Tread Marks чит-файл №1

NOTE: This code involves changing the programming of the game. Screwing around
with it may cause you computer to crash or wig out, so be careful.

These are for Tread Marks Test 2.1, I have never played any other version so I
don't know if they will work for any other version. Go to the root directory
of your Tread Marks installation directory. Go to the folder 'entities'. Lets
start in the projectile directory, select a filename and double click it, it
will bring up a window that asks you what program you want to open the file
with. Unless you know what the 'always use this program to open this file
type' box does then I would suggest to leave it unchecked, or uncheck it if it
is checked. Scroll through the menu till you find notepad. Double click
notepad. It will bring up a window with the contents of the file of which you
selected to begin with. A few lines down you will find speed = 'whatever',
change that number to change how many meters per second the weapon travels in
the game. Crater = 'whatever' is the area across the surface of the ground
your weapon damages when it impacts, Depth is how deep the crater goes, and
scorch is how much of the crater becomes damaged terrain. 1.0 is no damage,
and 0.0 is 100% damaged, anything in between has less or more effect. I don't
know what the 'timetolive = 'whatever' does exactly, I assume it is how long
the projectile will travel without hitting something before it dicipates, In
most files you will also find a splash radius = 'whatever', this is the area
around where the weapon hits that an enemy will be affected, Splashdamage =
'whatever' is how much damage is given to the tank that is in the splash
radius, splashpush = 'whatever' is the force of which the tank is push away
from the point the hit radius. Now going on to the folder Tankgod you will
find only one file, open it like I explained before. Scroll to the bottom of
it and you will find DM (death Match) PeaShooter = 'whatever' and
RacePeaShooter = 'whatever'. Change these values to change the amount of
normal tank shells you start with in deathmatch or in race mode. Under the
Weapon directory, you will find more files with names similar to weapons in
the game, select the weapon to want to alter and open like I explained before.
in this file you will find a line saying ammo = 'whatever', alter this to
change the amount of ammo you get whenever you pickup this weapon in the game.
Alter the reload time for the weapon to set how long it takes between shots
before you fire again. And last of all, the powerup directory. Open files in
here just like all the others. The superammo.ent file controls how many times
the ammo of the weapons default ammo load you get every time you pick up a
bright white ammo box, setting this to, say, 100 will give you some 20000
round if you get this when you have the avenger. Just change the line ammoadd
= 'whatever' to whatever you want. The health.ent control how much health you
get when you pick up a repair in the game, setting the healthfix = 'whatever'
the 1, will repair you tank to 100% no matter how much damage you have taken.
The ammo1.ent it how many normal tank shells you get each time you get a pea
shooter ammo box.