Scorched Planet чит-файл №1

Mission 1 - Trial by Fire
Having cruised around, familiarizing yourself with your transport and terrain,
you should be ready to lurch into action and kick some alien butt.

STAGE 1: Save at least 10 colonists.
The factory ship is decimating uninhabited settlements; don't be fooled into
challenging it. Right now it is not your number one priority. There will be
plenty of time later to indulge in a blast fest.
Find a village with some humans (white dots on the radar), morph into the
tank, hit the "Home" key and drive towards the humans - you can carry up to 5
humans at one time.
Once you've got 5 on board, morph into the fighter ship and fly through the
Space Gate (red square on the radar).
As you pass through the Space Gate the humans on board will be teleported to
safety and you will have saved 5 humans.
Just 5 more to go.
The warning "attack wave detected" screams from your computer, signifying a
Voraxian attack. With your weapons at the ready it's time to wreak
destruction. Make sure you remember to collect the power-ups released when
these creatures are killed.
Next go and pick up another 5 humans and take them through the Space Gate to
teleport them to safety.
Now you have saved the minimum number of colonists, the Space Gate will flash
green, allowing you to exit the level.
Don't go yet, not when there are so many willing moving targets to shoot down,
secret areas to explore and extra humans to save. Every extra human saved,
above the minimum, will give you an enhanced human on the next stage (they
look bigger than other humans). These guys are great for when the going gets
tough. Enhanced civilians can drag two collectibles at once and the soldiers
possess a more accurate and powerful shot.

STAGE 2: Save at least 12 colonists.
The pace is beginning to pick up now, putting your newly acquired skills to
the test. Fire rains down from the factory ship that hovers above the
You will notice a pulsating red circle on your radar, this is the settlement's
"Beacon", informing you that the settlement is under attack. It is also the
point where all the colonists from the settlement converge. Here's a quick and
effective method of evacuating the settlement, thus increasing your chances of
moving onto the next level.
Collect the beacon and deploy it near the Space Gate by flying towards the
Space Gate. Select the Beacon from you inventory using the bracket keys, press
"Enter" to drop it. (This technique is used to deploy all inventory items.)
Giant spiders stalk the settlement cocooning colonists, turning them into
zombies. Zombies are highly contagious, infecting all the humans they come
into contact with. If you thought that was bad enough, after 2 minutes the
zombies will explode. So you need to act fast before the epidemic gets totally
out of control.
Free a cocooned colonist with a few gentle blasts from weapon 2, the Plasma
Bolts. (This weapon cannot kill colonists.)
When a spider is destroyed they will release "Anti-Venom"; this should be
collected and deployed near zombies to cure them. Pick up the anti-venom after
use, as you will need it in later stages.

STAGE 3: Save at least 12 colonists.
With two settlements simultaneously under attack life's a little frantic to
say the least.
Collect your first 5 colonists from the settlement under attack, morph into
the ship and head straight for the Space Gate, if your radar is set to full
range you will notice a second colony under attack.
This settlement is under attack from the giant spiders. Head toward it and
deploy your anti-venom, collected from the previous stage, to cure the
green-skins. The spiders will already be heading toward the next settlement,
kill them before they reach the colonists, collecting the anti-venom and
curing any stray zombies along the way. If you don't have any anti-venom, then
you may have to take the drastic action of blowing away the zombies so that
they can't infect other humans. It's a hard life!
Collect the anti-venom and grab five colonists, then head for the Space Gate,
collecting fuel on your way.
You now only need to save 2 more colonists, so go find them. Check your radar
for white blips. Hail them on board and save them through the Space Gate.
If you don't manage to save your quota of 12, you're just about to enter
mutant space. The factory ship releases on onslaught of Voraxians to attack
you. Good luck, it is rumored that you can survive.
After saving 12 colonists (or surviving mutant space -some chance of that),
you will note the Space Gate has not turned to its exit "green" colour.
Instead the message "Guardian released" is displayed. The Gyronihilator has
been released; you must destroy him in order to complete the mission. This guy
could eat you for breakfast. If you want to stand a hope in hell of surviving
there are a few things you need to do.
Get loaded. You have probably already found the secret area with all the
goodies you need, but if not, look on the radar for a big collection of yellow
dots. In here you should find invincibility, multi-missiles and homing
Just as the Guardian approaches grab the invincibility. Now you are
indestructible for 1 minute, hammer the Guardian with everything you've got,
remembering to use "T" and "L" to target and lock the Guardian when using the
homing missiles.

Mission 2 - Tropical Storm

STAGE 1: Save at least 8 colonists.

You hit the ground with an almighty thud in this mission. Your fuel tank has
been punctured, fuel surges out limiting essential flying time. It's time to
make the colonists work for you.
Hail your first lot of colonists onboard, from the settlement under attack,
collecting the map enhancer on your way (next to the beacon), then head
straight for the Space Gate. As you approach the Space Gate you will see a
collection of windmills, head for these. Behind them you will find fuel.
Now you get to show off your driving and flying skills. Line yourself up with
the fuel and drive over the fuel as fast as you can (double click for more
tank speed).
As you pick up the last fuel drum quickly morph into the ship and soar through
the Space Gate.
If you fail to make it through the Space Gate then at least make sure you get
back to land as your tank is rather slow on the water. Meanwhile the fuel
drums are regenerating, so you can soon try again.
Don't start slacking. Once you have saved the humans you should continue
across the water, more colonists are depending on you. The menacing Lizards
devour defenseless colonists, take too long and there won't be any inhabitants
left to rescue.
Hail the colonists on board, locate the bridge on the map screen (Tab key) and
head back across to the windmill fuel dump.
Collect the fuel and fly through the Space Gate.
If you have collected 8 or more colonists the stage can be finished, a quick
"space bar" flip after your last colonists were saved should enable you to fly
straight through the Space Gate, and exit the stage.

STAGE 2: Save at least 8 colonists.
You'll be dependent on the invaluable assistance of the colonists in this
stage too.
Collect the beacon, map and your quota of civilians, then head for the Space
Gate. Drop the beacon at the Space Gate, then turn left and transport the
civilians across to the fuel dump on the island (center of map), via the
Drop off the civilians being careful not to accidentally pick up the fuel
yourself (F3 or F4 are the best views for this). The civilians will now drag
the fuel back to their beacon by the Space Gate.
At the top of the map lies a city about to come under attack by lizards. Head
straight for it, hailing the colonists as soon as they're in view.
Pulverize the lizards with plasma bolts to avoid killing the colonists. With
the colonists onboard head back to the Space Gate.
If the civilians with the fuel have not yet arrived, have a moment's target
practice at the swarms of wasps.
Once the civilians have arrived with the fuel, collect it and fly through the
Space Gate. This fuel (shown by the spinning arrows ) regenerates in around 30
seconds. Save another 3 colonists and the gate should turn green - ready for
exit. Breathe a sigh of relief.

STAGE 3: Save at least 9 colonists.
Load up your vehicle with five colonists, the beacon and the map from the
first settlement. Locate the bridge on the map and head down to it, you're
about to go exploring. Cross the bridge turning left to get to the Space Gate
which is at the end of a rocky pier. Drop the beacon about half way along the
pier. Take the civilians with you to the nearby fuel dump (middle left on the
map). Drop them off and they will drag the fuel back to their beacon.
Two other settlements are now under attack (top and bottom of map) head toward
the bottom settlement collect five civilians and drop them at the Space Gate,
turn round and head back for the last settlement grab 5 soldiers and their
beacon and take them to the Space Gate.
If all is well the fuel should have arrived at the beacon near the Space Gate.
Unload the five soldiers, their job is to save the civilians from the deadly
To avoid confusion as to which beacon you want the colonists to follow, throw
one into the sea, this will destroy it and the colonists will now only follow
one beacon.
Hail 5 colonists on board and once the fuel has arrived, collect it and dart
through the Space Gate, if you're quick with the reverse flip (space bar) then
you can fly back before you run out of fuel. Otherwise drive back around via
the bridge, and the fuel should have regenerated, allowing for five more
colonists to be saved.
If no fuel has arrived, when you first return to the beacon near the Space
Gate, take 5 more civilians to the fuel dump drop them off and await their
arrival. Then check for roaming lizards that may have eaten the previous group
of civilians.
When 9 colonists have been saved, the Guardian "Neptune" will be released.
Time to load up with weapons and find that invincibility pick-up. After
defeating Neptune, his fuel tank will be released which you must collect to
replace your own fuel tank. Collect this and fly through the Space Gate to the
next mission.

Mission 3 - Swamp Fever

STAGE 1: Save at least 14 colonists.
Make sure you're loaded to the hilt with fire power in this stage, you don't
want to be begging for mercy. You start in a settlement where the soldiers are
experienced enough to handle themselves. Leave them to do what they do best
and head for the next settlement under attack. Giant venomous spiders creep
through the terrain. They need to be destroyed before they infect all the
colonists on this planet.
If you have collected an A-tron, now is a good time to use it. Drop it just
outside a settlement under attack and the spiders will all be drawn toward it,
where you can blast them without fear of hitting the civilians. When the
spiders are dead, hail onboard your first 5 civilians, collect the beacon and
head for the Space Gate. Drop the beacon just before the Space Gate (the other
civilians will run to it), now save the 5 colonists.
This is a good time to look for fuel and Space Gate repair crystals. The Space
Gate is not functioning properly and you need to regularly recharge it by
flying through it with a gate crystal in your inventory. This is best done
with colonists onboard as you can then do a 180 flip back through the
recharged gate and save your colonists.
The next 9 colonists you can pick up anywhere on the map. Don't become too
complacent pulverizing the spiders, as you'll have to contend with the bats on
this level too.

STAGE 2: Save at least 14 colonists.
You should be experienced at annihilating spiders by now, lets hope so.
Similar tactics are required to stage 1. Lightening fast shooting is needed to
destroy the spiders before it's too late. Don't forget to collect the precious
anti-venom to prevent too many zombies exploding.
Stock up on inventory items, especially A-trons and Anti-venom, you'll need
them on stage 3.

STAGE 3: Save at least 22 colonists.
By now you should have picked up a save buoy. Expect the worst: Use it!
An army of spiders infest this level, infection can disperse through the
settlements in minutes. Head straight for the spiders and rid yourself of
these menaces, there are 3 packs roaming around to dispose of.
Locate the first city under attack from the spiders, drop an A-tron to herd
the spiders out of the city and destroy them. Collect 5 colonists and head for
the Space Gate, a gate crystal onboard always helps. Carry on the evacuation,
making sure you destroy spiders as soon as you see them and look out for long
lines of colonists on the radar, this often indicates a long line of zombies
wandering to the next settlement. It is more important to cure them than
saving colonists through the Space Gate.
Wise up to the chaos and drop an A-tron and Gun Turret next to some soldiers,
the A-tron will gather in all the enemies and the soldiers will use the Gun
Turret to shoot them out of the sky, buying you some time to save a few more
civilians. Collect some fuel or just take a breather.
Once you've saved 22 colonists the Guardian "Bipedalator" will be released.
Finding the invincibility and handy stash of missiles will help you destroy
him. As you leave the stage, make sure you have some save buoys, anti-venom,
A-tron's, Gun Turrets and some multi-missiles for the next mission.

Mission 4 - Battle for Little Egypt

The Voraxians have retaliated in this mission by entrenching their own gun
emplacements around the spacegate and some of the settlements. To make matters
worse, there is more than one factory ship to contend with.
However, all is not lost, additional vehicles in the form of armour plated
personnel carriers are available for the colonists to use. Although two new
forms of Voraxians will be encountered to add to your distress - annoying,
squealing mosquitoes hamper rescue attempts and deadly scorpions wrap
colonists in their venomous secretions.
The heat is really on in this mission. Take heed of the warning and save the
game at the beginning of each stage, you don't want all that hard work to go
to waste.

STAGE 1: Save at least 12 colonists.
You begin in a settlement surrounded by soldiers which is being bombarded by
Voraxians. Drive through the settlement collecting 5 soldiers and their
beacon, morph into the ship and head for the Space Gate.
As you approach, climb up as high as you can in order to stay out of range of
the Voraxian defenses that they have built around the Space Gate. Try and
position your craft over the Space Gate, then release the beacon and soldiers
so they drop to the ground near the Space Gate. If you have a Gun Turret, drop
that down as well. The soldiers will now start to attack the defenses
surrounding the Space Gate.
The secret areas will be imperative to your success, so get down to one of the
three secret areas straight away and stock up on fuel and weapons. Once you're
out of there keep high over the Voraxian defenses, head toward the central
civilian settlement that is under attack from a second factory ship.
Fly in low and morph into the tank, then hail 5 civilians onboard and head
back to the Space Gate. By now the defenses around the Space Gate should have
been destroyed by the soldiers. If not, then you're in trouble.
Head back up to the civilian settlement hail 5 more onboard and save them, the
last 2 colonists to be saved should be the soldiers by the Space Gate.

STAGE 2: Save at least 12 colonists
Pick up 5 soldiers and their beacon. If you don't have a gun turret or A-tron,
it is worth spending a few minutes searching out the secret areas to find one.
Once you've got the equipment, head for the Space Gate, but be careful as it
is once again ringed by Voraxian defenses.
Simple tactics are no good to you now, you can't just drop down your soldiers
as there are deadly scorpions patrolling the area and the mosquitoes are
becoming increasingly troublesome.
Drop an A-tron to draw them away from the defenses and revel in the delight of
watching them die as you blast them into smithereens.
Now it's safe to deploy the beacon, soldiers and Gun Turret as before.
Head back to the settlements and collect 5 civilians and their beacon - the
remaining civilians will follow in the trucks. Return to the Space Gate and
the soldiers should have destroyed the defenses, the Space Gate is once again

STAGE 3: Save at least 16 colonists.
The same tactic of deploying soldiers is needed for this stage except the
Space Gate is hidden within a huge Egyptian building. Find your first 5
soldiers, Beacon and Gun Turret and deploy them at one end of the Space Gate.
The best position is probably outside, on the second platform of the building
Find a second 5 soldiers and deploy them at the other end of the building
containing the Space Gate. Speed is essential as the Voraxian defenses will
hit you if you hang around. Finding the invincibility powerup can help when
deploying the soldiers or saving civilians before the defenses are destroyed.
Make sure you don't run out of fuel flying through the spacegate.
Collect the civilians from the other settlements and save them via the Space
Gate, the defenses should be destroyed giving you safe access to the gate.
When 16 colonists have been saved the Guardian "Effovpanzer" is released,
destroying this giant tank will allow you to exit to the next mission.