Меч и магия 7 чит-файл №9

Hint: Two words of advice: Turn Undead. If you're planning to fight through the
Barrows or the Haunted House, you're going to need that spell. It's a good
idea to have someone in your party who can cast it.

Hint: If you're wondering how your mage can do more damage per round, try
studying Earth magic. The Blades spell, which comes at Expert level, can do
more than 40 points of damage in a single cast.
Hint: Range striking is the key to survival. All of your characters should have
the Bow skill and carry the best Longbows they can find. If you have enough
space to maneuver, you can take down a really big monster just by running 20
yards at a time and then turning to pepper your opponent with arrows.