Horse and Musket: Great Battles of the Eighteenth Century чит-файл №1

Hint: Play conservatively. Order your troops into line formation early, and
attack only when you feel confident that you'll win. Most actions cause
disruption, and a highly disrupted unit is worthless, so be sure to stack the
odds in your favor before committing your men.

Hint: Keep your cannons out of the front line. Sure, it's tempting to mow down
the enemy infantry with them, but cannons are easily captured if assaulted.
You'll miss them when they are gone.

Hint: The prime target for your cannon should be the enemy cannon. They are the
most destructive unit on the battlefield, and deserve your immediate and
repeated attention.
Hint: Make sure you keep a leader's charges within his command radius. There is
nothing more frustrating than wasting a unit's turn because it is not within a
leader's command radius.