SiN Episodes: Emergence чит-файл №2

Modify your existing [install directory]\SE1\cfg\config.cfg and change
con_enable to "1" to enable the console. You may also want to modify the bind
"`" "toggleconsole" command to a key besides tilde if you have problems using
the ~/` key on your keyboard. We are sorry that we cannot include a keyboard for
you ReVOLVeR. Start the game and press the key that your config.cfg binds to the
toggleconsole command. Once in the console, type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat
mode. Once cheat mode is enabled, the game will allow you to use the developer's
official cheat codes.

Cheat mode does not have to be on for the commands in the useful commands
section however, and a full list of commands can be found in the included
cvarlist.txt. We included it as a bonus in case you feel like exploring the
game. As for standard cheats, we have included the cheat codes that required
sv_cheats to be enabled as there are many cheat commands in the cvarlist.txt,
but most of them do not do anything useful, nor does sv_cheats have to be
enabled for them to work. Therefore, these mislabelled cheats were not ncluded
in this release, but we thought we'd throw them in anyways just in
case someone wants a nicely compiled command list. (1600+ commands)



sv_cheats 1 - Enables cheat mode
sv_cheats 0 - Disables cheat mode

ai_disable - Toggles enemy artificial intelligence
autolife - Toggles autolife mode (Automatically refresh
health when player dies)
buddha - Toggles buddha mode (Player takes damage but
won't die.)
god - Toggles god mode (Invincibility)
health [#] - Set the player's health to #
hurtme [#] - Hurts the player by # health points
mat_wireframe 1 - Enables wireframe mode (See through walls)
noclip - Toggles noclip mode (Walk through walls)
notarget - Toggles notarget mode (Enemies don't shoot you)
r_modelwireframedecal 1 - Displays damage done to enemy in wireframe mode
setang - Sets the player's view direction
setpos - Sets the player's position in the map
sv_noclipduringpause 1 - Allows noclip cheat to work while game is paused
sv_infinite_aux_power 1 - Enables infinite auxilary power
showtriggers 0 - Shows trigger brushes when set to 0
undie - Refresh player's health to 100 when dead

bind [key] [command] - Binds the specified key to the specified command
for quick access to constantly used commands
cl_showfps 1 - Displays frames per second and filename of the
current map
cl_showfps 0 - Hides frames per second
cl_showpos 1 - Displays the player's current position and angle on screen
crosshair 1 - Enables crosshair
crosshair 0 - Disables crosshair
give [item] - Gives you a certain item (one time only). Useful
items include: weapon_magnum, weapon_scattergun,
weapon_assault_rifle, weapon_grenade ***
jpeg [f] [q] - Take a screenshot and save it to [install
directory]SE1screenshots[f]. [f] is the
filename and [q] is the quality (1-100)
kill - Commit suicide
map [mapname] - Changes the map to a specific map. Get map
list by typing maps *
perfui 1 - Level Performance Tools
playdemo [filename] - Plays back an existing demo
record [filename] - Records a video/demo of your game **
reload - Reload the current save file
restart - Restart the current level
shake - Shakes your character
stop - Stops recording the current video/demo **
sv_gravity - Setting this to a low number lets you fly.
Default value is 600

** = Hold SHIFT and press F2 at any time for the demo playback window.
*** = Type report_entities to get a list of the current map's entities.
Sometimes these items can be given to you. Different for every