Thunder Wolves чит-файл №1

Bossfight Like A Boss - Kill a boss/miniboss by smashing into it.

Courage Wolf - Complete all levels at least on normal difficulty.

Crate Soulmate - Gather all 25 crates hidden in various locations.

High Five! - Destroy your chopper with your own guided rocket.

Kamikaze - Kill 10 vehicles by smashing into them.

Lord of the Skies - Kill 100 enemy helicopters.

Obtainer of the Lost Ark - Locate and winch up the Lost Ark.

Parselmouth - Complete the 'Stomp The Snake' mission on expert difficulty level
in co-op mode.

Dead Island - Purge the island of the dead.

Demolicious - Destroy 1,000 buildings.

Firsties! - Complete the first main mission objective.

Get to the choppa! - Complete at least one mission with each helicopter.

Gun Guru - Complete a [non-tutorial] mission using only the machine gun.

Pedro 4 Prez - Find and eliminate Pedro in all locations.

Pointdexter - Score at least 500,000 points in a single mission.

Quickie - Complete a [non-tutorial] mission in 8 minutes or less.

Rock It Man - Complete a [non-tutorial] mission using only rockets.

Star Wolf - Get all stars in all missions.

Team Playa - Complete a mission in co-op mode.

Twofer - Kill two enemy vehicles with one rocket.