Heretic 2 чит-файл №1

Hint: Whenever possible, let the environment do your killing for you. For
example, you seem to be the only bipedal life form on the planet who can swim.
Topple your enemies into the water, and they'll sink like technology stocks in
an unstable market. Also, remember that industrial winches make great weapons.

Hint: Explore! The more Blade shrines you find, the better off you'll be in the
Hint: As enamored as you might be of offensive spellcasting, don't neglect the
defensive side of magic. Meteor Barrier can help even the odds if you run into
a group of nasties, and, of course, Morph Ovum is always good for a few

Hint: Use your camera to see around corners. Move your character as close as
possible to the edge of the corner, and turn the camera to look next to him.
You'll be able to see down the hall, but any lurking enemies will be

Hint: If you need a little help in the first part of the game, give yourself a
free power-up by bringing up the console and typing the cheat code twoweeks.