Knights of Honor. Рыцари чести чит-файл №3

Press [Enter] during game play, then type one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function. Press [Enter] again to resume:

Code Result

bskinti - 1,000 deity, 1,000 books and 100,000 money
bsdestroyer - Toggle increased structure damage
bsnofog - Toggle fog of war
bsrai - Toggle no money mode
bsnoai - AI off for all kingdoms
bsai - AI on for all kingdoms, including yours
bsswitch - Change sides to selected nation
showspies - Show spies on the knight bar
bs007f - Toggle spies always fail mode
bs007I - Toggle instant spy action
bs007s - Toggle spies always succeed
bstashak - Toggle Maitap mode
bsnorebels - Toggle no rebels mode
bsadvantages - Toggle all advantages
bscommander - Toggle command enemy units