SPORE чит-файл №2

While playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [C] to bring up the cheat entry screen.
Type any of the following cheat codes for the desired effect.
Code Result
moremoney - adds 1.000.000 spore bucks.
addDNA - adds DNA point to spend in creature mode.
refillMotives - Replenish depleted health and other motives.
unlockSuperWeapons - Unlock all superweapons for your Civilization type.
spaceCreate - Unlock and recharge all Space mode creation tools.
Killallhints - Removes all hints.
help - Explains action and usage of a command.
Quit - Exit to Windows.
capturePlanetGIF - Save spinning GIF image of your planet to
freeCam - Toggle Free Camera mode.
help [command] - Explains action and usage of a command.
setConsequenceTrait - Set consequence trait.
SetTime [1-24],[0-59] - Set time of day at the Avatar's position.
toggleCaptureUI - Toggle display of user interface in screenshots.
styleFilter -filmNoir - Toggle monochrome background and creatures (1).
styleFilter -oilpaint - Toggle oil painting background and creatures (1).
stylefilter -none - Reset view to normal.
styleFilter -microscope - Microscope visual style.
styleFilter -norainbows - No rainbows visual style.
styleFilter -nextgen - Next generation visual style.
Killallhints - Removes all hints.
pauseUIVisible - Toggle drawing pause frame.
option - List options.
prop - Display and modify properties.
clear - Clear console window.
levels - Level cheats.
levels -unlock - Unlock all phases.
history - List previous commands.
movie - Video cheat.
celleditor - Add extra parts
blocksmode - Turns creatures into their blocky representations.
moreMoney+Up - Keep pressing it and you'll have 99,999,999
in no time!
spaceCreate+Up - Keep pressing it and you'll have max uses in no time!
evoadvantage - Enter this cheat when are starting a new Creature
to choose any creature from the Sporepedia. Start a
game with one of your more evolved creatures.
-remove - Removes given app or list property
-list [name:[string] - Operates on given property list rather than
[propName]:[string][0/1] - Sets given app property
[propName]:[string] - Displays value of given app property

Note: Enabling codes will block achievements from being earned
on that particular planet