Виктория чит-файл №2

When playing game press F12 then type any of these cheats below and press enter

TRANSPORTS - Get Transports
PRESTIGE - Get Prestige
MONEY - Get loads of Money
LEADERSHIP - Get Leaders
DIFRULES - Play like a God
NOWAR - No War
NOREVOLTS - Defeat all
NOLIMIT - No Troops Limits
NOFOG - No Fog
HANDSOFF - Hands off all
SHOWID - Get Province IDs
FULLCONTROL - Total Control
EVENT 100 - Land unit moral upgrades
EVENT 101 - Land unit organization upgrades
EVENT 102 - Infantry +1 defence, +2 to max fortifications

Get Resources
To get 100 of any resources just type the name of it. Here is the list: cotton,
dye, tobacco, tea, coffee, opium, wool, silk, cattle, fish, fruit, grain, coal,
sulphur, iron, precious_metal, timber, tropical_wood, rubber, oil, steel,
cement, glass, fuel, ammunition, small_arms, artillery, barrels, fertilizer,
explosives, clipper_convoy, steamer_convoy, machine_parts, automobiles,
aeroplanes, electric_gear, telephones, wine, liquor, canned_food, fabric,
regular_clothes, luxury_clothes, lumber, paper, furniture, luxury_furniture.