Iron Sky: Invasion чит-файл №1

All decked out - Purchase all upgrades for the Dundee bomber.

Canadian handshake - Acquire the Canadarm heavy bomber.

Chooser of the slain - Destroy 300 Walkyr ships.

Close encounters - Destroy 50 Alberich ships.

Destroyer destroyer - Destroy 10 Hunding ships.

Fly me to the moon - Safely escort Renate to the moon.

For king and country - Acquire the Spitfire frigate.

Gold digger - Destroy 100 Rheingold ships.

Hoarder - Collect 500 salvage.

It's the size of Texas, Lady President. - Detonate the berasteroid.

Ke ke ke - Acquire the Xerg light fighter.

Master blaster - Destroy all drones in the Shooting Range in less than 30

New moon - Destroy the Gtterdmmerung.

Nuke it from orbit - Repel the meteorblitzkrieg.

Outsourced - Complete all Indian side missions.

Quantity AND quality - Purchase all upgrades for the Korean light fighter.

Satellite chaser - Complete the tutorial part of the game.

Scrapper - Collect 100 salvage.

The Armorer - Destroy the Walther capital warship.

The Aviator - Destroy the Herrmann capital warship.

The Bard - Destroy the Tannh user capital warship.

The Baron - Destroy the Wolfram capital warship.

The emperor protects - Acquire the Banzai heavy fighter.

The fall of the king - Destroy 20 Hanebu IV ships.

The Knight - Destroy the Biterolf capital warship.

The line is broken - Destroy 20 Wotan ships.

The Mystic - Destroy the Heinrich capital warship.

The Russian reversal - Complete all Russian side missions.

Tug of war - Destroy 10 Brunnhilde ships.

Yes she can - Complete all US President missions.