Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle чит-файл №1

Written By Stephen Sweeney (

This FAQ may be posted to Websites and used in Magazines. BUT PLEASE
CREDIT ME!! If this FAQ has parts missing or is slightly incorrect,
please inform me. :)

I Wrote this FAQ because when I looked for one on GameFAQs, all
I found was a guide to the items and (no offense to the original
writer) it wasn't too helpful. :( So here is a guide I prepared
myself. This is my first walkthrough, so please don't poke fun out of
me if I get it wrong. :) I hope someone finds this useful.

I've attempted to write the guide in an order which will make sense.
In a game such as Day of the Tentacle, there is no real set path and
things can be done in many different orders. Hopefully this is one of
the easier ways. :)

1. The Walkthrough

After the intro, you begin as Bernard in the Motel Reception. Firstly
PICKUP the Flier in the rack and collect the Dime from the Pay Phone.
Go into the Office and PICKUP the Swiss bankbook from the desk and the
BooBoo-Be-Gone from the desk drawer. OPEN the Grandfather clock and
walk into the Darkpassage. After watching the sequence you are once
again in control of Bernard. You must find Dr. Fred's Super Battery
instructions which are hanging on the bulletin board of his lab. Once
you have these you will have to consult the mannual for the correct
patent number. You can now control Hoagie. Walk him to the front
of the Motel and OPEN the mail box. Take the letter from the mail box
and GIVE it to Bernard. Select Bernard again and PUSH the Lever
to turn off the Sludge-O-Matic. Leave the lab and go up the main
stairs. Walk into the first room and CLOSE the door behind you. PICKUP
the Keys and exit the room. Walk into the next room (the one to the
right of the Candy Machine) and GIVE the letter to the man inside.
PICKUP the Disappearing Ink and the Flag Gun inside the room. Leave
and walk into the room marked Private (to the right of Room 101).
PICKUP the Videotape on top of the Stereo. PUSH over the Speaker
on the right and then PUSH the on/off switch on the stereo. Exit the
room and continue down the corridor. Enter the room on the right. USE
the Disappearing Ink on the Stamp Album. PICKUP the Stamp and the
Stamp Album. Enter the room again and GIVE the Stamp Album back to Ed.
Pick up the Hampster. Exit the room and go up the stairway (closest
to the screen). Go through the door on the right and go out the
window. PICKUP the crank and walk to the chimney. OPEN the grating.
USE the Flag-gun with the Cigarette Lighter. TALK to the Cigar
Salesman and ask him for a Cigar. Walk to the Chattering Teeth. You
now have to chase the teeth into the Grating. Once captured, PICKUP
the Chattering Teeth. Walk to the Swingdoor (left of the fireplace)
and PICKUP both pots of coffee and the fork. Go into the door on the
left and OPEN the cabinent. PICKUP the Funnel. Exit back to the Party
room and walk through the double doors on the left. In the Reception,
PICKUP the fake Barf and exit the Motel (via the door on the left).
Walk to the Parking Lot and GIVE the keys to the Man in the Ski Mask.
He will GIVE you his Crowbar. Return to the reception and USE the
Crowbar on the gum with a dime stuck in it. USE the Gum with a Dime
stuck in it. Return to the room with the sleeping conventionner and
USE both Dimes on the Fickle Fingers Coin Slot (right hand side).
PICKUP the Sweater. Leave and USE the Crowbar on the Candy Machine.
PICKUP all the Quarters. Whilst you're here, USE the Hampster on the
Ice Machine (OPEN it first!). Go downstairs to the Laundary room and
place the Sweater in the Dryer. USE the Quarters on the Coin Slot.
Leave and return to the Lab. Pour the Decaf Coffee into the Prof's

Select Hoagie
Walk inside the Motel and OPEN the grandfather clock. GIVE the patent
application to Red Eddison and PICKUP the Lefthanded Hammer. Leave the
lab and walk into the Main Hall. Walk through the swinging door and
PICKUP the spaghetti and the oil. Walkthrough the door on the right
and PICKUP the bucket. OPEN the cabinent and PICKUP the brush. Exit
the room and USE the bucket on the water pump. Exit via the swingdoor.
Have Bernard GIVE Hoagie the Flier, the chattering teeth, the Cigar
and the Lighter. USE the flier on the suggestion box. Next, USE the
Cigar on Washington. After his teeth have been blown out, USE the
Chattering Teeth on him. After watching the Jefferson and Hancock
argue, PICKUP Blanket and leave the room. Walk up the stairs and enter
the first room (Washington's room). PUSH the bed and PULL the cord.
When the maid comes in to tidy the room, leave and PICKUP the soap
from the Maid's Cart. Ignore the second room for the moment and go
into the third room (Franklin's room). PICKUP the Wine and leave. Walk
to the stairs and have Bernard GIVE you his text book. USE the
textbook on the Horse. PICKUP his dentures when he falls asleep. Walk
into the opposite room, where Ned and Jed Edison are making a sculture
and switch the Right handed hammer with the left handed Hammer. Leave
and walkup the stairway. PICKUP the red paint. USE Ned's bed, then USE
Jed's bed. Then USE the Squeaky Mattress from Ned's Bed. After they
have been switched. USE the Squeaky Mattress. PICKUP the Squeaky Mouse
toy when the cat goes to investigate, then climb out the window. USE
the Blanket on the Chimney. Leave the hoUSE and return to where the
Chron-o-John is. USE the red paint on the Kumquat Tree. GIVE an excuse
to distract Washington et al. You can actually do this when they are
not around without giving an excuse too! Return to the room they were
in and PICKUP the gold-plated quill pen. Leave the room (you will
be intercepted by Washington but will get by him by blaming the fire
on Hancock!). Return inside and GIVE the Wine to Jefferson. TALK
to Washington and challenge him to chop down the "Cherry Tree"
outside. You can now select Laverne and this is where things become
a little more complicated.

Select Laverne.
TALK to the Tentacle Guard and tell him you don't feel well. In the
Doc's PICKUP the Tentacle Chart. Leave office. Beware not to try and
walk out the front door and walk into the Kennel when walking around
here, or you will become a prisoner again (just make another excuse!).
Walk into the door at the top. Walk through the door on the right.
Walk through the next door on the right. OPEN the drier and take out
the sweater (yes, it's only just finished!!) Now leave both rooms and
walk back into the Kennel (through the door marking it). Now tell the
Guard you need to go to the bathroom. Goto to the Chron-o-John and do
the following. GIVE the Tentacle Chart to Hoagie. GIVE the Scalpel
to Bernard. Have Bernard GIVE Laverne the BooBoo-Be-Gone, the Fake
Barf, the Fork and the Crank. Have Hoagie GIVE Laverne the Spaghetti,
the Dentures, the Can OPENer and the Mouse Toy.

Select Hoagie.
Enter the Motel and go upstairs into the room you haven't been into
yet (the middle of the three). In the room is Betsy Ross, trying
desperately to make the American Flag. USE the Tentacle Chart on the
Patterns. The American flag in the future will become a Tentacle Flag.

Select Laverne.
Return to the Tentacle Guard and subsequently the Kennel. Tell the
guard you don't feel well. Leave the docs and enter the top door.
Go up the Fireplace and onto the roof. USE the Crank on the Crank Box.
PULL the Crank and PICKUP the Flag. USE the Flag. You are now
disguised and can walk around freely. Jump down the Chimney and TALK
to the tentacle on the right. He will GIVE you a Name Tag. Now go to
the main reception. Walk past the Tentacle with the net and up the
stairs. Look at the Ice Machine and PICKUP the Hampster. Walk through
the first door and USE the Can Opener on the Time Capsule and PICKUP
the Vinegar inside. Leave and go into the second room. PICKUP the
Rollerskates and the Extension Cord.

Select Bernard.
Walk to the Party Room and USE the Scalpel on Ooze the Clown. PICKUP
the Box O' Laughs and GIVE it to Laverne.

Select Laverne.
USE the Rollerskates and the Name Tag on the Mummy, then PUSH the
Mummy. Walk to the stairway and USE the Dentures, the Spaghetti and
the Box O' Laughs on the Mummy. USE the Fork on the Mummy's head. Next
USE the Fake Barf on Harold. Walk right and ask the Judges to Judge
the winner of each category. After winning, walk downstairs into the
kitchen and USE the Frozen Hampster on the Microwave. USE the sweater
on the Hampster. Exit the Motel (you can safely do so). USE the
BooBoo-Be-Gone on the Fence. Then USE the Squeaky MoUSE Toy on the
Cat. Walk to the Kennel and USE the Dinner Certificate on the Guard.
PUSH the Switch and then USE the Cat. Now that the Tentacle with the
net is gone, walk to the Grandfather clock and OPEN it. USE the
Hampster on the Hampster Generator. After being punched, USE the
Built-In shop Vac on the Mouse Hole. OPEN the Hatch and PICKUP the
Dustball. USE the Hampster on the Generator, you won't be punched
again! The USE the Extension Cord on the Outlet of the Generator. Then
USE the Extension Cord on the Window. Finally return to the
Chron-O-John and USE the Extension Cord on the Plug. Laverne is now
ready to go. Now, GIVE the Vinegar to Hoagie.

Select Hoagie.
You now have all the part required for the Super Battery, so go to Red
Edison and GIVE him the Oil, the Gold-Plated Quill Pen and the
Vinegar. PICKUP the Battery. Have Bernard GIVE Hoagie the Help Wanted
Sign. GIVE the Help Wanted Sign to the Doc. PICKUP the Lab Coat and
leave the Motel. USE the Soap with the Bucket of Water, then USE the
Soapy Water on the Carriage. After Ben Franklin walks back into motel,
walk in after him. Walk upstairs. His room is the third one along.
GIVE him the Lab Coat. Once in the field, USE the Battery on the Kite.
Then PUSH the Kite. After the sequence, PICKUP the Battery and return
to the Chron-O-John. USE the Battery on the Plug. Hoagie is now ready
to go. GIVE the Red Paint to Bernard.

Select Bernard.
Walk to Nurse Edna's room, it's the room Opposite Ed's. PUSH Her. Now
USE the Videotape on the VCR. Look at the Monitor. Press the Red
Button to Record. Press the Rewind button, then press then SP/EP
switch on the Right. Now Play the Tape again. Eject the tape, then
walk downstairs to the room with the safe (the Office). OPEN the Safe.
PICKUP the Contract. Then walk to the Party room. Walk in the Window
and PICKUP the Rope. Walk out the Window and USE the rope on the
Pulley. Go down the Chimney and exit the Motel. USE the Rope on Dead
Cousin Ted. Return to the Roof and PULL the Rope. Return to the roof
once more and walk in the window. USE the Red Paint on Ted then USE
Ted with Doctor Fred. USE the Rope with Doctor Fred, exit via the
Window and PULL the Rope. After returning to the Lab, USE the Funnel
on Doctor Fred, followed by the Coffee. After the Doc wakes up, GIVE
him the Contract. When he refuses to sign it, tell him you'll get rid
of Purple Tentacle yourself. Then tell him you gave Purple Tentacle
a Bribe. Now send the Contract and the Stamp to Hoagie.

Select Hoagie.
USE the Stamp with the Contract, then USE the Contract with the
mailbox outside the Motel.

Select Bernard.
Go upstairs and turn on the TV in Room 101 and then PICKUP the Phone.
After the long sequence, you will be controlling the combination
of all three. Leave the room you are in and OPEN Room 101. Let Old
Purple Tentacle shrink you. Once he has done this, quickly walk into
Room 101 and through the mousehole. When you have returned to normal
size, PICKUP the Bowling Ball. Leave the Room and walk downstairs
to the Lab. USE the Bowling Ball on the Purple Tentacles.

I'll leave the last bit up to you. All you need do is TALK to Purple
Tentacle, I'm sure you'll work it out!

2. Item Locations

Blanket - John Hancock has it.
BooBoo-Be-Gone - In the desk drawer in the Office
Box O' Laughs - Get from Ooze the Clown (USE the Scalpel on him!)
Brush - Laundry (Hoagie's time)
Bucket - In the laundary room (Hoagie's time)
Can Opener - Hoagie starts with it.
Chattering Teeth - In the Party Room
Cigar - TALK the the Cigar salesman in the Party Room.
Cigarette Lighter - On the table in the Party Room
Coffee - Kitchen
Contract - In the Safe of the Motel.
Crank - Roof of the Motel
DeCaf - Kitchen
Dentures - Get them from the Horse (Hoagie's time).
Dime - Reception Area
Dime #2 - Reception Area, stuck to Floor
Dinner Certifcate - Win Beauty Contest in the Future
Disappearing Ink - Room 101
Extension Cord - Room "R" in the Future
Fake Barf - Reception Area.
Flag Gun - Room 101
Fork - Kitchen
Frozen Hampster - From the Ice Machine in the Future
Funnel - Laundary Room
Flier - On the rack of the Reception.
Gold Plated Quill Pen - Main Hall (Hoagie's time)
Help Wanted Sign - Reception Area.
Left Handed Hammer - Red Edison's Lab
Letter - In mail box (Hoagie's time)
Name Tag - Get from Tentacle by Fireplace, whilst wearing disguise (in
the Future)
Oil - Pantry (Hoagie's time)
Quarters - In the Candy Machine
Red Paint - Attic (Hoagie's time)
Rollerskates - Room "R" in the Future
Rope - Untie Doctor Fred.
Soap - In the maid's cart.
Spaghetti - Pantry (Hoagie's time)
Squeaky Mouse Toy - Attic (Hoagie's Time)
Stamp - Falls from Stamp Album when Ed throws it at you!
Super Battery Plans - Bulletin Board of the Lab.
Sweater - Under the sleeping conventioneer.
Tentacle Chart - Tentacle Doc's office.
Textbook - Bernard starts with it.
Videotape - On top of the Stereo in Green's Room.
Vinegar - Inside the Time Capsule of Room "W" of the Future (Hoagie
must USE Wine on Jefferson).

3. Who Should Have What

Decaf Coffee
Dime (both)
Disappearing Ink
Flag Gun

Chattering Teeth
Contract (2nd)
Gold Plated Quill Pen
Help Wanted Sign
Left Handed Hammer
Red Paint
Super Battery Plans
Tentacle Chart

Box O' Laughs
Can Opener
Dinner Certificate
Extension Cord
Fake Barf
Frozen Hampster
Name Tag
Squeeky Mouse Toy
Sweater (2nd)

The End. :)

Author's Note - This FAQ may not be altered. If this FAQ is used
in full or in part within a magazine, I would appreciate being
credited and notified. It is my opinion at the moment that too many
magazines and websites are ripping off other people's work and
claiming it for their own.