Tomb Raider (2013) чит-файл №1

"Chatterbox" trophy hint
Talk to the Endurance survivors until all conversation options with each of
them are exhausted. They can be found at the following points in the game:

When Whitman helps Lara open a door with a Pry Axe upgrade, speak to him before
opening that door.

Talk to Roth immediately after Lara gets the Climbing Axe,

Speak with Roth before investigating the smoke down the mountain.

Talk to Reyes, Sam and Jonas before leaving to check out the Galleaon, when
Lara returns to Shipwreck Beach while there is daylight.

Talk to Reyes, Whitman, Jonah, and Sam on Shipwreck Beach before leaving to
explore the Endurance crash.

Return to Shipwreck Beach and speak to Reyes, Jonah and Whitman just before
leaving for the Research Base.