Unreal 2: The Awakening чит-файл №1

View Dance party and balloon mania
Dance party:

Make sure you save your game before trying out this trick, You'll need your
saved game to keep on playing after doing this trick.

After saving while still playing the game, type the open atlantis?
missioncompleted=83 cheat and press [Enter]. This will load a secret interlude
that features lots of Sea Goats dancing on the bridge of the Atlantis, with
balloons and a shiny Unreal Logo.

Balloon Mania
make sure you save your game before before trying out this trick, You'll need
your saved game to resume play after doing this trick.

At any time while playing the game, type the open atlantis?
missioncompleted=110276 cheat and press [Enter]. This will load a secret
interlude. This time, it is in your cabin/living quarters. They are filled with
floating Sea Goat and Lincoln balloons. There are more balloons outside your