Kult чит-файл №1

The twins
Object needed: Goblet
Go to the source on the lefthand side. Inspectfountain and press the eye.
Fill the goblet and go back to the room called the twins. Open the lefthand
serpent and empty the goblet in it. Get the die. Then open righthand serpent.
Throw the die and note the number. Put the die in the open serpent and go to
the room facing you. The hands are in dice formation. Pull up the hands until
they resemble the formation you threw earlier. Then push the serpents head on
the wall. The sliding partition should open; note down the shape wich it
covered. Go back to the fountain room and inspect each cube. Lift the cube
which resembles the one you found earlier.

In the scorpions presence
Object needed: Fly
Pray to the statue then enter room called 'The web'. Look at the Web on the
floor and crawl on it. Give the mistress the fly; show attention but don't go
to far. Feed the fly to the blue spider and get the red one. Leave the room,
and put the red spider into the statue's mouth. Don't listen to the man who
pops out pass through the trapdoor.
The Wall
Object needed: Dagger or use Psi-shift
First choose the third zone, then the second zone. Go through either door left
or right and inspect step. Then take a look at the slot on the sculpted
warrior and climb onto step. Either put your dagger into the slot, or use
psi-shift. You will be spun around by the wall. There are now 2 seperate gaps
in the wall. Move to the black passage. Stick your hand in the gap on the
floor. Return the way you came.

De Profundis
Object needed: rope
First wait. Then bind your rope onto hook. When the monster appears jump on
him. Wait a few minutes.

The Noose
Object needed: none
Do not as the Poormouth says. Use either Lantarn or Solareyes. Grab hold of
lefthandrope and climb up. Push the lever, remove the noose-rope and he will
fall. Take the lefthand piece of rope. Inspect the hollow on the platform.
Then leave to the masters orbit. Then give all five skulls to the Protozorg
underneath the trader. He will announce that you are a divo! Go to the
concourse outside the ring. And show the egg if you are asked any questions.
In the concourse ignore the guard and use all violence on the upper righthand
guard. Then enter upperrighthand passage. Go left. Inspect the toad's head and
poke its eye. Use the Lantern (or solareyes). Inspect the lever and the
trapdoor. Use psishift on lever and go through the trapdoor. Meet Norma Jean
and Ash. You must do as Norma Jean says don't move! Tell her the truth. Talk
to both of them and use zoomscan. Lift your block on the floor and get both
objects, the beam and the flask. Unwrap the bandages on the mummy, go to the
left and keep going forward. By going through the trapdoor you will enter the
Treshhold of truth. Kill the priestess and put the egg in the openen mouth.
Next off, take a look at the lantern. Read the book, then use your psishift on
the statuette to retrieve it on the lefthandside, near the ceiling.

Leave and go to the refectory, then to Sauras Repose. Put the statuette you
found into the niche the go to the Presence of God,and then to Placating
the Powers. Kill the first priestess, then make use of Psishift on Saura's
mark, aiming it at her dagger. Use Brainwarp on the character, Sci-fi, then
give her the flask to drink. Go to Sauras Repose, putting the monkey into
the small tunnel. Enter the presence of God and wait. Go into the passage
and wait. Use aggro on the god, Zorg, and then use brainwarp on Pratozim, who
is holding sci-fi hostage. Use Psi-shift on the trapdoor, and finaly throw
the knife or dagger to Pratozim!!