Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force чит-файл №3

Level 1: The Rescue

You start the game on a Borg cube. Your mission is to find and rescue your
comrades, who have been abducted. You must also recover Seven of Nine's
experimental anti-Borg weapon, the Infinity Modulator.

Don't fire on any Borg right away. They're not hostile to you yet, and you can
save yourself some trouble. Walk forward and to the left to shoot out the
distribution node next to the green force field. This will shut down the barrier
and let you pass through

Go through and shoot the nearby plasma node to get some energy. Then follow the
hallway and shoot out the distribution node to open the next green force field.

Tricky point

Follow the hallway straight ahead and shoot out the first plasma node you
encounter if you need to replenish your health (you can also return here later
you need to). This area has no other apparent exits, so look for another
distribution node and shoot it out to give yourself access to a crawl space.

Go up the ladder and follow the crawlspace until you knock down a wall to a deep
room below. You can look through the floor to see one of your crewmen below.
the elevator to the right to get down to him.

Take the Infinity Modulator from the table and waste the Borg in the area.
Restock your health and weapon energy, then access the control panel to free
companion. He'll follow you and lend some extra firepower, which will be handy
a moment.

Exit the room and follow the hallway until you come to two more teammates
fighting some Borg. Help them out and kill all the enemies in the area. The two
new guys will beam out, leaving you and Beissman.

Follow the hallway to a room with a blue force field. Kill all the Borg and take
the elevator down to an area where you can replenish your weapons again. Shoot
the damaged grate on your right so that you can enter the crawlspace beyond.

Tricky point

Follow the tunnel until you come to a deep shaft with a pillar of blue light.
This controls the blue force field above, so you need to take it out. Look at
top of the pillar and you'll see some plasma filters. Shoot them out to shut
the force field.

Backtrack to the room with your comrade and the blue force field. Unfortunately
he'll be taken by the Borg before you can get back, and you'll have to fight
way to get to where the blue force field was. Access the control panel to shut
off the next force field and enter a new area.

Level 2: Incursion

Follow the hallway and replenish your health and weapons at the nearby
Continue to follow the hall to the left and knock out the distribution node.
take the elevator to meet up with Chang. He'll shoot out the catwalk nearby to
stop some advancing Borg, which means you'll have to find another way across
after Chang beams out.

Tricky Point

The way to get across the chasm is to look to your right and find the small
machine parts that slide up and down the wall. Step on to the one to your right
and ride it up to the catwalk above. Kill the Borg, then walk across the catwalk
to the other side. From there, ride another green sliding platform down to the
other side of the platform Chang blew out. Exit through the doorway nearby.

Follow the hallway and shoot out the first plasma filter you find. Drop down and
kill all the Borg in the area, then hit the elevator switch to activate the lift
opposite of where you dropped down. Ride it up to the catwalk above and kill
more Borg.

Tricky Point

To exit this new area you must ride up on the giant piston in the center of this
area, in the middle of all the regeneration chambers. Ride it up to a narrow
hallway. Follow it and go down the lift to enter a new area.

Level 3: Tactical Decision

You will immediately enter the area where your fellow Hazard Team members are
being held captive. Shoot out the distribution node around the corner on your
right, then access the control panel in front of the force fields.

There will now be a long cut scene where Munro makes a rather unfortunate and
headed decision. It is then that you find out that this entire mission has been
Holomatch exercise --one which you have ultimately failed. Your superior, Tuvok,
expresses his disappointment in you. On your way to the debriefing room,
there is a red alert and you take a detour to the Bridge.

Here you see Voyager being attacked by an unknown vessel. When the Captain
the attacker destroyed, the ship reveals itself as a booby trap. Voyager is
whisked away to an unknown space, derelict in the ruins of a spaceship
Furthermore, Voyager has sustained heavy damage.

Level 4: Condition

Stand by after the cut scene and credits play. After a few seconds, Captain
Janeway will order you to rush down to Engineering to help deal with an eminent
warp core breach (didn't see that one coming, did you?).

To begin your trek, enter the nearby turbolift and activate the control panel.
The doors will close and the turbolift will begin its descent.

Level 5: Unavoidable Delays

You don't make it very far on the turbolift, however. The lift shuts down due to
damages, and you have to find another way to complete your journey to
Engineering. Exit the turbolift and follow the hallway to the left past a few
crewmen working on repairs.

Come to an engineer running down the hallway trying to escape some exploding EPS
conduits. Wait until he's almost all the way to you, then activate the control
panel in front of you. This will save his life (and yours) by erecting a
containment field. However, the explosion will short out the controls to the
force field, and the turbolift you need to get to Engineering is on the other
side. You must now find a way to shut down the containment field.

Follow the hallway to your left and come to Chell and another engineer working
repairs. A surge in the power conduit they're working on will occur, requiring
you to quickly activate the nearby control panel to shut off the power. Chell
will then tell you that the overrides to the containment field blocking your
to Engineering can be found in one of the Jeffery's tubes.

Tricky Point

Backtrack just a few steps and find the Jeffery's tube access panel on your
After climbing in, however, an explosion knocks down some rubble and blocks the
tube. Turn around, however, and notice that the door to the small room behind
has been blown off. Enter the room and climb up the ladder to another Jeffery's
tube above. Climb through this, then drop down on the other side of the rubble
the tube below.

Continue through the tube to a small room with a control panel. Activate it to
shut off the containment field blocking your way to Engineering. Now all you
to do is get to the Jeffry's tube junction leading to Engineering.

Backtrack to where Chell (the blue faced guy) is working on his repairs. Follow
the hallway opposite him and find the Jeffry's Tube junction on the left and
climb down to Deck 11 and a new level.

Level 6: Hazard Duty

Climb down to Deck 11 and come to a room with deadly sludge on the floor. You
can't open the doorway to the halls outside without clearing the sludge. Jump
down to the crates on the floor sticking out of the hazardous material, then
over to the crate next to a ladder. Climb the ladder up to the broken catwalk
activate the control panel there to clear the sludge.

Drop down to the floor and exit the room by activating the control panel next to
the door. Follow the hallway to B'Elana to get your instructions. You must first
cut the power relays, then deactivate the warp core.

First you need the code to shut down the power relays, so enter the warp core
room and walk forward a few steps. There is an alcove on your right with a
control panel in it. Activate the control panel to get the codes.

Turn around and walk back out into the main room. Take a left and then find the
power relay panel on your right (it says "power relays" on it). Activate it to
deactivate the power relays. Now you must get upstairs and shut off the warp

The lift is broken, so head for the ladder to the left of the warp core. Turn to
your right at the top of the ladder and find the right control panel in the back
of the room. Activate it to avoid disaster.

B'Elana and her engineers will begin cleaning up. Exit the room to receive
an "intruder alert" message from Chakotay. Find the nearby turbolift (go forward
and left a bit) to report for duty and enter a new area.

Level 7: Defense

Chang will give you a phaser to use, which should be a good sign that there's
trouble ahead. The Doctor is waiting outside the turbolift, and can tend to any
wounds that you have. Pick up the Compression Rifle next to him, then go talk to
Foster, your superior officer.

Voyager is being raided by scavengers, and you must stop them. After Foster's
speech, go through the door and kill all the invaders. Several waves will beam
in, so don't let your guard down once you've cleared a certain area. Use the
cargo as cover to keep from getting killed, and remember that you can return to
The Doctor for healing if you need to.

Once you've killed enough of the scavengers, Tuvok will call in, saying that his
team needs backup. Foster will then order you to follow him to go aid Tuvok.
Follow him up the lift and across the catwalk to a new area of the ship. Fight
off all the invaders in this area and the ones that beam in and you will
successfully repel the boarding attempt.

To load the next area, walk up to Tuvok. He will be summoned to the conference
room by Janeway, while you and the rest of the Hazard Team will be briefed in
Hazard Ops

Level 8: Hazard Ops

Voyager is in dire straits, as most of her main systems are off line and you
cannot escape the ship graveyard you are in. In order to gather information
your surroundings, the Hazard Team will make a reconnaissance mission to a
derelict ship. No life signs are present, but Tuvok hopes that you can find some
critical intelligence there.

Your next task is to report to the equipment room so that you can gear up for
mission. Leave the briefing area and go into the locker room beyond. You can
to chat with some of your teammates if you like. Once you're done, leave the
locker room and go out into the hall. If you like, you can wander the halls a
and eavesdrop on some interesting conversations. Once you're ready to go,
however, find the equipment room and go on in.

Grab all the weapons hanging on racks to your left and right and listen
to the instructions the equipment room attendant gives you. Go into the Holodeck
and try out your new weapons in the "High Noon" program, where you must gun down
several opponents.

Once you have your weapons, exit the equipment room and report to the transport
room. You will then be beamed over for your first away mission.

Level 9: Data Retrieval

You will start this level being beamed on board the alien vessel. Things here
very strange and the ship almost feels organic. Your mission is to locate a
functioning data terminal so that Chell can extract the information you need.

Once Chell taps into the terminal, you will be attacked by strange flying
creatures. Fend them off and keep Chell alive. There is a weapons terminal
nearby, so don't forget to replenish your Compression Rifle energy.

Unfortunately the attack has also raised the ship's shields, so your party
beam out. You must now regroup with Foster and determine a plan of action.
Chell to the exit from this room, but be prepared for a fight. Follow the
through a few more aliens until you come to a bridge over a large room. At the
end of the bridge is a transporter. Go through it.

Follow the hallway beyond and fight your way through some more aliens in the
room. Keep Chell alive. Get the Scavenger Weapon ammo in this room and make sure
to hit the health station if you need it. Exit the room through the door and
follow the hallway until Chell tells you that you're nearing the way to Section
29. Go through the door and the teleporter on the other side.

Fight off more aliens in the next room, and grab all the ammo in the area. Exit
through the doorway.

Tricky Part

In the next area will be a locked door. The control panel is nowhere to be seen,
but can be found on the catwalk overhead. To reach the catwalk, climb up the
rails on the column in the center of the room. Activate the controls to lower a
transporter pad and open the door. Drop back down to the main floor and go
through the door.

Fight off the aliens in the next room and keep following the hallways until you
come to another large room with a transporter on your left. Go through the
transporter and follow the hallways until you come to a room with a spiral ramp
and many jellyfish-like enemies floating in the air. Destroy all the enemies and
the bulbs growing out of the mass in the middle of the room.

Once done, climb the ramp and go through the transporter at the top. Keep
following hallways until you come to another open room. Here you will rendezvous
with the rest of your team and receive your next orders. You are to destroy the
ship's power core while Foster's team takes out the backup systems. You will
meet again at the power core so that you can beam out.

Before you leave, grab the Stasis Weapon from the pedestal nearby. This will
trigger a large attack of aliens, so be ready. Wipe them out, then exit the room
through the nearby doorway.

Level 10: Deep Echoes

Walk down the short hallway and through the door. You'll have to fight a large
group of aliens, but you can cut their numbers down by blasting the round white
pads on the floor through which they teleport through. There are no firefly
creatures here to repair the pads. Once done, exit the room through the ramp
leading up on the or left hand side.

Telsia will stumble onto a trap here, as a pod in the middle of the floor emits
an energy field that sucks her up. Shoot out the pod and walk across to the
transporter. In the next room, shoot out the jellyfish creatures before they
float up to you and explode.

Then walk across the catwalk and activate the control pad to turn on the
transporter below. Drop down and go through the transporter. You will now be in
the computer core room. Walk up to the core and activate it. You will see images
of the ship you are on, the starship graveyard, the Forge space station, and a
mysterious planet. Chell will then inform you that he cannot shut down the
controls from here, but that the main controls are on the upper level.

He will, however, open the door that leads out of this room. Go through it and
fight off another wave of aliens. Then follow the hallway up until you come to
health and weapon energy terminals. Keep following the hall through a door to a
large room where you will have to fight off another large group of aliens (some
of which are stronger than ones you have encountered before).

You will now be in a room where part of the floor is covered with the deadly
energy field. Shoot out the jellyfish bombs on the other side, then step through
the transporter behind you. This will take you to another part of the room where
you can shoot out the pod powering the energy field. Exit through the door on

Follow the hall, fighting off aliens as you go, until you come to the room above
the computer core room. Chell will work on the door while you activate the three
control pads to shut off the ship's power. Once done, you'll get a cut-scene
where Foster calls in to tell you to meet him at the main power core. A new
will load at this time.

Level 11: Encounters

Follow the hall until you come to a wider room. Grab some health and shoot the
jellyfish bombs. Then follow the hallway to a bigger room where you fight some
aliens. There is no apparent exit from this room, and finding a way out will
require a little creative problem solving.

Tricky Part

The trick to getting out of here is getting the firefly creatures to repair the
transporter that Chell accidentally shoots out. Lure the fireflies from down the
hall closer by destroying the control panels near where you entered the room .
The fireflies will repair the panels, then the damaged transporter. Step through
the transporter when it is complete.

Follow the catwalk to a small room where some aliens are waiting for you. Shoot
out the small white pads on the floor to prevent more from beaming in, then
the room. Continue to follow the hall until you come to a room with a ramp
leading up to a force field and many aliens.

After clearing out the aliens, Chell will use a nearby console to open the force
field unfortunately, he has to stay behind to keep it open. Go through the new
opening after grabbing all the ammunition and health in the area. You'll have to
clear out another large room of aliens, so grab the crystals to power the stasis
weapon and try to shoot out the white floor pads to slow down the flow of

Once cleared out, go through the transporter to get up to the catwalk, then walk
across it and go through a second transporter.

Tricky Part

There is a pod with a deadly energy field on the floor in this next area, but
there are also some fireflies nearby that will quickly repair the pod and
you from getting past it before the field returns. To solve this problem, first
shoot out the control panel to your left, then the pod. As the fireflies are
repairing the control panel, run across to safety. Remember to grab the health
and weapon energy on the other side if you need it.

Follow the hallway until you meet up with Foster. Help him out, then have a
chat. Join Foster and follow the hallway past more aliens until you come to a
room full of stasis pods. Inspect the pods until you find Telsia and Beissman.
Foster will then deactivate the force field blocking the exit and you will be
able to proceed.

Follow the hallway past a health terminal and a weapons energy terminal until
come to a large catwalk overlooking the power core. There will be too many
enemies to fight coming at you, so the trick is to fight your way past them and
make a run for the transporter on the far end of the catwalk. If you try to
all the aliens, you'll just run out of ammunition and die.

Once through the transporter, you'll get a cut-scene where you talk to the
of the aliens (now known as the "Etherians"). Turns out it was just a big
misunderstanding --ha! ha! Your crew is still alive, and the Etherians agree to
give you the information you need and to let you return to your ship. And return
you do.

Level 12: Renewal

You're back on Voyager, and your entire team is alive. Talk to The Doctor if you
need healing, then go to meet Foster in Hazard Ops. To get there, just follow
hallways to the turbolift and activate the control panel inside.

Level 13: Union

Exit the turbolift and make your way to lounge. Once in the lounge, chat with
your fellow team members, then head for the locker room.

Talk with the people in the locker room, then report to the briefing room when
summoned. Tuvok and Foster will explain your next mission. You are to sneak on
board the scavengers' base of operation and retrieve three samples of isodesium,
a rare compound that is not affected by the energy dampening field holding
Voyager here. You're vastly outnumbered, so you're going to have to rely on
stealth more than gunplay to accomplish this mission.

Once done with the briefing, go to the equipment room to get geared up for the
mission. You'll get to try out a new grenade launcher, which seems sort of odd
for a stealth mission but hey --what the heck. Also make sure to grab all the
other weapons on the nearby racks, and try out your new weapon in the Holodeck
you like.

Once suited up, head for the turbolift and activate the control panel to head
the shuttle bay on deck 10.

Level 14: Departure

Report to the shuttle bay and chat with the attendant, who tells you that
trouble with the docking clamps on the shuttle craft. Enter the bay and find
Foster. He will tell you to go down underneath the shuttle and see what you can
do about the clamps.

The door down in the bay is sealed from the inside, so you'll have to find
another way to access the docking clamp controls. Go through the nearby door and
ride the lift down to the area below. A small explosion will knock a fellow
crewman down, and jets of gas will block your path. Quickly activate the control
panel to your left to prevent the gas from killing the crewman. The exhaust gas
still blocks your path, though, so you're going to have to find another way

Tricky Part

Go back up the lift and walk out onto the narrow ledge above where you just
Climb into the crawlspace and drop down into the room on the other side of the
gas jets. Deactivate the rest of the gas, then go through the door next to you.
Activate the docking clamp controls on the other side, then return to the
bay. Once you climb out of the bay, you'll be on your way.

Level 15: The Visit

This level actually only consists of a cut-scene where Paris drops you off on
scavenger base and Foster explains the details of the mission. Your team sets up
pattern enhancers so that you can quickly beam back to Voyager once you have
procured the isodesium you need.

Level 16: Dangerous Ground

This mission requires stealth, which means moving slowly and quietly. If you
autorun turned on, go into your options menu and turn it off now. Once you have
done this, climb up the ladder and go through the door in front of you. Creep
past the sleeping Klingon and exit the room through the door on the other side
pressing the control panel on the right.

Tricky Part

The next part is pretty tricky. You have to slip past some more sleeping guards
as well as one that is awake and on patrol. Lean out ("use" plus "step
right/left") and watch the guard on patrol as she walks back and forth. The zoom
function is also very useful here. Time your movements so that you walk in and
hide behind crates until she passes you. Then, with her back turned, walk
to the corridor opposite of where you entered.

Once on the other side, follow the hallway to the right. You'll get an update
from Odel, then go through the door with the green lights on it. A couple of
Klingons will gun down some sort of giant vermin, then resume their patrol. You
can hide behind the crates to your right and watch the patrol's movements until
they leave the room.

Tricky Part

Once they have left, step out into the rest of the room and shoot out the bar
supporting the large shelf of crates hanging from the ceiling. Then climb up the
pile of crates to get up to the catwalk. Once there, walk to where the Klingons
were and activate the control panel. This will open the previously locked door
behind and below you. Drop down and go through the door.

In the next area there will be three Klingons eating to your left, and a door on
your right. Go through the door. You have to be careful here, as there is a
Klingon working at a control panel nearby. Creep past him when he walks away
the panel and climb up the ladder nearby. At the top, go to your immediate right
and through the unlocked door.

You will now be in the ceiling above the dining Klingons. Carefully creep across
the rafters to the other side of the room and go through the passageway there.
very careful, though, as there is a Klingon on patrol in the hallway beyond.
for him to walk to the next area, then go through the unlocked door.

Activate the control panel in the room beyond to unlock some doors nearby. Go
back out into the hall and follow it straight past the dining Klingons to the
newly opened door. Go through and collect the isodesium and some ammunition.
hit the control panel to unlock the next set of doors.

Go back out into the hallway and go straight, past the dining Klingons, until it
branches off to the right. A new doorway will have been opened into a room with
gaping hole in the ground. Drop down, but be careful of the sleeping Klingon in
the room below.

Exit the room and follow the hallway around to a ladder leading down. Climb the
ladder down to another area where a Klingon stands at a control panel. Sneak
the other Klingons in this area and exit through the unlocked door in the back
the room.

You will come to another cargo area with a crawlspace entrance on your right.
Crawl in and retrieve the isodesium stored within. Once you get back out, head
for the ladder on your left. Telsia will call in asking for a diversion. Your
objective is to divert power for this entire area by activating a power console
on the top level.

Climb up the ladder and past the two Klingon technicians. Go up the ladder on
other side of the catwalk. There will be more Klingons here, so be careful. When
their backs are turned, move over to the control panel on your left and activate
it. This will give Telsia the distraction she needs.

Sneak out of the room through the doorway on the other end where the Klingon
heads to check with the guards in the cargo bay. This will load a new area.

Level 17: Conflicting Views

Go through the door and creep up to a catwalk where you can overhear some
Klingons and Malons arguing about the power outage you just caused. Wait for
to resolve their conflict and for the Klingons to leave. There is some isodesium
down on the cargo bay floor that you need to get, however, so you'll have to be
little sneaky.

Walk on the catwalk around to the back until you're behind the guards. Drop down
onto the floor by jumping onto a crate, then creep behind the crates until you
can grab the isodesium. Then exit through the nearby door and recharge your

You've got all your isodesium, but the mission isn't quit over yet. Odell hasn't
reported in yet, and Foster wants you to check it out. Kenn will open the
entrance to the Malon ship for you, but you must proceed with caution from

In the first area there will be a grated wall to your left. A small square
section near the floor can be shot out, granting you access to that area. Crouch
and crawl through and down the ladder beyond.

Ready your phaser and crouch down to creep through the crawlspaces. You will
occasionally encounter some of the giant bugs, which you can dispose of with
phaser without wasting precious ammunition. Follow the crawlspace until you drop
down to a small room with a blast door.

Go through the door and find yourself in an area flooded with toxic waste.
have to make your way through here without falling in the goop. Climb the plank
to your left, then jump onto the large crate. From the crate, drop down onto the
narrow beam opposite where you entered and climb up the nearby ladder.

Tricky Part

Instead of climbing all the way to the top, however, stop at the first level and
look for the loose grate on your right. Blast it with your phaser and crawl
through. You can then climb up on the machinery in front of you and up onto one
of the pipes above. From there, you can crawl through another crawlspace to a
large room with three Malon guards.

Creep around to the right while avoiding the guards until your reach an alcove
with a large control switch. Activating it will stop the pumps in the room
which the guards will go to investigate. Activate the controls next to which
were standing to knock them out and open the door leading out of the area. On
other side of the door, jump onto the giant crate floating in the waste and
across to the other side of the room. Climb up the ladder to exit the room and
load a new area.

Level 18: Conflicting Views (PT 2)

You will start this level overhearing two guards arguing (they seem to do that a
lot). They won't leave, so the ground floor of this level isn't where you want
go. Walk forward a bit to where the platform upon which you're standing is
broken. Looking down and to your right you will notice a ruptured pipe. Drop
into the pipe and crawl through it. The thing you have to be careful about,
however, is to avoid the toxic water as much as possible. Simply coming in
contact with it will drain your health.

Follow the tube until it empties out to a room with to giant insects. Shoot them
both before they notice you, then jump across to the crate floating in the toxic
waste. Jump from the crate onto the ledge and creep along it to the shelf on

Tricky Part

Climb up the barrel next to the pipe you came out of, and then from there onto
the ledge above. Replenish your health and weapons from the stations nearby,
climb up the ladder next to the health terminal. Follow the hallway up a ladder
and into an area with a very low ceiling where you have to crouch to even move.
Creep through this area and overhear some guards talking about "The Alpha", who
is out on a hunt. Strange.

Exit the ceiling area by dropping down through a breach on to the tops of some
barrels. You will have to fight some guards in the next room, and then two more
in the room beyond that. Once you have the second room cleared, ride the
down and take out a couple more guards.

Exit this room by jumping up onto the barrel next to a giant spiked ball and up
into a crawl space. Here you will find Odell. He's badly injured and still
missing one sample of isodesium, which you must collect.

Keep following the narrow crawlspace until you drop out into a room with some
crates. Replenish your health if you need to, and grab the ammunition behind the
crates. The next area will involve a large firefight with several guards, many
which will be on the other side of a huge bay. The sniper mode on the
Rifle comes in handy here.

Once all the enemies are cleared out, you'll call in to Telsia and describe the
fact that you've found the last isodesium sample, but that there's no way to get
past the bay. Telsia will arrive on the other side to activate the crane system,
allowing you to cross the bay and get to the isodesium. Unfortunately, she has
let her guard down to do this, and is ambushed from behind and captured.

Jump onto the platform that has Telsia moved out, then climb up the ladder so
that you can jump down onto the other moving platform as it slides past. From
there, jump to the other side of the bay. Then climb up the short yellow ladder
to collect the last piece of isodesium. Now it's time to rescue Telsia.

Climb back down to the main floor and go through the yellow door. From there, go
through the red door to enter a new area.

Level 19: Disorder

This is another level where stealth is beneficial, so turn off your autorun if
you turned it back on. Exit the turbolift and then go through the airlock to the
left. You'll come out into a room with several sleeping guards, so don't wake
them. Exit the room and keep following the rooms and hallways until you come to
hall that splits to the right, left, and straight ahead.

Tricky Part

There will be two guards in the room straight ahead playing chess. You'll need
distract them before you can pass. Head to the right and you will find a red
force field blocking a door on your right-hand side, and a door leading to the
chess players on your left. Attempt to open the door on your left and they will
grind against their railing. This will alert the chess players, who will come to
investigate. When they do, backtrack around behind them to where the chess set
is. Hang a right and find a control panel in a room on your right-hand side.
Activate it to bring down the red force field, then wait for the guards to leave
the area entirely.

Once the guards are gone, go through the door previously blocked by the force
field and climb into the crawlspace on your left after killing a couple of
insects. Follow the crawlspace down until you come out to hallway. Go into the
room on your left (though the hallway straight ahead leads to some health if you
need it).

Instead of going through the yellow door, climb the ladder on your right up to a
shelf overhead. Here you can eavesdrop on a conversation and wait for two of the
workers to leave. Once they do, go back down the ladder and through the yellow
door. Sneak around to the left and activate the nearby control panel. This will
cause an explosion to your right.

Climb up the stairs leading out of this area and go to your right. Shoot out the
grate and insect in the crawlspace to your left, then climb on in. Follow the
tube past a number of insects until you come to a ladder leading down to a new

Level 20: Infiltration

Two guards are on duty to the hallway on your right, so go through the gray door
to your left and in front of you, then make your way through the room to the
hallway on the other side. Turn right and follow the hall (don't open the blue
door on your right!) until you come to two more bickering guards. Hide behind
crates on your right until they leave.

Once both the guards are gone, walk up to where they were standing and take the
hallway on your left. Then go through the red door to enter a room where you'll
chat with Foster and get struck by a bolt of inspiration. Hey, it's the oldest
idea in the book, but it might just work!

Exit through the other red door in the room (not the one you came through to get
here), then turn to your left and follow the hallway. There is a room with
weapons and health stations on the other side of the two guards if you need it.
Otherwise, turn to your right at the bottom of the short ladder and go through
the doorway there.

Climb down the ladder and follow the hallway until it forks left and right. Go
right, and keep following it through a few more doors. Once you come to a red
door on your left, go through it and find the ship's doctor holding Telsia
captive. The doctor will ask you to fetch him a blue hypospray from the lab.

Tricky Part

Go into the next room, then through the orange door on your left. There will be
two hyposprays in this room --one blue truth serum and one orange tranquilizer.
Grab the orange one, then return to the doctor. Walk up behind him and attack
with the tranquilizer to knock him out and rescue Telsia.

Follow Telsia, who will pretend to be your prisoner and who will unlock the door
leading out of the area. Unfortunately, the oldest trick in the book hasn't aged
well, and the first group of guards you encounter see right through it. Fight
them off, and shoot out the controls to the door behind you to prevent
reinforcements from arriving.

Once the area is clear, use the control switch on the Captain's chair to open
door behind it. Go through and follow the hallway until you come to another room
with guards. Your prisoner trick didn't work well before, so this time you're
going to use your disguise to distract the guards while Telsia sneaks out with
the isodesium. The ruse works long enough for Telsia to escape, but
you'll have to fight off the guards by yourself.

Once they're all down, exit the area through the unlocked door and follow the
hall until you come to a lift on the floor next to a control panel. Activate the
controls to enter a new area.

Level 21: The Hunter

Your escape isn't complete yet, as you quickly find out when ambushed by a
mysterious hunter known as "The Hunter". Seems he's set on a fight, so you'll
have to take him out before you can return to Voyager. He'll run back and forth
on the catwalks overhead, so your best strategy is to duck behind cover while
he's firing, then wait for him to stop and move, at which time his shields will
come down for a second. When when they do, blast him with everything you've got
(the mines from the Compound Grenade Launcher's alternative fire work well) or
grab health and energy if you need it. Once he's down, you'll get his nifty
little gun.

Unfortunately, the noise you create fighting the Hunter alerts some nearby
guards, who will cut down the blast door to get to you. Climb up the crates in
the middle of the room to get to the catwalk and the Hunter's gun if you need
then position yourself so that you're facing the door that the guards are
through. When they start to come in, mow them down with the Tetryon Disruptor --
it has a nice feel to it.

You'll have to fight your way through several more Klingon guards to get out, so
be careful and remember to return to where you fought the Hunter for more health
if you need to. Use the Tetryon Disruptor as much as you can, since it runs on
the same ammunition that the Scavenger Rifle does.

Fight your way through the hallways and back to the extraction point. Watch out
for the knife wielding Klingon on the way out, though! Once you make it back to
the others, however, disaster will strike as you are ambushed by the Borg.
Lieutenant Foster is abducted and one of your teammates is killed. The Borg also
manage to make away with the isodesium, leaving you with nothing. They sure are

Level 22: Fallout

If Vulcans could be pissed off, Tuvok would be upon your arrival in the
room. He gives you a good chewing out, then tells you to prepare your report and
wait until you are summoned.

To pass the time, wander through the deck talking to your teammates. Some are
angry, some are scared, some are supportive. Once you've talked with everyone,
Tuvok will summon you to Astrometrics. Meet Tuvok on the turbolift to get there.

At Astrometrics, Janeway and Seven will brief you on the mission. You are to
infiltrate the Borg cube and retrieve the stolen isodesium. If Foster is alive
and you can get to him, then he is to be rescued as well. You are in command of
the Hazard Team, but Seven and Tuvok will join you on the mission.

Level 23: Proving Ground

You've got lots of firepower with you in the form of your teammates, but you
won't need it right away so don't pick any fights. Take out the distribution
next to the green force field to lower the barrier, then proceed through.

Keep following the hallway until you come to a giant chasm down below on you
left. A Borg will leave his regeneration chamber and begin walking towards you,
but do not fire on it. It isn't hostile, and you don't need the fight.

Keep walking forward until you come to a room with a blue force field. Seven
be unable to open the door, so Chang will destroy the generator powering it.
Proceed through the doorway.

You will come to a corridor flanked by yellow force fields. Behind one of them
will be Lieutenant Foster, in the process of being assimilated. Seven argues
against a rescue attempt, but don't listen to her. When the force field straight
ahead goes out, kill the Borg on the other side, then go through the passage to
his right. Step onto the platform in the back of the room and activate the
control panel to cause it to rise up into the ceiling. Once there, follow the
crawl space until you come to another lift that you can take down to the area
where Foster is being held.

If you're fast, you'll be able to reach Foster in time. Kill all the Borg in the
area and Voyager will beam Foster back. If you don't get to him in time, he will
be taken away. Either way, access the control panel on the right-hand wall to
bring down the yellow force fields and continue with your mission.

Continue to follow the hallway until you come to a room where you have to fight
more Borg. Once they're down, take the ramp leading down to your left.

Tricky Part

You will come to another Borg ambush. Clear them out, then rush forward and to
the right to blow out the distribution node. This will paralyze the remaining
Borg. Once this is done, shoot out the grating on the wall opposite the
distribution node and climb into the crawl space. Inside you can find some
crystal ammunition.

Go back out to the main area and find the nearby weapon energy station. Stock
then go through where the green force field used to be. You will face another
Borg ambush, during which Nelson will be injured and will have to return to
Voyager (if he wasn't killed earlier). Kill the remaining Borg that beam in and
the green force fields will come down.

You and Seven will spend a little quality time alone to scout ahead while your
teammates hold their position. Seven will come across a force field that she
need time to take down, and you must keep the Borg off her while she works.
Defend Seven until she takes down the force field. This is a difficult task, and
you will most likely need to replenish your health and weapon energy a few

Once the blue force field is down, run through it to enter a new area.

Level 24: Information

Follow the hallway straight ahead until you come to a weapon energy terminal.
Recharge and fight off the Borg that come after you. Continue to follow the
corridors until you come to a room with many Borg and a green force field. There
is an exposed crawl space nearby. Crouch down and crawl through until you come
three bars blocking your path. You can, however, shoot out the distribution node
on the other side that controls the green force field.

Replenish your health and weapons on the other side of the force field, then
proceed to the large room with a giant lift in its center. Activate the lift
controls and ride it down. Fight off the Borg in the area, then hop onto the
other, smaller, lift and take it.

Kill the Borg in this lowest level, then Seven will interface with the computer
to gain some valuable new information. The starbase in the middle of this
graveyard sends out probes to bring ships here, where they are taken apart by
creatures known only as "Harvesters". She also discovers that the isodesium you
seek is three levels below you.

Tricky Part

You will have to fight off another swarm of the Borg in the next area, but you
should be getting used to that by now. Once they're taken out, shoot the
distribution node that is behind the metal grating next to the green force
The best way to do this is to bounce a grenade in the narrow gap between the
grate and the wall.

Once this is done, follow the hallway to a lift. Activate the lift with the
control switch next to it and ride it down to a new level.

Level 25: Covenant

Walk around the catwalk to the left and fight off a few more Borg. Follow the
hallway until you come to a room with a grated floor and several wide pillars in
the middle. Fight off the Borg, then find the elevator in the back of the room.
Take the elevator down, fight off some more Borg, then find another lift down.

Tricky Part

Your path will now be blocked by a green force field. To deactivate it, you'll
need to destroy the distribution node hidden in the ceiling. Return to the lift
and activate it so that it begins to rise. Before you get all the way to the
however, shoot out the plasma relay and jump into the crawl space between the
floors. Once in there, shoot out the distribution node and return to the lower

Once through the green force field, enter the large room and watch a cut-scene
which you are trapped and encounter Foster in his Borg state (or, if you have
rescued Foster, the Borg will speak through Seven of Nine). Seems the Borg have
an infestation problem of their own, and they want you to help them deal with
You don't have much choice, so you accept their offer. You might want to note,
however, the subtle communication that transpires between Munroe and the Hazard
Team's demolitionist, Chang.

Once done talking to the Borg, exit the area through the hallway on the right-
hand side and follow it until you come to a blue force field. Seven will take it
down and you will be able to proceed to a new area.

Level 26: Infestation

You will encounter a LOT of Species 8472 in this area, so I won't bother to tell
you about every occurrence. Just keep on your toes and mow them down whenever
find them. Keep following the hallways and rooms past ambushes until you come to
a huge open room with a grated catwalk over a deep abyss.

Cross the catwalk and keep following the hallways. You will eventually come to
another deep room with a grated catwalk over it. Walk around to your left and
enter the room on the other side of blue-lit archway (there is a health station
in the room opposite where you entered if you need it).

Take the lift up and cross a narrow bridge to get to the room where the
is being held (convenient that you had to fight your way through Species 8472 to
reach it). You will, as you might have expected, be double crossed by the Borg.
Seems they don't quite get the concept of negotiation after all. Fortunately for
you, however, Chang left a little backup plan back at the Viniculum in the form
of a detonation pack that destroys the entire structure. With the Viniculum
destroyed, the Borg are quite vulnerable and disorganized.

Still, you will have to fight off the ones that are present here, including the
Foster drone if he's present. Use the nearby health terminals. Once Foster is
down, you will be free to grab the isodesium and escape.

Level 27: R & R

For once, Tuvok is pleased with your performance. B'Ellana and Seven are working
on the isodesium solution to your power problem, and in the meantime you are to
enjoy some hard earned rest and relaxation.

Your next objective is to visit the weapons room and test out some new weaponry
that has been developed there. Telsia will also ask you to meet her in the mess
hall on Deck 2 once you're done. Enter the Holodeck and destroy all the Klingon
holograms there.

Report to the holodeck and pick up the new personal photon torpedo launcher.
Nice! If you like, you can test it out on the holodeck. Otherwise, head for the
turbolift to meet up with Telsia.

Level 28: Visual Confirmation

Find the mess hall and walk over to Telsia at the bar. Chat with her, then
at her dedication to personal hygiene. If you follow Telsia out of the mess
she'll walk down the hall and pause to look at the door to your quarters. She's
stalking you. Weird.

Walk around the mess hall a bit and talk to everyone there. After a few moments,
someone will notice a ship out in the debris field moving closer to you. As it
draws nearer, you realize it is one of the Harvester ships sent from the Forge
itself. Just as you realize how bad this looks, Captain Janeway calls a senior
staff meeting in the conference room. Chakotay tells you to come along as well.

Level 29: Offense

The Harvester ship is heading straight for Voyager, and when it reaches it
will get nasty. Voyager will literally be ripped apart and her crew abducted for
unknown (but presumably unpleasant) purposes. Since the isodesium is still being
integrated into Voyager's power systems, you must enact a desperate plan. There
is a nearby ship called a Dreadnaught, which is essentially a giant cannon on
autopilot. Your plan is to board the Dreadnaught, then aim it at the Harvester
ship to keep it from reaching Voyager.

After briefing your team on the mission, you'll need to go grab your helmet from
the locker room, chat with the Hazard Team members there, report to the weapons
room to get your gear, and then make your way to the transporter room to beam
over to the Dreadnaught.

Level 30: The Breach

The breached area is still locked down from the rest of the ship, so you must
find a way to restore the environmental integrity of the room before you can
the door leading out. The controls for this are located high up on a catwalk

Tricky Part

Since this is a low gravity area, you will be able to jump up to the beams
sticking out of the wall next to the breach. Jump up to the catwalk overhead and
activate the control panel there. Climb back down to the floor (don't just drop
down, as gravity has been restored and you'll be injured).

Once Chell has opened the door, lead the group through the hallway beyond. You
will eventually come to a large hallway where you will be attacked by two of the
small Harvester insects. There will is a locked door leading out of this area,
but Chell will open it once the Harvesters are dealt with. There is a health
terminal at the top of a small ladder nearby, so use it if you need to. Go
through the doorway and ride the lift up.

The next lift you need to access is blocked by a large pile of rubble. The rest
of the team will start looking for a way around, but it'll be up to you to find

Tricky Part

There is a crawl space in the room on your right, but it is blocked by stacks of
crates. However, some of the crates are explosive, so a short burst of phaser
fire will clear them. Once this is done, enter the crawl space and follow it to
the hallway on the other side of the rubble. The grate will close behind you,
however, preventing the rest of the team from following.

Tricky Part

Go into the large room on your right. The door leading back to the rest of the
team is blocked, so you'll need to figure out a way to clear it. Notice the
equipment in the far corner of the wall. The trick to clearing the door is to
the controls for the laser equipment (located behind a small partition) to aim
at the doorway and then fire it (with a separate control panel to your left).
controls only move the laser in small increments, so you'll have to "use" them
many times to line the laser up right.

Once the door is clear, lead the team to the elevator back out in the hallway.
Chell will open the door for you so that you can board it and enter a new area.

Level 31: Command

Exit the lift and follow the hallway until you come to an encounter with a large
group of scavengers. Take them out quickly, lest your mission be delayed too
long. Once they're all dead, Chell will open the door to the control room.

Once inside, Chell will seal the door and Tuvok will restore environmental
integrity. Chell will then find a disturbing audio log that does not do much to
settle your nerves. Tuvok brings you further down by noting that while he can
and fire the Dreadnaught from here, the loading mechanism has been damaged and
must be operated manually. And guess who will have to travel down to the loading
chamber? Yes, that's right --you.

Level 32: Primary Encounter

Walk down the hallway a short bit and you will encounter a short cut-scene where
you get familiar with the ship's remaining automated defense systems. You'll
to fight through several robots and gut turrets in the remainder of this level,
so be on the lookout.

After the third robot, take the lift to your right. It will lead to a catwalk
over a deadly yellow fog. This area is guarded by several robots and turrets, so
clear them out first. You'll then need to lower the piece of the catwalk leading
to the next area. Follow the catwalk in the other direction to its end, then
the short lift down to the lower level. Walk along here, jumping over gaps where
you have to, until you come to a control panel. Activate the panel to lower the
other section of catwalk above and grant you access to the lift. Take it up,
fight your way to the next area.

Level 33: The Skirmish

You'll immediately encounter more robots once you open the lift doors, so be
ready. Fight your way down the hall. There will be a door on your left, but
ignore it --it's full of enemies and not really necessary or worth the trouble.

Instead, keep following the hallway through a few more robots and another
until you come to a large blast door you have to open with the nearby control
panel. Enter the room beyond and be ready to take down a gigantic maintenance

The best way to deal with this behemoth is to keep moving and firing with the
alternative fire for your Phaser and Compression Rifle. Eventually you'll wear
down and defeat it, and you can replenish your health as needed with the three
health terminals nearby. Before you leave, grab all the other ammo in this area.

To exit this area you'll have to take the lift down to where the maintenance
robot came from, entering a new area.

Level 34: Defensive Measures

Follow the hallway to a room where you'll have to take down several security
robots. Shoot out the giant explosive crates to make things a bit easier, then
clear the room out of ammunition and health once the robots are dead. Also make
sure to pick up the Arc Welder, which is an awesome weapon of destruction.

And you're definitely going to need it in a second. Exit the room through the
blast door and follow the hallway to another cargo room where you will have to
fight off several guard robots and two of the giant maintenance robots. Use the
Arc Welder to make short work of them and clean out the room.

Tricky Part

This room has no apparent exit, so you'll have to just create one. Activate the
small mobile crane machine to your left. This will cause it to move forward and
ram a pillar, bringing down the catwalk above so that you can run up it.

Exit the room through the door at the top of the catwalk. Fight off more robots,
then go through the door to your left. Follow the catwalk through some more
robots until you get to a lift. Take it up to a narrow bridge spanning the
Dreadnaught's impressive firing chamber. Walk across the bridge to ride the tram
to a new area.

Level 35: Attunement

Step off the lift and follow the hallway until you come to jets of superheated
ion gas. You'll have to find a way to shut off the gas flow to proceed.

Tricky Part

Look up and to your right and you should notice another small crawlspace. Jump
to it and crawl through. This will take you to a large room with some robots and
three large machines. The one on the far right is powering the gas jets, so
it out to turn them off. Once this is done, return to Chang so that you can
proceed through the hallway once blocked by the jets.

On the other side you'll have to fight off a huge contingent of robots, so be
ready for a battle. Once they're clear, keep walking down the hallway and fight
off some more. You'll rupture a plasma conduit in the firefight, so hang back
you'll be killed by the explosion.

Keep going straight until you pass the plasma alignment chamber on your right
and come to a room with several floating platforms and low gravity.

Jump up onto the platforms until you reach the top of the room. Once at the top,
activate the elevator switch so that the less nimble Change can come up. He will
blow the door that's blocking your path so that you can fight your way to the
alignment chamber.

Once there, activate the control panel in front of the chair to align the plasma
stream. Tuvok will then call in and tell you to proceed to the loading chamber.

Level 36: Array

Time is of the essence on this level, and you will be forced to fight through
more robots than I care to tell you about. Proceed down the hallway past several
robots, down a ramp, and to a lift. Take the lift down.

At the bottom you will find your path blocked by some large red rods that are
deadly to the touch. Clear out the robots in this area, then follow the other
hallway to another lift leading up. Take it and clear the robots at the top.

Follow the hall until you come to a robot ambush and a small lift inside a metal
box. Take the lift up. In this area you will find some flyer robots and a
panel with a video screen. Access the panel to raise the red rods below. Don't,
however, walk away right away. Several robots will come out of hiding and try to
walk under the rods. Activate the control panel to drop the rods on top of them,
then again to raise them once more.

Backtrack to the red rods and cross the bridge. Follow the hallway through
several robots until you come to the loading chamber. Activate the control panel
to place the round on the loading mechanism. You must now follow the round until
it is completely loaded, which is very difficult. You'll have to fight past many
robots and turrets on the way, so it's a good idea to save your game at this

Once the charge is in place, hit the control panel on your left to load it.
will then fire upon the Harvester ship and you will beam back to the now even
more damaged Voyager.

Level 37: Invasion

The Harvester ship is amazingly durable, but it was at least knocked out of
commission by the blast. The downside, however, is that the Harvester aliens are
now trying to board the ship. You must repel them.

Start off by going to the equipment room and restocking. Then exit the equipment
room and follow the technician in the yellow uniform down the hall. The
Harvesters will come crashing through the wall. Gun them down and go through the
hole to the room, through the room, and out the door on the other side. The
aliens are spreading through the ship, and must be stopped.

Go through the door to the crew quarters on your left, fighting through aliens.
Find the open door and go through. Here you will find a massive swarm of the
Harvesters down in a cargo bay below. Beissman will show up to help out just as
your catwalk drops down to the floor below. Fight your way through the swarm and
over to the lift leading to Beissman. Don't try to kill all the aliens in this
area, because they'll simply keep coming.

Run down the hall, fighting off bugs, until you come to the room on your left
where Tuvok and Nelix are pinned down. Once you clear this area out the
Harvesters will be repelled.

Level 38: Decisions

This entire level is actually a cut-scene where the senior officer team decide
what to do next. The rest of the team wants to put all their energy into trying
to get repairs done in the hope that Voyager can escape.

You, however, make an argument for a decisive counter-attack. Janeway eventually
agrees, feeling that the crew must be given a chance to fight for their
You propose that the Hazard Team hides inside the Harvester ship and infiltrate
the Forge as it returns.

During the mission briefing, Tuvok explains that the "Trojan horse" team will
lower the Forge's outer defenses so that reinforcements can come in by shuttle
craft. You have no idea of what kind of resistance you'll encounter inside the
Forge, but you know that this is Voyager's only real hope.

Level 39: External Stimuli

Follow the hallway until you come to a section outside of the ship. Chell won't
be able to progress until you find another way for them to enter the ship. What
you'll have to do is carefully run and jump along the platforms floating in
space, making your way downwards until you find a control panel that will extend
some stairs for your teammates to use.

Once this is done, enter the ship with your team and drop down into the hole
the blips of light flowing into it.

Level 40: Matrix

Walk forward and along the broken ceiling of the room below. If you need health
and ammo, you can drop down to the room below, grab it, then float up on the
orange energy stream. Once ready, exit through the doorway and get ready for a
fight with some of the full sized Harvesters.

Kill off the Harvesters, then activate the control panel in the pit to drop a
force field and loose more bugs. Kill them all, then exit the area through
of the two new passages. Follow them upwards until you're on the platform
overhead. Chell will investigate the computer terminal and take care of the
Forge's defense systems. Reinforcements are on the way.

Once done, go back down to the main floor and leave through the new exit. You
will now enter a new area.

Level 41: Onslaught

Walk forward and mow down a huge wave of Harvesters. Continue to move ahead
they're all down and notice the pieces of Voyager debris being carried along the
red force field.

Tricky Part

To get past the red force fields here you'll have to notice that whenever one of
the pieces of debris floats up to it, the force field goes down for a second.
Time your movements so that you slip past the force fields with the debris, then
hit the control pad on the other side to bring them down altogether and release
few more Harvesters.

Go through the passageway on your left and fight off some more Harvesters. Then
follow the ramps leading downwards all the way to the bottom floor. Exit through
the door and follow the narrow hallway further down. You'll come out into a room
where you'll be ambushed by a few more Harvesters. Clear them out, then continue
to follow the hallway.

Follow until you come to a room with some of the alien creatures floating in
canisters. Ignore Beissman's antics and approach the red force fields in the
of the room. This will trigger an ambush, which you must fend off.

Once done, leave through the exit where a red force field is lowered. Activate
the nearby control panel to bring down a lift. Go through the door and be
prepared for a big fight. A REALLY big fight. Once inside this next room, swarm
after swarm of Harvesters will accost you. Chell will eventually be able to seal
the door, but more and more aliens will continue to come in until Beissman
finally goes berserk and guns most of them down. It comes with a price, however,
as your teammate is killed in the effort.

At this time, reinforcements from Voyager will arrive and lend a hand in the
fight. Kill off a few more waves of Harvesters and you will finally be safe.
job now will be to split into new teams and make fore the Forge's reactor core.

Drop down onto the orange-lit lift to enter the next area.

Level 42: Visual Magnitude

Step forward and open the door to a large room. Here you will encounter a new,
more powerful kind of Harvester called Reavers. Dispose of all the enemies in
this area and examine the massive incubation chamber. There are enough
here to invade entire star systems.

After inspecting the chamber, you will be attacked telepathically by an immense
alien life form that refers to itself as the "Vohrsoth". Your Betazoid companion
is eventually able to shut out the alien and protect you from its attacks, but
things definitely don't look good. You and Tuvok decide that you must destroy
entire station.

Exit the area, fighting through many Harvesters until you reach a lift. Activate
it and ride it down. Clear out the next area, then ride up the orange energy
stream on the right if you need health. Once done, go down the short ramp and
exit the room.

Run around the ring in the middle of the giant shaft and activate the elevator
controls on the other side. Ride the elevator down and gun down the bugs on the
other side of the shaft.

Tricky Part

There is a series of invisible force fields that you must use to walk across the
shaft. They only show up when hit with a weapon. so ready your phaser and shoot
around at the air until you see one appear. Step onto it and repeat until you're
all the way across.

Clear out the next area of Reavers, then fight your way down to another lift
leads to the next area.

Level 43: Dissolution

Walk forward and go through the door to clear the next area of Harvesters. Fire
on the two Reapers near the control panel, then on all the Harvesters that come
towards you on the bridge below. Once the area is secure, activate the control
panel on the left to extend the bridge to the doorway opposite of where you came

Run across the bridge and shoot down on the Harvesters in the next area below
you. Drop down to the lower floor and exit the room through the doorway. From
here, you will have to fight your way through several rooms and down several
lifts until you come to the power source for the Forge's dampening field.

Tricky Part

This is the device you must destroy. To do so, shoot out the four power sources
below the giant sphere (the squares with the streams of energy coming out of
them). This will destroy the entire mechanism and allow Voyager and the other
ships trapped in this area to move.

Once this is done, exit the room through the doorway opened by another onslaught
of Harvesters. Follow the hall until you reunite with the rest of the Voyager
crew. At this point, the Vohrsoth leader will scream into your mind again,
warning that you have only stopped one of thousands of Forges. The Seed shall be
launched to create many more space stations like this one so that the Vohrsoth
can spread and destroy everyone they contact.

Munroe makes a difficult decision at this point. He defies Chakotay and the
others, planning instead to destroy the Forge once and for all before the Seed
launched to create more like it. It'll be tough.

Stock up on energy, health, and ammo, then take the lift to the left of the door
the others departed through. Follow the hallway at the top, fighting through a
few more aliens along the way. Once you come to a large room with 4 incubation
canisters in it, clear out the Reapers and then use the mega ammunition/energy
console on the far wall. This will boost most of your ammo up to 999. And
me: you're going to need it.

Once you're ready, enter the circular lift and ride it up to the final

Level 44: Command Decision

Max out your health if you haven't already, then walk into the giant area to
the Vohrsoth leader. After a bit of ultimately pointless rhetoric, the leader
will unleash waves of his cronies on you.

This is obviously the toughest encounter in the game. Keep pounding on the
Harvesters and Reapers that come after you, and if you stay alive long enough
reinforcements from the Etherians will appear to fight on you side. Once you and
they eliminate enough of the enemy, the Seed will drop from its protective force

Unfortunately, the Vhorsoth leader will become enraged and will come out from
behind his force field to destroy you personally. Avoid his attacks and
concentrate on destroying the Seed.

Winning this fight isn't easy. Just keep moving and gunning and you should get
there. There isn't any real trick to beating the end boss, other than blasting
the hell out of him.

Once the battle is finally over, you're treated to a nice cut-scene and an
Epilogue where Munroe is promoted to Lieutenant. After that it's all over except
for the credits!