Terminal Velocity чит-файл №1

Customer Cheat - The following cheats are available by typing in the given
codes, one character at a time:
trigods - Invincibility toggle.
trishld - Restore shields.
trinext - Skip to the next level.
trihovr - Hover in place.
trifir8 - Afterburner.
maniacs - Afterburner.
triburn - Fast afterburner.
trscope - Toggles music oscilliscope.
trframe - Count frames per second.
trwarpX - (where X is a level #) Warp to level X of current episode.
3DREALM - "Smokin'"; power up everything.
trifir9 - Thirty seconds of invisibility.
trifir0 - Thirty seconds of invincibility.
trifir1 - PAC ammo.
trifir2 - ION ammo.
trifir3 - RTL ammo.
trifir4 - MAM ammo.
trifir5 - SAD ammo (registered version only).
trifir6 - SWT ammo (registered version only).
trifir7 - DAM ammo (registered version only).

Extra Keys - Each of the following must be invoked from the main menu. If
they don't work on their own, try holding [ctrl] down before
pressing the desired letter.

[Z] - Display benchmark statistics for your computer.
[M] - Play a MOD file.
[B] - Play a TVI animation file.
[S] - Sound debug mode.
[R] - Record a demo.
[P] - Play a demo.