Zeddas: Servant of Sheol чит-файл №1

Bell Tower
From the castle entrance, unlock the left door with the Mars key.There are four
floors to the tower. A book in the library provides some hints about solving the
puzzles in this area.

Level One
Click on the fountain heads to reveal six buttons. They should look familiar
from the book in the library.

Which ones to push? Take a closer look at the book in the library. Are
some marked a particular way?

Click these three buttons:

|/ | /|
/| | |

Explore and get used to the castle layout, including the second floor. At the
beginning of the game, the most important areas are the chapel and the library.
Read the books, take notes and copy the pictures; they contain explicit hints
for puzzles. Grab the pages from the back of the book, and take them each (one
by one) to the witch in the chapel for some general hints.