King's Quest 2: Romancing the Throne чит-файл №2

The guide

Go east - north - west - north - "get trident" - north - north - "get
shell" - "get bracelet" - east - "get stake" - east - south - south -
"look in log" - "get necklace" - south - south - west - wait for red
riding hood (if she doesn't show up, leave this area, and then return) -
"talk girl" - east - "open mailbox" - "get goodies" - west - wait for
girl - "give goodies to girl" - north - east - east - "open door" - go
down the ladder - east - (There could be a troll here. If there is,
quickly go to the west, and then re-enter) - "get pot" - "open chest" -
"get earrings" - west - go up the ladder, and exit the house - south -
west - "open door" (There could be a wolf here. If there is, quickly
exit the house, and then re-enter) - "give soup to woman" - "look under
bed" - exit the cottage - east - north - east - north - walk behind the
rock, and "look in hole" - "get mallet" - south - south - east - "open
door" - "pray" - the monk will ask you your name - "Graham" - exit the
monastery - south - walk around the grass until you get close to the
rock with the hole - "look in hole" - "get brooch" - north - north -
walk across the bridge, and go east - north - "read door"

South - west - cross the bridge, and go west - west - west - west -
south - south - west - south - go in the water and type "swim" - "talk
mermaid" - "give flowers to mermaid" - "ride seahorse" - "give trident
to king" - "get key" - east - east - north - north - east - east - east
- north - cross the bridge, and go east - north - "unlock door" - "read

South - west - cross the bridge, and go west - west - west - west -
enter the cave (Hagatha the witch could be in here. If she is, just
leave the cave and then re-enter) - "get cloth" - "put cloth over cage"
- "get cage" - exit cave - east - east - east - east - south - south -
east - south - west - "open door" - "give bird to woman" - "rub lamp" -
"ride carpet" - east - "rub lamp" - "rub lamp" - "put bridle on snake" -
"talk horse" - east - east - "get key" - west - "ride carpet" - north -
east - north - west - north - cross the bridge, and go east - north -
unlock door - south - west - cross bridge, and go west - west - north -
north - "wear ring" - "wear cloak" - "get in boat" - "get out of boat" -
"eat sugar" - "open door" - the next door has some ghosts guarding it,
but they will leave if you are wearing the ring and the cloak - "open
door" - west - climb up the spiral stairs - "open drawer" - "get candle"
- go down the stairs, but stop when you reach the torch on the wall -
"light candle" - continue down the the bottom of the stairs, and go east
- east - "get meat" - east - east - enter the doorway - keep entering
this room until the coffin is closed - "open coffin" - "kill dracula" -
"get silver key" - "get cushion" - "get gold key" - east - up - up -
north - up - "unlock chest" - "open chest" = "get tiara" - down -
continue down the steps, and go south - west - south - south - "get in
boat" - east - south - south - east - cross the bridge, and go east -
north - "unlock door"

North - "get net" - south - south - "fish" (Fish until you catch a big
golden fish) - "get fish" - "throw fish" - "ride fish" - north - north -
east - "get amulet" - south - "open door" - up - up - up - "give meat to
lion" - "open door" - "home"

And you've completed the game! Hopefully with 185/185 points!


IV. Point listings

So, maybe you've completed the entire game, but you STILL can't find
those last few points. Well, I've written a point listing to make things
a bit easier. This point listing shows you how to get all the points in
the game, but it doesn't tell you every single detail. For all the
little details, read the guide. Onward to the point listing!

Get the trident = 3 points
Get the bracelet = 7 points
Get the stake = 2 points
Get the necklace = 7 points
Open the mailbox = 1 point
Get the goodies = 2 points
Give the goodies to little red riding hood = 4 points
Get the soup = 2 points
Get the earrings = 7 points
Give the soup to the old woman = 2 points
Look under the bed = 4 points
Get the mallet = 2 points
Pray at the monastery = 2 points
Say "Graham" when the monk asks your name = 2 points
Look in the hole in the rock = 1 point
Get the brooch = 7 points
Walk across bridge seven times = 7 points
Give the flowers to the mermaid = 2 points
Ride the seahorse = 2 points
Give the trident to King Neptune = 4 points
Get the 1st gold key = 5 points
Unlock the 1st door using the 1st gold key = 7 points
Get the cloth from the bottle = 2 points
Put the cloth over the cage = 2 points
Get the cage = 2 points
Give the bird to the woman = 6 points
Rub the lamp three times = 6 points
Ride the carpet = 4 points
Put the bridle on the snake = 5 points
Talk to the horse = 2 points
Get the 2nd gold key = 5 points
Unlock the 2nd door using the 2nd gold key = 7 points
Wear the ring and the cloak = 3 points
Eat the sugar cube = 1 point
Get the candle = 2 points
Light the candle on the torch = 1 point
Get the meat = 2 points
Kill dracula = 7 points
Get the silver key = 2 points
Get the 3rd gold key = 5 points
Unlock the chest = 1 point
Get tiara = 7 points
Unlock the 3rd door using the 3rd golden key = 7 points
Get the net = 1 point
Catch the golden fish = 2 points
Throw the fish back into the water = 3 points
Ride the fish = 1 point
Get the amulet = 3 points
Give the meat to the lion = 4 points
Open the door = 5 points
Say "home" = 3 points

Total points = 185/185

V. Cheats

1. Hold Alt + D to enter a special mode. Now type "get object", followed
by a number to get any object in the game.

2. Hold Alt + D to enter a special mode. Now type "tp", followed by a
number to get to any room in the game.

3. Hold Alt + D to enter the special mode. Now type "position". Type an
X coordinate, and a Y coordinate, and you can end up in some really
weird places!