Line of Sight: Vietnam чит-файл №2

Start game as usual. During gameplay press TILDE (~) to go to console,
then enter the following cheats followed by ENTER:

/cheatcheat - Use this one time to active the following cheats:

/ac - Godmode, Unlimited Ammunition and Flymode
/godmode - Toggle Godmode
/invis - Toggle Invisibility
/fly - Toggle Flymode
/ammo - Toggle Unlimited Ammunition
/fovs - Toggle Enemy FOV rendering
/winmission - Win Mission
/losemission - Loose Mission
/hitlermode - Toggle Hitler Mode
/dogmode - ?
/give - ?
/stats - ?
/astar - Toggle AStar Paths Rendering
/arrival - Toggle Rendering Arrival Points
/cvdraw - ?
/pathdraw - ?
/noint - ?
/wpcondraw - ?
/wpdraw - ?