Labyrinth of Crete чит-файл №1

After the game introduction, you'll find yourself in the God Directory, which
consists of five gods (Poseidon, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes and Hades) flanked by
the Minotaur door (blocked Labyrinth exit) at left and the Eagle door (Maze of
Madness) at right. When solving the four challenges offered by each of the gods,
be sure to note the monster and especially the zodiac symbol associated with
each god:

Temple First Second Third Fourth Monster Zodiac
Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge

Poseidon Patchwork Scramble Tracer Arcade Scylla Pisces
Ares Patchwork Block Word Maze Tracer Chimera Cancer
Hephaestus Patchwork Word Maze Scramble Block Cyclops Taurus
Hermes Patchwork Arcade Block Tracer Giant Capricorn
Hades Patchwork Scramble Arcade Word Maze Cerberus Scorpio
After each set of four puzzles is solved, the corresponding door in the God
Directory is closed and the god's zodiac symbol is highlighted in the doorway to
the Palace of the Sun, shown by clicking on the moon symbol on the ceiling of
the God Directory. After all 20 god puzzles have been completed, click on the
ceiling moon symbol to play Tile Game 1. When you've won the game, a zodiac
wheel is shown. Clicking on the center of the wheel causes zodiac symbols to be
highlighted in a particular order. Make a note of the order of symbols and use
it to solve the Maze of Madness.

After you've traversed the Maze of Madness, you'll obtain the Ares zodiac sign
and will find yourself in the Goddess Directory. This room contains doorways for
five goddesses (Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Demeter and Eos) flanked by the
Peacock door (Minotaur's Armory) at left and the Minotaur door (blocked
Labyrinth exit) at right. When solving the four challenges offered by each of
the goddesses, be sure to note the monster and especially the zodiac symbol
associated with each goddess:

Temple First Second Third Fourth Monster Zodiac
Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge

Athena Patchwork Scramble Tracer Block Medusa Libra
Aphrodite Patchwork Block Word Maze Arcade Harpy Gemini
Artemis Patchwork Tracer Arcade Scramble Sphinx Sagittarius
Demeter Patchwork Word Maze Block Scramble Gryphon Aquarius
Eos Patchwork Arcade Tracer Word Maze Furies Virgo
After each set of four puzzles is solved, the corresponding door in the Goddess
Directory is closed and the goddess's zodiac symbol is highlighted in the
doorway to the Palace of the Sun, shown by clicking on the sun symbol on the
ceiling of the Goddess Directory. After all 20 goddess puzzles have been
completed, click on the ceiling sun symbol to play Tile Game 2. When you've won
the game, a zodiac wheel is shown. Clicking on the center of the wheel causes
zodiac symbols to be highlighted in a particular order. Make a note of the order
of symbols and use it to solve the Minotaur's Armory.

After you've solved the puzzle of the Minotaur's Armory and the subsequent Tile
Game 3, your final challenge will be the Minotaur's Lair.


Here the difficulty level affects the blurriness of the monochrome background
used as a guide in positioning the pieces, as well as the number of pieces that
have to be placed to complete the image. Also, the higher levels of difficulty
require pieces in more than one column (row) to be placed before a preceding
column (row) has been completed.


The difficulty level controls how many pieces into which the hidden zodiac
symbol is scrambled, as well as the number of hotspots that can be pressed to
swap two pieces.

The solution can be determined by the SCRAMBLE program (22 KB) once preliminary
puzzle information is obtained. This information includes pairs of zodiac symbol
piece positions that are swapped by each hotspot and the index of the
properly-arranged zodiac piece occupying each position. Swapping can be checked
for each hotspot, then undone with the Undo menu feature. Click on the scrambled
zodiac symbol to show it properly arranged.

Sample output from the SCRAMBLE program:

Enter the number of pieces in the scrambled zodiac symbol (6-20): 6

Enter the number of hotspots controlling swapping (5-9): 5

Number the positions of the zodiac pieces from 1 to 6.
Enter indices for the two positions swapped by hotspot #1: 3,6
Enter indices for the two positions swapped by hotspot #2: 2,4
Enter indices for the two positions swapped by hotspot #3: 1,5
Enter indices for the two positions swapped by hotspot #4: 3,5
Enter indices for the two positions swapped by hotspot #5: 2,6

Number the properly-arranged zodiac pieces from 1 to 6.
Enter the index of the piece occupying position 1: 5
Enter the index of the piece occupying position 2: 4
Enter the index of the piece occupying position 3: 6
Enter the index of the piece occupying position 4: 1
Enter the index of the piece occupying position 5: 3
Enter the index of the piece occupying position 6: 2

The zodiac symbol can be rearranged by pressing the 5 hotspots in this
2 5 1 4 3


To solve the tracer type of puzzle, you must select a path of letters that will
spell out a sentence containing the specified word lengths. At the Beginner
level, the sentence uses up all the displayed letters, but the Advanced level
includes unused letters and the Expert level also leaves the choice of the
initial letter up to you. Especially at the Beginner and Advanced levels, it's
sometimes helpful to visualize the location of words in the later portions of
the sentence. This can often be easier after some letters have been identified
or if short words are present. Also, it may help to keep in mind the name of the
god or goddess associated with the puzzle, as well as the corresponding zodiac
sign, often found at the end of a sentence. The statements made in the sentences
are like Greek versions of Chinese fortune cookies, and occasionally don't ring
quite true or may be grammatically incorrect. There may be some repetition
between the meaning of sentences at different difficulty levels.

The final tracer puzzle varies from the preceding ones in that vowels are not
explicitly shown in the display of letters (but will show up below as each is

Below are given all solutions to the tracer puzzles at the Beginner and Advanced
levels. To minimize the risk of spoiling other tracer puzzles you haven't yet
played, each individual solution is found by following a link from the encoded
pattern. These links connect to widely-separated anchors, so be sure to use the
Back feature of your browser once you've found the answer for the pattern you're
trying to solve. Temple Level
Poseidon Beginner Advanced
Ares Beginner Advanced
Hermes Beginner Advanced
Athena Beginner Advanced
Artemis Beginner Advanced
Eos Beginner Advanced
No Vowels Beginner Advanced

Poseidon (Beginner Level)

+++ +++ +++++ ++++ +++ +++
+++++++ ++++ +++ +++++++ +++++

++++++++ ++++ ++++ +++++ +
+++++ +++++ ++++ ++ +++++++++

+++++ +++ +++++++ +++++++++
++ +++ ++++++ ++ +++ +++

++ +++ ++++ +++ ++++++ +++
+++++++ ++++ +++++++ ++++ +++++

Ares (Beginner Level)

+++ ++++++ ++++ ++++ +++
++++++ ++ +++ +++++ +++++

++++ +++ ++++++++ +++++ +++
+++++++++ ++++++ +++ ++ ++++++

+++ +++++++++ +++ ++++++++
+++++ ++++ ++ ++ +++ ++++ ++++++

+++ +++ +++ +++++++ ++ ++
++++++ ++ +++ ++++++ ++ ++++

Hermes (Beginner Level)

+++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++
+++++ +++ ++++ ++ +++++++++

++++++ ++ +++ ++++++ ++ ++++++++
+++ ++++++++ ++ +++++++++

+++ +++ ++++++ ++++++++ ++++
+++++++++ +++ +++ ++++++++

++++ ++++++ +++++ +++++++
++++ +++ +++++++ ++++++ ++++

Athena (Beginner Level)

+++ ++++ ++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++
+++++ +++++ +++ ++++ ++ +++++

+++ +++++++ ++++++ +++++ ++
++++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ ++ +++

+++ ++++++++ +++ +++++++++++
++++++ ++ +++ ++ +++ +++++++

++++++ +++ ++++ + +++++++++
+++++ ++++ +++ ++++++++ ++++++

Artemis (Beginner Level)

+++++++ ++++ +++ ++++++ ++ +++
++++ +++ +++++ ++ +++++++++++

+ ++++++ +++++++ +++++ ++
+++ ++++ ++ ++++++ ++ +++++++

+++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++ +++
+++++ +++ +++ ++++ +++++

+++ ++++++ ++ + ++++++++ ++++
++ ++++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++++

Eos (Beginner Level)

+++++ +++ ++++ +++++ +++ ++++
++ +++ ++++++ +++ ++++++++

+++ ++++++ ++++ ++ +++++ +++
++++++++ +++++++ ++ ++ +++++

++++ +++ +++++ +++++++ +++++
++ +++ ++++++++ +++++ +++

++++ ++++++ ++ +++ ++ +++ ++++
+++ ++++++ ++ +++ ++++++++

No Vowels (Beginner Level)

++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++ ++
++++ ++++ +++ +++++ +++ ++ ++++

+++ ++++++ +++++++ + +++++++
+++ +++++ ++ ++++ +++ +++

+++++ ++++++ +++++ ++ +++ ++++++
++++ ++++++ +++ ++++ ++ +++

+++ ++++ ++++++++ +++ ++
++++ ++ ++++ ++++++ ++ +++ +++

Poseidon (Advanced Level)

+++ +++++ ++++ +++ +++
++++++ +++ +++++++ ++ ++++++

+++++ ++ ++ +++++ ++ ++++
++ ++++ ++ +++ +++++++++

+++ +++ ++++ + +++++++++
++++++ +++ ++ +++ + +++++++

+++ ++++ +++ ++ +++ +++++++
+++++ ++ +++ +++ ++++++++

Ares (Advanced Level)

+++ ++++ ++ +++ ++++++
++++++ ++ +++ ++++ ++ ++++++

++++ +++++++ +++ ++++++
++++ +++++ ++++++++ ++++++

++++ ++++ ++++ ++++++++++
++ +++++ ++ +++ ++++ ++++
+++ ++++++++ +++ +++++ +++++
++++ ++++ +++++ ++++++

Hermes (Advanced Level)

++++ ++++++++ +++++ +++ +++++
+++ +++++++ ++++++++ ++++

+++++ +++ ++++ +++++ ++
+++ +++++++ ++ +++ +++ ++++++

++++++ +++++++ + ++++ ++++++++
++++ + ++++ ++ ++++++++

++ +++ ++++ ++ +++ ++++++
++++++ +++ +++ ++++ ++++++++

Athena (Advanced Level)

+++ +++++++ ++++++ +++++++
++++++ ++++ + ++++++++ +++++

+++++ +++ ++++ ++++++ +++
+++++ ++ ++ +++ ++++ ++ +++++

+++ ++++++ ++ ++++++ ++
+++ +++++++++++ +++++++++

++++++ +++++ +++ +++ +++
+++ +++ ++++ ++ +++ +++++++++

Artemis (Advanced Level)

++ +++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++++++
++++ +++++++ +++++ ++ ++++

++++ ++ +++++ +++ ++++++
+++ +++ ++++ ++ +++++++ ++++++

+++ ++++++ ++++++++ +++++
++ + ++++++++ ++ +++++++++++

+++ +++++++ +++++++ ++ ++++++
+++ ++++ ++ ++++ ++++++

Eos (Advanced Level)

+++++ ++ + ++++ ++ ++++++++
++++++ +++ ++++++++ ++++++

++++ + +++++++++ +++ +++++
+++ ++++ +++++++ ++ ++++

+++ ++++++ +++ ++++ +++++
++++ +++ ++++ ++++++++++

++ +++ ++ +++++ +++ ++++++
++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ +++++

No Vowels (Advanced Level)

+++++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++++
+++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++ ++++ +++++

++ +++ ++++++ +++++ +++++++
+++ ++++++ ++ +++++ ++++

++ ++ ++ ++++ ++++ +++ ++++
+++ +++++ ++++ +++ +++++++

++++ ++ +++ ++++++ ++ +++
+++ +++ +++ +++++++ ++++++++++


Arcade (Flying Zodiac Symbols)
The object of this arcade-style challenge is to cause all the background items
to light up by pressing the correct subset of the flying zodiac symbols, each of
which causes one or two items to change their lighted state.

In many cases, the solution to an arcade puzzle can be found by simply recording
the background objects lit by each flying zodiac symbol and analyzing the
results. In more complex situations, a solution can be determined by the ARCADE
program (24 KB) after it has been given the indices of the one or two background
objects lit by each flying zodiac symbol. If you click only one symbol per
sequence, these indices can be easily obtained.

Sample output from the ARCADE program:

Enter the number of background objects (maximum 12): 8

Enter the number of flying zodiac symbols (maximum 12): 8

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #1 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 1,2

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #2 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 6,7

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #3 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 2,3

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #4 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 5,6

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #5 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 1,8

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #6 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 4,5

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #7 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 3

Enter the indices of one or two background objects
lit by flying zodiac symbol #8 (e.g., 5 or 2,12): 7,8

Click on these zodiac symbols: 2 3 5 6


The essence of solving the block puzzles (at least at the Beginner level)
usually involves swapping two or more pieces or getting one piece past another.
We found best results were obtained by trying to complete the desired pattern
from left to right, noting which pieces "lock" others down and so must be placed
after them. However, if you're not making progress with a plan, it's sometimes
easier to reset the puzzle and start over.


Word Maze (Word Morphing)
Movement Abbreviations:

R: Move letter to the right (Rn for n repetitions)
L: Move letter to the left
U: Move letter up
D: Move letter down
Ares Word Mazes
Ares #1 Ares #2

E: D3, morphed to K E: D3 L D R2 to final position
V: R D2 R D2 L to final position V: R D2 R L D L D R to final position
K: U R D2 to final position O: R D L D L U, morphed to A
D: D2 R U D L, morphed to H D: R2 D L D R L D2 to final position
O: R2 D3 L U2 L D3 R to final A: D R2 D2 to final position
H: R D2 to final position

Ares #3 Ares #4

V: D R D, morphed to A O: D R D2, morphed to W
O: D L D, morphed to V V: L D R D L D2 R to final position
A: U L U L D, parked E: L2 D R D L2 R D2 to final position
E: L D R D R D L D L2 to final D: R3 D2 R D2 L U D R to final position
position W: R D to final position
D: R2 D R D L2 D U R3 D L D R to
final position
V: R D R D R to final position
A: L D R D R D to final position
Hephaestus Word Mazes

Hephaestus #1 Hephaestus #2

I: D2 R L, morphed to G O: D R D, morphed to R
R: L, parked Upper R: R D, parked
O: L D3 R L U2, morphed to U I: R D L D3 R3 U D L, morphed to B
G: R D R U2 R D U L D3 R2 to final N: L2 D L D R L U R U R3 D4 L U L U D R
position D R to final position
N: R D3 U2 L2 D2 L U L D2 R3 to final B: R to final position
position Lower R: L D L U L D2 R2 to final
U: D2 R D to final position position
R: D4 R to final position R: U L D L D3 R to final position

Hephaestus #3 Hephaestus #4

N: R D L, parked N: R D4 L4 U, morphed to U
O: R2 D4 L4 U3 R2 L2 D3 R4 to final O: D2 R D, morphed to D
position R: D, parked
I: D3 R L D R3 to final position I: R4 D4 L2 U L R D L, morphed to B
N: R D2 L U L D2 to final position D: L2 U D R D R2 to final position
R: L D4 R to final position B: R2 to final position
U: D R2 to final position
R: L D3 R to final position
Hades Word Mazes

Hades #1 Hades #2

E: R D L D L, morphed to W B: L D R4 L D2, morphed to U
N: R2 D L D R D, morphed to I O: L2 D R4 D R L U L D, morphed to S
O: R D L2 R2 U R, morphed to S N: L3 D R2 D L2 D R D to final position
B: R2 D L2 D2, morphed to U E: R D3 L R U L U L2 D2, morphed to T
W: R U, parked S: U R D R U, parked
I: U L3 D R D L2 to final position U: U2 R D R D L D L2 to final position
U: U R D R D L to final position S: D2 L D L to final position
S: L D L2 D R D R D to final position T: U2 R2 D R D L D to final position
W: R U L5 D3 R U R4 D L D to final

Hades #3 Hades #4

B: L D R4, morphed to U B: L D3 R2, morphed to S
O: L2 D R3, parked E: R D2 U L2, morphed to Z
N: L3 D R2, parked N: R2 D3 L2 D L2, morphed to H
E: L4 D R D L D, morphed to Z O: R3 D3 L U L R D L D R to final
N: L D, parked position
O: L3 U R5 D3, morphed to K S: D R to final position
U: L4, parked H: R U L2 U2 R L D2 R2 D L to final
N: U R3 D L D, morphed to S position
Z: U R U R3 D L2 D2 R2 to final Z: D L2 D R D to final position
S: U L D2 R to final position
U: R4 D L2 D2 to final position
K: U3 L5 D R D L D R D to final
Aphrodite Word Mazes

Aphrodite #1 Aphrodite #2

N: R, parked S: R3 D R D L D U R U3 L4 to final
O: D, parked position
T: D R, parked T: U, parked
O: U2 R L D, morphed to R O: U R2 D L D2, morphed to A
S: D R U R L D R3 D, morphed to Z N: U2 R2 D3 U2, morphed to R
R: U R U R U, parked E: U3 R4 U2 L3 to final position
T: L U R4 U L U R to final position A: R2 U2 R U3 L2 to final position
R: R to final position R: U R2 U2 L to final position
N: L U R2 L2 U R U R U L2 to final T: D R4 U2 to final position
E: U3 R U R U L to final position
Z: L2 D R D L2 U L U2 R U R U to
final position

Aphrodite #3 Aphrodite #4

T: R, parked N: R2 D R U2 R, morphed to L
O: U, parked O: D R2 D L, parked
N: U R D R L U L D, morphed to K L: L D2 L U L2 U R U2, morphed to R
O: D R D R U2, morphed to R T: D R, parked
S: D2 R D2 R2 U2 R U3 L D U R, S: D3 R2 U D2 R U3, morphed to A
morphed to A O: R U4 R U L3 to final position
T: L U, parked E: R2 U4 R U L2 to final position
K: U2 R U R2 U L3 to final position A: D R U3 L2 to final position
E: U3 R U R2 U L2 to final position R: R2 U to final position
A: L2 to final position T: L D2 R3 U2 R U3 to final position
R: R2 U2 L to final position
T: D R4 U2 to final position
Demeter Word Mazes

Demeter #1 Demeter #2

H: U, parked H: U L, parked
E: L, parked E: L U, parked
A: L U2 D2 R, morphed to F W: R2 U2 R2, morphed to R
E: R U2 L2 R U L U D R D R2 D, A: L U2 L U, morphed to U
morphed to S H: U R2 U R, morphed to F
H: L U R U L U L U R6 D L, morphed to T: L2 U4 R3 U L3 to final position
L U: D R U2 R3 U L2 to final position
F: L2, parked R: U2 R U L to final position
T: L2 U2 L U L U L U R2 D R2, morphed E: D R2 U R U3 L3 U L2 D U R2 to final
to O position
F: R U2 L U L U L U R to final F: L D L U L U L U R to final position
L: R U L4 to final position
O: U L to final position
S: U L2, parked
W: R2 U2 R D R U3 R U L2 to final
S: R2 D R U2 L R U R U L to final

Demeter #3 Demeter #4

T: U2 L D, morphed to P T: U L, parked
E: U, parked E: U L, parked
A: R U2 L, parked A: L U, parked
H: R3 U3 D3 L3, morphed to O H: R3, parked
E: D R2 U3 L2 R2 D2, morphed to F W: R3, parked
A: R U L U D L D U R U L U R to final A: D L2 U3, morphed to X
position W: L3 U, parked
F: U2 L U L U L2 to final position H: L4, parked
P: U R U L U R2 L3 U L to final T: R D L3, parked
position E: R D R2 U L U, morphed to G
O: R U3 R U L U to final position T: R2, parked
W: R2 U2 L D L U2 R U L2 R6 U L to H: R2 U L U, morphed to F
final position T: L U L, parked
G: D R D L2 U, parked
W: D R4 U L U R U2 L U R to final
G: D R2 U L U R U2 L5 U R2 to final
T: R D R2 U L U R U2 R L2 U L to final
X: R U R2 D L R U2 to final position
F: R U R U L4 U R to final position
Eos Word Mazes

Eos #1 Eos #2

S: L U R2 U R, parked S: L U R2, parked
L: L2 U R2 U2 R, morphed to R L: L2 U R, parked
S: L U, parked E: L3 U3 L U R2 D2, morphed to I
E: L3 U R2 U R D R2 U, morphed to A L: L U2 L U R2 D R U R D, morphed to R
S: D R D R2, parked E: L4 U3, parked
R: L D R D, parked S: L2 U, parked
E: L4 U R2, parked P: L5 U R2 U R D R2 U L U3 L5 to final
P: L5 U3 L U R4 D L D L R3 U2 D2 L2, position
morphed to I R: R U2 L4 to final position
A: L U3 L5 to final position I: U R U R D R U2 L3 to final position
R: U R U3 L4 to final position S: D R2 U R U R U2 L2 to final position
I: R2 U3 L3 to final position E: D2 R2 U R U R U2 L to final position
S: U L U3 L2 to final position
E: U R2 U3 L to final position

Eos #3 Eos #4

S: L U R U L U L, parked S: L U R U L U L, parked
L: L2 U R U L U R, morphed to N L: L2 U R U L U, parked
E: L3 U R2, morphed to C E: L3 U R U L, parked
S: R D R D L, parked Lower E: L4 U R U, parked
N: L2 U D R2, morphed to R P: L5 U R2 U, morphed to R
C: L U L U L U R5 U L5 to final E: D L D R, parked
position Upper E: R D L D, parked
R: L2 U R5 U L4 to final position L: D R D R, parked
S: R U L, parked S: R D R D L, parked
E: L4 U R U, parked L: L U L U L U, morphed to I
P: L5 U R2 U2 D2 R3 U L2 U R U2 L3 to S: R U L, parked
final position R: D L U, parked
S: U L U R5 U L2 to final position Left E: U R2 U R D R2 U L U L U L D L R
E: L U L U R5 U L to final position U R2 U L5 to final position
R: D R U R D R2 U L U L U R U L4 to
final position
I: R2 D R U R2 U L3 to final position
S: U L U R2 D R U R2 U L2 to final
E: L U R2 U R D R2 U L U L U R U L to
final position


Tile Game
The "hidden rule" of the tile games is that you must beat your opponent using
Rummy-like strategies of trying to collect a greater number of tiles in a
particular group, while your opponent tries to do the same. Once you've
identified to which groups the tiles in a particular game belong (see table
below), the process becomes straightforward.

In your first turn, try to pick a member of a group with fewer tiles showing -
this will increase your chances of getting matching tiles during later turns.
For example, if you're playing Game 1 at Beginner level (five tiles to choose
from) and the initial tiles shown are

Gemini Ares Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
it would probably be best to pick Capricorn since it's the only Feminine sign
showing and you'd have a better chance of picking up a Feminine sign during each
of your other two turns.
Always aim to finish the hand with at least two members of the same group, and
preferably all three members in the same group. Generally, this will give you
the best scores.

Group identifications:

Sign Game 1 Game 2 Game 3

Ares Masculine Cardinal Fire
Taurus Feminine Fixed Earth
Gemini Masculine Mutable Air
Cancer Feminine Cardinal Water
Leo Masculine Fixed Fire
Virgo Feminine Mutable Earth
Libra Masculine Cardinal Air
Scorpio Feminine Fixed Water
Sagittarius Masculine Mutable Fire
Capricorn Feminine Cardinal Earth
Aquarius Masculine Fixed Air
Pisces Feminine Mutable Water


Minotaur's Lair
The Minotaur's Lair is the final puzzle of the game. A "parity law" applies to
sliding-piece puzzles of this kind. It's not possible simply to exchange the
positions of only one pair of non-adjacent pieces; any solution must always
result in an even number of exchanges. Therefore, there can be no solution that
only exchanges the positions of the blank tile and the one with the Minotaur's
head. We must also exchange another pair of tiles; for example, the identical
upper-left and lower-right octagon tiles. Using the positional notation

Minotaur's Lair Positional Notation

the goals for a solution are to:

Exchange pieces at positions D & F (Minotaur's head)
Exchange pieces at positions A & I (to avoid parity limitation)
There is only one difficulty level for this puzzle.
A solution in 56 moves:

Move space to center:
Rotate upper-left octagon piece to center via 2 x 2 loop:
Move space to bottom center:
Exchange upper-left and lower-right octagon pieces via 2 x 2 loop:
Move space to bottom center:
Restore left portion of puzzle (solution by 3 x 2 SLIDER program):
Restore right portion of puzzle (solution by 2 x 3 SLIDER program):