Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb чит-файл №1

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and the
Emperor's Tomb



Author: Indy
Version: 10.0

* Please read the Legal Notice before using this document. *
* Please read the Contact Info and FAQ sections before writing me. *

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Version History
III. Controls
IV. Game Play
V. Inventory
VI. Walkthrough
A. Gates of the Lost City
B. The Hunter's Camp
C. The Paths of the Ancients
D. The Palace of Forgotten Kings
E. River of Fangs
F. Temple of the River Goddess
G. Into the Sacred Caverns
H. The Silent Guardians
I. The Idol of Kouru Watu
A. The Castle Gates
B. The Dungeon
C. The Courtyard
D. The Great Hall
E. The Library
F. The Astrologer's Clock
G. The Armory
H. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 2
I. The Observatory
J. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 3
K. Vega's Tower
L. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 4
M. The Laboratory
A. Istanbul Breakout
B. The Secret of the Mosque: Part 1
C. The Secret of the Mosque: Part 2
D. The Sunken Palace
E. The Gates of Neptune
F. The Fall of the Sea King
G. The Kraken's Lair
A. The Golden Lotus
B. The Golden Lotus: Part 2
C. The Streets of Hong Kong
D. The Streets of Hong Kong: Part 2
A. The Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon: Part 1
B. The Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon: Part 2
C. Iron Cross
D. The U-Boat Base: Part 1
E. The U-Boat Base: Part 2
A. The High Road to Peng Lai
B. The Infiltration
C. Terror at 2000 feet
D. The Airbase
E. Ascent to Adventure
A. The Black Dragon Fortress
B. Call to Battle
C. The Tower of Storms
D. The Rescue
A. Descent Into Darkness
B. The Catacombs
C. The Dragon's Claw
D. The Shadow of Kong Tien
A. Tomb of the First Emperor
B. The Path of Unseen Peril
C. The Bells of the Dead
D. Von Beck's Revenge
A. The Pillars of the Underworld
B. The Heart of the Dragon
C. Rise of the Black Emperor
VIII. Legal Notice
IX. Contact Info
X. Credits

I. Introduction

Indiana Jones has become a modern day legend. His fedora and whip
have become symbols of adventure and exploration. He's fathered many
spin offs and spoofs. He's sought famous artifacts across the globe
from Egypt to the lost continent of Atlantis.

His life is a mystery in itself, its enigmas illuminated by
movies, books, and games. Each story unearths new artifacts and new
details about our unlikely hero. And now we have the pleasure of
guiding Indiana Jones to the tomb of the First Emperor of China.

- Indiana T. Hart

II. Version History


April 1, 2003 - Well, here it is. The complete Indiana Jones and the
Emperor's Tomb Free Walkthrough. It has been an honor
and a pleasure writing this. It is a month's worth of
work well done. Please check out the Credits section
for the many thank yous that you fans deserve.

March 30, 2003 - Put the finishing touches on the walkthrough. I will
release it on April 1st to the waiting arms of Indy
fans around the world.

March 28, 2003 - Completed Chapter 10! Couldn't find the third to last
artifact, I believe it is a gold plate. Once I find
it I will release the final version of the

March 27, 2003 - Updated walkthrough with artifacts listing at the
beginning of each section with an artifact.


March 26, 2003 - Completed Chapter 9! I'm going to wait until Laura
comes to visit me on friday to beat chapter 10, but
it will be soon!


March 26, 2003 - Completed Chapter 8!

March 25, 2003 - Completed sections A & B of Chapter 8.


March 22, 2003 - Completed Chapter 7! Whoa! That's three chapters in
one day!


March 22, 2003 - Completed Chapter 6! I am flying!


March 22, 2003 - Completed Chapter 5! Two chapters in two days!

March 21, 2003 - Completed sections A through C of Chapter 5.


March 21, 2003 - Completed Chapter 4! That was too easy!


March 21, 2003 - Completed Chapter 3! I found the artifacts with the
help of a post from RiverTrek in the Forums of IJIC.

March 19, 2003 - Completed sections C through F of Chapter 3.

March 18, 2003 - Snow day for Colorado State University! Played more of
the first 2 sections still looking for those
artifacts. No luck!

March 17, 2003 - Finally sat down and played some more Indy. Completed
both sections A and B of Chapter 3, but alas I was
unable to find the artifacts for those levels.


March 13, 2003 - Realized that I had not discovered the Fragment and
Mask in my release of version 2. So I went back and
found them in sections I & K, adding the steps to
their discovery to the walkthrough.


March 12, 2003 - Due to overwhelming pressure I sat down at my xBox and
computer at 7PM and didn't get up until 2AM when I
had completed all of Chapter 2. (That's 12 sections
in 7 hours straight! You impatient people happy?!)
Also I added to the FAQ and to Contact Info.

March 11, 2003 - Out for only 2 days and I've already got email!
Started the FAQs with some very interesting
inquiries. I didn't much like the fact that people
didn't listen to my request NOT to receive questions
about gameplay. Patience my friends!

March 10, 2003 - Started work on Chapter 2. Completed section A.


March 9, 2003 - Completed Chapter 1 of the walkthrough! Wrote Legal
Notice and added to Contact and Credits prior to
version release.

March 8, 2003 - Completed Sections G & H of Chapter 1 in the

March 7, 2003 - Completed Section F of Chapter 1 in the walkthrough.

March 6, 2003 - Completed Sections D & E of Chapter 1 in the

March 3, 2003 - Completed Sections A & B of Chapter 1 in the
walkthrough, adding items to the Inventory as I went
(Since the inventory is a running task so I won't
mention it again in the Version History). Wrote the
Contact and Credits sections.

March 2, 2003 - Decided that I would take up the burden of writing a
walkthrough for this game. It seemed only fitting
that I, Indy, should write the walkthrough for the
first Indiana Jones xBox game. Wrote Introduction,
Controls, and Game Play sections.

March 1, 2003 - Laura presented me with the gift. Gaming commenced
later that day.

February 26, 2003 - Laura picked up the game from the store she had
preordered it through.

Early February - My girlfriend, Laura, preordered the game as a
surprise for me. Laura gave me the Demo CD for the
game informing me of the gift. I immediately played
the Demo (Chapter 1 Section B of the full game).

III. Controls

Right Stick - CAMERA VIEW

Start Button - PAUSE

Right Trigger - GUARD MODE
Left Trigger - LOOK MODE

White Button - RELOAD AMMO

B Button - JUMP
Y Button - ACTION

IV. Game Play

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb is designed much like the
other Jones games in existence, you will find many chances to fight
hand-to-hand, solve perplexing puzzles, and watch engaging cut scenes.
All of these aspects and more were created to draw you into the game
and make you a part of the action. Even the manual of Emperor's Tomb
was created to make you a part of the action. Read all you can in the
manual, you will learn many techniques that will make your game play
more exciting and more realistic.

V. Inventory

Below are all the many Weapons, Tools, and Artifacts you can pick up
throughout the game. I will add them in the order they are received
in the game.

WEAPONS (See pages 22 and 23 of your feild manual for more info.)

1. Hand-to-hand - By far my favorite "weapon". All I can do here
is offer praises to the game's designers for
giving Indy so many different moves. Indy's fist
fights have always been exciting; and now you're the
one throwing the punches! (Study pages 20 and 21 of
your manual to understand the full use of your

2. Whip - The trademark weapon of Indiana Jones. Primary attack
can be used to swing you over obstacles, snap at the
bad guys, and even wrap around an enemy's neck
pulling him to you just so you can punch him away
again. Secondary attack can be useful as a defense
against multiple enemies as it swings in a wide
circle around you, forcing everyone back. Use the
whip to disarm enemies, it will put the fight more in
your favor.

3. Revolver - The Webley 6-shooter Indy recieved from a friend
in the Amazon (Read the Indy novels for background).
This powerful weapon could be heard, or in this case,
will be heard above all other gun fire in Marion's
Tibetan bar (Raiders of the Lost Ark). Primary attack
will fire the weapon. Secondary, will melee your
enemy if he's close enough.

4. Machete - Nothing beats a good ol' fashioned sword fight.
Slash with your primary, stab with your secondary.

5. Shovel - It's strange to have a tool in the weapons section,
but the shovel is one heck of a weapon. Primary will
swing the shovel. Secondary will jab the handle at
the enemy.

6. Bottle - The classic bar-fight weapon. The bottle is a
dangerous weapon. It can be thrown and used to bash
an enemy.

7. Chair - WWE anyone? Pick up a chair and throw it at or hit
your enemy with it. It carries some nasty force.

8. Shotgun - "This should even up the odds." Blow your enemies
to pieces with the classic two barrel shotgun.

9. Luger - A powerful handgun carried by Nazi soldiers and

10. MP40-SMG - Now this is a gun! This sub-machine gun makes a
handy piece of equipment when it comes to taking on
numerous enemies.

11. Throwing Knives - Bond anyone? These little guys make a nice
reusable weapon.

12. VITRIOL - Sulfuric Acid used to defeat the Monster in the
Laboratory. In reality, Vitriol means something
extremely important to Alchemists. It is Sulfuric
Acid which eats through anything except Gold. Also,
VITRIOL is a little known acronymn for the Path.
Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Occultum
Lapidem: "Visit the innermost parts of the Earth,
rectify what you find there, and you will discover
the Hidden Stone." Simply put, this is saying to look
within yourself to discover your hidden potential.

13. Turkish Knife - The machete of the desert.

14. Grenades - Combat explosive. Need I say more?

15. Machine Gun Turret - Stationary high-powered machine gun. Use
it by standing behind it and pressing Y. Use the LEFT
THUMBSTICK to aim (I wish it were the Right
Thumbstick). Press A to fire.

16. Mauser - A small yet powerful handgun carried by Nazi ground

17. Speargun - An effective underwater weapon which fires spears
with explosive tips. A variation of this weapon is
the Super Speargun which can hold 300 spears!

18. Sword - A bladed weapon used by some of warriors Indy
encountered in China.

19. Throwing Knives - Small bladed weapon used to impale an enemy
from a distance.

20. Panzerschrek - A World War II era anti-tank gun.

21. Chinese Spear - Ancient weapon carried by some Chinese
warrior guards.

22. Crossbow - Ancient weapon used across the globe by many
civilizations in their Medival Eras.

23. Pa Cheng - I didn't know whether to file this as an artifact
or a weapon. I decided a weapon was best, but I
listed it under all the sections. This is an
awesome tri-bladed weapon which can defeat both the
natural and the supernatural. By holding the right
trigger you can create a protective shield around
yourself. Press A to throw the weapon and X to punch
with it.


1. Ceylon Map - It never hurts to have a map, but remember...
"X never marks the spot" (Or so Indy thought)

2. Canteen - A full grown man should consume 8 glasses of water
minimum everyday, Indy on the other hand should
guzzle the stuff down whenever he can. Use your
primary to pour HOH (the correct chemical formula for
water) down your throat. Fill the canteen whenever
possible using the fountains marked with a blue
symbol. (See page 27)

3. Medkit - A quick fix for those bad field injuries.

4. Demo Charge - An emensely powerful explosive designed to blow
away rock and stone when they are "in your way".

5. Skulls - Who would have thought that a dead person would save
a living persons life? Use the skulls to distract
enemies as you slip around behind.

6. Castle Map - Keep track of where you are in the Prague Castle.

7. Istanbul Map - The Sunken City can be hard to navigate. Keep
this map handy!

8. Oxygen Tank - This little device is a must if you plan to
spend longer than 2 minutes under water.

9. Iron Skin Poition - This strange concoction makes Indy
invincible for a short time.

10. Security Papers - Nazi authorization papers Indy used to get
past the guards in the Lagoon.

11. Nazi Uniform - Indy put this on to get past the Nazi guards.

12. Tiger Strength Poition - This poition gives Indy super-
strength for a limited time.

13. Health Poition - The medkit of the mystical world.

14. Pa Cheng - (see weapons section)


1. Idol of Ramba Vihara - Indy always seems to be seeking Idols.
I suppose it's the obsession with fortune and glory
which drives him. This is just one of the many Idols
that Indy will recover throughout his lifetime.

2. Mahavatu Mask - A small, but significant artifact Indy finds
in the Lost City.

3. Port Legombo Relic - A small plate-like artifact Indy found in
the Palace of Forgotten Kings.

4. The Idol of Kouru Watu - I won't reveal its secrets here. Beat
the first Chapter and find ut for yourself. :-)

5. The Medallion of Mibuse - A silver medallion Indy found in a
library in Prague castle.

6. Crown - One of four items which Indy used to solve the
Astrologer's Puzzle.

7. Broken Sword - One of four items which Indy used to solve the
Astrologer's Puzzle.

8. Stochov Fragment - A stone tablet found hidden in a chamber
beneath the observatory.

9. Vega's Manifesto - A scroll found in the observation tower of
a castle in Prague. One of four items which Indy used
to solve the Astrologer's Puzzle.

10. Cistercian Mask - A gold mask Indy found in a Bell Tower.

11. Soul Cyrstal - A very strange rock, Indy found hidden inside
an odd tower. One of four items which Indy used
to solve the Astrologer's Puzzle.

12. Dragon Shard - A piece of the Mirror of Dreams.

13. Piri Reib Manuscript - Indy found this ancient document
sitting on a shelf in Istanbul.

14. Ottoman seal - Indy found this seal in the ruins of a mosque
in Istanbul. (NOTE: This artifact was mistakenly
shown in section B of the game, when it is really in
section C.)

15. Delian Proclamation - Stone Tablet Indy found inside the
Sunken City.

16. Kraken Coin - 1 of 4 ancient coins Indy found within the
Sunken City.

17. Seahorse Coin - 1 of 4 ancient coins Indy found within the
Sunken City.

18. Trident Coin - 1 of 4 ancient coins Indy found within the
Sunken City.

19. Wine Coin - 1 of 4 ancient coins Indy found within the Sunken

20. Mirror Fragment - A piece of the Mirror of Dreams found in
the Kraken's Lair. Anyone know what this fragement is

21. Tai-Tsu Mask - Artifact Indy found in the Golden Lotus Club.

22. Longshan Idol - Artifact Indy found in the Golden Lotus Club.
In a dressing room, of all places!

23. Chinese Seal - A metallic disc Indy found in a crate on the
side of the Streets of Hong Kong.

24. Sancai Plate - An ancient silver plate Indy found in the
Lagoon of Peng Lai.

25. Sima Qian Shiji Scroll - Indy found this artifacts in a heavy
guarded compound in Peng Lai.

26. Tablet of Longjian - This tablet was about to be transported
back to Berlin by U-Boat when Indy stole it from the

27. Gui Jian Scroll - Scroll found in the mountain complex.

28. Zhao Mo Ryton - Idol Indy found in the Nazi's mountain

29. Changan Stone - This tablet was hidden in the Peng Lai
Gondola complex.

30. Mask of Cambaluc - Ancient Chinese mask Indy found in a
locked chamber in the Fortress of the Black Dragon.

31. Qi Marble Stela - Tablet found in the courtyard of the Black
Dragon Fortress.

32. Yuan Xiang - Idol Indy found in an elevator shaft in the
Fortress of the Black Dragon.

33. Yuyoa Pan - Artifact found on Indy's descent into the Temple
of Kong Tien.

34. Liaonong Mianjin - A mask Indy found in the Temple of Kong
Tien which glows an eire green.

35. Henan Bei - Tablet found outside the Temple

36. Pa Cheng - (see weapons section)

37. The Mirror of Dreams - A powerful artifact with many uses.
Play the game to find out. It's used throughout the

38. Shang Statuette - Idol that Indy found in the outer sanctum
of the Temple of Kong Tien.

39. Qin Lawbook - Indy found this scroll while Mei Ying was
fighting on his behalf.

40. Jade Luibo Board - Green tablet Indy found hidden in a
chamber above the passage into the Temple. He found
the way to it using the Mirror.

41. Halberd Plate - Indy found this gold plate on the Wall of

42. Goa Burial Mask - A Netherworld artifact Indy found while in
a sticky situation.

43. Shi Huangoi Cong Tablet - Indy found this artifact in the
Emperor's Crypt.

44. Heart of the Dragon - This artifact was lodged in the mouth
of the First Emperor's corpse.

45. Remains of the First Emperor - This artifact isn't offically
in the game, but any Indy fan knows that Indy
recovered the Emperor's remains and handed them over
to Lao Che in exchange for some gold
coins...wait...he said a diamond, Loa! Okay a an antidote! *Sigh* Such is the
life of Indiana Jones!

VI. Walkthrough


1A. Gates of the Lost City
Objectives: Find the entrance to the Lost City
Artifacts: Idol of Ramba Vihara

CUT SCENE: Indy gazes at a map, while standing outside the
Lost City. He thinks aloud, telling us that the
idol he seeks is inside. (Why do his Adventures
always seem to start with him seeking idols?)

(The instructional text at the lower part of your screen
will explain how to do certain activities, I will tell you
what to do and when to do it.)

Walk towards the birds pruning themselves on the railing.
Walk up the stairs and climb up onto the ledge ahead of
you. Hop up onto the next ledge and then jump and pull
yourself up onto the next.

Continue around the bend and hop down. You should see a
waterfall, walk in its direction. Jump down the first
ledge, and then the second. You're now standing on a cliff
over looking a pool. Time to go cliff diving. Run and jump
off the cliff towards the waterfall and into the pool.
There's a secret area behind the waterfall, go there.

Walk towards the far end of the secret area and exit the
pool. Walk to the table, pick up the artifact. "[You're]
going to be a rich man, if...[you follow my instructions
and]...get out of this alive."

Exit the secret area and then exit the pool and go up the
stairs on your right. Run down the ajoining stairs and jump
across the hole. Walk forward and exit back outside through
the door ahead.

Walk down the path and around the bend. Walk into the
courtyard. Go to the fountain on your left and fill your
canteen. Now put away your canteen and walk back down the
stairs. At the base of the stairs face left and climb up
onto the lower part of the wall. Walk to the small block at
your left and climb onto it, and now up onto the next

Turn right and hop up all those ledges. (Indy sure is
getting his exercise!) Once at the top, run and jump across
to the platform below you. (Don't miss, it'll hurt bad!
However, if you do miss use your canteen to restore health
and then fill up the canteen again.)

Go through the door ahead of you and pick up the machete
lying next to the skeleton (I don't think he'll have a use
for it anymore), sheath it.

Face the door you came in, walk out the one to your left.
Hang off the ledge ahead of you and then drop down to the
stone pillar below. Walk down the pillar and then jump off.
Turn to your right, walk to the vine entangled doorway. Use
the machete to chop through the vines.

Walk through the doorway, turn left. Use your whip to swing
across the chasm beneath the croc head. Turn right and chop
your way through the next door. Congrats! You've finished
the first section of the first chapter!

1B. The Hunter's Camp
Objectives: Discover a way through the flooded ruins.
Artifacts: Mahavatu Mask

CUT SCENE: Indy jumps down and slides into the next section
of the Chapter.

(This section of the chapter is what Lucas used in the demo
for the game.)

Chop your way through the doorway ahead. Run to the balcony
overlooking the courtyard.

CUT SCENE: "Ivory hunters. These guys are no Boy

Turn right and arm yourself (I recommend the machete,
although fists are fun). Go through the door and beat the
$% out of the bad guy. Cut the rope holding the boxes and
hang-drop down to the level below (after the boxes fall of

Fight and defeat the next bad guy (Maybe you'd like to use
the whip this time for practice?). Break apart the small
box in the room you dropped into. Check to see if it
contained anything of value by pressing Y while standing
over it's broken pieces.

Proceed down the hall and into the next room. Break open
all of the boxes (I found some revolver ammo in the middle
one). Walk out the next doorway. Ahead of you are the ivory
hunters, time to experiment with different "weapons".

A few paces ahead and on your left is a small room, in the
room is a table. On the table is a shovel, pick it up.
Charge the guys siting by the fire. Assault them with the
shovel. If you lose it or would like to use another weapon,
there is a chair and a few bottles available for use by the
fire (Of course you always have those trusty inventory
weapons as well). One way or another defeat the bad guys.

Break open all the boxes in sight and return to the area
outside the small room where the shovel was. Make sure to
break those boxes as well. Now proceed up the stairs and
hop up onto the ledge to your left.

A door covered in vines should be ahead of you and slightly
to the right, chop through it and enter the room. Fill up
at the fountain. There's a window to the left of the
fountain, chop the vines and hop out the window.

Get up on the ledge to your right and then use the whip to
swing across to the other side. Walk around to the left and
hop down to the ledge beneath the torch. Walk forward to
the wall and follow the instructions to hug it and walk
around the small outcropping.

Once you detach from the wall, walk forward and "whip-
swing" using the croc head. Kick the boxes to your left and
watch as the large box falls and breaks revealing the mask
you were seeking.

Hang-drop off the ledge and retrieve the mask. Now find
your way back up to where you kicked the boxes the same way
you got up there the first time.

Proceed up the stairs. Quickly and flawlessly run into the
room and whip-swing across the floor as it falls out from
beneath you. Turn left and swing across the chasm, kicking
over the pillars in the process.

Walk forward and find your way down to the stairs below.
Use hang-drop where needed to minimize damage. Proceed to
the base of the stairs and hop down to the stone floor by
the pool. Time for a swim!

See that small ledge across the way on the other end of the
pool? That's where you need to get out. Ready? Jump into
the pool and swim to the other end where you can get out
and dry off.

Climb up onto the next level and turn right. A fountain! Go
fill 'er up! Turn around and walk to the edge over looking
the pool. There's a door across the way, that door is the
end of this part of the Ceylon level. Anyway, you'll see
another ledge to your left. Jump across the pool onto it.

There should be a torch to your left. Face it. You need to
climb up onto the ledge you are now facing. And now climb
onto the next ledge. (SO MANY LEDGES IN THIS GAME! I'm sick
of that word already! I think this game should be called
Indiana Jones and the Obstacle Course of Ledges.) Face
right and climb up on to the next...ugh...ledge.

CUT SCENE: Indy standing on a...grr...ledge. You see a bad
guy walk outside with a shotgun in hand.

That bad guy you just saw has a shotgun, soon it will be
yours. You can chose to take him out from here with your
revolver or you can proceed and worry about him after this
next feat.

Turn right and face the rope. Run and jump out to it. Swing
on it to the other side. Cut through the doorway. Enter the
room. If you didn't take out the guy with the shotgun
before, now would be a good time. Once you have defeated
him, pick up the shotgun.

Go further into those rooms. Find the room with the boxes,
you know what to do. Exit that small room and turn right
and out the door next to the box room. You should see a
croc head across the way, below and to its left is a stone
ledge. Jump out across to that ledge. You survive without
breaking Indy's legs? Good.

Turn right and whip-swing to the doorway below and go
through it. Walk forward. Oops. Somebody call State-Farm

The pool is U-shaped. Swim around to the other end of the U
and hop out. More ledges. You'll have to climb up one, jump
to another, then jump to another, and finally boost
yourself onto the top floor.

There's a brown lever on the wall behind you and to your
right. Go to it by walking right and crossing that cracked
path. Activate the lever. Uh oh, bad guys.

Defeat the bad guys and go through the door they came in.
Don't forget to grab their shotgun ammo and revolver ammo.

Enter the door to your right. Part 1B complete!

1C. The Paths of the Ancients
Objectives: Find a Demolition Charge to destroy the Gate.
Break through the Crocodile Gate.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters a room with a croc head, a chasm,
and a bad guy.

Walk forward and whip-swing across the chasm. Fight the guy
to right (I recommend sneaking up on him and putting him in
a head lock, and then go to town on him). Exit through the
doorway in which he was standing.

Go up the stairs to your left. At the top turn right and
then left into the first room. Break open those boxes and
grab that shovel. Exit the room and take on any dudes you
see in the courtyard (should be two).

A fountain is located opposite the camp fire room, go to it
and fill up your canteen. Pick up your shovel again and go
back down the stairs which lead to the fountain, at the
bottom turn right. Go down to the next level.

Walk forward and turn right through the arch. Run all the
way to the far wall. Enter the room to your right. Climb
the ladder to your right. Defeat that bad guy as well.
(Still have the shovel? It makes enemies easy to beat.)
Grab his shotgun and then pull the lever between the two

CUT SCENE: A mysterious door opens.

Face the window on the right and put your back to the wall.
Run and jump out the window. You should either land on the
platform where the door just opened or on the stairs.

I landed on the stairs so we'll get to the door from there.
(If you don't feel like jumping out the window, you can
always go back down the ladder and find your way back to
the stairs leading back up to the upper level.)

From at the top of the stairs (with the fountain located
off to your left and the camp fire off to your right) walk
forward to the door straight ahead. Go up the stairs to
your right. Turn right and go all the way to the platform
at the end. The new door is on your left. Enter it.

Go through the next door and then up the stairs to your
right. And now go into yet another room on your right.
Break open the boxes. Now go all the way back out to the
platform. After you exit the door back onto the platform,
turn left and jump over to the level across the way.

Walk forward and drop down to the level on your right.
Proceed to whip-swing using the croc head. Face right and
walk forward climbing onto the ledge ahead. Now just as it
said, jump and grap on to the the thin ledge ahead of you.
Shimmy left to the end of the ledge and drop off of it.

Make your way into the courtyard to your right and take on
the bad guy. Break open all the boxes and collect any
goodies. Go up the stairs you saw to the cracked Croc Gate.
Some bad guys should find you and pick a fight. Do your
thing, Jones.

Those Ivory Hunters came from all those doors you saw
closed before. Since the fighting makes your location
pretty random, I'm going to have to direct you to each room
using a landmark.

First, I want you to go to the room with the bars in it. At
the base of those bars you should find some explosives,
pick them up. Go use those explosives to blow up the Gate.

Run like the wind after you place those explosives! Run all
the way back to outside the room where you got them. Enter
the room across from the bar room (no pun intended). Break
open those boxes and exit. Okay...NOW you can go through
the Croc Gate.

1D. The Palace of Forgotten Kings
Objectives: Make your way to Edge of the River Canyon.
Artifacts: Port Legombo Relic

CUT SCENE: Indy enters through the Croc Gate, just as it
collapses behind him.

Activate the lever to the right of the door ahead and fight
the guys in the next courtyard. (One wonders how they
manange to get in to areas that were previously sealed.
Air-lift maybe?)

Once you defeat some dudes you'll see a cut scene where a
guy exits a door. After you defeat everyone you're going to
want to get to that door. Defeat every Hunter in the
courtyard (and above it). By the way, there are three boxes
hidden in the left rear of the courtyard.

Return to the door that you entered the courtyard through.
When facing the courtyard from that door, you should find a
fountain off to your left. Go there. I'll use it as a
reference point.

Exit it the room with the fountain and walk straight ahead
across the courtyard. Climb up those ledges and then onto
the slanted one on your right. Now climb up onto the level
straight ahead.

Walk around to the other end of that level and face the two
sections on top of the pillars. Leap from one onto the next
and then jump to the ramp like section on your right.

Walk up the ramp and then drop onto the ledge to the left.
Whip-swing and then proceed through the door. Take out the
guy in the room to your left.

Follow that room around and then drop down to the level
below the large hole in the wall. Drop down to the ground
floor and go up the stairs to your right.

At the top of the stairs, pull the lever on your left.
Ignore that new door for now. See that vine covered door in
front of you? Cut through it and walk into the wall
straight ahead in order to climb it.

Once at the top, look to your left and climb down into the
hole. Run around this room alittle, you may fall into it
soon and you'll want to know how to get out. Okay, now
climb out of the room through the hole you came in.

From standing atop the wall, look at the opposite wall,
there's a ledge sticking out and a room down to your right.
Jump out and grab hold of the ledge. Shimmy to your right
and drop down.

Enter the door to your right and pick up the Relic. Exit
the room and jump to the ledge above the door below you.
Drop back down to the ground and then climb back up the

Walk through the archway to your right and watch the
floor for any abnormalities or you'll be in that room I
showed you earlier.

Follow the path around until you come across the darts. Do
as it says and roll under them. Continue following the
path. More darts PLUS a loose floor on the other side.
Solution? Roll and jump, all in one smooth motion. Good

You made it! Now go through the door on your right. Now
right again and then two croc heads in a row. If you don't
make it, there's ledge to climb out of so you can try
again. If you made it, chop through the door in front of

1E. River of Fangs
Objectives: Locate the entrance to the Cave of the River

CUT SCENE: Indy drops (or, rather, falls) down a shaft.

Walk forward through the door and down the hall. ADVENTURE
MODE! (Isn't all of Indiana Jones adventure mode?) You're
on your own for this one. All I can advise is to move
quickly and make sure that you've got plenty of water in
that canteen!

Did you make it? I hope you faired better than I did. Maybe
I should have tried to avoid those things. Anyway...back to
your game.

Go up the stairs and proceed into the room. Defeat all the
Hunters and then activate the switch at the wall opposite
the door you came in through.

CUT SCENE: A door opens.

There's a fountain to the right of the door you just
opened. If you're ready, go through the new door and then
proceed to the tent on the right. Boxes! Now go to the
tents that were on your left. More boxes, one of which
contains a LARGER CANTEEN!

Did you see those large tusk-like posts when you were
running from tent to tent? Go to them and cross the bridge.

(I said CROSS THE BRIDGE, not break it and fall into the
river! If you're going to read my walkthrough, you might as
well follow my instructions! Just kiding, that was supposed
to happen.)

CUT SCENE: Indy falls into the river and sees a friendly
croc swimming around.

There are two ways to defeat this part of the chapter. One,
is a way People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
would like you to do. And the other, the way Indy Jones and
Indy Hart (that's me) WOULD do. Take your pick....


Swim quickly to your right and get out onto the ledge.
Pick up a skull and use it to distract the crocs (The way
you distract the croc is by throwing the skull into the
river away from where you're going to swim.) while you swim
from one shore to the next until you reach the farthest

See no animals were harmed using this method. Now here's
the Indy way.


Ready your machete. (Hey, that rhymns!) Now charge that
croc and chop him to bits. DON'T HESITATE OR YOU'RE A

Once you defeat a croc, hop out onto a ledge and refresh
yourself with a nice cold drink of water. Refreshed? Okay
now find your next victim and attack! There are three
crocs. They get more dangerous each time so start swinging
before they get to you!

Well, if you're still alive, you've taken care of the pest
problem in the river. And you did it in a fashion that
Indiana Jones would be proud of. Good job! Now swim to the
farthest waterfall.


Hop out of the river onto the shore behind the waterfall.
Break open the box and grab the dynamite. You PETA people
have to deal with those crocs and skulls again, meanwhile
us true Indys are going to enjoy a liesurely swim. Either
way, return to the shore near the first waterfall.

From that shore, jump isle to isle until you reach the huge
archway. Go through the door and defeat the dudes inside.
Now break open all the boxes and pull the levers on both
sides of the room.

Get in! The water's fine.

1F. Temple of the River Goddess
Objectives: Unlock the Temple of Kouru Watu.

CUT SCENE: Indy jumps into the pool and swims forward.

Swim forward to where there is a pocket of air. Take a deep
breath and then duck back in the water. This next part gets
tricky for you PETA people.


Swim forward, watching for the crocs. Once the croc swims
away, you need to swim quickly to the shore in front and to
your right. (At about your 10 o'clock as you exit the

Use the skulls to distract the crocs and swim for the shore
at the base of the stairs. Get out quickly!


Swim forward to the pocket of air. Take a breath and the
dive back into the water. Swim out the mouth of the cave.
Kill the crocs in the pool with you.

Try and take them on one at a time. One croc patrols the
area near the mouth of the cave, the other patrols the area
between the skull shore and the stairway.

Don't forget to get out and refresh health if you have to.
Once you have killed the crocs, make your way to the shore
at the base of the stairs and get out.


CUT SCENE: Camera pans out to give us a better view of
Kouru Watu (and two bad guys at the top of the

Break open the box to your right and then proceed up the
stairs. Pull the lever located at the railing over-looking
the pool.

CUT SCENE: A cage lowers a level above Indy.

Go up the stairs and defeat the bad guys, unless they
already spotted you. Either way defeat them and get to the
top of the stairs.

Once on the same level as the mouth of Mouru Watu, jog over
to the side where the bad guys were during the cut scene.
Break open the boxes and then go to the cage you lowered

Jump from one ledge to the cage, and then from the cage to
the next ledge. Go through the doorway to your left and
fill up your canteen at the fountain.

Proceed up the stairs to your right. Then at the top of the
stairs, enter the ADVENTURE MODE hallway to your right.
Once again, you're on your own. By the way, watch for the
puff of air right before the spikes rise.

Once out of the hallway, run to the lever and pull it.

CUT SCENE: The lever opens a door to Indy's right and the
mouth of Kouru Watu. Bats fly out as the Indiana Jones
Theme plays briefly.

Go through the door to your right and jump out to the
hanging vine. Swing from the vine on to the level to your

(PETA People, if you miss you need to swim quickly to the
skull shore and use your method to get to the stairway
shore. INDY People, if you miss, take a relaxing swim to
the stairway shore. Both ways need to get to the mouth of
Kouru Watu.)

If you made it on to the stone, proceed back to Kouru Watu
using the ledge - cage - ledge method.

Enter the mouth of Kouru Watu.

1G. Into the Sacred Caverns
Ojectives: Find a way into the Temple's Inner Sanctum.

CUT SCENE: Camera goes down a stairway behind a waterfall,
finally revealing Indy as he enters the cavern.

Proceed up the stairways to your left and then into the
oom at the top. Go through the door on the left wall of the
room. Walk into the room at the end of the hall.

See the skeleton? The reason that guy died is because he
was crushed up a booby trapped block of stone. If you stand
on the floor panel where the skeleton lays, you'll activate
the trap. That's exactly what you're going to do.

Activate the trap and then quickly get out of the way. When
the block drops down, climb on top of it and ride it up the
shaft. Jump off the block and then drop down through the
hole in the ceiling. Proceed to the door in that room.

CUT SCENE: A trap door is activated and Indy is sent
sliding down a steep embankment.

Slide down the ramp, jumping over the gaps in the floor as
you go. If you miss a jump, you'll be forced to either
fight or outrun some crocs.

Jump off the end of the ramp, grabbing onto the beam. If
you miss the beam, swim for the shore to your right with
the ladder. If you didn't miss the beam, you're still going
for a swim. Jump in and swim for the shore with the ladder.

Eliminate the bad guy and then break the boxes to your left
(as you dismounted the ladder). Now climb the next ladder
and walk across the beams to the next ladder. Climb it and
defeat the bad guys on that level.

Walk into the grassy area and climb on to the ledge ahead
of you. Climb the vines to the top and then jump out to the

Climb the vine and then use it to swing yourself onto the
higher ledge with the archway. Go through the archway and
into the next room. Fill up at the fountain to your left
and then turn around and proceed the door opposite the

Activate the lever on your left and watch as the cage
lowers. Activate the lever again and hop on to the cage as
it rises. Fight all the bad guys at the top and activate
the lever in the room.

CUT SCENE: The lever activates a mechanism which reveals a
staircase behind a false wall.

Go up the stairs.

1H. The Silent Guardians
Objectives: Survive the Trial of the Silent Guardians. Make
your way to the Sacred Lake.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters a room as a door shuts behind him.

Walk forward and through the door to your right. Follow the
instructions to proceed quietly around the Guardian. Walk
around on the grass and then jump over to the other grassy
area. Proceed into the next room and go through the next

CUT SCENE: Camera pans ahead to show a ledge.

Walk slowly around the dark grass to the ledge. Shimmy to
your left and drop down on to the grass. Now walk to the
skulls. This next part gets tricky.

Use the skulls to distract the next Guardian. When it fires
(and before it closes) dash over to the center of the room.
Pick up and throw a skull from the center to distract it
again, now run as fast as you can out of that room!

Go through the door to your left and up the stairs. Defeat
the bad guy and continue upwards. Once you get to the room
with the fountain, defeat that bad guy and fill up your
canteen. Go through the far door into the "red room".

Use the skulls to run from grassy area to grassy area until
you reach the other side of the room. Once at the other
side go up the stairs. Good luck!

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. It did.
Pick up a skull and use it to distract the guardians. Then
jump across the chasm and run for the next pile of skulls.
Once again use the skulls to distract the guardians and run
for the next room.

1I. The Idol of Kouru Watu
Objectives: Escape with the Idol of Kouru Watu and your
Artifacts: Idol of Kouru Watu

CUT SCENE: Indy finds the Sacred Lake and the Idol of Kouru

Make for the bridge, but DON'T CROSS IT!

CUT SCENE: A huge croc destroys the bridge.

Go to the pile of skulls to your left. Pick one up and
carry it down to the edge of the Lake. Use it to distract
the croc and then swim as fast as you can into the room on
your left. Get out QUICKLY onto the shore on your left as
you enter the room.

(You don't need to use the skull if the croc swims around
to the back of the shrine.)

Once out of the lake, hop up onto the next level. Go up the
stairs to your left and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Cages and chains lower and a false wall moves
aside behind Indy.

Now proceed back down the stairs and jump across the broken
bridge. On the other side of the bridge, turn left and pick
up a skull. Throw it into the lake, baiting the croc to
enter the room.

Once the croc is in the room, run over to the lever by the
door and pull it.

CUT SCENE: The gate falls, capturing the croc inside this

Proceed back up to where that false wall opened and jump
out on to the first cage. Jump from it to the next cage.
And then from that cage on to the chain. Then swing from
that chain on to the next chain and then into the small
room. Pull the lever in the room.

CUT SCENE: More cages and chains. Yet another room is

Make your way up to the next room by jumping and swinging.
And then pull that lever too.

CUT SCENE: More cages and chains, plus another room!

Jump back out to the cage you swung in on and climb up it.
Now swing onto the cage and make your way to the new room.
"Pull the lever, Egor"

CUT SCENE: The shrine is reopened and the Idol is yet again

Jump into the lake. If your health is low, you'll find a
fountain to your left. Otherwise proceed directly to the
shrine and grab the Idol.

CUT SCENE: The floor falls out from beneath Indy's feet. He
plummets into the water below.

Swim up and catch your breath. Now dive back under and swim
into the small vents. Cut through the vines and surface
outside the shrine. Swim for the shore of the Sacred Lake
and get out before the croc gets you!

CUT SCENE: Indy is "helped" out by a "friend". He then
proceeds to help that friend to his demise.

YOU HAVE BEATEN CHAPTER 1! Congratulations. Enjoy the short
film about the Emperor's Tomb!


2A. The Castle Gates
Objectives: Discover a way to slip inside the castle

CUT SCENE: Camera pans down the castle the cuts to show a
bad guy smoking a cigarette. Indiana Jones
enters the area behind him.

Pass the fountain on your right and beat the bad guy. Grab
his Luger and then fill up your canteen at the fountain.

(Hey! What happened to my big canteen?!)

Continue down to the end of the walkway. You'll encounter
another bad guy. Defeat him and find your way to the part
of the walkway with the broken piece of wall in the middle.

Did you find that piece? Well, if you look up at the wall,
you'll see a gap where that piece came from. Notice that
gap has a ledge under it? Jump up onto the planter, and
then from the planter onto the ledge. Now hop up onto the

Walk down the wall to your left. Fight the bad guy (Did you
notice that these agents are a bit tougher and smarter than
the Ivory Hunters?) and then proceed up the stairs to your

Once in the room at the top, go out the next door and to
the end of the hall. Sneak up on the bad guy and grab him.
Beat him up and grab his Luger.

There's a chain hanging to the left side of the balcony.
Climb down it and drop off. You're now inside the outer

Walk down to the grassy area across the way and then down
to the water spout. Jump out to the pipe and shimmy over to
the ledge on your right.

Use the gargoyal to swing to the chain and then swing onto
the path below. Walk around to the left and pick up the
Luger and ammo. Now proceed to the opposite end of that
level and hop up the ledge to your left. Proceed to the
door and open it using Y.

2B. The Dungeon
Objectives: Make your way through the dungeon and up to the
Castle Courtyard.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the dungeon.

(This part of the game can be very taxing on your water
reserves, proceed with caution!)

Proceed down the walkway to your right. Use the gargoyal to
swing down to the ledge with the ladder. Climb down the
ladder and then go down the stairs to your right.

Continue all the way down into the lowest level and take
out the guards in the room to your left.

Pull the gargoyal-headed lever between the two cells. Go
through the room where you fought the guards and down the

(Booby traps! Lots of them. Take your time through this
part of the level!)

Proceed carefully through the swinging blades. Time it just
right as to when the blade is midswing.

Once you pass that set of traps you face a horizontal
blade. As soon as it swings into the wall, dash around the
corner. Okay now go up those stairs.

Great! More blades! Take it slow. Time them before you try
to get through them. Once you've figured out their system,
try and beat it! I recommend timing a run past the first,
then a roll and then a roll again quickly. Good luck!

(Fill up on as much health as necessary after each set of

Now proceed through the next set of traps. These are
slightly easier. Walk slowly behind one rolling log and
roll under as the other comes at your head.

After you make it through that there's only one set of
gizmos left. They may look daunting, but they're quite
simple. Just watch their timing and then run through at the
right moment. That's it! Now pull the lever straight ahead.

CUT SCENE: Cell door opens, giving access to another lever.

Run to that awaiting fountain to your right. And then up
the ram to your left. Swing over to that open cell and pull
the lever.

Climb down the ladder and defeat that new pair of bad guys.
(If you need to get to the fountain again, you can go the
same way you did with the traps. Don't worry, they're
disabled now.)

Once you're ready, go through that red door you opened with
that last lever. Go up those sets of stairs and stand at
the arch where the hanging hook is.

Jump out and then use the whip to swing to the other side.
(I know this is risking, but that how Indy is.)

Hug the wall to your left and inch your way around on the
small ledge. Now go up the ramp and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The cage drops.

Walk back to the cage and watch as it falls. Now jump out
to the chain and climb up it. Now use it to swing over to
the ledge beneath the semicircle shaped opening. Climb
through the opening and defeat the guards in the hall to
your left.

The second alcove on the right has a lever in it. Pull it.

CUT SCENE: Gates raise in the hall.

Run room to room and gather anything you find. Now go to
the end of the hall and down the ramp to your right.

(This next part is said to be one of the most difficult
parts of the game. I found it to be rather simple. Here's
the solution...)

Proceed into the room with rats and jump up onto the ledge
in the center of the room. Pull the right lever now jump
onto the chain to your right.

Climb the chain and swing over to the one in front of you.
Climb it and swing over to the alcove with the lever. Pull
the lever.

CUT SCENE: A block drops into view.

Jump back out to the chains and get back over to the
levers. Pull the left lever and jump to the chain now at
your left. Swing to the next chain and then onto the ledge
above the fountain.

Pull the lever on the right wall and exit the Dungeon.

2C. The Courtyard
Objectives: Find a way into the Castle's Main Keep.

Walk forward to the doorway on your left.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to a machine gun. Hmm...with all
these guards around that may be a good idea.

Sneak behind the first truck and then behind the statue to
the front of the next truck. Now go between the boxes on
your left and then pick up the MP40-SMG and its ammo. Hop
into the truck and pick up the charge.

Fight all the guards in the courtyard (There are a lot of
them!) and then place the charge on the well. Run for cover
behind a vehicle or across the courtyard.

After the explosion, drop down into the well and swim all
the way to the end of the underwater hallway. Climb out and
pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Gate opens.

Make for the gate at your left and go into the next room.
Pull the lever and use the secret door to enter the Great

2D. The Great Hall
Objectives: Find a key to the library door.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the Great Hall.

Fight the bad guy that enters the room and go through the
door he came in. Walk down the stairs to the right and then
up the stairs straight ahead. Pick up the liquor bottle and
go back down the stairs.

Open the double doors and charge the guard. Smack him with
the liqour bottle and then finish him off. Go up the
stairs, turn right and then up the next set of stairs.

Take out the guard at the top of the stairs and then go
across the balcony to the next hall. Turn right and use the
whip to swing up onto the ledge above the doorway.

Drop off of the ledge and face the Great Hall. Jump out and
swing over to the other side using the whip on the

Go through the doorway on your left and then down the hall.

CUT SCENE: More bad guys!

Run across the balcony to the room across the way. Go to
the ledge.

CUT SCENE: Not good. Camera shows you the path around the
hall on that tiny ledge.

Hug the wall on your right and sneak around to where you
saw the lever. Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Watch as the huge chandalier crushes Indy's
foes. Ouch!

Climb down using the ladder on your right and go to the
aftermath of that little "accident". Pick up all the
Lugers and the throwing knives.

Now climb back up the ladder and use your whip to swing
over to the chain and now swing on the chain over to the

Proceed into the room and observe the bottles on your left
and the chairs around the room (You'll need them in a
second). Open the door at the rear of the room on the left
wall. Some friendly visitors will come join you. Use all
available weaponry to defeat them.

Now go into that room on the left and grab the key off the
table under the window. Pick up the throwing knife and the
Luger ammo. Return to the main room and go through the door
across the way.

Now go down the stairs and open the library doors on your

2E. The Library
Objectives: Find the Castle Map.
Artifacts: Medallion of Libuse

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the Library.

Walk into the library and around to your right. Defeat the
guard and then go Down the stairs. Open the doors on your
left and fill up at the fountain. Go down that hallway and
defeat the bad guy. Now return to the library.

Defeat the guard hiding behind the shelves and then go back
up the stairs. Once at the top of the stairs turn right and
run over to the left of the fireplace.

Climb up on top of the fireplace and then over to your left
on to that shelf. Use the whip on the lantern to swing over
to the next level of the library. (If you miss, just hop
the railing behind you and hug the wall above the fireplace
to get back to where you can climb up.)

Take out the guard that sees you and proceed into the area
he came out of. Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The chandalier in the library lowers.

Go back out of that area and then over to where the railing
ends at the middle of that level. Hang off of that small
ledge and shimmy your way over to the other side.

Climb back up and then go to the alcove on your right.

New Objective: Locate an item to open the false bookcase.

Go back over to the level where the ladder was and go up
it. Fight the bad guy and then pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The chandalier rises.

Jump out and use the whip on the chandalier to get over to
the other side. Walk to your left and hang off of the ledge
as you did a level lower. Shimmy to the middle and climb
into the alcove and up the ladder. (How are you suppossed
to get books in this library!) Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: A false wall opens and something is revealed!

Make your way to that newly opened area by climbing down
the ladder and hang-dropping down to the lowest level.

Fight the bad guys that come through the door and make for
that new area! Pick up the book and then run all the way
around that level of the library. Open the door and go up
the staircase past the lever.

Now turn left and repeat the process you did before to get
to the false bookcase, except this time stop midway and
climb up into that alcove where the wall has lifted. Pick
up the Medallion of Libuse.

Okay now that you've added to your fortune and glory, get
to that bookcase! Open it with the book and ride the
bookshelf around into the next room.

Go to the table on your left and get the Castle Map.

CUT SCENE: Close up of the Castle Map.

(Go to the mirror on your right. NICE JOB LUCAS AND

Use the bookshelf to get back out to the Library.

CUT SCENE: Bad guys enter through another false bookshelf.

Hang drop down to the level below and take out those bad
guys. Pick up their weapons and go out the way they came

2F. The Astrologer's Clock
Objectives: Locate the first of 4 key items that will grant
passage into the Alchemist's Lab. Make your way
towards the Alchemist's Laboratory.
Artifacts: Crown

(This is so cool! It's got Alchemy in it. Oh sorry...I'll
explain my excitement in the FAQ, if you care.)

CUT SCENE: Indy enters a room with his Dad's favorite
animals crawling about on its floor.

Run into the room and grab the crown. Down run as fast as
you can out the other door, rolling under it as it closes.

New Objective: Solve the first stage of the Astrological
Clock Puzzle.

Run around the room looking at the doors. (No, we
Alchemists are not off our rockers, we just like to make
people think.)

Now pull the lever by the fire.

CUT SCENE: A creepy looking statue comes out of the fire.
(Almost sounds like the Calcination stage of
Alchemy. When one burns away the Ego.)

Go up to the statue. (Did you jump when it moved? I did. I
thought I'd have to fight the thing! LOL) Give the creature
the crown.

CUT SCENE: A floor panel moves away and three levers rise
out of the floor.

Walk to the levers and face the fire with the controls in
front of you. Press Y and read my instructions carefully!

Place the Sun on II and the Moon on IV. (In Alchemy, the
Sun represents the male and the Moon the Female.)

Now put Taurus (the Bull) at the top.

CUT SCENE: Taurus' door opens!

Go through the Taurus' door.

2G. The Armory
Objectives: Find the Broken Sword.
Artifacts: Broken Sword

CUT SCENE: Indy exits a door into a courtyard.

Break the boxes ahead of you and then climb the ladder to
the right of where you entered. Now go up the next ladder.

CUT SCENE: Indy climbs out on to the roof and spots some
bad guys. Apparently, Jade Fox (Hehe, probably
not her real name. Just a Crouching Tiger
joke.) spots him too.

Go down the roof and hug the right wall. Go around to the
stairway and to the door. Hop up onto the ledge and then
climb the ladder-like wall decoration into the tower.

Jump out the window to your right on to the chain. Climb
down the chain and jump through the stained glass window.
Defeat the bad guy and open the door on the right (when
facing the balcony).

Go into the next room and climb the ladder. Climb up into
the next tower and defeat the guard. Now drop out the other
window and go over to the ceiling windows to your left.
Break them and jump into the Armory.

CUT SCENE: Indy lands right on top of a bad guy.

Defeat the bad guy and proceed to the display in the center
of the room. Break the glass and grab the Broken Sword.

New Objective: Return to the Astrologer's Clock.

Defeat your new friends and then go up the stairs near
where you dropped in. Now go through the door to your right
and up the stairs. Open the door.

CUT SCENE: Guards enter through a door ahead.

You can either fight the guards or flee up the ladder. (I
decided to fight because I wanted their weapons.) In either
case, eventually make your way up the ladder and then back
up through that window. Use the zip line on your left to
get back to where you started. Go down the ladder.

CUT SCENE: Guy with a MP40 enters the area.

Defeat the bad guy, pick up his gun, and go through the
door leading back to the Astrologer's Clock.

2H. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 2
Objectives: Solve the second part of the Astrological Clock

Pull the lever by the fire again and give the dude the
sword. Back to the levers!

Put the Sun on the XII, the Moon on the III, and Scorpio
(the Scropion) at the top.

CUT SCENE: Scorpio's door opens.

Exit through the Scropio's door.

2I. The Observatory
Objectives: Find Vega's Manifesto. Return to the
Astrological Clock.
Artifacts: Stochov Fragment, Vega's Manifesto

CUT SCENE: Camera Pans down the Castle's tower to Indy
exiting a pair of double doors and then walking
along a balcony.

Go through the door ahead of you and walk towards the arch
to your left. Stop. Don't go through it. Instead turn
around and climb up on the ledge behind you.

Hug the wall and slide around to your left until you're
facing the doorway in the tower across from you. Let go of
the wall and jump over to the other tower.

Go through the archway and to the table. Pick up the
Stochov Fragment. Now jump back to that ledge and find
your way back to where you climbed onto the ledge.

Jump down and go through the archway in front of you and up
the stairs. Now turn right and go to the second set of
double doors on your right (around the next corner).

Defeat the bad guy and go through the doors. Pick up the
bottle and then open the next set of doors. Use the bottle
on the bad guy and watch him fall over the railing to his

Now jump out to the chain on your right and climb up it.
Swing over to the ledge to your right and then jump up to
the next ledge. Walk up the ramp to your right and around
to the other end of the path.

Climb up on to the upper level.

CUT SCENE: More bad guys!

Take out the bad guys and climb the ladder. Once up on that
level go up the stairs to the top of that tower and pick up
the MP40.

As you go down the stairs from that tower top, you'll see a
ledge to your right. Drop off of it and run around the
tower to the other side.

Drop off the next ledge right down in front of a door.
Don't go through it yet! Instead make your way around the
corner to the right. See the stairs? There should be a
ledge to the left of them. Stand on it and use the whip on
the gargoyal head to get across to the Observatory Tower.

Walk around the planks to the door on your right and go
through it.

CUT SCENE: Camera zooms in on an "important" set of gears.

Go up the stairs to your right and around to the table on
the other side of the telescope. Pick up the lever and take
it to the "important" set of gears on the level below. Use
the lever.

CUT SCENE: The observation dome is opened.

Climb back up the stairs and fancy a peek through the
telescope at my favorite constellation, Orion!

Now turn around and puch on the angel painting on the wall
of the observatory. Grab the Manifesto!

CUT SCENE: Guards attempt to break down the door.

The bad guys must really want that scroll. Don't let them
have it. (The scroll I mean. You can let them "have it" all
you want!)

Defeat the bad guys and head through the door they came in.
Run across the bridge and down the stairs to your right.
Now left around the corner. Take out the guard and go
through the door and down the stairs.

Take out the next guard and fill up at the fountain. Now go
down the stairs to your left and through the door. Sneak up
behind the next guard and shoot him at close range in the

Recognize where you are? Well, go down the next set of
stairs and through the archway to your right. (If you
didn't notice, we're on our way back to the Clock.)

Go to the doors on your right and go through them. Now
around the corner and open the final set of doors.

2J. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 3
Objectives: Solve the 3rd stage of the Astrological Clock

You know the drill. Activate the weird dude, give him the
Manifesto and then use the levers.

(You know, I bet it really pisses Indy off that he has to
give all these pieces that "belong in a museum" to some
weird lookin' statue. Anyway...)

Sun at VI, Moon at XI, and Gemini (the one with two people
on it) at the top.

CUT SCENE: Gemini's door opens.

Exit through Gemini's door.

2K. Vega's Tower
Objectives: Find the Soul Crystal. Return to the
Astrological Clock.
Artifacts: Cistercian Mask, Soul Cyrstal

Go through the door ahead of you.

CUT SCENE: Camera follows the path you must take to reach
the tower.

Jump out to the chain to your right and swing quickly over
to the next ledge. Take out the bad guy and go up the

Push the next guard off the ledge and then take a flying
leap over to the ledge across the way.

Hug the wall and sneak around the tower until you are right
near the two guards. Ready your weapon and then peak around
the corner and shoot them.

Now proceed on to the balcony and take out the third guard.
Now go up the stairs. Take another flying leap to the ledge
outside the window and walk around the column to the
gargoyal. Jump out and use your whip to get across the
heartstopping drop between you and that next ledge.

Proceed around the next column and jump out to the chain.
Climb up it and then swing to the next chain. An then from
that chain on to the next ledge.

Now around the column, up the chain and through the window.
Finally! Solid ground! Walk to the windows on your left and
jump out to the chain.

Climb down it and drop down to the ground below. Climb up
the ledge behind you and through the window. Drop down into
the room.

Walk across the room to the Cistercian Mask on the stand.
Pick it up and head for the window. Climb back up the chain
and swing back into the bell tower.

Hop in the red elevator straight ahead and press Y to ride
it up a level. Get out and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The Clock opens.

Climb the ladder at your 10 o'clock position and pull the

CUT SCENE: Indy takes an insane flight on an ancient

Quick! Climb up on to the ledge!

Walk into the tower and grab the red thing next to that
strange looking electric chair.

CUT SCENE: Door closes, gas seeps in!

Hop quickly on to that fallen shelf and then from there
onto the next shelf. Climb up to the ledge above and then
swing through the stained glass window with your whip. Good

Jump out to the chain and climb down, swinging onto the
ledge below the window. Now jump out to the next chain and
swing into the window. Go down the stairs and exit through
the door.

2L. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 4
Objectives: Solve the 4th stage of the Astrological Clock

Same as before: Lever, Soul Cyrstal to weird statue, and
control panel.

Put both the Sun and Moon on X and the Scales at the top.

CUT SCENE: Scales' door opens.

Exit through the Scales' door.

2M. The Laboratory
Objectives: Recover the second fragment of the Mirror of
Artifacts: Dragon Shard

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the Lab and discovers a monster.
(Hey, this is giving Alchemists a bad name!)

Defeat the monster with the beakers of Vitriol (Sulfuric
Acid) found around the Lab.

(See the Inventory section for the truth about Vitriol.)

CUT SCENE: Monster breaks apart Vitriol containers and
gives you a handy weapon.

Use the Vitriol-tipped bar to finish off the monster. Pick
up the Dragon Shard and head fo rthe door.

CUT SCENE: Our old pal the Nazi is back from the dead
apparently. Time to go to Istanbul!


3A. Istanbul Breakout
Objectives: Escape from the cell and recover your
equipment. Find a way into the ruined Mosque.
Artifacts: Piri Reib Manuscript

CUT SCENE: Camera pans down to Indy in a cell. Croc-bait
enters and tells Indy he's gonna get
interrogated. Then Mei Ying frees Indy after
Croc-bait leaves.

Beat up the two Turks that enter the room and exit through
the door. Take on the next bad guy and pick up his knife.
Go down both sets of stairs and through the open gate.

Take out the guard and walk through the first archway. Look
behind the boxes on your left and pick up a grenade. Peek
through the next arch and throw the grenade at the guard
standing on the upper ledge.

Now run to the table ahead of you and pick up the MP40. To
your right is a box of more grenades. Pick one up and throw
it at the guard to your left (as you ran for the table).

Once that guard is dead go to his wall. Now turn around.
The wall you are now facing has a portion missing. Climb up
onto that broken wall and go down the stairs ahead of you.
Around the side of the stairs is another box of grenades.
Use them to take out the guards down the hall.

Go to the end of the hall and into the room on your left.
Pick up your stuff from the table. (Obviously you need to
pick up the satchel before you can pick up the other

Walk back down the hall and up the stairs. Go to the hole
in the wall and use your whip to swing over atop the wall
ahead of you. Pick up any ammo and other goodies that guard
may have left you.

Now proceed down the stairs and jump down into the area
ahead of you. Fight the guards and then run to the box of
grenades on your left.

CUT SCENE: A Turk mans a machine gun turret.

Pick up a grenade and, very carefully, position yourself in
a place where you can lob it up into the Turk. Once he's
gone run to where the turret is and climb up the wall.

CUT SCENE: Guards rush toward Indy's position.

Take control of the turret (see Inventory for more info).
Take out the guards and then make your way down the ramp
from which the guards came. Now down the stairs on your

CUT SCENE: Three guards ambush Indy.

Still have your MP40? I hope you do. Take out the three
guards. Toy with them if you'd like, but kill them one way
or another. As you fight them...

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying joins Indy in the fight.

When Mei Ying starts to run away. Chase her.

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying does a flip over the gate, while Indy
stands there in shock. (You know what they say,
white men can't jump.)

Finish off any guys left over and pick up any goodies left
lying around. Now go through the door ahead of the stairs
and up on to the highest level of the scaffolding.

Swing on the chain to the upper level with the window. Walk
out the window and jump down to the scaffolding on your
right. Climb to the top of it and up onto the other

Now walk around the tower and stand next to the large box.
Press Y to shove it off the lift.

CUT SCENE: The box falls, breaking to pieces on the ground.
Indy rises on the lift to the upper part of the

Get off the lift and use the zip-line to your left. Climb
down the scaffolding and walk towards the next one.

CUT SCENE: Indy's got company.

Take out the soldiers and climb up the next scaffolding. At
the top, face the wall and climb over it. Now up the next
scaffolding and on to the wall. Take out the guard and turn

Break open the box and then more scaffolding. (This is
almost as bad as the "ledges" in Chapters 1 and 2!) At the
top of that scaffolding, climb onto the wall and drop off
on to the small lip around the dome to the left of the

Walk around the lip to the other side and climb down into
the enclosed area. Enter the shaded room on your right and
grab the manuscript from the shelf.

Now fill up at the fountain and climb back up to the lip.
Walk back around to the ledge and jump off the lip into the
area on your right. Now climb back up the scaffolding and
up to the level with the door and go through it to complete
the section.

3B. The Secret of the Mosque: Part 1
Objectives: The Nazis are excavating something below the
Mosque. Get down there and find out what it is.

CUT SCENE: The Nazis have actually found something without
Indy's help! It's Indy's turn to steal it from

Walk through the door to your left and down the hall. At
the end of the hall, use your whip to swing across the
broken floor.

Now walk to your right and jump out and use your whip to
swing again. Now proceed to the top of the ramp on your
right and slide down. At just the right moment, jump up and
whip to swing on the lantern to the ledge in front of you.

Run around to the opposite side of that area and pick up
the med kit and ammo. Now go back to where you were and go
through the door.

Slowly walk down the hall to your left until you see the
guards. Take them out and pick up their Mausers. Now hug
the wall on your left and straff around it edge to where
the guard is patrolling. Take him out and release the wall.

Take out the two Nazis and go to the table at the back of
the room. Pick up the ammo and other goodies. Now head
through the door to your left.

Go down the stairs and take out the Turks. Now go through
the next door on your right and down the stairs. Walk to
the left edge of the ledge and jump out and swing to the
other side.

(If you fall in the water, either follow the PETA method
and swim quickly to the shore with the ledges and ladder.
Or kill the shark and THEN swim to the shore. Your call.)

Take out the guards and walk AROUND the left side of the
hole in the floor. (Why whip-swing where you don't have

Now hug the wall on the right side of the next hole and
slide around the right wall. You should now be standing on
a triangular outcropping.

Run forward and use your whip to swing across the drop to
the water below. Walk around that level along the wall
toward the fountain (hugging the walls where you need to).

Fill up at the fountain and return to where you swung in.
Jump across the nearby ledge and then down to the one below
(Watch out! It hurts!)

Ready your whip and face the archway below. Back up as far
as you can and then run and jump out to the lamp by the
door. Swing on it landing in the hallway.

Hug the right wall and slide down to the intersection with
the hallway to the right. Ready a gun and then peek around
the corner and take out the patrolling Nazis.

Go down the hall they were patrolling and take out the next
few guards. Find your way to the room with all the boxes.
Break open the boxes and pick up the stuff sitting on the
table to your right (as you entered). Return to the
intersection of the halls and turn right.

Go to the dead end and use the Demo Charge to blow away the
wall. Now go through the hole you just created.

3C. The Secret of the Mosque: Part 2
Objectives: Get to the crane and use it to descend into the
Artifacts: Ottoman Seal (The game has this recorded in Part
1 by mistake.)

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the next area as the roof collapses
behind him.

Run forward and roll under the crack in the wall. Walk
forward and pick up the Ottoman Seal from the table. Now
roll back under the wall.

Take out the Turks and Nazis patrolling in the room to your
right. Climb up the scaffolding on your left (as you enter
the room) and the use the whip on the lamp to swing over to
more scaffolding.

Now face right underneath the upper level of the
scaffolding you are on. Run and jump over to the
scaffolding by the door.

Go through the door and turn left. Climb up on the ledge
and then jump up and grab onto the smaller ledge to your
left. Make you way to the left under the door above the one
you came in and climb up.

Go through that door and turn left. Jump from the ledge
you're on to the one across from you. Walk forward and drop
down to the scaffolding to your right.

Go through the door and whip-swing across to the next door.
Run down the hall and jump to the boxes below. Fight the
guards and break open all the boxes. Fill up your canteen
at the fountain.

As you fought the soldiers more should have come down an
elevator so that you could beat them up too. Go to that
elevator and pull the red lever inside it.

CUT SCENE: Indy rides the lift up.

Get out and go through the door in front of you. Break open
the boxes and climb the ladder on the crane (Straight ahead
as you entered). Go to the controls of the crane.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to the large Greeco-Roman Statue

Use the crane controls by pressing Y. Follow the
instructions to lift the head and bring it towards you.

CUT SCENE: Head hangs near the crane. Nazis lower and climb
down a ladder.

Eliminate the annoying red sleeves and then head for the
head (hehe). Climb the ladder they came down and then walk
around the opening to the other side. Climb the crane by
using the ledge, then next ledge, then the ladder, and then
the ramp. Now jump out and swing over to the head.

CUT SCENE: Indy takes a plunge into the pit.

3D. The Sunken Palace
Objectives: Find a Map of the Sunken City. Make an
enterance into the Palace of Belisarius.
Artifacts: Delian Proclamation

CUT SCENE: Indy falls into the waters of the Sunken Palace.

Swim around to the left of the pillar and get out where the
boxes are. Pick up the oxygen tank and break open the box.
Now dive into the next pool and swim under the arch.


Either fight the shark or try and out run it. If you out
run it, it's friend will see you and come join the fun.

After fighting it swim back out the arch and get air. Now
watch the arch for the next shark. When it comes, fight it
as well.

If you decided to out run them swim to the left and get out
quickly. If you decided to fight, dive back under and go
through the arch, swim to the left and get out.

Walk up the stairs beyond the pillars and down on to the
dock area. Fight the soldier and break open all the boxes
that are lying around. Now go into the building that the
Nazi was guarding.

Go to the table and pick up the map and the medkit. Now go
to the shelves and grab the speargun. Go out the back door
of the building and break open the boxes.

Roll under the wall and fill up at the fountain. Now go
back through and exit the building and go down the ladder
to the dock.

Now jump in the water and swim down to your right where the
two scuba-Nazis are. Fight them and then pick up the Demo
Charges in the box.

Exit that pool and head back to where you fought the
sharks. Swim all the way back to where you picked up the
oxygen mask and get out of the water.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to a damaged pillar.

Jump in and swim over to the damaged pillar. Climb up and
place a Demo Charge. Now jump back into the water and stay
under until the explosion.

CUT SCENE: Pillar topples over becoming a makeshift ramp.

Swim back to the pillar and climb up the ramp you made. At
the top jump over to the ledge on your left.

Make your way across the top of those ruins and then jump
to the ledge across the way to your right. Walk to the end
of the ledge and double whip-swing on those hooks to the
next part of the ruins.

Walk along the top of those ruins and then jump to the next
ledge. Make your way to the end of that set and turn right.
Now run out and swing on the hook, landing on the boxes.
Cut the rope. You've found the Delian Proclamation!

Jump over to the crane and climb the ladder. Go to the
control panel and pick up the head. Use it to shatter the
damaged wall on your right.

CUT SCENE: Face plant!

Exit the car and climb down the ladder. Walk under the
crane and then up the ramp to the stone floor. Go to the
hole you just made and hop up onto the ledge. Hang drop
down to the other side.

Go to the back of the ruins and climb the staircase. Follow
the left wall to where a ledge sticks out a bit. Jump out
and whip-swing on the pipe-like support.

Face right and jump over to where the green door is. Exit
through the door.

3E. The Gates of Neptune
Objectives: Make your way to the Temple of Poseidon. Find
the Kraken, Seahorse, Trident, and Wine Coin.
Open the Temple Gate.

CUT SCENE: Indy makes his way to the next part of the
Sunken City.

Unsheath your knife or get ready to swim really fast. Now
run forward and jump into the pool. Swim under the arch and
straight for the otherside of the ruins. Either fight the
shark or out swim it. Get out where you see the stone ledge
halfway below the waterline.

Make your way to the glowing blue fish head on the wall.
Swing on it to the other part of the ruins. Face left and
walk to the second outcropping. Hop up on to it and hug the

Slide around to the other side and drop off. Get your
balance and then face right. Run and jump over to the other
ledge. Now hug the wall on your left and slide around to
the other side.

Climb up on top of the block under the arch and walk over
to the next floor. Walk to where the floor sticks out and
jump over the gap.

Climb up on top of the wall in front of you and go up the
stairs. Face left and you should see a Turk patrolling.
Jump over to where he is and fight him (or just shoot him
like I did).

Walk through the arch the guard came from and go down the
stairs. Fight the next Turk and walk down to the toppled
arch. Pick up the ammo and the Wine Coin.

Somehow, make your way back to the shore with the fish
head. Stand on the edge of that floor and face the large
arch beyond which is an area you haven't been yet.

Jump into the pool and swim beneath that arch. If you feel
like fighting the shark, do it. Otherwise, swim between
those pillars straight ahead, through the underwater door,
and go up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs turn right and go through the
archway. Follow the pathway around and then jump over to
the next structure.

Walk to the fish head and swing across. go around the side
of the building and climb up onto the ledge. Get up on top
of the structure and pick up the grenades which the light
is pointing at.

Run through the sandstone arch and jump into the pool
below. (You have the option of fighting another shark

Swim to the very back of the ruins and get out using
the ledge behind you. Climb up all those levels to where
the light sits on top.

Climb down onto the ledge past the light and face left. Run
and jump over to the next structure. Walk forward and climb
down to the campfire area below.

Fight the guards and pick up the explosives. Stand on the
edge of this terrace with the camp fire to your left side.
Jump into the water. Swim to your left and in the first
door with the light outside it.

Swim into the room through the broken gate and turn left
down the hall. Pick up the medkit and return the way you
came in.

Swim to your left to the back of the pool and turn around.
See the damaged part of the wall? Place a Demo Charge and
get out of there!

Once you hear the explosion, return to the blast location
and swim inside. Pick up the Seahorse Coin and swim back
out of the chamber.

Now make your way back up and over to the campfire and pick
up another Demo Charge. Turn around and climb back up the
ledges to the top of the structure.

At the top turn right and climb up and over the ledges to
get down to the light on the other side. Now face the
nearby ledge and jump over to it.

Climb up to the top of this structure and down the pillar
on the other side. Go to the damaged door and place a Demo
Charge. Find cover and then pick up the Trident Coin

Return to the campfire and go through the door. Walk down
the hall and turn left and then turn right. Go through the
archway on your right and place a Demo Charge on the
damaged wall. (Watch out for the hole in the floor!) Run
for cover and then return to fill up at the fountain you
just revealed.

Exit the room and turn right, pick up the speargun ammo.
Walk forward and face the rope to your right. Jump out to
it and climb up.

Swing over to the ledge on your right. Face right and run
down the ledge, jumping over to the path with all the

Pick up a grenade and chuck it down the hall into the room
where the guards are standing. Hopefully you take all of
them out. If you don't, take them on another way. Once you
finish them off, go to the room at the end of the archway

Run down the path to your right and then jump to the next
path. Run down this one and jump to the mouth of the cave.
Make your way to the other end of the cave.

Jump into the pool and swim to the bottom. (Oh yeah.
Shark!) Pick up the Kraken Coin. Now get out and jump over
to the side with the Temple.

Proceed up the stairs and observe the different holes in
the wall. Place the coins in their appropriate slots. While
face the gate moving clockwise from the one closest on your
left, they should go Wine, Trident, Kraken, and Seahorse.

Now turn the wheels on both sides and enter the Gate.

3F. The Fall of the Sea King
Objectives: Find the Kraken's Chamber.
Artifacts: Kraken, Seahorse, Tirdent, and Wine Coins

CUT SCENE: Indy enters Poseidon's Temple.

Run down to the end of the hall and jump into the pool.

CUT SCENE: What lies beneath?

Swim directly forward to the back of the Temple.

CUT SCENE: Nemo-Nazis enter the area.

Take on the Nazis and pick up the Demo Charges in the cave.
Place one on Poseidon's right ankle and swim away.

CUT SCENE: Explosion break Poseidon's ankle.

Swim back to the front of the temple, opposite side of the
statue, and Dive down into the underwater hallway and turn

Swim up to the surface inside the room and get out on the
ledges to your right.

Go up the stairs and enter the pump room. Climb down off of
the ledge you're on and run to the whell on the wall by the
ancient mechanisms. Turn the wheel.

CUT SCENE: The water stops flowing on one side of the
Temple, revealing a fish head.

Turn around and face the hall directly behind you. Move
around a bit to trigger the next cut scene.

CUT SCENE: Turks burst into the room down the hall you are

Fight the Turks. (They have no weapons, so don't waste too
much ammo on them.) Now exit the room by going back the way
you came in. Return to the temple.

Once you surface in the temple, climb up on the lowest
pillar. Now face left and jump to the next level up. Run
down that platform and jump over to the floor.

Turn left and jump over the gap. Now turn left and go to
the fish head. Swing across and walk forward slowly. The
ground falls out in front of you.

Back up and then take a running jump to the other side of
the broken floor. Pull yourself up and proceed forward to
where the whip icon lights up.

Face the Trident on your left and jump out and swing on it.
Pull yourself up and go inside the arch in front of you.
Walk to your right and hug the wall to the right of the
hole in the floor.

Sidestep around the hole and let go. Now turn right and go
through the first archway on your right.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to a crack behind Poseidon's left

Jump down to the ledge behind Poseidon's And place the charge. Quickly climb up
the ledge to your left and run to the fountain.

CUT SCENE: Explosion breaks Poseidon's knee and shatters a

Fill up at the fountain and then dive back into the pool.
Swim to the pillar that the explosion shattered and get out
on top of it.

Jump to the ledge and then climb the vines to your right.
Run behind Poseidon's head and take out your whip. Jump out
and swing on the lantern to knock over Poseidon's statue.

3G. The Kraken's Lair
Objectives: Defeat the Kraken. Recover the third fragment
of the Mirror of Dreams.
Artifacts: Mirror Fragment

CUT SCENE: Indy falls into the Kraken's Lair.

Quickly swim to your left and get out. Climb the stairs and
stock up on explosives and ammo.

The Kraken will spit out Jellyfish minions to bring you
back to him. Once you either destroy them or watch them
explode, jump into the pool and shoot at one of the
Kraken's eyes.

The Kraken will retreat into it's cave and you'll have time
to swim over to some of the pillars and place Demo Charges.
Watch out for the jellyfish! They will hold you by the

CUT SCENE: Pillars crack with the explosions.

Swim back to the ammo dump and pick up two more charges.
Now repreat the process blowing up the next two pillars.

CUT SCENE: Kraken swims back out, only to find itself being
crushed by pillars. It retreats as the water line lowers
and some stairs appear leading to the piece of the mirror.

Walk up the stairs and pick up the fragment from the Mirror
of Dreams.

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying reveals some interesting information
about the storyline.


4A. The Golden Lotus
Objectives: Rescue Mei Ying!
Artifacts: Tai-Tsu Mask

CUT SCENE: Indy flirts with Mei Ying while they await Wu
Han. Mei Ying leaves to check up on things. Indy then finds
himself coming to her rescue.

Start up a bar room brawl! Use all available weapons (table
legs, chairs, bottles from the bar, etc.) to defeat all the

Now go through the door by the bar and down the stairs to
attract the attention of the nicely dressed thugs. Run back
up to the bar and the dining area to have a better fighting
location. Defeat the tuxedo thugs and then go back down the

Go to the rear of the room and climb the ladder. Break open
the boxes and then climb the next ladder.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to Mei Ying getting a beating.

Climb the ladder on your right and open the door. Fight the
sword-wielding thug and pick up his weapon.

Break open the boxes on that level and grab the Poition. Go
through the next door and fight the two warriors. Now enter
the next room and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: A lever on the main floor becomes active.

Go through the door to your right and then open the grey
door. Enter the hall and go down the stairs to the balcony
level. Exit through the red door and turn left.

Take on the warrior in the second room on your right and
pick up the Tai-Tsu Mask from the pedistal. Exit the room
and go down the hall to your right.

Fight the guy in the fourth room and continue down the
hall. Fight the dude in the hall and then fight the guys
that come through the door.

Enter the room they were in and go down the stairs. Fill up
at the fountain and then fight the warrior that comes over
to play. Now exit through the double doors down the hall to
get to the main floor.

Run across the room and pull the lever by the stage. The
curtain and backdrop raise revealing a "waiter" holding a
gun. Fight him and grab the ammo on the boxes to your
right and break open the boxes to your left.

Climb the ladder and face right. Swing on the ropes to the
other platform. Exit through the double doors.

4B. The Golden Lotus: Part 2
Objectives: Rescue Mei Ying!
Artifacts: Longshan Idol

Walk forward and beat up the waiter with the shotgun. Go
through the double doors and beat up the two waiters in
this room.

Now go down the stairs, around to the right, and then down
more stairs.

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying is taken to yet another location.

Fight all the waiters in this area and then go into the
dressing room. (The dressing room was in the alcove on your
left when you entered the area with the boxes.)

Pick up the medkit and the Longshan Idol from the table in
front of the mirror.

Exit the room and go to the double doors at the back left
of the box area. Exit through them.

4C. The Streets of Hong Kong
Objectives: Rescue Mei Ying!
Artifacts: Chinese Seal

CUT SCENE: Wu Han shows up as Mei Ying is kidnapped in a
car. Better late than never, right?

Take out all the cars and motorcycles as you ride down the
streets. (WOW! Wu Han can run fast!) I recommend you aim
for the drivers, engines, and wheels of the vehicles.

Near the very end of this section, 3 motorcycles will come
after you. Save up your ammo and watch for a box on your
left. When you see the box shoot it. You've just discovered
the Chinese Seal.

4D. The Streets of Hong Kong: Part 2

Same as before. It's just that now you have full health

CUT SCENE: Indy and Wu Han arrive at the docks just in time
to see Mei King taken aboard a Nazi sub.


CUT SCENE: Wu Han introduces Indy to the island in the Peng Lai
Lagoon. He explains the territory and tells Indy he
will wait for him with the boat.

5A. The Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon: Part 1
Objectives: Locate a Demo Charge and blast a hole through
the Lagoon wall. Find a path through the
Ancient Ruins.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans around underwater revealing the
Nazis standing by the lights.

Swim up to the surface and climb out on the ladder to your
right. Walk to the other side of the green container and
break open the boxes. Pick up the Oxygen Tank, the
Speargun, and the Spears.

Jump in the lagoon and swim straight at the guard by the
sub. Watch out for sharks! Kill the guard and swim inside
the sub. Pick up the Demo Charges and swim back up to the
surface and get back up the ladder quickly.

Look around the surface of the water. See the floating
platform? Watch where the sharks are swimming, when you
think it's safe, swim straight for the platform and get out
of the lagoon.

Look down into the lagoon. The next guard is standing
between the two lights. Watch for sharks and then dive in
and attack!

Place the Demo Charge on the wall and swim quickly back to
the platform. Watch for sharks again and then dive in and
swim for the newly made hole.

Swim through the cave and down to your left. Kepp swimming
forward until you see the surface above you.

Catch your breath, but don't take too long, there are
sharks waiting to feast on you. Now swim for the sandy
beach on your left with the box, tree, and vine.

Get out and break open the box. Now climb the vine and
swing to the ledge on the left wall.

Take a flying leap to the ledge on the right wall. Pull
yourself up and face left. Let the Nazis see you and climb
down on to the next ledge. Shoot them with the webley once
they come into range.

Now jump out and swing with your whip on the two lamp
posts. Pick up the ammo from the dead Nazis and hop up to
the ledge above you.

Climb the stairs and exit through the double doors.

5B. The Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon: Part 2
Objectives: Access the cliff top sub base entrance. Get to
the crane and use it to give Indy a boost.
Artifacts: Sancai Plate

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the Ancient Ruins.

Run forward into the wall straight ahead. Now look down to
your right and pick up the Demo Charge.

Exit the alcove and place the Charge on the damaged wall to
the right. Enter the chamber and pick up the Sancai Plate,
the Panzerschrek, and the Panzerschrek Ammo.

Exit the chamber and charge up the stairs ahead of you.
Take control of the machine gun turret. And obliterate
the oppossion. Take advantage of the unlimited ammo and the
explosion lanterns. Watch out for grenades and that alcove
up to your left. Feel free to use the Panzerschrek here as

Once everyone is dead, exit the turret view and pick up
all the ammo lying around. Now run to the end of the
walkway. Exit between the pillars and turn right.

Follow the grassy path to the sub base.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans around the base while Indy narrates
exactly what you need to do.

Climb down the ledges to your right to get below the guard
tower and fight the guard. Go to the elevator under the
guard tower. Pull the lever on the elevator to rise to the
upper level.

Fight the guard at the top of the tower and then climb the
ladder to the top of the guard tower and then use the zip
line to get to the roof of the docking building. (You can't
get the Panzershrek with you on the zip line, so hopefully
you found some use for it before hand.)

Climb down off of the building and fight the guards on the
dock. Now enter the building you landed on and fight the
guard there.

Exit the building and break open all the boxes. Climb into
the car of the crane.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to the floating platform and then to
the clif top sub base enterance.

Use the controls to lift the platform over to the base
enterance. Now do the same thing you did with the other two
cranes (in Istanbul) and get to the enterance of the sub

Exit by going through the door on your left and pulling the

5C. Iron Cross
Objectives: Infiltrate the outer sub base, avoiding guards
when possible.
Artifacts: Siam Qian Shiji Scroll

(It is not a good idea to get caught in this section,
unless you like to get set on fire. If you do get caught,
run as fast as you can to an alarm station and pull the
lever. Watch out for those flamethrowers!)

Proceed down the hall and through the door on your right.

CUT SCENE: Indy hides behind boxes while guards patrol on
the levels above.

Watch the guards patrol and then run quickly up the stairs
and through the doorway on your left. Run into the room
with the glass. Watch the guard pass and then run quickly
out the door and up the stairs.

Run around the walkway to the left and through the double
doors to the right of the alarm station. Run up the stairs
and go in the door. Defeat the guard before he pulls the
alarm and then pick up the Siam Qian Shiji Scroll.

Arm yourself and defeat the guard that enters the room. Go
down the stairs and back out the door. Wait by the door and
look for any guards.

Now run quickly down the stairs to your right and through
the double doors beneath it.

Defeat all the guards and run to the door which the cut
scene shows you. (You must turn off the alarms before you
go through a door, if they are on.)

CUT SCENE: Indy listens in on quite an enlightening

5D. The U-Boat Base: Part 1
Objectives: Find a way into the U-Boat pens.

CUT SCENE: Two Nazis demonstrate how to open the gate. Indy
decides that he needs to change into some more
suitable cloths.

Enter the door in front of you and go up the stairs to your
right. Fight the guard and then go through the double doors
in front of the stairs you came up and walk down the hall.
(Be careful to look around corners as you go. You want to
catch the guards by surprise.)

Defeat the guard patrolling the hall and grab his MP40. Now
go up the stairs at the end of the hall and through the
double doors.

CUT SCENE: An officer triggers the alarm. Indy runs for a
nearby turret.

Take control of the turret and defeat all the enemies. Same
warnings as with the last turret, the weak spot is still to
your left.

CUT SCENE: More guards join the fun.

Once you have killed everyone and none are coming out to
fight, go through the gate in the back right of the area.
Break open the boxes in and around the truck.

Climb the ladder in front of the truck and turn around.
Walk down the left path and then jump on to the roof of the
truck. Now from there jump on to the roof of the building
with the open grate.

Climb down through the grate and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The grate by the ladder slides open.

Exit through the door and fight the guard. Now climb the
ladder and drop in through the grate.

5E. The U-Boat Base: Part 2
Objectives: Make your way to the Gondola Station. Locate a
Disguise and Security Papers. Bluff your way
past the Security Checkpoint.
Artifacts: Tablet of Longjian

CUT SCENE: Indy drops into the ventalation system.

Walk to the end of the ventalation system and turn right.
Pick up all the goodies and return to the ladder you

Climb the ladder and walk to the end of that vent.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans around the base.

Drop out of the vent and wait for the guard. When he
returns, surprise him and kill him.

Go through the double doors on your right and down the
stairs. Turn left and go to the dock. Break open the boxes
and then return to the base of the stairs.

Go up the next set of stairs and go through the double
doors. Turn right and run to the lever. Pull it.

CUT SCENE: A crane begins to move.

Go back down the walkway and defeat the guard that comes
through the double doors. Go into the crane room through
the single door and then out the other door.

Run down to the end of the walkway to where the crane
waits. Face it and swing on its post to the other

Jump down on to the U-boat and then across to the alcove
with the boxes. Break open the boxes and collect the
goodies and the Tablet of Longjian.

Now jump into the water and swim to the ladder which is off
to the sub's aft-port (left rear). Go through the doorway
and back up the stairs to the right. Once again swing
across on the crane.

(As always, if you set off an alarm, kill the people that
saw you and go to an alarm station and turn it off.)

Go through the double doors on your right and fight the
guard. Now go through the next set of double doors on your

Enter the room and pick up the Security Papers sitting by
the lockers. Now exit the way you came in and go down the

Go through the double doors and into the locker room on
your right. Go to the open locker and grab the uniform.

CUT SCENE: Indy comments on his new cloths and the camera
shows some Nazis going through a door.

Exit through the double doors on your right and go left
down the walkway and through the doorway.

CUT SCENE: Indy hitches a ride on a motorcycle.


6A. The High Road to Peng Lai
Objectives: Infiltrate the air ducts and make your way to
the Gondola System.
Artifacts: Zhao Mo Ryton

CUT SCENE: Indy and his pet moron pull into the compound.

Go into the room on your left with the glass window. Wait
for the Nazis to leave and then pull the lever and break
open the boxes. (Make sure none of the Nazis are nearby
when you break open boxes they will realize who you are.)

CUT SCENE: Door behind truck opens.

Exit the room and go to the back of the truck. Make sure
none are around and then break open the box and get the

Exit the truck and climb the boxes in the storage area
behind you. Go through the hole in the wall and climb up
through the vent.

Climb down into the vent on your right and break open the
box there. Grab the Zhao Mo Ryton and then climb back out.

Go through the door to your right and then open the closet
door inside and to the right. Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The air duct fan turns off.

Exit the closet and fight the guard. Exit through the door
he came in and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: A crane repositions itself.

Climb up the boxes where the crane is and swing across to
the air duct. You have to whip-swing twice!

Climb up into the duct and roll under the fan. Now proceed
down the ventalation system. You need to roll under the
fans at just the right time.

After you roll under the second fan, you'll slide down a
ramp. At just the right moment jump on to the nearby ledge
and pull yourself up.

Walk down the system a bit until you come to a fan on your
right. Roll under it and walk to the end of that duct. Pick
up the medkit and ammo. Now return to the main duct and
jump across the red gap.

Walk down to the place where the large fan is active and
jump to the opposite wall. As you jump, you should get blow
down the duct. Run into the adjacent duct.

Walk to the end of this duct and hang-drop into the one
below. Walk around the duct to your right and drop down
into the hallway below.

Break open the box and grab the medkit. Exit through the
double doors farthest from where you dropped in.

6B. The Infiltration
Objectives: Get back to the Gondola and head out!
Artifacts: Gui Jian Scroll

CUT SCENE: Indy walks up some stairs, going ever deeper
into the mountain compound.

Walk through the double doors and fight the guards (Don't
let them get to the alarm!) Enter the control room through
the single door to your right and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Somebody shut off the power to the Gondolas.

Break open the boxes and then exit the control room. Climb
down the ladder straight ahead and walk around the platform
to your right.

Go in the large doorway and break open all the boxes. Now
exit the room and turn right. Follow the walkway around and
break open the lone box. Grab the Gui Jian Scroll.

Walk all the way around to the other side of the Gondola
and go through the double doors.

Break open all the boxes and head up the stairs. (I'm maxed
out on medkits. How are you doing?) Break open more boxes
at the top of the stairs and go through the door. Pull the
lever outside the door.

CUT SCENE: A air duct fan ceases turning.

Go all the way up the ramps and across the walkway at the
top. Climb up on the box and jump out to the chain. Swing
onto the plaform and then swing over to the duct with your

Roll under the fan and go to the end of the duct. Swing
over to the platform and then walk down to the other end.

Kill the guard patrolling the walkway and then snipe the
one walking below. Double whip-swing to the next platform
and walk to its end.

Go down the ramps and then through the door. Walk into the
control room and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Brake time!

Run down the ramp behind and to your right. Kill the
officer and keep on running!

Enter the room below. There's a medkit in the those boxes.
Want it? Grab it! Now run through the double doors and
weave your way around the pathways to the other side.

You will encounter two Nazis that give you some major
trouble. Remember that grenade you picked up a while back?
Use it!

Now pull the lever in the center isle and then exit the
power generator area. Go back up the ramps and swing back
across the platforms.

Swing back into the duct and find your way back to the
Gondola room. Swing out of the duct and then jump out to
the chain.

Make your way back down the ramps and through the rooms to
the Gondola. Now run through the Gondola and down the
stairs to your right.

Run for the ladder on your left and climb up. Enter the
brake room and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Gondola's brakes are released.

Exit the room and fight the guard. Now go down the ladder
and fight the next guard. Run for the Gondola and get in!

6C. Terror at 2000 feet
Objectives: Survive long enough to reach the main Gondola
base. (Isn't that just a reassuring objective!)

CUT SCENE: The Luftwaffe has Indy in their sights!

Wait for your Gondola to come up along the one with the
officer at the turret. Jump on to it and shove the officer
overboard. No take control of the turret and kill the other

Scan the skies for the fighters! And shoot them down! Watch
both your health and the Gondola's condition. Try and aim
for their wings and tails. (Oh and try not to pull a
Professor Jones and shoot your own ship.)

CUT SCENE: Indy's Gondola makes it safely into a cave.

6D. The Airbase
Objectives: Make your way into the Gondola Station on the
far side of the base.
Artifacts: Changan Stone

CUT SCENE: Indy's Gondola docks. Indy thinks he needs an
edge. (Are you kiding?! You're Indiana Jones!
Go in guns blazing!)

Run into the alcove on your right and break the boxes. Exit
the alcove and fight the guard. Now run through the Gondola
and kill the guard on the other side.

CUT SCENE: A large door opens and more guards pour in.

Fight the new guards and go through the door they came in.
Fight the guards in this area as well.

CUT SCENE: A light over a lever turns green.

Run to the green lever and pull it. Go through the door
that opens and break open the box. Fight the guards that
come down the stairs and then break open the box in the
alcove by the stairs.

Run up the stairs and break open the box on your left. Now
run down that path to your left and kill the guard. More
guards will continue to take you on. Kill them too.

When all the guards are dead climb up the boxes next to the
generator looking thing. Now jump from atop it to the
nearby building.

Drop down into the room and exit through the door. Fight
the guard and then run through the door straight ahead.

Fight the guards there and then go through the double doors
on your right. Break open the box directly to your right
(as you exit through the door). Pick up the Changan Stone.

Kill the guard on the platform and walk down to the end of
it. Exit through the door on your right.

6E. Ascent to Adventure
Objectives: Call another Gondola to the station. Board the
Gondola and head for the Black Dragon Fortress.

Go through the door in front of you and down the walkway to
your left. Take out the guards and then break open the box.
Open the double doors and use the machine gun to take out
the planes taking off to your lower left.

Climb up on the ledge to the left of the double doors.
Swing across to the other platform and take control of that
turret. Turn it around and kill the flamethrower dude that
comes out the door.

Break open the box nearby and then go through the doors.
Break open the box in the next room and then run into the
lift on the other end of the platform. Pull the lever to

Exit the lift and then take out the Nazis. Break open the
boxes on your right and then run around to the other side
of that level and break open the box.

Now run to the center platform and pull the lever. Take out
the Nazis as you go.

CUT SCENE: A Gondola starts to move toward Indy's location.

Take out any Nazis that threaten you while you wait for the
Gondola and then hitch a ride up the mountain.

CUT SCENE: Indy climbs atop the Gondola and grabs the
machine gun.

Take out any planes which attack. (Hopefully you took them
all out.)

CUT SCENE: The Gondola rises to safety.


7A. The Black Dragon Fortress
Objectives: Find a stealthy way into the Black Dragon
Artifacts: Mask of Cambaluc

Walk around the wall to your left and climb up on to the

CUT SCENE: Camera pans up the Black Dragon Fortress

Walk down the roof to your right and then up onto the next
roof. Now drop down to the roof below. (I hope "roof"
doesn't become the annoying word of the chapter.)

Walk down to the scaffolding on the right side of the roof
and then jump down to the next level of scaffolding. Hang
drop down and fight the guard with the spear.

Walk over the bridge the way he came and go through the
double doors. Climb the ladder to your left and shove the
large box through the hole in the floor.

CUT SCENE: The box crashes through the floor below and into
the basement.

Climb back down the ladder and then drop through the hole
in the floor.

Hang-drop off the ledge and then walk through the hole in
the wall. Now whip-swing on the bamboo to the alcove.

Go through the door on your right and face left. Swing on
the post to the next ledge and then * jump to the ledge on
your right.

Hop up onto the next level of scaffolding and then climb
the vines to the ledge above. Walk around the corner and
swing into the damged wall.

Fight the guards and climb on to the lowest level of
scaffolding and then up on to the next. Walk down a bit to
your right and then turn around. Pull yourself up to the
next level.

Jump over to the scaffolding on your left and then from
there on to the next one. Pull yourself up the next few
levels and then walk past the door to the wall. Swing
through the wall on your left using the post.

Run and jump over to the vines on the wall off to your left
and climb up and over to the scaffolding. Walk around the
scaffolding and in through the hole in the wall.

Open the double doors and pick up the Mask of Cambaluc from
the display in the center of the room. Go back the way you
came and climb down the vines.

At the bottom of the vines drop down to the scaffolding
below. Recognize where you are? Refer to the * above. Once
you swing through the second wall read below.

Walk to the vines on your left and climb up. Take on the
guards and then pick up the Crossbow.

Walk up the stairs to your left and then through the small
door on your left. Fill up at the fountain and then break
open the boxes. Pick up the Canteen, the Throwing Knives,
and the Tiger Strength Poition.

Open the door on your right and fight the guards. (Try out
the Tiger Strength Poition, if you want.) Go down the
stairs in the room where the guards were and then exit
through the doors.

Proceed down the ramp to your left and then down the next
ramp. Fight the guards and continue down the next ramp.

Enter the door on that level and fight the guard. Pull the
lever in that room.

CUT SCENE: Water flows through a waterduct. The camera
shows a room nearby open.

Exit the room and go down the next couple ramps. Turn right
and go through the door on your right. Fight the guards and
break open the boxes on both levels. Pull the lever on the
lower level.

CUT SCENE: The water stops flowing through the duct.

Exit the way you came and go down to the scaffolding on
your left. Walk around it and swing to the duct. Enter the
water ducts.

7B. Call to Battle
Objectives: Make your way to the base of the Pagoda and
begin climbing to the top.
Artifacts: Qi Marble Stela

CUT SCENE: Camera pans down the inner fortress and enters
the water ducts, revealing Indy.

Roll forward through the water and to the left. (Yes, roll.
It's much faster to roll then it is to wade.) Get out of
the water.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to a guard and then to a room full
of boxes.

Fight the guard (and all his friends, if he gets to the
gong). In front of the gond is a pedistal with a glass
case. Break the glass and grab the Qi Marble Stela. Now go
down the stairs and then up the stairs to the right of
where you got out of the water and go to the room with the

Fight the guard and break open all the boxes. Pick up the
Demo Charge and exit the room. Go to the opposite end of
the courtyard and in the room mirrored by the box room,
you'll find a fountain.

After exiting the fountain room, climb the scaffolding to
your right. Jump over to the next bit of scaffolding and
then up to the one on the roof.

Run along the roof to your left and on to the scaffolding
there. Snipe the guard in the head with your cross bow and
climb to where he was.

Swing on the posts to the opposite scaffolding and climb
down. Fight the guard and then climb on to the low
scaffolding. Run and jump up to the high scaffolding on the
corner and pull yourself up.

Walk around on that level and to the damaged wall. Place a
Demo Charge and retreat back around the corner.

Return to the newly made "door" and enter the Pagoda.

7C. The Tower of Storms
Objectives: Ascend to the chamber where Mei Ying is being
held. (How does he know that?)
Artifacts: Yuan Xiang Idol

CUT SCENE: Camera pans around the Pagoda to Indy exited the
a hole in the wall.

Break open the boxes to your left and then exit through the
hole. Take out your whip and swing across on the bamboo
lampposts. Now hug the wall on your right and straff along
to the other part of the scaffolding.

Walk around the corner and swing on the two lampposts to
the rope. Climb the rope and swing over to the next part of
the scaffolding on your right.

Fight the guards. (I had fun grabbing them and throwing
them off the side.) Now climb up to the next level of

Climb up on to the flooring and turn the corner. Fight the
guard and then hop up on to the scaffolding. Shove those
pile of blocks off the lift and ride it up.

If you turn around as you rise up you'll notice some boxes.
After fighting the guards on the top level, step back on to
the lift and drop down to the boxes break them open and
grab the Yuan Xiang Idol.

Now jump out to the green ledges across the way and climb
back to the top of the shaft. Now go to the scaffolding
around the next corner. Jump out to the hanging platform.
As it lowers watch for the next platform to rise, then jump
to it. Now swing to the scaffolding with your whip.

(If you fall, turn around and climb up the blocks back to
the scaffolding and try again.)

Climb up to the flooring and fight the guard. Fight the
guards then fill up at the fountain. Now go through the
door to your left.

7D. The Rescue
Objectives: Defeat the Feng Twins and rescue Mei Ying.

CUT SCENE: Indy watches as the meglomanic ??? speaks of his
plan. (Why do the bad guys always do that?)
Indy then attempts to save Mei Ying, but he is
distacted by some chicks with "nice fans".

Those fans are deadly and projectile weapons are no good
against them. Use your fists and those bladed weapons in
the stands around the room. And take advantage of those
fancy poitions you picked up earlier. Good luck! If you're
quick with the buttons and fast with the blocking, these
girls really aren't that hard to beat.

CUT SCENE: Indy goes to release Mei Ying and falls through
a trap door and into the Temple of Kong Tien.


8A. Descent Into Darkness
Objectives: Survive a deadly descent into the depths of the
Artifacts: Yuyoa Pan

CUT SCENE: Indy plummets through a shaft into the depths of
the mountain.

You begin on a downward sloping ramp. As youy slide watch
ahead of yourself. At just the right moment jump up and
swing with your whip on the lamp above the large hole.

Fill up at the fountain on your left and then weave your
way aound the holes in the floor and then swing on the lamp
above the gap.

Walk around the discolored blocks in front of you and then
slide down the ramp. Avoid the blocks by jumping and
straffing, then jump down to the next ramp.

Always have your whip on the ready. As you slide down the
third ramp you'll see a boarded-up wall. Whip-swing on the
lamp and break through the boards.

Break open the box inside and grab the Yuyoa Pan. Now jump
back out to your ride down the ramps. At the end of the
fifth ramp you can swing on the lamp to a fountain. Fill up
there, you're going to need it.

Continue your journey downwards, avoiding the plumes of
fire and blocks as you go.

8B. The Catacombs
Objectives: Explore the Temple of Kong Tien. Solve the I
Ching puzzle and unlock its secrets.
Artifacts: Liaonong Mianjin

CUT SCENE: Indy slides into a cavern. We see a yellow light
hover ahead and then turns into a hunched-
over zombie.

Fight the zombie using any means necessary. I recommend
charging him and beating him with hand-to-hand.

CUT SCENE: Spirit leaves zombie and goes into the hallway.
It takes form into another zombie and charges
Indy. It leaves a sword in the alcove in the

Before the zombie can start moving or fighting, pummle it.

CUT SCENE: Spirit enters the chamber under the stairs and
leaves a spear behind.

Grab the spear and climb up the blocks on the right of the
chamber. Pull yourself up on to the ledge and then wnter
the hallway.

CUT SCENE: Spirit manifests itself again.

Defeat the zombie and then defeat the next manifestation.
Climb into the second alcove on the right and pick up the
Tiger Strength Poition.

Now go to the first alcove on the left and grab the sword
then fill up at the fountain. Pull the lever to your left
and go through the door.

CUT SCENE: A zombie crawls on the ceiling towards Indy.

Fight the four zombies and then return to the fountain if
you must. When you're ready go to the end of the hall in
which you fought the multiple zombies and open the door.

Go through the door and fight the next few zombies. Now
fill up at the fountain to the left of the door.

Enter the main chamber and walk to the gong on your right.
Pick up the mallet and use it on the gong. At the very end
of your slide jump out and grab the ledge. Pull yourself up
and go to the blue torch on your left.

Grab the torch and then light the brazier directly behind
you on the other wall.

The door should open and you can go through.

CUT SCENE: Indy approaches a strange table and reads the
writing on it.

Go through the door on your left and then through the next.
Fight the zombies with your torch and then crawl up into
the chamber on the right which one of the zombies came out
of. Pick up the Liaonong Mianjin.

Exit the "spawn chamber" and go up the ramp to your left.
Fill up at the fountain and then climb the ramp to your

Light both braziers in the room.

CUT SCENES: Symbols on the table light up. An a door opens

Exit through the door and climb the ramps. Avoid the red
tiles. Open the door and go through it. Fight the zombies
and light the brazier to the right of the door you came

Walk across to the opposite wall and light another brazier.
Fight the zombies and then fill up at the fountain.

Make your way back to the table fighting zombies and
filling up at fountains as you go.

8C. The Dragon's Claw
Objectives: Complete the I Ching puzzle. Recover the Pa
Cheng and enter into the Temple of Kong Tien.
Artifacts: Henan Bei, Pa Cheng

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the I Ching chamber and sees a
door open nearby.

Go through the newly opened door on your left. Walk to the
end of the hall and across the bridge. If you still have
your torch out you'll notice the tiles beneath you glowing

Light both braziers on the other side and then face the
bridge. You will now see one tile glowing blue and the next
glowing red.

Here's the solution for crossing the bridge.

There are 11 tiles. I will mark them as follows:

X - where Indy begins Y - to I Ching chamber

X [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Y

Stand on tile 1. Jump to tile 3. Jump to 5. Jump to 7. Jump
back to 5. Jump to 3. Walk to 2. Walk back to 3. Jump to 5.
Walk to 6. Walk back to 4. Walk to 7. Jump to 9. Walk to 8.

CUT SCENE: Spawn chamber explodes.

Walk to ten and then walk out! Enter the I Ching chamber.

CUT SCENE: Door on your left opens.

Walk through the newly opened door and down the hall.

At the end of the hall you'll notice a great chasm. Take
out your torch (I hope you still have it out anyway.) It
will illuminate a red path in front of you. Follow the path
to the other side.

Light the two braziers. The I Ching is ready to be
completed! Return to the edge of the chasm. You will notice
the hidden path now rising and falling. Wait for it to come
to your level then jump on. This part gets tough.

Go from section to section until you reach the other side.
This is how I did it.

Climb on to the second section as soon as it meets
perfectly with the first. Then when the second meets with
the third climb on to it.

Walk to the end of the third and climb on to the fourth as
it passes. Walk on to the fifth when it joins itself with
the fourth.

Do the same for the sixth and seventh. Then jump to the
hall. Walk back to the I Ching chamber.

Walk to the table and activate it.

Shift the rings until they match the image on the floor.
(Use X to switch to the view with the floor.)

CUT SCENE: The Pa Cheng lowers from a white cloud.

Grab the Pa Cheng and make for the open door. Open the next
door in that hall and fight the zombies and the spirits
with the Pa Cheng.

Go up the ramp and fill up your canteen at the fountain.
Now go up through the room and then up the next ramp. Watch
out for those tiles! Use your torch if you can't see them!

Go through the door and fight the zombies. Now enter the
main chamber and retreave the Henan Bei from the spawn
chamber on the left.

Now exit the chamber and go through the large doors on your
left. Fight the zombies and their spirits inside. Once you
defeat all the zombies and spirits you can crawl through
the cave in the last spawn chamber on the right.

8D. The Shadow of Kong Tien
Objectives: Destory the 3 Dragon Orbs to free Mei Ying from
the demon's control.
Artifacts: The Mirror of Dreams

CUT SCENE: Indy sneaks forward and witnesses a dark ritual.
You gotta watch it for yourself.
little hard to explain.

Fight the spirits as they attack. When the fields around
the orbs fall, throw the Pa Cheng and destroy them one by
one until you free Mei Ying.

CUT SCENE: Love scene and the escape!


CUT SCENE: Wu Han pulls Mei Ying and Indy aboard. They all share
a conversation about their plans. They sail to Sian.

9A. Tomb of the First Emperor
Objectives: Survive the deadly trials of the outer sanctum.
Open a passage into the heart of the tomb.
Artifacts: Shang Statuette

CUT SCENE: Indy opens the Emperor's Tomb. He and Mei Ying
drop in. They blab about the tomb and then Indy
gets startled by a snake.

Walk down the hall until you reach the golden pillar. Spin
the pillar.

CUT SCENE: Indy opens a door and decends into a pit.

Watch for the spikes. Where the spikes come out is where a
wall will soon smash. Stay out of their way.

Watch the wall. When the spikes appear, get ready to climb
on to that block/wall/thing. Make your way to the top by
climbing from smashing block to smashing block as they

Go back down the hall and through the door which you

CUT SCENE: Goodness. Gracious. Great balls of fire!

Time it just right and jump out and swing on the beam when
the flames are off. Now face left and double swing to the
next passage. Swing to the golden door and pull the lever
on your right.

Go through the golden door. What purpose did all that
serve? Oh down the hall and go through the door
on your right.

CUT SCENE: Skeleton and orbs. Hmmm...

Through a skull then run through as the orbs recharge.
Throw another skull and then jump to your right over the
hole. (I will assume you will know to throw skulls from now
on so I'll just give directions. FYI, the Pa Cheng doubles
as a "skull" with a plus: it comes back to you.)

Hang drop down then ledge in front of you and grab the
Shang Statuette. Now jump to the small ledge behind you and
climb out of the chasm.

Jump the next chasm and then turn right and run along the
right side of the hole and climb up to the fountain. Now
jump across the way to the lever. (Yes. Throw a skull

When you're ready jump over the chasm towards the door.
Jump jump over the last hole and go through the door. Exit
the section through the main door on your left.

9B. The Path of Unseen Peril
Objectives: Survive the Trial of the Unseen. Protect Mei
Artifacts: Qin Lawbook

Walk down the stairs on either side of you and fight the
Black Dragons.

CUT SCENE: Spirits manifest themselves. One turns into a
zombie, the other stays a spirit.

Fight and defeat the spirit and the zombie, while
protecting Mei Ying.

CUT SCENE: Indy and Mei Ying run into the next chamber.

Go back out through the door you came in duriing the cut
scene and fill up at the fountain. Now go back to where Mei
Ying is and take out the Mirror of Dreams.

Walk forward slowly. You will see the invisible wall. Run
between it at just the right moment and jump out before you
get smashed.

Now watch the patern of the spikes and hop over them at the
right times. Now there are two invisible walls. When the
first starts to open, run to the second. When the second
opens, run through.

Drop down to the illuminated ledge in the shaft ahead. Then
jump across to the next closet ledge. Drop down to the next
and then Pull yourself up on top of the real wall. (This is
not the way the game intended you to beat this, but it

Walk on the edge of the nearby "gold" wall and then jump
from it either onto or over the next gold wall. One way
or another, make your way up the gold stairs.

At the top of the stairs pull yourself up to where the
lever is and pull it.

CUT SCENE: The traps are turned off and Mei Ying joins you.

Go back to the fountain and fill up if you need to and then
return to the door and go through it.

While Mei Ying occupies the Black Dragons for a bit, hop up
onto the ledge on your right and go into the alcove. Turn
left and pick up the Qin Lawbook for the pedistal. Now
would be a good time to go help Mei Ying. Pick up the Tiger
Strength Poition before you exit to your right.

CUT SCENE: Can't go through the door, so we'll do it the
hard way.

Use the Tiger Strength Poition and fight more Black Dragons
and a couple spirits.

CUT SCENE: Indy and Mei Ying go through the door. Indy
falls through a trap door.

9C. The Bells of the Dead
Objectives: Find a way into the Terracotta Maze. Solve the
Riddle of the Spirit Bells.
Artifacts: Jade Luibo Board

CUT SCENE: Indy lands his fall and exits the shaft.

Fight the zombies and their spirits and then go through the
door. Go down the stairs and through the next door. Cross
the bridge.

CUT SCENE: Terracotta guards are possessed by spirits.

Go through the double doors and take out the Mirror. Climb
the gold ladder (on either side of you). At the top grab
the Jade Luibo Board. Now climb back down.

Go through the next door and walk to the center of the

CUT SCENE: The bells above the bridge make three tones and
then the camera pans to the bells on your

Take out the Mirror and cross the chasm on the golden
bridge to the bells on the right.

Walk up to the bells and activate them with Y. Now play the
tones as they were played for you. Solution below.


Play them in this order: 1,3,5

Take out your Mirror and walk to the next set of bells.

Play 2,4,5,1

To the next and play 2,4,3,5,1

Go to the last set of bells and play 3,2,1,5,4

CUT SCENE: Door opens.

Walk to the open door and go through.

9D. Von Beck's Revenge
Objectives: Survive Von Beck's Wrath. Locate a portal into
the Underworld.

CUT SCENE: A hall with terracotta statues and beams.

Jump out over the chasm and whip swing across.

CUT SCENE: Von Beck has returned and this time his brought
something which can really cause some damage.

Run forard away from Von Beck. Jumping and swinging where
you need to. Good luck! There's not much I can do here.
It's all up to your gained skill throughout the game.
Here's a couple hints though:

- Don't always try to center your self when you swing.
You'll swing no matter what. Don't worry.
- Keep on running. No matter if you're swinging or jumping
always have Indy throttle pushed (hehe).
- The music and sounds are designed to get your blood
pumping. Mute them if you have to in order to concetrate on
the task.
- That arm doesn't really serve much purpose other than to
obstruct your view. Just ignore it.
- If you don't jump off of your swings you won't swing as
far, therefore you won't risk falling into oncoming chasms.
- This part gets very frustrating and should have not been
put in the game for many reasons. If you need to, take a
break from it. Believe me, its not you. Every Indy game has
at least one corny puzzle/fight.

At the end of the chase you will come to a ramp. Slide down
it and swing across on the beam at the end. Now turn around
and wave goodbye to Herr Von Beck.

Walk through the door and to your left. Go through the next
door and navigate your way on the left to the portal.

CUT SCENE: Indy runs into the portal!


10A. The Pillars of the Underworld
Objectives: Cross the Wall of Dreams to reach the Emperor's
Artifacts: Goa Burial Mask, Halberd Plate

CUT SCENE: Camera pans over the Underworld stopping on Indy
at the portal.

Walk forward along the path and then turn left to face the
terracotta guards.

CUT SCENE: A blue spirit manifests itself behind the guards
and an electrical burst eminates nearby.

Fight the guards and destroy the spirits. The blue one
spawns yellow ones and a painful burst of energy. Kill it
as soon as you can. (I recommend using the Pa Cheng on any

CUT SCENE: The field around the golden pillars disappears.

Go to the pillars. Spin them from right to left and quickly
jump across and swing across them.

CUT SCENE: Another blue spirit manifests itself and locks
the next set of pillars in an energy field.

Defeat all enemies same as before and then go to the next
set of pillars.


Quickly spin them in this order: 2, 4, 3, 1. Now run and
swing across them as quickly as you can.

CUT SCENE: Another blue spirit manifests and releases some
yellow spirits into some terracotta guards.

Same thing all over again for this next section of wall.

CUT SCENE: Blue doesn't get the clue!

Spin the right and then the left pillar. Jump to the first
floating ledge and then swing to the second. Now Run and
jump to the next section of the Wall.

CUT SCENE: Another blue dude and some more clay pigeons.

Take out the enemies and then face away from the next
pillars. See the series of hanging lanterns?

As you face the lanterns look down to the ledge on the side
of the wall to your right. Hop down to it and walk around
on it. Pick up the Halberd Plate. Now go back to the

Swing across them and fight the enemies. Now pick up the
Goa Burial Mask lying with the skeleton. (I just grabbed
the Mask and ran!)

Swing back across the lanterns and go to the five pillars.

Spin 3, 5, 4, 1, 2

CUT SCENE: Indy swings to safety and runs into the
Emperor's Cyrpt.

10B. The Heart of the Dragon
Objectives: Recover the Heart of the Dragon. Escape with
the treasure and your life.
Artifacts: Shi Huangoi Cong Tablet, Heart of the Dragon

CUT SCENE: Camera zooms out from a terracotta guard and we
see Indy enter the room.

Proceed forward and down the stairs ahead. Walk through the
doors and take out the Mirror. (This next part is extremely
annoying. Yes. Even more corny than the tank run.)

Stand on the green circle in front of you. Now, as the
circle moves, quickly run to it. Do this until you reach
the other side of this cooridoor.

Walk up the stairs and run to the fountain on your left.
FINALLY! Now run to the opposite side of the room and pick
up the Shi Huangoi Cong from the table.

Now go up the stairs to your left.

CUT SCENE: Indy takes the Heart of the Dragon from the
corpse of the Emperor and awakens an immensely
dark and dangerous power.

Fight the guards.

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying and Indy embrace then run like hell!

10C. Rise of the Black Emperor
Objectives: Charge the Pa Cheng with mystical energy to
penetrate Kai's shield. Defeat Marshall Kai and
escape from the Tomb of the First Emperor. Take
the Heart of the Dragon away from Kai.
Artifacts: Heart of the Dragon (Have to get it back.)

CUT SCENE: Kai rises from below and captures Mei Ying in an
energy field. A Dragon rises from the depths.

There are portals around the outer edge of the area. If you
run to the alcoves that have the sphere floating above
their portals, you will charge your Pa Cheng with mystical

Once charged, go to Kai and throw the Pa Cheng. Continue
doing this until...

CUT SCENE: The energy around Mei Ying disappates and Kai
gets pissed.

Throw the Pa Cheng a couple more times and you will defeat
him. Good Luck!

CUT SCENE: Kai is defeated and the souls of the Emperor
take their revenge. Indy and Mei Ying flee.

EPILOGUE: Back in the Golden Lotus, Indy, Mei Ying, and Wu Han
celebrate. As Indy and Mei Ying go to leave Wu Han tries to remind Indy
that he was supposed to meet with Lao Che and discuss a job to recover
the remains of Nurhachi. He ignores the reminder and leaves with Mei

You've beaten Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb and found all its artifacts
and secrets!

You should now have the "Gallery" and "Credits" selections available to
you when you load your game. Congrats! Enjoy browsing through memories
of your adventures!


- Why do you call yourself Indy?
- Why do you release the walkthrough chapter by chapter?
- Why won't you answer my emails when I'm stuck?!
- Why were you so excited about the whole Alchemy thing?
- How do I swing on a chain or a rope like I do on the whip?
- Is there an easier way to take out aquatic animals?
- I've got my game set on hard, but the icons still show up on the
screen. Why is that and what should I do?
- How did you manage to find all those artifacts so fast? Did you use
the Offical Walkthrough?


A. It's a nickname I picked up when I was about 11 or 12 years old. My real
name, as you can see in the Copyright, is Thomas F. Hart II. A few people called
me Junior and I HATED it!

Well, a friend of mine had just seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. He was
thrilled to see that Indy shared my hatred of Junior. I myself had never seen
Indiana Jones, but he found me and Indy to have many striking similarities.

Anyway, to make a long story shorter, he called me Indy as a way of calling me
Junior without saying it. The name was annoying at first and then I saw Indiana
Jones. The rest is just history. (Pun defineltly intended!)


A. Number 1, I do it because I want my walkthrough out there as quickly as
possible. Number 2, it's to your advantage. If the walkthrough comes out in
chapters, you have less time to wait if you get stuck somewhere. And finally, it
adds to the suspense of what lies ahead for Indy.


A. Visit the forums at for assistance when you get
stuck. I oversee the Gaming Help Section and that's where I will answer
your cries for help.


A. I'm an Alchemist, well the philisophical and spiritual kind any way. Alchemy
teaches us to turn the lead of Self into the Gold of Spirit. It teaches, rather
it guides, you on the Path to self-improvement and understanding. Want to learn
what real Alchemy is, not just assume the stereotype that we turn metals into
gold? Check out Say hello to Dennis for me if you want.


A. When you are hanging from a chain or rope, you can use Indy's body
weight to swing him back and forth. To do this use the controls which
normally control his walking. Once you get your momentum going, jump
off (in the right direction of course).


A. Definetly! This trick is courtesy of some gamers named Karin and Bear. They
recommend that you...
"Just throw in a grenade, they swim toward the splash, and
Kaboom.....belly up they go.....and therefore you can then swim around
anywhere you want without having to watch out for them."


A. I'm not sure why they still show up. When I played it on hard I
didn't think twice about them. I recommend you just ignore them and
keep on playing. I do know, however, that on hard only SOME of the
icons show up. The essential ones are still there.


A. Nope. I guess it just made sense where they would be. In most cases they were
either very near the beginning or the end of a section. I just checked to see
what sections they were in and then explored EVERYWHERE until I found them.

The one in Istanbul that is incorrectly in the second section (really in the
third) I happened across by chance. I was fighting the Nazi in that area and he
knocked me through that wall (clipping error) and I realized there was a secret
room there. Fancy that! :-)

All the other artifacts were just talent. I guess I'm just a tomb raider at
heart. :-P


VIII. Legal Notice

This document is Copyright © 2003 of Thomas F. Hart II (Indy) via the
United States Library of Congress.

It is not to be sold or used for profit in any way without consent of
the author. Any person or corporation found to be in violation of this
agreement, will be prosecuted for copyright infrignment and theft of
personal property.

If you would like to post, publish, sell, or reproduce this document,
please contact Indy using the contact information available herein.
Thank you.

IX. Contact Info
* -------- *
* What I mean by this, is that I do not wish to have my inbox full of *
* messages asking how to get through a certain part of a chapter. *
* *
* Instead visit the forums in the Indiana Jones Information Center *
* (IJIC) at and ask for my assistance in the *
* Gaming Help section. *

Feel free to contact me with any errors you find in this document or cheats you
discover in the game. I can not promise that I will answer
all inquiries and or comments.

To contact the author, please write to INDY@T2ADVENTURE.COM


X. Credits

First, I would like to thank my girlfriend Laura for giving me the
wonderful gift of this game. Without her there would be no walkthrough
from me because I probably would not have purchased the game in time to
be the first to make one.

I would also like to thank George Lucas, Harrison Ford, and all the people of
Lucas Films for bringing so much excitement and adventure into the world through
the Indiana Jones saga.

Special Thanks to:
> Marcel of The Indiana Jones Information Center (IJIC) for posting my
walkthrough and for providing me with a forum to offer assistance through.

> Aaron and Greg of for posting my walkthrough
and for their help and friendship when I would get frustrated with
writing the walkthrough.

> RiverTrek - for his suggestions in the IJIC Forums

> GameCube - for his hints found on IJIC

> Karin and Bear - for their kind words and helpful hints throughout
the creation of the walkthrough.

> All you readers and Indy fans - without you the Indiana Jones legacy
could not live on. Thank you for your support and your encouragement.
It has been an honor serving you.