SkyNet чит-файл №1

In the U.S. version, press ALT and \ at the same time to enter these
codes.а Some European versions require you to press ALT and # instead.

GARBLE = Garble cheat codes toggle
SUPERUZI = Get the Super UZI
ICANTSEE = Show viewscreen
WHOAMI = Shows your name
COUNTERS = Shows current co-ordinates
VERSION = Shows version
HELLO = Shows message: Hello?
ILLBEBACK = Skip to next level (There is only one level so it ends
ARNOLD = Gives ALL the weapons!!!
NITROUS = unlimited time
SLUGS = more weapons
TARGET = target lock
WILLNOTSTOP = god mode
JOYCAM = 3rd person view
SURGERY = full armour and health
Anti-drown cheat:

If you keep drowning in the sewer on level 5, try this: when you activate
the switch and the water starts rising, save your game. Reload the saved
game, and the water is gone.

On some European versions pressing alt-* will allow you to enter the cheat