Red Faction II чит-файл №2

Go to Extras -> Cheats and enter the following combinations to get
the desired results. After that click on the star to mark them and
ofcourse use them in the game.
Super Health xxywywz
Infinite Grenades zxzyxzxz
Director's Cut yxzwzxyw
Rapid Rails zyzyxxww
Gibby Ammo xxxxyzxx
Extra Chunky zzzzwxzz
Bouncing Bombs zzzzzzzz
Infinite Ammo ywxzyzxw
Wacky Deaths wwwwwwww
Walking Dead xxxxxxxx
Rain of Fire yyyyyyyy
Gibby Explosions wzxywzxy
Explosive Personality x
Win Game yxyx
All Weapons y
Unlock Everything wwxxyzyz
Unlock All Cheats yzwzyxwx
Unlock All Levels zyxwyzxx

"All Weapons" is only usable during game, (press ESC, go to
CHEAT MENU, enter it and resume).