| Magical Brace^ | Ac | 1500 | +20 D |
| Anklet | Ac | 1000 | +40 M |
| Fire Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Fire resistance |
| Wind Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Wind resistance |
| Earth Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Earth resistance |
| Lightning Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Lightning resistance |
| Blizzard Charm | Ac | 400 | LV 5 Blizzard resistance |
| Wound Salve^ | It | 24 | Cures 400 HP |
| Holy Wound Salve | It | 60 | Cures 800 HP |
| Healing Herb^ | It | 50 | Cures 250 HP, SA |
| Scroll Of Alheal^ | It | 120 | Cures 500 HP, AA |
| Poison Antidote^ | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve^ | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Purifying Herb | It | 40 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Torte's Redpipe | It | 30 | Cures Sleep, SA |
| Smelling Salts | It | 20 | Cures Confuse |
| Move Blessing^ | It | 50 | Cures Move Block |
| Magic Blessing^ | It | 50 | Cures Magic Block |
| Yomi's Elixir | It | 500 | Revive Dead |
| Flare Stone | Rg | 200 | 650 P, Fire based, SF |
| Gale Stone | Rg | 200 | 700 P, Wind based, EL |
| Quake Stone | Rg | 200 | 650 P, Earth based, SF |
| Electrum Stone | Rg | 250 | 750 P, Lightning, +Paralysis, SF |
| Icefang Stone | Rg | 150 | 1200 P, Blizzard based |
| Powerless Nut^ | Rg | 50 | -1 STR level, SF |
| Weakness Nut^ | Rg | 50 | -1 DEF level, SF |
| Exhaustion Nut^ | Rg | 50 | -1 ACT level, SF |
| Slowpoke Nut^ | Rg | 50 | -1 MOV level, SF |
| Blazing Sword* | Wp | 17000 | +120 A, Fire based |
| Icefang Sword* | Wp | 18000 | +122 A, Blizzard based |
| Thor Sword* | Wp | 19000 | +125 A, Lightning based |
| Decalogue Staff* | Wp | 11800 | +108 A, causes Move/Magic Block |
| Guardian Staff* | Wp | 15500 | +118 A, AA, Diggin' |
| Huge Flail* | Wp | 17000 | +128 A, -5 M |
| Sword Breaker* | Wp | 14500 | +110 A, drops foe ATK level |
| Wind Cutter* | Wp | 18000 | +122 A, Wind based |
| Demon Shuriken* | Wp | 19800 | +128 A, +5 ACT |
| Aura Armor* | Ar | 19800 | +64 D, raises power of moves |
| Charisma Helm* | Ar | 8000 | +38 D, +5 A |
| Battle Boots* | Ar | 1800 | +12 M, +12 D |
| Heracles' Belt* | Ac | 6200 | +40 A |
| Shogun's Brace* | Ac | 5000 | +40 D |
| Godspeed Ring* | Ac | 2500 | +15 ACT |
| Healing Fruit* | It | 100 | Cures 1200 HP |
| Scarlet Potion* | It | 250 | Cures 1600 HP |
| Healing Incense* | It | 400 | Cures 1000 HP, AA |
| Potion Of Azure* | It | 750 | Cures 1500 HP, AA |
| Blessing Scroll* | It | 150 | Cures Move/Magic Block |
| Vaccine* | It | 100 | Cures Plague |
| Panacea* | It | 500 | Cures all status disorder |
| Baobab Fruit* | Rg | 360 | Cures 100 SP |
| Magical Medicine* | Rg | 360 | Cures 100 MP |
| Silver Feather* | Rg | 500 | Greatly increases IP |
| Super Mogay Bomb* | Rg | 1000 | 1000 P, SF, IP damage |
| Thor Stone* | Rg | 750 | 1500 P, AF, Lightning based |
| Red Bird Stone* | Rg | 250 | 1200 P, Fire based |
| Serpentine* | Rg | 500 | 1500 P, AF |

Garlan Village General Store (27 Items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Fine Braodsword | Wp | 4500 | +70 A |
| Sword Of Mikage | Wp | 6900 | +77 A |
| Silver Flail | Wp | 6800 | +82 A, -5 M |
| Dread Bow | Wp | 7400 | +85 A |
| Mithril Dress | Ar | 8000 | +40 D |
| Warrior Mail | Ar | 8500 | +45 D |
| Mercury Bandana | Ar | 3200 | +26 D, +10 M, Run faster |
| Battle Helm | Ar | 3400 | +30 D |
| Warrior Leggings | Ar | 1400 | +10 M, +10 D |
| Talisman | Ac | 1500 | +15 A, anti Poison & Paralysis |
| Crescent Jade | Ac | 1500 | +15 D, anti Sleep & Confuse |
| Holy Wound Salve | It | 60 | Cures 800 HP |
| Healing Fruit | It | 100 | Cures 1200 HP |
| Scroll Of Alheal | It | 120 | Cures 500 HP, AA |
| Healing Incense | It | 400 | Cures 1000 HP, AA |
| Poison Antidote | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Purifying Herb | It | 40 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Torte's Redpipe | It | 30 | Cures Sleep, SA |
| Smelling Salts | It | 20 | Cures Confuse |
| Move Blessing | It | 50 | Cures Move Block |
| Magic Blessing | It | 50 | Cures Magic Block |
| Yomi's Elixir | It | 500 | Revive Dead |
| Grail Fruit | Rg | 120 | Cures 50 MP |
| Mikibishi | Rg | 150 | 600 P, -1 MOV level, SF |
| Dynamite | Rg | 240 | 1000 P, SF |
| Silence Lute | Rg | 250 | Causes Magic Block, SF |

Nanan Village General Store (30 items)
| Item |Type| Price | Description |
| Silence Sword | Wp | 8500 | +85 A, causes Magic Block |
| Golden Flail | Wp | 8200 | +92 A, -5 M |
| Bardiche | Wp | 8000 | +86 A |
| Dragon Vest | Ar | 9500 | +48 D, +5 M |
| Red Fur Coat | Ar | 9200 | +46 D, LV 2 Blizzard resistance |
| Dragon Scale Mail | Ar | 9800 | +50 D |
| Azure Barrette | Ar | 3400 | +30 D |
| Dragon Bone Helm | Ar | 4000 | +36 D |
| Battle Boots | Ar | 1800 | +12 M, +12 D |
| Plague Charm | Ac | 600 | Anti Plague |
| Titan's Ring | Ac | 1800 | +20 A |
| Holy Wound Salve | It | 60 | Cures 800 HP |
| Healing Fruit | It | 100 | Cures 1200 HP |
| Scroll Of Alheal | It | 120 | Cures 500 HP, AA |
| Healing Incense | It | 400 | Cures 1000 HP, AA |
| Poison Antidote | It | 14 | Cures Poison |
| Paralysis Salve | It | 14 | Cures Paralysis |
| Purifying Herb | It | 40 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Torte's Redpipe | It | 30 | Cures Sleep, SA |
| Smelling Salts | It | 20 | Cures Confuse |
| Blessing Scroll | It | 150 | Cures Move Block & Magic Block |
| Vaccine | It | 100 | Cures Plague |
| Yomi's Elixir | It | 500 | Revive Dead |
| Baobab Fruit | Rg | 360 | Cures 100 SP |
| Dynamite | Rg | 240 | 1000 P, SF |
| Red Goblin Toad | Rg | 120 | 900 P, causes Poison |
| Muscle Mushroom | Rg | 50 | +2 ATK level, SA |
| Guard Mushroom | Rg | 50 | +2 DEF level, SA |
| Speed Mushroom | Rg | 50 | +2 ACT level, SA |
| Runner Mushroom | Rg | 50 | +2 MOV level, SA |

D.3 Mana Egg Spell List

In this section, I will list all of the spells in every Mana Egg.

Spell : Spell name
Max MC : Total amount of MC needed for a spell to reach its max level
LV : Egg level which a spell enable for upgrade
MP : MP needed to cast the spell
Description: Spell description

Holy Egg
How to get: Equipped by Elena
Total MC needed for Holy Egg to reach its max level: 13510 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Heal | 480 | 5 | 6 | Cures HP |
| Healer | 720 | 5 | 12 | Cures HP+ |
| Healer+ | 1320 | 40 | 24 | Cures HP++ |
| Alhealer | 1100 | 20 | 18 | Cures HP+, AA |
| Tremor | 880 | 12 | 15 | Earth |
| Quake | 1760 | 40 | 40 | Earth Rage, AF |
| Crackle | 1320 | 20 | 16 | Icicle Knives |
| Crackling | 2200 | 50 | 52 | Diamond Dust, AF |
| Snooze | 330 | 5 | 5 | Causes Sleep, AF |
| Shhh! | 270 | 5 | 10 | Block Magic, SF |
| Fiora | 440 | 12 | 12 | Block Move, SF |
| Gravity | 440 | 20 | 8 | Gather enemy, SF |
| Cure | 270 | 5 | 4 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Refresh | 440 | 12 | 12 | Unblock Magic/Move |
| WOW! | 440 | 6 | 5 | Raises STR |
| Diggin' | 330 | 5 | 4 | Raises DEF, AA |
| Speedy | 440 | 30 | 7 | Raises MOV |
| Runner | 330 | 6 | 3 | Raises MOV, AA |

Chaos Egg
How to get: Equipped by Millenia
Total MC needed for Chaos Egg to reach its max level: 16490 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Heal | 660 | 5 | 6 | Cures HP |
| Healer | 880 | 12 | 12 | Cures HP+ |
| Burn! | 480 | 5 | 6 | Fireballs |
| Burnflame | 880 | 12 | 16 | Pillar of Fire, SF |
| Burnstrike | 1320 | 20 | 20 | Firebirds |
| Hellburner | 1760 | 40 | 42 | Hellfire, AF |
| Howl | 660 | 5 | 9 | Tornado, SF |
| Howlslash | 880 | 12 | 14 | Wind Blades, EL |
| Howlnado | 1760 | 40 | 45 | Tornado all, AF |
| Zap! | 1080 | 5 | 24 | Balls of Lightning, SF |
| Zap All | 1760 | 30 | 36 | Lightning Burn all, AF |
| DragonZap | 2200 | 50 | 58 | Dragon Lightning, EL |
| Snooze | 270 | 5 | 5 | Causes Sleep, AF |
| Fiora | 440 | 12 | 12 | Block Move, SF |
| Runner | 330 | 6 | 3 | Raises MOV, AA |
| Stram | 360 | 5 | 6 | Drops STR & DEF |
| Cold | 440 | 20 | 7 | Drops MOV |
| Freeze! | 330 | 6 | 5 | Drops ACT, AF |

Mist Egg
How to get: Dropped by Troglodytes MiniBoss at Durham Cave
Total MC needed for Mist Egg to reach its max level: 14390 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Heal | 540 | 5 | 6 | Cures HP |
| Healer | 880 | 12 | 12 | Cures HP+ |
| Healer+ | 1320 | 40 | 24 | Cures HP++ |
| Howl | 460 | 5 | 9 | Tornado, SF |
| Howlslash | 880 | 12 | 14 | Wind Blades, EL |
| Howlnado | 1760 | 40 | 45 | Tornado all, AF |
| Crackle | 1320 | 20 | 16 | Icicle Knives |
| Crackling | 2200 | 50 | 52 | Diamond Dust, AF |
| Poizn | 880 | 20 | 15 | Causes Poison, SF |
| Shhh! | 330 | 5 | 10 | Block Magic, SF |
| Gravity | 440 | 20 | 8 | Gather enemy, SF |
| Cure | 330 | 5 | 4 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Refresh | 360 | 5 | 12 | Unblock Magic/Move |
| Resurrect | 1320 | 30 | 40 | Revive Dead |
| Diggin' | 330 | 5 | 4 | Raises DEF, AA |
| Speedy | 440 | 30 | 7 | Raises MOV |
| Runner | 270 | 5 | 3 | Raises MOV, AA |
| Def-Loss | 330 | 5 | 5 | Drops DEF, AF |

Gravity Egg
How to get: Dropped by Valmar's Eye Boss at Aira Space
Total MC needed for Gravity Egg to reach its max level: 15450 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Heal | 660 | 5 | 6 | Cures HP |
| Alhealer | 1100 | 20 | 18 | Cures HP+, AA |
| Burn! | 660 | 5 | 6 | Fireballs |
| Burnflame | 880 | 12 | 16 | Pillar of Fire, SF |
| Hellburner | 1760 | 40 | 42 | Hellfire, AF |
| Tremor | 720 | 5 | 15 | Earth |
| Quake | 1760 | 40 | 40 | Earth Rage, AF |
| BOOM! | 1320 | 20 | 22 | Explosion, SF |
| BA-BOOM! | 2200 | 50 | 75 | Huge Explosion, AF |
| Snooze | 270 | 5 | 5 | Causes Sleep, AF |
| Poizn | 880 | 20 | 15 | Causes Poison, SF |
| Craze | 330 | 6 | 10 | Causes Confuse, SF |
| Fiora | 440 | 12 | 12 | Block Move, SF |
| Halvah | 1100 | 30 | 24 | Cures all abnormal status |
| WOW! | 360 | 5 | 5 | Raises STR |
| Def-Loss | 240 | 5 | 5 | Drops DEF, AF |
| Cold | 440 | 20 | 7 | Drops MOV |
| Freeze! | 330 | 6 | 5 | Drops ACT, AF |

Soul Egg
How to get: Dropped by Crimson Tail MiniBoss at Ceceile Reef
Total MC needed for Soul Egg to reach its max level: 15250 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Heal | 390 | 19 | 6 | Cures HP |
| Healer | 640 | 19 | 12 | Cures HP+ |
| Alhealer | 1100 | 20 | 18 | Cures HP+, AA |
| Howl | 390 | 19 | 9 | Tornado, SF |
| Howlslash | 640 | 19 | 14 | Wind Blades, EL |
| Howlnado | 1760 | 40 | 45 | Tornado all, AF |
| Zap! | 1320 | 20 | 24 | Balls of Lightning, SF |
| Zap All | 1760 | 30 | 36 | Lightning Burn all, AF |
| GadZap | 2200 | 50 | 55 | Holy Lightning from heaven |
| Poizn | 880 | 20 | 15 | Causes Poison, SF |
| Craze | 240 | 19 | 10 | Causes Confuse, SF |
| Shhh! | 270 | 19 | 10 | Block Magic, SF |
| Halvah | 1100 | 30 | 24 | Cures all abnormal status |
| Resurrect | 1320 | 30 | 40 | Revive Dead |
| Stram | 320 | 19 | 6 | Drops STR & DEF |
| Def-Loss | 240 | 19 | 5 | Drops DEF, AF |
| Cold | 440 | 20 | 7 | Drops MOV |
| Freeze! | 240 | 19 | 5 | Drops ACT, AF |

Star Egg
How to get: Dropped by Naga Queen MiniBoss at Demon's Law
Total MC needed for Star Egg to reach its max level: 15250 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Burn! | 390 | 19 | 6 | Fireballs |
| Burnflame | 640 | 19 | 16 | Pillar of Fire, SF |
| Burnstrike | 1320 | 20 | 20 | Firebirds |
| Hellburner | 1760 | 40 | 42 | Hellfire, AF |
| Tremor | 640 | 19 | 15 | Earth |
| Quake | 1760 | 40 | 40 | Earth Rage, AF |
| BOOM! | 1320 | 20 | 22 | Explosion, SF |
| Meteor Strike | 2200 | 50 | 50 | Meteor from the sky |
| Zap! | 1320 | 20 | 24 | Balls of Lightning, SF |
| Zap All | 1760 | 30 | 36 | Lightning Burn all, AF |
| Snooze | 240 | 19 | 5 | Causes Sleep, AF |
| Craze | 240 | 19 | 10 | Causes Confuse, SF |
| Cure | 240 | 19 | 4 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Resurrect | 1320 | 30 | 40 | Raise Dead |
| WOW! | 320 | 19 | 5 | Raises STR |
| Diggin' | 240 | 19 | 4 | Raises DEF, AA |
| Speedy | 440 | 30 | 7 | Raises MOV |
| Stram | 320 | 19 | 6 | Drops STR & DEF |

Fairy Egg
How to get: Found on the sightseeing tower at Raul Hills maze area
Total MC needed for Fairy Egg to reach its max level: 9335 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Heal | 390 | 28 | 6 | Cures HP |
| Healer | 640 | 28 | 12 | Cures HP+ |
| Healer+ | 1320 | 40 | 24 | Cures HP++ |
| Alhealer | 1100 | 28 | 18 | Cures HP+, AA |
| Craze | 330 | 28 | 10 | Causes Confuse, SF |
| Gravity | 440 | 28 | 8 | Gather enemy, SF |
| Cure | 195 | 28 | 4 | Cures Poison & Paralysis |
| Refresh | 320 | 28 | 12 | Unblock Magic/Move |
| Halvah | 1100 | 30 | 24 | Cures all abnormal status |
| Resurrect | 1320 | 30 | 40 | Revive Dead |
| WOW! | 260 | 28 | 5 | Raises STR |
| Diggin' | 195 | 28 | 4 | Raises DEF, AA |
| Speedy | 440 | 30 | 7 | Raises MOV |
| Runner | 195 | 28 | 3 | Raises MOV, AA |
| Stram | 260 | 28 | 6 | Drops STR & DEF |
| Def-Loss | 195 | 28 | 5 | Drops DEF, AF |
| Cold | 440 | 28 | 7 | Drops MOV |
| Freeze! | 195 | 28 | 5 | Drops ACT, AF |

Dragon Egg
How to get: Found on the treasure chest at the Birth Place Of The Gods
Total MC needed for Dragon Egg to reach its max level: 23320 MC
| Skill | Max MC | LV | MP | Description |
| Burn! | 240 | 28 | 6 | Fireballs |
| Burnflame | 320 | 28 | 16 | Pillar of Fire, SF |
| Burnstrike | 960 | 28 | 20 | Firebirds |
| Hellburner | 1760 | 40 | 42 | Hellfire, AF |
| Tremor | 320 | 28 | 15 | Earth |
| Quake | 1760 | 40 | 40 | Earth Rage, AF |
| Howl | 240 | 28 | 9 | Tornado, SF |
| Howlslash | 320 | 28 | 14 | Wind Blades, EL |
| Howlnado | 1760 | 40 | 45 | Tornado all, AF |
| BOOM! | 960 | 28 | 22 | Explosion, SF |
| BA-BOOM! | 2200 | 50 | 75 | Huge Explosion, AF |
| Meteor Strike | 2200 | 50 | 50 | Meteor from the sky |
| Zap! | 960 | 28 | 24 | Balls of Lightning, SF |
| Zap All | 1760 | 30 | 36 | Lightning Burn all, AF |
| GadZap | 2200 | 50 | 55 | Holy Lightning from heaven |
| DragonZap | 2200 | 50 | 58 | Dragon Lightning, EL |
| Crackle | 960 | 28 | 16 | Icicle Knives |
| Crackling | 2200 | 50 | 52 | Diamond Dust, AF |

D.4. Skill Book Skill List

This is the skill book section, in this section you will find the list
of every skill book and the skill inside it.

Skill : Skill name
SC/MC : Total amount of SC/MC needed for a skill to reach its max LV
LV : Book level which a skill enable for upgrade
Description: Skill Description
s : SC
m : MC

Adventure Book
How to get: Dropped by Durham Minotaur Boss at Durham Cave
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 5720 SC, 0 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Life Up | 1320s | 0 | +50 to +800 max HP |
| Strength | 880s | 0 | +10 to +50 STR |
| Toughness | 880s | 0 | +10 to +50 VIT |
| Dash | 440s | 0 | +10 to +50 SPD |
| Skilled Item Use | 440s | 0 | Cuts execution time for item usage |
| Pirate's Ring | 1760s | 15 | More item gained after combat |

Book Of Wizards
How to get: Dropped by Valmar's Tongue Boss at Liligue Cave
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 0 SC, 12100 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Magic Power | 1320m | 0 | +10 to +50 max MP |
| Intelligence | 880m | 0 | +10 to +50 MAG |
| Zapfire Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to +50% Fire/Lightning power |
| Boomflame Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to +50% Fire/Explosion power |
| Quakeblast Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to +50% Earth/Explosion power |
| Magic Recover | 3300m | 15 | Cuts IP recovery time after magic |

Book Of Warriors
How to get: Dropped by the 4 Eyebat Ball MiniBoss at Mysterious Fissure
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 8360 SC, 0 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Life Up | 1320s | 0 | +50 to +800 max HP |
| Toughness | 880s | 0 | +10 to +50 VIT |
| Speed | 1760s | 0 | +10 to +50 AGI |
| Abandonment | 440s | 0 | More Evade chances on battle |
| Defensive | 660s | 0 | Slow IP reduction |
| Item Recover | 3300s | 15 | Cuts IP recovery time after item |

Book Of Priests
How to get: Given by Pope Zera at St. Heim Cathedral
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 1320 SC, 12980 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Life Up | 1320s | 0 | +50 to +800 max HP |
| Mentality | 880m | 0 | +10 to +50 MEN |
| Leafwater Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to 50% Water/Forest power |
| Glacier Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to 50% Water/Blizzard power |
| Woodland Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to 50% Earth/Forest power |
| Absorb Magic | 5500m | 15 | Magic damage restores MP |

Book Of Gales
How to get: Dropped by Valmar's Claw Boss at Cyrum Underground Plant
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 3300 SC, 4400 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Dash | 440s | 0 | +10 to +50 SPD |
| Stormcloud Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to 50% Wind/Lightning power |
| Northwind Chant | 2200m | 0 | +10% to 50% Wind/Blizzard power |
| Aim For Counter | 660s | 0 | Counter after evasion |
| Skilled Item Use | 440s | 0 | Cuts execution time for item usage |
| Decoy | 1760s | 15 | Raise chances to be attacked |

Book Of Swords
How to get: Dropped by Melfice Boss at Grail Mountain
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 7260 SC, 0 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Special Power | 1320s | 0 | +10 tp +50 max SP |
| Strength | 880s | 0 | +10 to +50 STR |
| Abandonment | 440s | 0 | More Evade chances on battle |
| Defensive | 660s | 0 | Slow IP reduction |
| Fighting Spirit | 660s | 0 | Raise IP recovery when hit |
| Move Recover | 3300s | 15 | Cuts IP recovery time after move |

Book Of War
How to get: Play "Walnut Grabbing" minigame 5 times
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 9020 SC, 0 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Life Up | 1320s | 0 | +50 to +800 max HP |
| Special Power | 1320s | 0 | +10 tp +50 max SP |
| Speed | 1760s | 0 | +10 to +50 AGI |
| Aim For Counter | 660s | 0 | Counter after evasion |
| Fighting Spirit | 660s | 0 | Raise IP recovery when hit |
| Full-Body Blow | 3300s | 15 | Raise IP damage from critical hit |

Book Of Sages
How to get: Found in a treasure chest on the Birthplace Of The Gods
Total SC/MC needed to reach book max level: 0 SC, 17380 MC
| Skill | SC/MC | LV | Description |
| Magic Power | 1320m | 0 | +10 to +50 max MP |
| Intelligence | 880m | 0 | +10 to +50 MAG |
| Mentality | 880m | 0 | +10 to +50 MEN |
| Wizardry Chant | 4400m | 0 | Fire/Wind/Ligt/Expl spell power up |
| Mystic Chant | 4400m | 0 | Wtr/Earth/Forest/Bliz spell power up |
| Magica Esoterica | 5500m | 15 | Add cancel effect to some spell |

E.1. Poff Nut Sidequest

I don't know if Poff Nuts are related into a sidequest or not, but because
some of the Poff Nuts are somehow related into some non-necessary events,
then I think it's considerable to be a sidequest.

What is a Poff Nut anyway?
I've never find a clue about what its usability for party characters, or
for battle, but I can say that Poff Nut is simply Carro's food.

So, what is Carro?
Carro is squirrel-fox-rodent like critter, you can find him in a beginning
of a dungeon, but only in some dungeons. When you give him 3 Poff Nuts he
will join you and provide you with some light. But of course this won't be
necessary in some dungeons. At the first time I thought the light will sca-
res monsters away, but unfortunately it don't.

Where could I find Poff Nut?
Here is the list of the locations and the events for that, you won't miss
it if you've followed my walkthrough.

- 2 located inside Durham Cave at Agear Town, this is the place when you
meet Carro for the first time [C.8].
- 1 given by a man near the South exit of Agear town, this man will be
there when you've kill the Durham Minotaur [C.9].
- 1 to be found at Baked Plains on the way to Liligue City [C.10].
- 1 found inside Liligue Cave in the room where we push the box [C.12].
- 1 given by Mark's father at St. Heim Papal State, he's the man near the
Inn. You must agree to deliver a message from him to his son Mark. This
event only happen after you're ready to go to Cyrum Kingdom. Later on,
Mark's father will be found dead while holding a letter to his son, at
St. Heim near the town library [C.21].
- 1 found at St. Heim Pilgrim Road [C.22].
- 1 given by Mark at Cyrum Kingdom Port when you deliver the message from
his father [C.24].
- 1 from the Goldfish Fishing tent at Cyrum Kingdom Bazaar when Ryudo and
Elena were "gathering information". Let Elena do the fishing and she
will win a Poff Nut [C.24].
- 1 from the Goldfish Fishing tent at Cyrum Kingdom Bazaar when Millenia
appear, this time let Millenia do the fishing [C.24].

OK, then where's Carro then?
Here's the list:

- Inside the Durham Cave at Agear town [C.8].
- Inside Cyrum Kingdom Secret Passage [C.25].

What!! Only two Carros? Geez...

E.2. Arm Wrestling MiniGame

Quite interesting minigame here, just like the "Swabbing The Deck" minigame
in the previous Grandia. The rules from arm wrestling are:

- The R Trigger add power to you arm. (R Trigger is as same as the Rotate
Right button).
- Pulling the R Trigger hard makes your "POWER" greater then the other
guy's, but saps your "ENDURANCE".
- If your ENDURANCE drops to 0 you can't push again the other guy's arm.
- Keep pushing A (Action) button to restore your endurance.
- You can't use A button and R Trigger on the same time.

At the beginning, you must play this minigame as a part of the story, but
there Elena will "help" you. Later on you can play this again by talking to
Hemble inside his tent, and you must win two round of the game. After every
game Hemble will give you an item. However you only can play this game for
five times, because after five times Hemble will refuse to play.

Here's the hint to beat this game:

- Keep your power a little bit over Hemble's power.
- When Hemble's power drop, quickly restore your endurance by tapping A.
- When his arm nearly down, don't hesitate to boost your arm power.
- Don't forget to watch your endurance bar.

Here's the item list you can win:
| N | Item |Type| Description |
| 1 | Revival Gem | It | Raise Dead |
| 2 | Hero's Elixir | It | Raise Dead, +5 all variable levels |
| 3 | Silver Freeze | Wp | +80 A, Blizzard based, AF |
| 4 | Gold Feather | Rg | Greatly increases IP |
| 5 | Glass Slippers | Ar | +10 M, +20 A |

E.3. Walnut Grabbing MiniGame

Hehe, funny game.
This game is easy to play, just use the directional buttons to move Ryudo
left and right, then use action button to grab the walnut. We also need to
avoid those Miya worm fallen from the sky, because if it lands on Ryudo's
head, he will lose a lot of time. If you want to get the Book Of War, you
better play this game, I was managed until level 7 (24 Nuts) once, somehow
with some great luck...

Items you can win:
| N | Nuts | Item |Type| Description |
| 1 | 1 | Ring Of Guarding | Ac | +5 D, anti Poi/Sleep/Para/Conf/Plag |
| 2 | 4 | Bloody Saucer | Wp | +90 A, drains 10% HP from hit |
| 3 | 8 | Miracle Scales | Sp | Doubles gold earned after battle |
| 4 | 12 | Platinum Feather | Rg | Greatly increases IP, AA |
| 5 | 16 | Book Of War | Sp | A skill book |
| > | 20+ | Various items | | |

E.4. Raul Hills Special Stage

Remember the maze area on the Raul Hills? After you have Roan back to your
party, go there to get some good items and a Fairy Egg. Wait, this time,
you won't get those items easily. It's just because you must defeat all of
those Devil monsters to get all of those items, and believe me, once those
monsters cast BA-BOOM!, we're history.

You can also found some weapons without ATK power here. Anyway, in case you
have forgotten, here's the walkthrough:


Items to get: Dull Knife, Useless Staff, Rusty Hoop, Zero Broadsword,
Lore Of Magic, Platinum Feather, Energy Charm, Sonic Belt,
Demon Necklace, Astral Miracle, Soul Of A Hero, Fairy Egg
Monsters : Dragon Knight (2130 HP), Nyarmot (1670 HP),
Snow Leopard (4600 HP), Devil (5800 HP)


As soon as you enter go West and follow the path into the boat. Ride the
boat, from the dock, go a little bit to the North West, then go South West,
follow this path into Raul Hills 1. Walk South West a little, then head far
North West to get a Dull Knife, an Useless Staff, a Rusty Hoop, and a Zero
Broadsword. Make your way back to the boat, this time follow the path East
crossing a stone bridge. Use the only save point here, and just follow the
dirt path into the Maze area.

Some path are blocked now in the maze, so to get the Fairy Egg you must go
all the way around. Just refer to this map for the item locations:

| |
| ___________ _______ |
| * * * * * * | ++++| | |
| @ _______________ | | | |
| * * B ++++| | | |
| _______#####_______________++++| | @ _______| |
| | C | | A | + + |
_|___|___________________ ___| |___|+++ ___#####_+_+___ |