Мортир чит-файл №1

In an adventure that takes you to 1944 and 2093, Mortyr includes a diverse set
locations, enemies, and weapons. The first part of your journey begins in 1944,
where you must acquire six quantum receptor pieces to activate the time machine
and send you to 2093. The next leg of your travels takes place within 2093,
you'll face cyborgs and heavily armed robots in your attempt to restore history.

Following, you'll find walk-throughs for Mortyr's 30 levels. In each, you'll
the location of key items and the best way to pass the difficult sections.

Level 1: First Steps

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 18
Difficulty: Easy

When you arrive in 1944, you find yourself standing in a pillared room behind a
contemplative officer. Use your knife to kill him and take his pistol. Nearby is
armor and ammo. Behind a pillar in the corner of the room is your first serious
opposition, in the form of a guard with a rifle. Use the cover of the pillars to
get up close to him, since proximity works best where the pistol is concerned.
Once he is dead, you will possess a rifle.

Near the spot where he was stationed is a stairway down. Use the rifle, zoomed
in, to kill the patrolling guard at the bottom. There is health in the room
as well as a water-filled hole in the floor. Jump in and swim until you arrive
a pipe that is blocked off by vertical bars. Crouch and kick the bars away.

In the next room, take your first right and slip past the vertical bars by
crouching and hugging the right-hand wall. Ready your rifle and climb the
You will have a handful of enemies to dispatch. Straight ahead is the entrance
a hallway, which is decorated with a picture of Hitler. To clear this room, use
your zoomed-in rifle and keep under cover at the doorway. Inside, you'll find a
flashlight, armor, ammo, and health.

Back in the carpeted hallway, you will find a door that requires a golden key.
up the stairs opposite this door and kill the officer who holds the key. Use the
key to go through the door to the next level.

Level 2: The Outer Citadel

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 19
Difficulty: Easy

As this level opens, you are facing the reflective floor of a small chapel.
the chapel and kill the officer who is reading a note written in French (or is
Latin?). Go back down the hallway until you see a large room full of pillars
through which enemies are patrolling. Use your rifle, zoomed in, from the cover
of the doorway.

The next small room contains armor and health, and it leads to a narrow snowy
courtyard. Go through to a wide-open courtyard in which a damaged tank rests.
Keep moving (and, of course, shooting) until you reach a doorway that requires a
golden key. A metal covering over a window in this hallway will slide aside when
you touch it. In this room is an officer who holds the key.

Inside the door is a stairway down into a room, from which leads a spiral
staircase. The room at the bottom of the spiral staircase is well populated, so
you might want to use your false documents to pass through. Grab the armor and
read the book as you do. The next level lies through the doorway on the opposite
side of this room.

Level 3: Through the Citadel

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 29
Difficulty: Easy

Turn around immediately and collect the armor and health if you need it. Up in
the open space around the citadel, you will find a lot of health, ammo, and
in the nooks of the outside wall. You'll need it, as guards on foot, on the
walls, and in the guard towers will be picking away at you for a long while.

In one of the guard towers is an officer who holds a silver key. You must get it
from him and go to the other guard tower. Positioned across the ramp that leads
from this tower lies a hallway that leads to the silver key door.

Beyond this door is a courtyard full of boxes and enemies. Be careful of the
boxes on the far side, which explode. Take cover behind safe boxes and snipe the
enemy guards. A siren to your left as you enter this room will sound, and you
should shoot it until it stops.

A doorway barred with a Halt sign is your next destination. This hallway leads
you to the next level.

Level 4: The Middle Castle

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 24
Difficulty: Easy

You will be immediately confronted by a Halt bar, behind which patrols a guard.
Shooting him will alert guards who carry machine guns, so hide to the left or
right of the main doorway and ambush them. Once inside, the area to your left
contains health and other power-ups, while the area to your right leads further
into the castle.

Battle your way past some guards until you reach a book. In the next big room is
a sort of fireplace with a secret door that can be opened by bumping into it.
This passage leads to the green moat that surrounds this castle. Enemies can be
killed, and power-ups can be collected here.

Continue until you pass the tall door that requires the golden key. Take a right
at the end of the hallway and enter the room with stained glass windows. Behind
large red altar is a passageway leading up, and the officer holding the golden
key is in here. Behind the golden key door is the next level.

Level 5: In the Middle of the Castle

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 34
Difficulty: Medium

Proceeding down a long hallway and around a circular pillar, you will find
yourself on a walkway that leads into another castle. If you jump down into the
moat and swim through a hole in one corner of the floor, you can acquire
goggles. A tiny lift returns you to the walkway.

The room at the far end of the walkway is heavily guarded, so use a grenade and
machine gun combo or the false documents. This room is chock full of ammo and
health. The next room contains a lift that will only operate with the silver
The hallway that leads from this room brings you to a massive garage door that
cracked open. Kneel and fire at the explosive barrels that are in the courtyard
past the door. Before opening the garage door, kill the enemy guards inside. The
Halt button to the right of the door opens it.

Once inside, look for the body of an officer in the courtyard who was holding
silver key. A doorway in the corner of the courtyard takes you to the narrow
walkway you saw near the beginning of the level.

The silver key lift takes you to a walkway, which leads to a pair of rooms that
are well guarded. One of the rooms contains a book you should read. Proceed into
the next room and hang a right, passing some crates and gaining access to the
walkway that surrounds the courtyard. On this walkway, at the far end of the
courtyard from the huge garage door, is a panel that will slide away when you
touch it. Behind this panel is the next level.

Level 6: The Cathedral

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 10
Difficulty: Easy

The cathedral is right in front of you as this level opens and is guarded by a
few enemies. The balcony up and to your left as you enter the cathedral is where
the officer who holds the golden key stands. Your objective is to kill him and
return to the cathedral to open the door leading downstairs.

Heading away from the cathedral, you will climb a spiral staircase and
at the top, a group of enemies that are most easily disposed of by lurking in
doorway and letting them run into view. False documents are available down in
cathedral, too, if you'd prefer just to sneak past these enemies. Once you have
killed the officer, open the golden door and descend. The room below should look
familiar. Passing through it moves you to the next level.

Level 7: Darker Cathedral

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 47
Difficulty: Medium

The hallway in which you start leads to an open area that is heavily guarded.
This room contains a gate, which requires the golden key to open, so you must
clear it of enemies unless you plan to use false documents when you first pass
through. Lurking in the hallway and using your machine gun on the enemies as
turn the corner is your best bet.

Once you enter this room and the hallway beyond it, watch out for three
sets of enemies, who will attack you from behind. A room with a design cut into
the ceiling, through which rain is pouring, contains a book. Past this room is a
tall chimney through which a ramp ascends in a spiral. At the top of the ramp is
an elevator that takes you higher if you push a button. Be ready for an attack
the elevator reaches the top.

Around a corner is a heavily guarded room. Attract the attention of the enemies,
then back away toward the elevator, using the machine gun to mow enemies down as
they turn the corner. Once inside their big room, look out for a batch of
attacking you from the rear.

A twisting hallway will bring you to a belfry, which contains a stairway leading
down. In the room at the bottom is a hole in the floor with a spiral stairway
leading down. The stone room below contains several batches of guards, who often
come at you from behind. Move clockwise around the room, attacking the batches
before another batch can maneuver behind you.

The large brick room adjacent to this room contains several guards and the
officer who holds the golden key. Kill him, but watch out for new groups of
enemies to come at you from behind. Retracing your route all the way back to the
beginning, you can expect to face further newly spawned opposition. At the lift,
ride it back down, rather than risk the long fall. The golden key gate leads to
the next level.

Level 8: The Cemetery

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 38
Difficulty: Medium

The first area you enter is lightly guarded, but things quickly get worse. For
best results, walk instead of run through this level, so as to get closer to
enemies without them hearing.

In one area near the beginning of this level, you will encounter a grenade-
throwing guard who stands behind a short wall up a small ramp. In the corner of
this area is a small house that contains the first quantum receptor piece. It is
on the floor beside a table that holds a book.

Be careful: When you kill the grenadier and pass by his platform, another will
spawn behind you. The next room is heavily guarded, but the enemies can be
defeated easily if you remain in the hallway approach (after you make sure the
grenadier behind you is dead, that is). A large building in this room is
accessible and contains a ramp leading downward. Down there, within a small
collection of brick-walled rooms, is a doorway that requires the golden key.

Rather than go down, turn to your left, and you will see an exit from this room.
Take it, and walk beneath a patrolled walkway. To your right is a guarded
building with a door (this building contains power-ups). To your left is a
doorway, which leads up to the walkway.

Past the walkway is a room that is quite heavily guarded. Just past this room is
the golden key and an easy jump to the ground below, so you may want to use
documents here rather than use up your health and ammo in a battle. Once you
the key, jump to the ground and proceed into the building that is in this area.
The ramp leads downward into the brick-walled rooms mentioned previously. The
golden key door here leads to the next level.

Level 9: The High Castle (Imperial Theme)

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 61
Difficulty: Medium

The huge courtyard that greets you is well guarded. Your most difficult task is
defeating the heavy machine gunners at the top of the stairs, but once you do,
you'll have a nifty new weapon.

At the top of the stairs is a room that contains a long rectangular pool. Past
this room is yet another large courtyard, guarded by snipers way up on the upper
walkways. Easier than killing them is making a run for the large doorway to your
right, although you may want to leap over the circular wall in the center of the
room on your way, as it contains a host of power-ups.

Heading downstairs, you will come to a window that overlooks a very tall statue.
Once you see the statue, you will be attacked from enemies that spawn on either
side of you, where you just came from. The statue room is heavily guarded,
although letting the enemies know where you are will gather them below you,
a grenade can take many out.

Jump down, landing temporarily on the archway to prevent injury. A hallway
surrounding this room has a stairway leading from it, going up. The room at the
top of the stairway contains a large statue of a figure holding a trident, and a
lift in one corner of the room will take you to the walkway above. On a table up
on the walkway is a quantum receptor piece.

As you advance from this walkway out through a hall, watch out behind you. There
are many enemies in the chapel who will advance, but once you have cleared the
walkway behind you, you can fight patiently from the doorway. The well-lit room
past the chapel is home to many power-ups, but watch out for machine gunners
coming for you from behind.

The next room is centered around an alcove that contains something like a tall
birdbath, and a lot of power-ups. Unfortunately, this room is the most heavily
guarded of all the rooms you have encountered so far. The walkways over the
courtyard, after you get through this room, are also highly dangerous and
difficult to clear. Use false documents to run past both rooms and up the
stairway to the next level.

Level 10: The Castle Cathedral

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 32
Difficulty: Medium

A series of hallways leads you to a three-story open courtyard. Behind the
stairway that leads to the second level is a flame-thrower and ammo for it,
you will be sure to want.

A hallway leads from the second level, where a small opening lets you overlook a
long room. Get the attention of the enemies, so they collect at the bottom of
small winding staircase nearby. Let them have it with a grenade.

At the far end of the long room is a table upon which sits the third quantum
receptor piece. Close nearby in a corner is a stairway leading up. At the top is
a misty set of hallways surrounded by tall grey walls. In a nook of this maze is
the golden key, which is used to open a doorway in a different nook. Expect
resistance upon securing the key.

Passing through the golden key door will bring you to the third level of the
initial courtyard. Leave the walkway and enter another courtyard, which has
explosive barrels you might use to your advantage. An unusual set of spiraling
stairs in the corner room will take you up to a walkway that overlooks this
courtyard. A long hallway leading from this walkway takes you to a very dark
descending staircase. Go down to reach the next level.

Level 11: The Factory

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 20
Difficulty: Medium

Soldiers on the opposite walkway guard the first large area, which features a
tank turret suspended from cables. The least painful way to attack them is to
jump to the floor and get up on the crates below them. The crates will provide
cover and let you get close to the enemies. The floor here contains ample health
and ammo.

The next room is even tougher. Your best bet is to hug the right hand wall up on
the walkway and get to the far end of the room, where you can jump down behind
some crates. The crates provide cover, but are open on both sides to attack.
these crates are many power-ups.

The next warehouse area is a carbon copy of this last one, though better lit. A
hallway with wooden walls connects the two areas. This next area is populated
with easier enemies, and your rifle is likely to be your weapon of choice here,
as you lurk in the doorway and whittle away at your opposition. Go back to the
previous warehouse for more health if you need it.

This level is quite difficult and can be bypassed using false documents if you
have them available. Grab as much ammo as you can as you hurtle through. The
open ramp at the far end of the final warehouse area is the exit to the next

Level 12: The Machine Park

Enemies: 27
Time Period: 1944
Difficulty: Medium

The niches in the right-hand wall of the first big room are full of power-ups,
be sure to visit them. One of the niches contains the fourth quantum receptor
piece. The walkway above you is inaccessible from this room, so go up the ramp
the far end of the room.

In the second large room with many pillars, use infrared vision to spot the
enemies in the dark. Switch the goggles on and off to conserve power and use the
pillars for cover when the heavy machine gunners open fire.

Around the corner is a small building with two sets of stairs. Through the
building, you will overlook an area that contains several guards. Leave the
building and go around through the hallway for easier access.

Passing through the next room and hallway, you will find yourself on the walkway
that you passed under as you began the level. Continue across through the next
hallway and up into the clearing where a railroad car sits. Just past the
railroad car is an imaginary line that, once crossed, will put you in the next

Level 13: The Train Station

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 30
Difficulty: Easy

A train tunnel proceeds ahead of you, occasionally popping out into the clear,
where guards patrolling the overpasses will fire at you. Take the tunnel until
you arrive at a quaint train station with a large doorway. Off to your left, the
tunnel continues, but it soon dead-ends at an overlook.

Inside the train station, a room to your left holds some useful power-ups. Down
the stairs, you'll come to a fork, but either way down takes you to the next
room. The enemies you find there will pursue you up the stairs, so you can
retreat and ambush them if you wish.

In the room with the pair of train cars, follow the tracks down the tunnel until
you come to an arched hallway to your right. At the end of this hallway are some
stairs leading downward. At the bottom of these stairs is a long grey hallway
that arrives at a very dark dead-end; in the dark sits the golden key.

Return with the key to the exterior of the train station. Between you and the
train car is a stairway leading down. Go down and take a right, where you will
find health and armor. Continue in this direction, and you will find yourself at
one end of a long grey hallway. This hallway wraps around a large underground
hangar, through which train tracks run. Use your rifle to clear the upper
before taking on the enemies who patrol below.

Along one wall of the hangar, mounted on a pillar, is a push-box at a little
above eye level. Touch the button to open the wall panel to your right (you need
the golden key to accomplish this). Just inside is the fifth quantum receptor
piece. Arm yourself with a machine gun and leap into the hole just past the
to advance to the next level.

Level 14: U-Boat Bunker

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 14
Difficulty: Easy

You will begin this level in a dark grey hallway. Following it around a couple
corners, you will find yourself at the head of a steep set of stairs that leads
down out of sight. Although killing the enemies below you is fairly easy, it is
difficult to fend off the others who spawn behind you once you have descended to
the third landing. Charge down the stairs, clearing them with your machine gun,
and you can either trap your pursuers on the stairs or ambush them if they
to maneuver down to you.

A short hallway will bring you to another set of similar stairs. This time, no
one will spawn behind you, so you can take your time getting down them safely.
Use the rifle liberally as you descend. At the bottom, exit out the hallway to
get to the next level.

Level 15: U-Boat Pen

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 15
Difficulty: Easy

In the darkness near your starting point is some health that you might miss
unless you turn on your infrared goggles. At the top of the ramp are machine
gunners, who are best defeated using the rifle as you back down the ramp toward
where you began.

The hallway leads to a large open area that has a long pool of dirty water in
Kill the guard across from you without jumping down into the water. At the far
diagonal end from your doorway are other guards. Zoom in and kill them from this
same side of the pool. Once they are gone, comb the area for power-ups and ammo,
then proceed out the door at the far end. A small set of stairs lets you climb
from the pool onto the far walkway.

The hallway leads to a bar across the way, beyond which is a fall to a pool of
water. Jump into the water and swim through the tunnel at the bottom of the
The room you emerge into contains a U-boat (a submarine). Both sides of the room
contain walkways that are guarded and linked by a glassed-in room at the end of
the docking bay. The windows are breakable, and inside them are explosive

Swim beneath the sub and emerge on the other side, at the far end from the
windowed area. Sink down and kill the guards that are on the opposite side of
sub on the lower walkway. From here, you can pick off the guard on top of the
and the guards who arrive on the walkway above you. Once you've accomplished
this, climb the stairs to exit the water, get up to the upper walkway, and go
around to the exit to the next level.

Level 16: V2 Factory

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 28
Difficulty: Medium

You emerge immediately into a courtyard that is ringed by walkways. Cross the
yard and exit out the opposite hallway. This hallway brings you around to a room
full of crates. A set of explosive canisters to the left will help you clear
room of enemies.

Continue out the opposite hallway, using your infrared to kill enemies and
power-ups. Watch out for explosive barrels in one corner. Head up a few stairs,
and you will be in a room that contains two rockets. If you cross the room and
up the stairs, you can circle around the room on a walkway (crouch to get past
the machinery). On the walkway are several power-ups, and a Panzerfaust.

Run out the hallway into which the rocket on the floor is pointing. This hallway
will take you around to a pair of stairways that lead up. In the hallway at the
top, you soon arrive at a junction. Taking a right or going straight will bring
you to a small platform overlooking a rocket. The platform contains power-ups.

Taking a left at the junction will send you across a walkway underneath which
earlier traveled. It is possible to fall into the crack between the walkway and
the ensuing hallway, so take care. You will soon emerge onto the circular
above the first courtyard you entered as the level began. An elevator lifts you
to the third level, where a hallway will take you to the level exit.

Level 17: City Ruins

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 38
Difficulty: Medium

You find yourself in a burned-out building as this level opens. The entrance is
guarded, but your rifle will easily remove this threat. Outside is a manhole
the cover removed. Go out the obvious hallway, instead, watching for enemies to
attack you from behind when your progress down the hallway is sufficient.

You will soon enter a courtyard with a raised pedestal in the middle. Stairs
up to the top of the pedestal where not only a key sits, but also the final
quantum receptor piece. Guards in the surrounding buildings can be removed with
rifle, but beware attacking dogs, if you zoom in.

Across this courtyard is an alcove with a narrow opening that lets you exit this
area. Some guards will attack through this opening, but you can ambush them
remaining in the alcove. Run down the narrow opening, but pause at the exit to
kill the guards. Start by killing one of the guards who sits up in the windows
the building across from you, as they are the most difficult to hit.

A ditch runs through this area, and you should jump into it and swim its length.
A right-hand turn during your swim will return you to the starting area, and
swimming straight will bring you to a new open area. Find the steps and climb
them, guns blazing.

Exit this area by using the dark hallway in the corner. To your right is the
golden key door. By using your false papers, you can take a left here and run up
the stairs that lead into the building in the center of the next very heavily
guarded area. At the top of the stairs is a pile of power-ups. If you run your
heart out, you can make it up there, collect the goods, and return to the golden
key door, escaping in the nick of time to the next level.

Level 18: The Duel

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 4
Difficulty: Easy

A few seconds after this level begins, the far wall will crash down, and a tank
will back out of the hole, accompanied by a group of machine gunners. If you
a Panzerfaust, quickly arm yourself with it and fire a shot at the tank All the
soldiers will die. Fire three more shots into the tank (or hit it with hand
grenades) as it backs up. When it becomes stationary, it will suddenly become
dead as well (consider it a bug). Exit out the hole the tank makes to move to
next level.

If you don't possess a Panzerfaust, head to the right immediately and find one,
along with some rockets, resting behind the broken wall. The wall will also
provide some moderate cover against the tank and the soldiers. Follow the
preceding procedure and eliminate the guards and the tank as quickly as

Level 19: The Time Machine

Time Period: 1944
Enemies: 23
Difficulty: Medium

Don't bother to conserve ammo on this level, as the next level will begin with
you armed only with a knife. Straight ahead is a crate with a book on it that
should read. On the floor here are many power-ups, and a series of guards will
harass you as you pick them up and ascend the stairs. Your progress should be
swift if you use the machine gun.

Descend the far side and walk into the brightly lit hallway. Around the corner
are heavy machine gunners, who can be dispatched with a well-timed Panzerfaust
shot. You will see two glass-floored rooms ahead of you, ringed above by
walkways. Zoom in and kill the guards in the far room, then run to the small
connecting hallway to kill the guards above you on the walkway.

Climb the steep stairs and traverse the walkways. A hallway will bring you to
next large area, which features a large piece of machinery with stairs wrapping
around it. Climb the stairs to the walkway that exits the room.

The walkway turns into a hallway that brings you to some stairs. Heavy machine
gun in hand, run up the stairs and keep going straight. Blaze away, continuing
run around the gigantic machine that sits in the center of the room. Diagonally
opposite the stairs you came up are some stairs leading down. Go down them and
take a right. A lift at the end of this hallway will bring you to an upper
walkway, which itself takes you to the center of the time machine. The machine
will send you back to the future and the next level.

Level 20: The Future Time Machine

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 27
Difficulty: Medium

Ahead of you is a switch that operates a lift that takes you down to the main
floor. Circle the time machine, gathering all the power-ups you see. In the far
corner is a stairway leading down, where you can pick up some weapons. Take a
lesson from the twitching dude and don't touch the panel that is having
electrical issues. Beside him is your first futuristic weapon.

Nearby are two narrow staircases, one leading up and the other down. The up
staircase brings you to some ammo. Downstairs, you will encounter some guards
more stairs leading down. Going down these, you will emerge into a futuristic

A small alleyway leads from this area - you reach it by taking a right as you
enter the area and then another right. Crossing a courtyard diagonally, you will
find a lift that will take you to the second level. Up here is the golden key
that you must bring back to the first area. The golden key door sends you to the
next level.

Level 21: Time Machine Facility

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 20
Difficulty: Medium

Be ready because you will come under instant assault. If you survive, you will
find quite a bit of health here to restore you. Around the corner, the first
courtyard you will encounter contains several guards, a door, which requires the
silver key, and a walkway above you. The walkway is accessible via two lifts and
a pile of crates. One lift brings you to the highest point in the room, where
there is health.

On the floor of this room is a helmet that will protect you from biological
waste. Jump over the short wall nearby and go down the ramp to the nasty liquid
behind the pipes. Put on the helmet and jump into the liquid. Swim beneath the
obstacle and pop up on the other side. Another biohelmet rests here, but don't
pick it up yet until you're ready to head back. This room contains the silver

If you take either lift to your right or left, you will be brought to the upper
walkways. The switches up here release explosive barrels into the area below.
may use these barrels to help you clear the area of enemies. Pick up the second
biohelmet here and return. If you don't use the helmet, the toxic sludge will
take around 75 points of health - if you hurry.

Take the lift up to the walkway and enter the silver key door. At the bottom of
the ramp behind the door is a left-hand turn. The turrets at the far end of the
room you look into can be taken out safely with the rifle. You enter the room
through a half-pipe that is identical to the half-pipe you exit from. This other
half-pipe leads to the exit.

Level 22: Underground Channels

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 25
Difficulty: Medium

The exits to the starting room are across from you. The tube on the left hits a
dead-end, while the one on the right takes you to a set of staircases that lead
down. At the bottom, you will find yourself in a maze of pipe-lined walls. Your
first left takes you to power-ups, while your second left takes you to death.

Take your first left, then turn around and proceed down the hall. You will be
ambushed at the next junction, so be ready. One option is to simply run for it,
strafing back and forth as you flee down the hallway straight ahead into the
room. A couple of guards on the metal stairways in that room are your only
obstacles. Before your pursuers get some shots in, escape down the stairs and
into the tunnels.

The tunnels all meet at right angles and are guarded by turrets. To kill the
turrets most effectively, crouch beneath the water and use your crosshair to
you shoot the turrets from below the surface. Enemy soldiers also have a tougher
time hitting you if you are crouched below the surface, so keep this tip in

There is a flamethrower and ammo within the maze of tunnels, but the exit is
close by the entrance: simply take your first left and proceed straight into the
next area. Where the tunnels widen out, prepare to be ambushed from both
directions. The first tunnel on your right is the way to proceed. It is guarded,
but if you keep your distance and use your laser pistol (along with your red
crosshair to guide you), you will easily win.

Jump into the water and find the two pipes that lead from the pool, near the
bottom. The pipe on the right leads to a new weapon, the sub-automatic assault
rifle, and the pipe on the left exits the level.

Level 23: The Sewers

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 14
Difficulty: Easy

You begin this level still in the sewer pipe, but a chimney a short distance
ahead will let you replenish your breath. When you emerge from the pipe, you
be under water in a pool in a large room. Across the pool from you are stairs
that let you climb out. Climb them, turn left, kill the guard, and find safety
the hallway straight ahead of you. Staying to kill the pool guards is a waste of
ammo. Instead, go down the hallway to the huge black door and go through it,
letting it close behind you.

The guard in this next hallway can be ambushed with your knife. Kill him and
proceed through another huge black door. At the far end of the next hallway is a
turret, which you can dispatch with your laser pistol. Several guards will
out of a hallway to your right and attack you. The ramp down which they come
leads to a large room with metal stairways that lead to the exit. Before you
exit, you may continue straight down the hallway until you arrive at the walkway
above the pool. The many power-ups there make the trip worth it.

Level 24: Kraftwerk

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 48
Difficulty: Hard

Straight ahead is a large courtyard patrolled by droids, so go to your left
first. You will quickly enter a room from which extends a system of hallways.
Enter them and take your first left. The hallway will turn to the right, then
come to an intersection. A left will take you into a room full of crates,
and ammo.

Return to the intersection. Take a left and enter a pair of large rooms
by windows. The far room contains a pit full of toxic liquid, but a protective
power-up lies beside the pool. Grab the power-up and then the Gehenna weapon
lies in the liquid. This weapon is your best defense against droids.

Once you have the weapon, try to escape the room without using ammo up on the
droids. Leave the room and take your first left, then your next right, which
put you in a long hallway that leads to the starting position. Once there, go
into the courtyard and take a right into a smaller courtyard. An exit to the
takes you to an elevator, which leads up to a system of metal walkways. The
hallway that heads back into the building leads to a walkway above the big
courtyard, upon which the plasma launcher sits. Crouch as you crawl to get it to
avoid enemy fire.

Jump back down to the main courtyard and take two lefts, bringing you back to
elevator you just used. A button on the wall beside it opens the hangar door
across the courtyard. Go through that door and proceed down the hallway to the
lift at the end. Ride it down to another hallway. At the end of this hallway is
room full of computer monitors. The blue key is on the floor.

Go back to the lift and make your way to the main courtyard. Take a left and go
back past the starting position. Continue to the system of hallways. Go straight
down the long hall and take your third left. Proceed to the elevator that brings
you to the blue key door. Beyond this door is a hallway that takes you to an
area surrounding glass windows. The silver key is on the floor in this area.

Break the glass and jump inside, then slide carefully to the floor below. You
will now be in the computer monitor room. Return to the courtyard via the
elevators and hallways. Once there, ride the elevator to your right up to the
top. Proceed through a hallway and down some stairs until you arrive at the
silver key door. If you like, jump down through the floor where the pipes
disappear for a secret area containing a few items and power-ups. Past the
key door is the exit to the level.

Level 25: Droid Factory

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 35
Difficulty: Hard

The starting room contains a pool, and a large hallway leads from it. This
hallway takes you to a vast room that contains large machines. The left-hand
contains two exits that take you to a tall room that has two lifts. Lower one of
the lifts, then push the button and run onto the lift before it raises. Ride it
to the top. A short hallway exits the walkway you find yourself on. Turn to your
left and get the mind-control weapon from its shelf inside a glass display case.

Use night vision or infrared to battle your way around the dark, narrow hallway
to the stairs that lead up into the open. A spaceship hovers overhead. On the
surface, you will find an identical stairway heading down. Go down the stairs
through this hallway. It takes you to a set of stairs that goes up to another
hallway. At the end of the hallway, you will be on a walkway that crosses the
area you were just in. Cross it and take the next hallway to a wide-open chamber
that houses a giant robot.

The floor is heavily guarded, but you can run up the nearby stairs and avoid
getting into a fight. Grab the health and armor at the top, go around the
walkway, and continue climbing until you reach the top. The golden key is up
here. Take it and climb back down. Kill the guards down at floor level, using
crates that litter the floor as cover. The golden key door is on one wall, and
exits the level.

Level 26: Computing Center

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 35
Difficulty: Hard

You begin inside a glassed enclosure, from which you descend into a computer
room. Leaving this room via a hallway, you enter a large room that contains a
thick pillar. Use it to shield yourself from enemies as you flee past this room
into the ensuing corridor. This corridor brings you to a room with a glassed-in
center. A ramp carries you up to the top level. All these areas may be bypassed
without a fight.

At the top, exit via a corridor and make your way to a system of catwalks that
overlook the thick pillared room you ran through when you began the level. A
corridor on the far side will end in a room lined with keyboards. Diagonally
opposite the entrance is your exit. Experience deja vu as you make your way
through a duplicate set of rooms.

At the far end of the last room you enter is a door that opens vertically. It
opens when you press the button to its left, and behind it is yet another set of
those rooms you've been walking through. Keep going until you enter a room that
has four glass cabinets, each containing a multitude of power-ups. Ask yourself
why you've just been granted a lifetime supply of ammo as you proceed into the
white alcove at the end of the room. Take out the Gehenna as you go up the lift.

Up here, you will be running through the second stories of the similar-looking
rooms you ran through below. If you run low on Gehenna ammo, remember that you
can bypass droids by hitting them with your mind-control weapon. The sequence of
second-level rooms will bring you to a walkway that circles around a
which has red electricity zapping from it. On the opposite side of this room is
short hallway to another room that contains the exit.

Level 27: City in the Clouds

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 55
Difficulty: Medium

Walk into the room you are facing and take a left. Take two more immediate lefts
and hop onto the elevator, activating it with the button beside it. At the top,
circulate around the upper walkway, collecting power-ups. Then proceed out the
dark hallway and take a right.

Use your mind-control weapon on droids and your plasma launcher on the female
cyborgs as you take your first left. Then, run down the hallway to a T
intersection (the golden key door will be on your right at the T intersection).
Take a left into a large room with a couple of glass walls. An elevator in this
room lifts you to a walkway.

Circle around the walkway to find the golden key. Return to the elevator and
down. Turn right and exit. At the far end of the hallway is the golden key door.
Once it opens, take cover immediately behind the crates to your left and kill
enemy guards from there. An exit in the far right corner of the room takes you
the next level.

Level 28: The Spaceport

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 24
Difficulty: Hard

Your starting room is cluttered with crates. A lift in the far corner takes you
to the upper walkway. Up top, proceed to the far wall and take a right into a
hallway that takes a quick right. Take this hallway until it turns left into a
hangar in which a spaceship is parked.

At the far corner of this room is a doorway that exits into a hall. The hall
turns right and heads into a small room that holds several crates. The next room
is a sort of warehouse with an exit on its far side. The room is filled with
cyborgs, who are best fought by using the mind-control weapon on the droid who
guards the entrance. Use the droid to cover you as you enter the room and use
assault rifle on the cyborgs.

A hallway exits out the far corner of the warehouse. Ride either of the
to your right and left as you enter the hallway. They take you to the walkway
that overlooks the warehouse floor. At the end of the walkway, just after you
the health and armor, turn to your right and leap onto the crates, so that you
won't get hurt as you return to the main floor.

The next room is also littered with crates, and it opens at the far end onto a
platform under the night sky. On this platform is the golden key. Get it and
retrace your steps to the small room nearby that contains a grey door marked
Eingang. The golden key opens this door, which leads to the exit to the next

Level 29: Docking Bay 94

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 19
Difficulty: Medium

Head into the first room and take a left, which leads into a very long hallway.
At the first junction is the golden key. Straight ahead is a room guarded by a
droid and turret. Take them out from a distance using the laser pistol or sub-
automatic machine gun.

Now, enter the room they were in. This room has sloping glass walls, and
is a glassed-in walkway. To avoid a huge fight in the room below you, run up the
far right girder, shoot a hole in the walkway's glass, and jump inside. Proceed
down the walkway, which takes you to a control room that houses the blue key.

Turn around and go back to the walkway, blowing apart another pane of glass, so
that you can leap again to the sloping girder. Once on the ground, head down the
hallway and take a right. This brings you to a wide-open area in which a small
spaceship rests. Enter the ship and push the button. This ends the level.

Level 30: The Flying Fortress

Time Period: 2093
Enemies: 30
Difficulty: Hard

You begin in a heavily guarded hangar in which several spaceships are docked.
Escape it as quickly as you can and use the mind-control gun on the droid that
guards the exit hallway. Enter the small, dark hallway system that lies straight
ahead and take a right. At the T, take a left, then your next right. You will be
looking down a hallway that is lit with green lights at its far end.

Use the plasma launcher to kill the turrets that are strewn throughout
hallways. Apart from turrets, don't bother to kill enemies from here 'til the
end, unless a few cyborgs get in your way. The greenish hallway leads to a long
blue tube that overlooks a courtyard. Take the tube to its far end and jog to
left until you enter a large open room that is divided in two by thick walls.
exit is at the far end of this room.

Take a right turn in the hallway and enter a blue room that contains several
large chairs. A large doorway positioned on your left opens when you touch it.
Enter and ride the elevator up, killing the guards at the top. Continue until
see the jetpack sitting on a walkway. Pass through the nearby door and summon a
lift from far below by hitting the button on the wall. Ride the lift down to the
final battleground.

This final arena has three hangar doors on the far wall. A button on that wall
opens all three doors, letting giant spider robots out. These robots die most
easily if you have saved a couple pieces of ammo for your mind-control weapon,
but you can also kill them with the Gehenna. Each spider holds a key that opens
door at the far end. Enter those doors and finish the game by walking near the
monument in the room beyond.