Принц Персии: Два трона чит-файл №1

Secret baby rattle weapon
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Take out your
dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then press [Left],
[Left], [Right], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Up], [Up], [Down].

Secret telephone weapon
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. Take out
your dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then press
[Right], [Left] [Right], [Left], [Down], [Down], [Up], [Up], [Up], [Down], [Up],
[Up], [Down], [Down].

Secret swordfish weapon
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting. Take out your
dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then press [Up],
[Down], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Up],

Secret chainsaw weapon
Take out your dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then
press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up],
[Down], [Up], [Down].