Moto eXtreme чит-файл №1

Hint: Lean back in the saddle when taking flight. Lean forward in a crouch for
extra speed when traveling horizontally.

Hint: Just like your mother told you: don't waste your time with small bikes.
Go for the Super Bike--it'll grab gobs of air and make winning a lot easier.

Puddle Trick
When you can't go around a puddle than hit it strait on and pull back (using
arrow) or let off the gas (let off space-bar) and pull back.

Punching and Kicking
Use these keys to punch and kick during races.

Punch left: M
Kick left: N
Punch right:,<
Kick right: .>

Have fun beating up other racers !

Tail Whip
To whip the tail end of your bike around just get some big air on a jump and in
mid-air tap the brake button 2 times.You shuold see your bike whip side-ways in
the air!