Shell Shock чит-файл №1

To change the specs of your mission you have to survive the first
mission, because there is no way to save the game before the end
of the first section.
Now load the file shock.gms into the hex editor and now you have
the possibility to change the following offsets:

Offset Contents change to
0002 mission number 01 to 25
000A possible tank shields 00 to 06
000C current tank shields 08 for one shields
10 for two shields
18 for three shields
20 for four shields
28 for five shields
30 for six shields
000E # Sams 00 to 04
0014 # air raids 00 to 01
0016 # power 00 to 04
0018 # tank tracks 00 to 04
001A # ammo kits 00 to 04
001C # target kits 00 to 04
001E # cooling kits 00 to 04
0020 - 0023 money 20 A1 07 00 ($ 500.000)
0024 - 0027 points what ever you like
0028 - 0029 hit accurance 64 00 (100 %)
The possible and the current tank shields should be the same.